BDM Driver

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BDM Interface for Motorola 683xx MCU Usage with GDB Debugger

Pavel Pisa ( 2000.7.30.

Abstract The BDM Interface can supply more expensive ICEs ( In Circuit Emulator ) for Motorola 683xx family of processors based on the CPU32 core ( 68332, 68333, 68334, 68336, 68376 and 68340 ). This document tries to describe the CPU32 BDM interface and its usage with GNU debugger under the Linux operating system. Some newer members of Motorola MCUs use similar, but not compatible BDM interfaces, as well. Last section tries to summarize information about these interfaces.

1 BDM Overview 2 Hardware and BDM Protocol 3 Cable Wiring and Logic 4 GDB and BDM Driver for Linux 5 GDB with BDM Setup 6 GDB with BDM Usage 7 Detailed GDB Invocation 8 Chipselects Initialization 9 Utility BDM-Load 10 Comparision of Dierent BDM Interfaces 1 2 3 4 6 7 7 9 12 13

BDM Overview

BDM mode of the CPU32 halts execution of a normal machine code fetched from the memory and starts the internal MCU microcode to process commands received from a dedicated serial debug interface. These commands can be used to view and modify all CPU32 registers and to access into on-chip and external memory locations. The CPU32 processor must be started in a special mode to enable BDM interface. This is achieved by holding the BKPT pin low during the reset time. Switch to the BDM mode can be enforced by the following tree ways: Driving the BKPT pin low when a fetch of an instruction occurs - the BDM mode is entered after processing this instruction 1

Inserting BGND instruction ( 4AFAh ) into the program memory Double bus fault, which in a normal case leads to CPU halt Return from the BDM mode is initialized by the BDM command GO or CALL.

Hardware and BDM Protocol

Motorola has dened a standard pinout for the debug connector, which is compatible with most of the development tools. Older versions have only eight pins and the newer ones add two additional pins for enforcing bus error and memory interface monitoring. Pins 2 to 10 of the new connector version are equivalent to the pins 1 to 8 of the older one. Table 1 describes the function of these


1 3 5 7 9

2 4 6 8 10


Figure 1: Standard Ten Pin BDM Connector pins. Hardware dimensions of the connector are equivalent to the jumper array, which has 100 mils ( 2.54 mm ) spacing. BDM uses 17 bit serial synchronous communication with the CPU32 processor. All data and command transfers are performed in an MSB rst format. An internal CPU32 receiver is implemented by shift and latch registers. The CPU32 latches every input bit value on the DSI line at the time of rising edge detection of the DSCLK signal. Because of the DSCLK edge detection is performed synchronously with the system clock, the maximum DSCLK frequency is equal to one half of a system clock frequency. A 17 bit input word is latched after 17 rising edges on the DSCLK line then the CPU32 microcode sequencer is started to perform instruction or process extension words. Transmit latch register is updated by the CPU32 continuously. The transmit shift register and DSO pin reect changes of the latch register until the rst low level of 17 bit protocol is detected on the DSCLK line. Then the state of the DSO line can be read as a MSB received bit. Then the transmit shift register is not updated by the transmit latch register until all 17 bits are read. The DSO line is changed only after rising edges of the DSCLK line during the rest of transfer. Command and data transfers initiated by the development system should clear








Figure 2: General CPU32 BDM Command Format bit 16. The current implementation ignores this bit; however, Motorola reserves the right to use this bit for future enhancements. The CPU32 returns 17 bit status or value every time 17 bits are send to it. The meaning of 17 bit status is described in Table 2. Some commands except the rst command word need an additional address and data words. Figure 2 shows the general BDM instruction format without 16-th bit. Table 3 contains possible BDM commands for the CPU32 processors family. I have noticed, that the new ColdFire family processors use same basic command set with additional real-time 2

Pin Number 1 2

Pin Name DS BERR

3 4


5 6 7 8





Description Data strobe from target MCU.Not used in current interface circuitry Bus error input to target. Allows development system to force bus error when target MCU accesses invalid memory Ground reference from target Breakpoint input to target in normal mode;development serial clock in BDM.Must be held low on rising edge of reset to enable BDM Ground reference from target Freeze signal from target.High level indicates that target is in BDM Reset signal to/from target.Must be held low to force hardware reset Used to track instruction pipe in normal mode.Serial data input to target MCU in BDM +5V supply from target.BDM interface circuit draws power from this supply and also monitors target powered/not powered status Tracks instruction pipe in normal mode.Serial data output from target MCU in BDM

