FenarL - Mechanical Set-Up Procedures - Edition A - 261109
FenarL - Mechanical Set-Up Procedures - Edition A - 261109
FenarL - Mechanical Set-Up Procedures - Edition A - 261109
Revised edition : A
Date: 26/11/09
The following document is valid for the Marposs FenarL system codes:
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1 Measuring head
2 Floating arm
3 Measuring head return spring unit
4 Hydraulic cylinder unit to drive the floating arm
5 Base unit for connection to machine
6 Parallelogram safety system device
7 Wheel wear recovering slide
8 Shower unit
9 Micro switches
10 Vee kit
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All main Fenar-L mechanical adjustments are performed directly in Marposs SpA on a special
testing machine allowing to reproduce the real machine geometric conditions very close to the
4. Fork rotation limit adjustment (to be re-verified according to real machine conditions);
5. Fork opening limitation adjustment (to be re-verified according to real machine conditions);
9. Overall checking:
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Quotes 180 mm and 280 mm refer to Main pivot position from the wheel centre. They are
calculated according to wheel diameter, part diameter capacity and machine overall
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An easy and simple way to assure that the Main pivot is at the correct dimension of 180mm
is to position flush the two surface indicated; one of the bracket fixed on the spindle and the
other of the FenarL support plate.
To do so loose the two hexagon head screws indicated in the figure below and move
accordingly the whole arm system
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The dimension 280mm can be indirectly measured by placing the arm in its horizontal position
(see Operation 2) and take the measurement from the table to the centre of the front pivot.
The dimension should be 572 mm
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Goals :
prevent collision between Vee and wheel during the introduction / retraction on the
component diameter
Compensate wheel wear when the Vee is in the measuring position onto the component
When the gauge is properly adjusted, the head / Vee follows the wheel profile maintaining a
designated distance to avoid collisions when the component is not in the machine.
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screws # 1
screws # 2
•OPERATION: act on screws 1 to rotate the fork away form the wheel; fork support is free to
rotate along direction A and to slide along direction B acting on screws 2 (see pictures above)
• GOAL: Keep head and Vee far from the wheel to avoid collision during the set up
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screw “B”
•OPERATION: choose a proper shim ‘C’ (slip block) to be inserted between plate and body of
the rod group, to set the arm in horizontal position.
• Adjust screw ‘B’ to set the front pivot ‘D’ in horizontal position. After this operation lock the
anti rotation nut on the screw B.
•GOAL: bring Fenar-L in set up starting conditions (Arm and Front Pivot in horizontal position).
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•OPERATION: Adjust the head support as previously explained (rotation A and sliding B –see
page 9) to set the ‘Vee’ edge at the gap (*) distance away from the wheel face in line with the
wheel median axis.
•GOAL: set the head and ‘Vee’ at the proper distance from the wheel
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Wide Range 25 mm
45 - 70 9 150
50 - 75 10 150
60 - 85 15 160
70 - 95 15 170
75 - 100 17 180
80 - 105 17 180
90 - 115 20 190
100 - 125 23 190
50 - 62,5 6 150
60 - 72,5 8 160
70 - 82,5 8 170
80 - 92,5 12 180
90 - 102,5 15 190
100 - 112,5 15 190
The gap values in the above table have to be considered applied with a new grinding wheel
diameter of 675mm.
It takes also in the consideration that during the calibration of the measuring head, the wheel
could be away from touching the nominal diameter of max. 2mm.
(**) The stroke indicated in the chart is referred only to the capacity of the FenarL system
with the Vee specified and does not consider the steady rest. By using a specific steady rest the
stroke and / or the diameter could be reduced for mechanical foul condition.
This conditions have to be determine at the Engineering stage
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•CONDITION : arm not retracted, in lower position. Wheel wear recovery slide in BACK
position. Load in the machine the component with the biggest ‘J’ dimension given by :
Biggest ‘J’= crank pin throw + crank pin radius (see picture below)
Measuring head and Vee onto the crank pin at the TDC (Top Dead Centre).
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•OPERATION: adjust the screw ‘E’ in order to leave 1mm clearance between screw and ledge.
After this operation lock the anti rotation nut on the screw.
•GOAL: limit fork rotation to avoid crash with coolant nozzle during the introduction/retraction of
the measuring head on the crank pin.
Screw E
The screw ‘E’ indicated in the picture limits the fork angular amplitude to avoid crash against
the coolant nozzle.
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•CONDITION: arm not retracted, in lower position. Wheel wear recovery slide in BACK position.
Load in the machine the component with the biggest ‘K’ dimension given by :
Biggest ‘K’= crank pin throw - crank pin radius (see picture below)
Measuring head and Vee onto the crank pin at the BDC (Bottom Dead Centre).