Table 1: 10 Pin BDM Connector Description Bit 16 0 0 1 1 1 Data xxxx FFFF 0000 0001 FFFF Message Type Valid Data Transfer Command Complete; Status OK Not Ready with Response; Come Again BERR Terminated Bus Cycle; Data Invalid Illegal Command

Table 2: BDM Status or Values Returned by CPU32 commands. Changed RSREG and WSREG commands need to address more registers and that is why an additional register address word is necessary for these instructions. Another big change can be seen with ColdFire BDM cable, because of the ColdFire has single-stepping ip-op built inside. Table 4 describes the meanings of the last variable nibble or byte values in command codes.

Cable Wiring and Logic

There exist two standard wirings of a cable between the CPU32 BDM interface and standard PC printer port. The rst is public domain interface ( PD BDM ). It was published by Motorola ( its support BBS ) and can be used with free BD32 ( ) debugger and BDM library example implementation ( ). Both are writted by Scott Howard. The second cable is provided with Motorola commercial systems and is known as ICD BDM cable. This cable can be used with both above mentioned programs and with the free TPU debugger and downloader ( ). 3

Command Read D/A Register Write D/A Register Read System Register Write System Register Read Memory Location Write Memory Location Dump Memory Block


Code 218r 208r 258s 248s 19tt 18tt 1Dtt

Fill Memory Block



Resume Execution Patch User Code


0C00 0800

Reset Peripherals RST Asserts No Operation


0400 0000

Additional Words and Notices receive two words with value from CPU32 send two words with value to CPU32 receive two words with value from CPU32 send two words with value to CPU32 send 2 word address and receive 1 or 2 words value send 2 word address and 1 or 2 words value receive 1 or 2 words value from next memory locationto location selected by previous READ command send 1 or 2 words value for next memory locationto location selected by previous WRITE command Pipe is re-led from RPC location Current program counter is stacked at the locationof the current stack pointer and two additional wordsdene subroutine start address Asserts RESET for 512 clock cycles,but the CPU is not reset by this command NOP performs no operation and may beused as a null command

Table 3: CPU32 BDM Commands Summary The schematic diagram of one of possible PD cable implementations is in gure 3. It is a simple implementation with 8 pin cable only, but it works for me without serious problems with 1 m cable from PC and 20 cm cable to MC68332. The cable compatible with Motorola ICD32 system can be seen in gure 4. I have seen an original schematic for ICD32 cable, but I do not have this cable, so GAL16V8 function is only my own solution. In my experience, it works with all free software I have ( Linux BDM driver, DB32, BDM library and TPU debugger ). I am not sure about legal state of this cable, but it can be used with free Motorola software and free source for BDM library describes its function, so it should be free. This cable works better than the previous one for the following three reasons: logic levels of all signals are sharped by GAL16V8 bidirectional CPU32 DSI/IFETCH signal is controlled by tristate buer breakpoint and step logic use better level controlled mechanism

GDB and BDM Driver for Linux

GNU debugger is used in many native and cross development tool-chains in UNIX type environment. It is a very powerfull debugger controlled from its command line. There exist many interactive menu-driven and mouse-driven user interfaces for this debugger, too ( for example GDBTk, DDD, Rhide and XXGDB ). This debugger is very well suited for the cross-development 4

Symbol r s

Value 0 to 7 8 to F 0 1

Mnemonic D0 to D7 A0 to A7 RPC PCC

8 9 A B C D E F tt 00 40 80


Meaning Data Register Address Register Return Program Counter points where execution will continue Current Instruction Program Counter points to rst byte of last executed instruction it contains 00000001 when double bus fault appears immediately after reset Temporary Register A Fault Address Register Vector Base Register Status Register User Stack Pointer Supervisor Stack Pointer Source alternate function type of bus cycle MOVES instruction and BDM memory transfers Destination alternate function of bus cycle MOVES instruction and BDM memory transfers 8 bit data in least signicant byte of one word 16 bit data transferred in one word 32 bit data transferred in two words

Table 4: Values Ored with BDM Commands for 32 bit embedded targets. It recognize most of the Motorola MCUs with CPU32 and ColdFire processor cores. These targets may be connected by the serial line using Motorola board ROM monitor or special protocols for some operating systems ( for example VxWorks ). Such target debugging can be achieved by the GDB remote target debugging by any usual serial stream connection ( RS-232 or TCP/IP connection ). To use BDM interface by GDB, two problems must be solved. First, it is not good practice to directly manipulate by ports under UNIX systems. It means that the kernel mode BDM driver should be written to implement the BDM character device. Such device can accept and perform regular read/write system calls and for special action ( for example single step ) use IOCTL interface. The second part must be done to enable GDB to understand and send BDM commands by read/write interface to the BDM driver and controll target state through the driver IOCTL interface. In future, such two layer implementation can be usefull for GDB independence on the host system, because only the BDM driver will be host specic. Recently, this driver exists for Linux operating system. Patch les for GDB-4.16 and GDB-4.17 exist to use this driver. The authors of the BDM driver and GDB target interface are stated bellow Scott Howard, original author of Motorola BDM library and utilities, Feb 93 M. Schraut, original author of BDM driver Gunter Magin <magin AT>, maintainer of BDM and GDB W. Eric Norum <eric AT>, who did enhancements and Next-Step-Port in Jun 95 Pavel Pisa <pisa AT>, some enhancements and GDB-4.17 patch update May 98 5

Peter Shoebridge <peter AT>, wrote Windows NT version of driver for CPU32 and ColFire in Jan 99 The original version of GDB patches and BDM driver are stored in Gunter Magins archive[1]. My modied patches for GDB with Linux BDM driver source can be found under names gdb-4. 17-bdm-patches.tar.gz and gdb-4.16-bdm-patches2.tar.gz. Gunter Magin is preparing new updated version of patches now. He is developing new version of the ICD compatible cable with ispGAL22V8. I suggest to wait for this more reliable design or use my gdb-4.17 version of patches with GAL16V8 cable for impatient ones. The new experimental version for gdb-4.18 is based on latest Magins code and contains all my changes for the Linux 2.2.x support and better timing ( at least I hope so ). This version can be foud in the archive gdb-4.18-bdm-patches-pi1.tar.gz. There is an initial version of the ispGAL22V8 based EFICD, as well.

GDB with BDM Setup

To start debugging session, next things must be set-up correctly. The board with one of the Motorola MC683xx processors must be connected to a PC printer port by one of debugging cables mentioned above ( ICD32 or PD cable ). The BDM driver must be compiled for a correct Linux kernel version ( provided driver sources should work with most of 2.0.xx and 2.1.xx kernels, version for gdb-4.17 was tested with 2.2.1 kernel too ). The sources of BDM driver can be found in gdb4.17-bdm-patches.tar.gz. Next commands can be used to compile driver. cd /usr/src tar -xzf gdb-4.17.tar.gz cd gdb-4.17-bdm-patches/bdm driver make Makele should be checked and edited before compilation. Lines of highest importance are INTERFACE+= -D PD INTERFACE INTERFACE+= -D ICD INTERFACE AUTOLOADING=-DMODVERSIONS #BDM DEFS += -D BDM TRY RESYNCHRO #CFLAGS+= -D SMP Every line can be commented out by # character. The rst two lines enables both possible cable types. The third line is needed if kernel is compiled with kernel symbols versions. The fourth line can help if there are lost of BDM sync after single-stepping and break. The last line is needed for SMP kernels. The compiled BDM driver bdm.o should placed to /lib/modules/<kernel version>/misc directory. The driver must be inserted into the kernel when modules are used ( # insmod bdm ). When kernel autoloading of missing modules is used ( kmd or kerneld ), next line can be inserted into le /etc/modules.conf. alias char-major-53 bdm Then depmod -a must be run. No manual insertion of the BDM driver is needed in such case. Special character les must be created. Standard names for above described cables and driver sources are pd bdm0, 1, 2 and icd bdm0, 1, 2 ( special les can be created by provided MAKEDEV script ). Ending numbers of special les select used printer port base address ( 0..378h, 1..278h, 2..0x3BCh ). Special les select between public domain ( pd bdmx ) and ICD32 cable ( icd bdmx ). In most cases, only one target processor is used, so it is a good practice to make symbolic link bdm to the used interface special le ( for example ln -s /dev/pd bdm0 /dev/bdm ). Patched version of the GDB must be compiled. Next command sequence can be used to prepare and compile the GDB. 6

cd /usr/src tar -xzf gdb-4.17.tar.gz patch -p <gdb-4.17-bdm-patches/gdb-4.17.patch cd gdb-4.17 ./configure --target=m68k-bdm-coff make make intall This procedure should install m68k-bdm-co-gdb executable into /usr/local/bin, but no warranty is given. The best way is to check results after each step and install gdb manually.