•OPERATION: Adjust screw ‘G’ in order to leave 1 mm clearance between screw and ledge.
Lock the anti rotation nut on the screw.
•GOAL: limit the measuring head opening movement
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lever Spanner
•CONDITION: arm not retracted, in lower position. Wheel wear recovery slide in BACK position.
Load in the machine the component with the biggest ‘K’ dimension given by :
Biggest ‘K’= crank pin throw - crank pin radius - (see picture above at page 15)
Measuring head and Vee onto the crank pin at the BDC (Bottom Dead Centre).
•OPERATION: Check the 1mm minimum clearance between retraction lever and arm pin. If the
clearance is not the proper one loose the ring nut ‘I’ and rotate the whole cylinder shaft ‘H’ by
using the spanner flats on it, in order to reach the proper clearance.
After this operation lock the anti rotation ring nut ‘I’.
•GOAL: verify proper clearance between Lever and arm pin to avoid their interference when
Fenar-L is working.
(This operation has been previously performed by Marposs SpA, but needs to be re-verified
according to real machine conditions)
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•CONDITION : arm not retracted, in lower position. Wheel wear recovery slide in BACK
position. Fork onto the pin diameter at the TDC (Top Dead Center).
•OPERATION: Check with a gram gauge if the force F stands between 500gr. and 2300gr. )
NOTE: the same operation must be performed also with the crank pin at the
Bottom Dead Center (BDC)
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screw F
Finger plate
•CONDITION: arm not retracted, in lower position. Wheel wear recovery slide in BACK position.
Load in the machine the component with the biggest ‘K’ dimension given by :
Biggest ‘K’= crank pin throw - crank pin radius - (see picture above at page 15)
Measuring head and Vee onto the crank pin at the BDC (Bottom Dead Centre).
•OPERATION: Check the 2mm minimum clearance between rod plate and spherical ball on the
finger plate. If the clearance is not the proper one adjust the finger plate by loose the screw ‘F’.
•GOAL: verify proper clearance between the rod plate and finger plate to avoid their
interference when Fenar-L is working.
(This operation has been previously performed by Marposs SpA, and normally should not be
adjusted again unless it it removed).
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After the whole mechanical set-up is finished it is recommended to perform some overall
•CONDITION: arm not retracted, in lower position. Wheel wear recovery slide in BACK position.
Load in the machine the component with the biggest ‘K’ dimension given by :
Biggest ‘K’= crank pin throw - crank pin radius - (see picture above at page 15)
Measuring head and Vee onto the crank pin at the BDC (Bottom Dead Centre).
•OPERATION: Activate the wheel wear recovery slide by ADVANCING and RETRACTING it
•GOAL: verify the movement of the Measuring head and Vee. It may be that it has kicked out
from its seat on the component when the slide advances (see below).
This condition is more evident on the small diameter of the Vee range and with the wheel at its
min. diameter (665mm).
With the slide retracted (back position) the Vee must be seated correctly on the component.
Consequently this is a normal condition that can be observed in certain instance depending on
the Vee size and gap dimension.
During the descending of the arm, the small cylinder has to be retracted as soon the main
cylinder (# 4 – see page 3) reaches its lower position.
During the retraction of the arm, the main cylinder has to be actuated as soon as the small
cylinder advance (see cycle diagram)
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Cycle diagram
Descending speed.
On Main diameter: between 2sec. and 2.5sec. measured from the ‘rest position’ switch to the
‘gauge on workpiece’ position switch.
On Pin diameters: the part RPM has to be considered. Because the arm descends and stops at
the middle switch position for synchronization with the part rotation, the pin must move on the
same direction of the descending arm: from 90º to 270º position (see below)
Ideally the Vee should catch up with the pin between 150º and 210º
On the 867 m/c we consider the component to rotate between 25 and 30 RPM max. when the
gauge is applied.
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The measuring Vee has to get in contact with the pin so that the relative velocity on impact will
be as low as possible.
The gauge advance “Middle position” should be adjusted so that the gauge Vee just clears the
orbiting pin. The descending speed has to cope with this requirement as well.
Therefore on the Pin it is suggested to start to verify the cinematic by using the same speed set-
up adjustment performed for the Main diameter. In case is needed, make small adjustment..
If you do so, re-checked the descending speed on the Main diameter.
It may be needed a compromised speed adjustment to accommodate both the Mains and pins.
Retraction speed.
On Main diameter: > 1sec. Measured from the ‘gauge on workpiece’ position switch to the .
‘rest position’ switch.
Warning :
When the machine is retooled with a new “Vee” or for a new part type, it is recommended to
check again the set-up operations # 3, 4, 5, 6, 8 and 9
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