GDB with BDM Usage

The compiled GDB executable must be start and the target must be connected. Setting up of the BDM interface can be prepared as a GDB script or automatic initialization script. For the target without on-board memory setup code, chipselects and system integration module ( SIM ) must be initialized ( from gdb .init script or .bdmmb le ). A step by step manual initialization from GDB prompt is shown in the next example target bdm /dev/bdm set remotecache off bdm timetocomeup 600000 bdm autoreset off bdm setdelay 70 bdm reset set $sfc=5 set $dfc=5 The rst line connects GDB to BDM driver. The second one disables caching of retrieved values in GDB ( better for initial tests ). Next lines select wait for memory and SIM initialization by on-board ROM monitor after reset, setting speed of BDM driver communication with the CPU32 and reset of target, which enables the background debug mode. Setting of SFC and DFC registers to 5 means, that next BDM accesses to the memory will be done in the supervisor privileged memory space mode. If you have compiled target memory image with debug information ( for example RT system absolute COFF image ) you can start it by the following commands. file sp01.exe break main run You will be asked for download of image into the target and after your answer and successful start breakpoint in function main is reached and the GDB message and prompt appear. All GDB wonder is ready for you now!

Detailed GDB Invocation

Next paragraphs give expanded description of GDB initialization and rst steps with BDM. It is mentioned for user with troubles and is based on my mail exchange with them. Start GDB rst. If it is compiled and installed right, GDB can be started from shell prompt by command m68k-bdm-coff-gdb. Check, that BDM target is compiled in. List of included GDB targets is obtained by typing help target after GDB prompt (gdb). Result is something like next output for GDB congured for m68k-bdm-co

List of target subcommands: target target target target target bdm -- Debug with the Background Debug Mode cpu32bug -- Debug via the CPU32Bug monitor exec -- Use an executable file as a target extended-remote -- Use a remote computer via a serial line remote -- Use a remote computer via a serial line

There is some more explanation of command target before this list. You can use something like help target bdm for more help about specic target. BDM specic command starts with bdm prex. If you type bdm without enter and press Tab key, GDB tries to complete command or to oer possible alternatives starting with this typed text . You will see (gdb) bdm bdm autoreset bdm entry bdm release bdm status bdm checkcable bdm init bdm reset bdm timetocomeup bdm debug driver bdm log bdm setdelay (gdb) bdm More info about every command can be obtained after typing help <cmd name>. You need to insert the BDM driver module into the Linux kernel to open connection to BDM target. Section 5 explains that. Some message should be seen in /var/admsyslog. There may be problems, when BDM and printer drivers compete for same parallel port. Removing of lp module by rmmod lp can help in such case. Next step is connect to the target board. You need the cable ( PD or ICD ) and 6833x ( CPU32 ) board. I suggest to connect RS232 cable to board and PC rst, then connect BDM cable. It protects BDM pins and PC printer port against damage (at least CPU32 BDM pins are very sensitive). You can type target bdm /dev/bdm ( it expects link /dev/bdm pointing to used icd bdm? or pd bdm? device as suggested above ). You should set speed of BDM communication by bdm setdelay 75 or more for beginning. If you have no problems later, you can set little delay. ( I can use delay 1 on my K6 166 HX with onboard PP and on some more 586 and 486 congurations with above described ICD compatible cable. ) If your 6833x board has onboard EPROM with initialization of chipselects, you can set bdm timetocomeup 600000 or to what necessary for initialize. If there is no onboard initialization then bdm timetocomeup 0 will be reasonable. bdm reset should be entered for safety. You should be able to read accessible memory after that by x /100lx 0x1234 command. If range is accessible and EPROM is mapped there, you should see its contents. If RAM is in tested range, you can try p *(int*)0x1234=0xAA55BB66 then x /lx 0x1234 should conrm that value was stored and read again. If range is not mapped to some internal chipselect and external circuitry does not acknowledge access, message Error accessing memory address 0x1234 : Unknown error 616 or similar should appear. You need not to have loaded any program for this test. Driver and BDM library ( part of GDB ) have full logging facilities for nding of problems with both software and hardware. Two logging commands can be entered at GDB prompt. The rst one is bdm log {on|off}. Most of GDB-BDM driver activity is logged into le bdm-dbg.log in current directory, when bdm log is on. Second command bdm debug driver <level> is designed for control of the kernel BDM driver logging. Level 0 mean no logging, 1 basic logging and 2 log all driver activity. Driver logging messages are processed by klogd and syslogd and in most cases appears in the /var/log/syslog le. Command for GDB and BDM initialization can be stored into le. You can invoke interpretation of this le by source <filename> from GDB prompt. If script is stored under name .gdbinit68 ( or .gdbinit - depends on conguration of GDB ) in current directory, then it is invoked at every GDB start.

Chipselects Initialization

You should read this section, if you have 68332 board without onboard chipselect initialization. It can be useful to read next if you want to program your own CPU32 initialization in C source code. I expect, that everybody seriously interested in 68332 have downloaded PDF or printed copy of [2] and [3]. Examples are written such way, as they can be used in GDB script le or typed after GDB prompt. Another way will be described later at end of this section. Essential system control registers must be initialized rst. The rst line in every example is register address and its name. The second and third line contains denition of bitelds in register. Next is used value in binary notation and last is GDB syntax. #0xFFFA00 - SIMCR - SIM Configuration # 15 14 13 12 11 10 9..8 # EXOFF FRZSW FRZBM 0 SLVEN 0 SHEN # 0 0 0 0 DATA11 0 0 0 set *(short *)0xfffa00=0x42cf Disable watchdog # 0xFFFA21 - SYPCR - System Protection Control Register # 7 6 5.4 3 2 1 0 # SWE SWP SWT HME BME BMT # 1 MODCLK 0 0 0 0 0 0 set *(char *)0xfffa21=0x06 We have watchdog disabled above, so no need to care about it. # 0xYFFA27 - SWSR - Software Service Register # write 0x55 0xAA for watchdog Used source and frequency must be congured. Next example select PLL generated 16.7 MHz system clock from 32.768 kHz crystal connected to 68332. # 0xFFFA04 - SYNCR Clock Synthesizer Control Register # 15 14 13........8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 # W X Y EDIV 0 0 SLIMP SLOCK RSTEN STSIM STEXT # 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 U U 0 0 0 set *(short *)0xfffa04=0x7f00 Decide, which chipselect outputs will be used and which are left for another functions. The third line describes which signal of data bus at RESET time presets conguration bit. Fifth is chipselect signal and six are alternative functions. # 0xYFFA44 - CSPAR0 - Chip Select Pin Assignment Register 0 # 15 14 13.12 11.10 9.8 7.6 5.4 3.2 # 0 0 CSPA0[6] CSPA0[5] CSPA0[4] CSPA0[3] CSPA0[2] CSPA0[1] # 0 0 DATA2 1 DATA2 1 DATA2 1 DATA1 1 DATA1 1 DATA1 1 # CS5 CS4 CS3 CS2 CS1 CS0 # FC2 PC2 FC1 PC1 FC0 PC0 BGACK BG BR # # 00 Discrete Output # 01 Alternate Function # 10 Chip Select (8-Bit Port) # 11 Chip Select (16-Bit Port) # set *(short *)0xfffa44=0x3fff 9 Register 7 6 5 4 3 0 SUPV MM 0 0 IARB 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 1


# 0xFFFA46 - CSPAR1 - Chip Select Pin # 15 14 13 12 11 10 9.8 7.6 # 0 0 0 0 0 0 CSPA1[4] CSPA1[3] # 0 0 0 0 0 0 DATA7 1 DATA76 1 # CS10 CS 9 # A23 ECLK A22 PC6 # set *(short *)0xfffa46=0x03ff

Assignment Register 1 5.4 3.2 1.0 CSPA1[2] CSPA1[1] CSPA1[0] DATA75 1 DATA74 1 DATA73 1 CS8 CS7 CS6 A21 PC5 A20 PC4 A19 PC3

It is time to congure chipselect address range and access type. Ranges are divided between three 64 kB RAM regions ( organized 32 kB 16 ) and one 128 kB EPROM block ( organized 64 kB 16 ). There is one chipselect for read enable of both bytes of every RAM region. There are two chipselect for write per region. One enables write to odd bytes second to even bytes of RAM. It is necessary to dene speed of access, refer to [2]. Chipselect can be used to acknowledge and autovector IRQ requests too. # # Chip selects configuration # # 0xFFFA48 - CSBARBT - Chip-Select Base Address Register Boot ROM # 0xFFFA4C..0xFFFA74 - CSBAR[10:0] - Chip-Select Base Address Registers # 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 0 # A23 A22 A21 A20 A19 A18 A17 A16 A15 A14 A13 A12 A11 BLKSZ # reset 0x0003 for CSBARBT and 0x0000 for CSBAR[10:0] # # BLKSZ Size Address Lines Compared # 000 2k ADDR[23:11] # 001 8k ADDR[23:13] # 010 16k ADDR[23:14] # 011 64k ADDR[23:16] # 100 128k ADDR[23:17] # 101 256k ADDR[23:18] # 110 512k ADDR[23:19] # 111 1M ADDR[23:20] # # # 0xFFFA4A - CSORBT - Chip-Select Option Register Boot ROM # 0xFFFA4E..0xFFFA76 - CSOR[10:0] - Chip-Select Option Registers # 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 6 5 4 3 1 0 # MODE BYTE R/W STRB DSACK SPACE IPL AVEC # 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 - for CSORBT # # BYTE 00 Disable, 01 Lower Byte, 10 Upper Byte, 11 Both Bytes # R/W 00 Reserved,01 Read Only, 10 Write Only, 11 Read/Write # SPACE 00 CPU, 01 User, 10 Supervisor, 11 Supervisor/User # set *(long *)0xfffa48=0x0e0468b0 # BOOT ROM 0x0e0000 128k RO UL set *(long *)0xfffa4c=0x0003503e # CS0 RAM 0x000000 64k WR U set *(long *)0xfffa50=0x0003303e 10

# CS1

RAM 0x000000 64k


set *(long *)0xfffa54=0x0003683e # CS2 RAM 0x000000 64k RO UL set *(long *)0xfffa58=0x02036870 # CS3 RAM 0x020000 64k RO UL set *(long *)0xfffa5C=0xfff8680f # CS4 set *(long *)0xfffa60=0xffe8783f # CS5 set *(long *)0xfffa64=0x02033030 # CS6 RAM 0x020000 64k WR L set *(long # CS7 RAM set *(long # CS8 RAM *)0xfffa68=0x02035030 0x020000 64k WR U *)0xfffa6c=0x01036870 0x010000 64k RO UL

set *(long *)0xfffa70=0x01033030 # CS9 RAM 0x010000 64k WR L set *(long *)0xfffa74=0x01035030 # CS10 RAM 0x010000 64k WR U The second way is to setup chipselects from special macro les. They are processed through reset or download to the target. If bdm autoreset is set, then reset take place before every run command too. The les must be in same directory as your executable and should have names myexec.bdmmb, myexec.bdmme and cpu32init, where myexec is name of debugged program. The rst of macro les is processed before download, the second one after download of executable and third one at every reset of target. The syntax of the macro le is: <cmd-letter> <num1> <num2> <num3> The nums are either in hex (form 0x), in decimal (form 123) or in octal (form 0234) The meaning of the nums depends on the command letter: w or W means: (write) write to address (num1) contents (num2) length is (num3) bytes. Only 1, 2, 4 bytes are permitted. z or Z means: (zap, zero) ll memory area beginning at (num1) with byte value (num2) length (num3) bytes. c or C means: (copy) copy memory area from (num1) to (num2) with length (num3) bytes. Empty lines and lines with a leading # are ignored. See [1] for more information.


Utility BDM-Load

This utility is mainly designed for programming of FLASH memories mapped in address space of CPU32. It can be used for fast and simple loading and starting programs in RAM too. Original authors are G. Magin and D. Je Dionne. There is presented rewritten preliminary version by Pavel Pisa. The new version can program more than one FLASH memory mapped in address space and is able to autodetect type of memory and can take start address of FLASH regions from 683xx chipselect registers. Utility uses the BFD object les management library and can load any format congured into the BFD library (iHEX, S-record, co-m68k, elf-m68k etc.). The current version uses recent version of bdmlib library and it will be possible to integrate ash functions directly into GDB. Next packages and les are needed to compile and install bdm-load: mc683xx target system with BDM interface GCC compiler for your Linux system. BDM driver - latest version is attached into bdm-load archive BFD object le handling library congured for m68k some time and experience with Linux system and make utility More informations about building bdm-load can be found in an associated README le. The bdm-load accepts command line parameters. If there is no error in parsing of the parameters it processes requested actions and switches into interactive mode. Switching into interactive mode can be suppressed by the script parameter. Description of command line interface follows. Usage bdm-load [OPTIONS] file1 ... -h --help - this help information! -i --init-file=FILE - object file to initialize processor -r --reset - reset target CPU before other operations -c --check - check flash setup (needed for auto) -e --erase - erase flash -b --blankck - verify erase of flash -l --load - download listed filenames -g --go - run target CPU from entry address -s --script - do actions and return -d --bdm-delay=d - sets BDM driver speed/delay -f --flash=TYPE@ADR - select flash Choice for ash TYPE@ADR can be {<TYPE>|auto}[@{csboot|cs<x>|<start>{+<size>|-<end>}}] Examples auto@csboot amd29f400@0x800000-0x87 auto@0+0x80000 If auto type or cs address is used, check must be specied to take eect. Present known ash types/algorithms are amd29f040, amd29f400, amd29f800 and amd29f010x2 (two amd29f010 in parallel conguration). There should be no problem to add more algorithms in future. Possible commands in interactive mode : run starts CPU32 execution at address taken from last downloaded object le. If no le is loaded, it starts at address fetched during last reset command. reset resets CPU32 and if no entry address is dened, PC address is remembered erase sets erase request and starts erase procedure blankck check all ash regions for unerased bytes


load [<object-le>] sets load request and starts download of les from object le list. if <object-le> is specied, object le list is cleared and specied le is added on-to list exit/quit exit interactive mode and return to shell dump <address> <bytes> dumps memory contents from specied address. bytes species number of bytes to print. stat shows CPU32 state, does not require CPU32 to stop check checks ash memories at specied ranges, if auto type or cs address is specied for some ash, CS address is fetched and ash autodetection is run autoset same as check, but all ash types are revalidated stop stops CPU32 and clears all reset, erase, load and run requests make make in current directory is called The simplest way to initialize CPU32 chipselect subsystem and other SIM parameters is to provide cpu32init le in same directory as bdm-load is started from. The cpu32init le is processed at every reset of target. The syntax of the macro le is described in last paragraphs of section 8.


Comparision of Dierent BDM Interfaces

There can be found more dierent types of BDM interfaces on many of Motorola MCUs except the CPU32 BDM described above. The HC12 family of microcontrollers uses the one wire open collector BDM interface. It has very curious timing which enables bidirectional asynchronous bit transfer over one wire. It can be connected to RS-232 port through simple converter. BDM mode instruction are not executed by special HC12 microcode, but program counter of the regular HC12 CPU is vectored into special on chip ROM code. The HC16 uses the BDM interface more similar to CPU32 one. ColdFire MCUs have BDM mode implemented similar way as CPU32. The BDM cable is simplied, because of the single-step ip-op and some logic are integrated directly into ColdFire MCUs. BDM command set is enhanced with real time monitoring functions. These functions and target memory access can be performed in parallel to running ColdFire CPU. PowerPC MCUs have BDM interface too. I lack more information about it. The BDM drivers and cables combinations available for GDB and Linux operating system are summarized in table 5. Cable PD ( public Domain ) ICD32 ( P&E ) ColdFire ICD CPU32(6833x) Gunters driver [1][11] Gunters driver [1][11] MCU Type CPU32+(68360) Erics driver [12] * -

ColdFire Erics driver [12]

Table 5: Drivers for CPU32(+) and ColdFire MCUs Port of BDM driver for Window NT can be found on page [14].


[1] Documentation and Release notes for the bdm-gdb-patches gdb-4.13 and gdb-4.16, Gunter Magin 20.04.95 and 20.07.96 [2] M68300 Family MC68332 Users Manual, MOTOROLA, INC. 1995 [3] CPU32 REFERENCE MANUAL MOTOROLA, INC., 1990, 1996 [4] TPU TIME PROCESSOR UNIT REFERENCE MANUAL, MOTOROLA, INC., 1996 [5] Users Manual : MC68376, MOTOROLA, INC. 1998 [6] MCF5206 USERS MANUAL MOTOROLA, INC., pre-nal version [7] RCPU RISC CENTRAL PROCESSING UNIT REFERENCE MANUAL, MOTOROLA, INC. 1994, 1996 [8] Great Microprocessors of the Past and Present (V 10.1.1), John Bayko (Tau), March 1998, [9] Frequently Asked Questions FAQ, For the Internet USENET newsgroup: comp.sys.m68k, Robert Boys, Ontario, CANADA, August 24, 1995, Version 19, [10] Debugging with GDB The GNU Source-Level Debugger Fifth Edition, for GDB version 4.17 , Richard M. Stallman and Roland H. Pesch, April 1998 Copyright (C) 1988-1998 Free Software Foundation, Inc Free Software Foundation 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA ISBN 1-882114-11-6 [11] Location of Gunter Magins Linux BDM driver for CPU32 modied by Pavel Pisa [12] Location of Eric Norums and Chris Johns Linux BDM driver for CPU32+ and ColdFire: [13] Motorola ColdFire Development Resources : [14] Page for Peter Shoebridges version of BDM driver for Windows NT with ColdFire and CPU32 support: [15] This document in PDF ( Portable Document Format ) is also available


VCC 4 U2A 2 S 5 3 D Q CLK 6 Q R 1 74HC74 BCC Background Mode Connector 8 U1C 74HC132 U1B 3 5 74HC132 5 4 6 C1 0.001 uF GND GND GND VCC 7 3 U1D 11 VCC VCC Cable to PC C2 0.1 uF 12 13 74HC132 8 IPipe/DSO Vcc Vss 1 Reset Freeze IFetch/DSI Vss 2 74HC132 DSCLK RST_OUT FREEZE R1 DSI STEP_OUT 10K 4 6 BKPT/DSCLK 1 2 1 9 0 U1A

PC Printer Port




16 C2 DSI

Figure 3: Possible BDM PD Implementation

U2A 10 12 D S Q 9 11 CLK Q 8 R 13 74HC74 GND


10 S6 PWR_DN

11 S7 NC

12 +S5 DSO

1 14 2 15 3 16 4 17 5 18 6 19 7 20 8 21 9 22 10 23 11 24 12 25 13

DB25 Male

PC Compatible I/F to CPU32 Background Port Size Document Number REV A A Date: November 5, 1997 Sheet 1 of 1

OPAL file definition

begin definition device GAL16V8 inputs DSI=2,DSCLK=3,BREAK=4,RESET=5,OE=6,M_FREEZE=7,M_DSO=8,SW=9,BERR=11; outputs (com) M_BERR=19,M_DSCLK=18,DSO=16,FREEZE=14,MAGIC=12; feedback (com) M_DSI=17,M_RESET=15,FF_BREAK=13; end definition begin equations M_DSI=DSI; M_DSI.oe=M_FREEZE&OE; M_DSCLK=DSCLK&FF_BREAK&M_RESET; FF_BREAK=BREAK|(FF_BREAK&(M_FREEZE|M_DSI)); M_RESET=RESET; M_RESET.oe=/RESET; M_BERR=/BERR; M_BERR.oe=BERR; FREEZE=M_FREEZE;DSO=M_DSO; MAGIC=0; end equations VCC

PC Printer Port

CN1 D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 R15 820R D6

9 + R6 R R R R R R R R RR8x10K 87654321 87654321

VCC R3 10K

VCC R4 10K

Figure 4: ICD32 Compatible Cable

M_BERR M_DSCLK M_DSI SDO M_RES FREEZE MAGIC 1 2 DSI DSCLK 3 BREAK 4 RESET 5 OE 6 M_FREEZE 7 8 M_DSO SW 9 BERR 11 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 U1 I/CLK I1 I/O1 I2 I/O2 I3 I/O3 I4 I/O4 I5 I/O5 I6 I/O6 I7 I/O7 I8 I/O8 I/OE GAL16V8 GND VCC R1410K 2 D7 LED Cable to PC GND GND GND GND 1 J1A J2 C3 4.7uF C4 100nF VCC VCC



1 14 2 15 3 16 4 17 5

+C0 +C1 +D0 S3 +D1 C2 +D2 +C3 +D3




6 +D4 OE

7 +D5 LED

8 +D6 BERR


1 3 5 7 9

2 4 6 8 10 R2 510R



11 S7 DSO

R1 510R C2 D8 LED GND Motorola IDC compatible BDM cable Size Document Number A Date: September 18, 1999 100pF GND C1 100pF GND

12 +S5

13 +S4

1 14 2 15 3 16 4 17 5 18 6 19 7 20 8 21 9 22 10 23 11 24 12 25 13

DB25 Male


This is not oficial schematic and GAL definition. GAL definition is my own, I have not had any original ICD cable.




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