Java Lab Report

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Department of Humanities and Social Science

Object Orient Programming in JAVA

OOP in java Programming Language Lab
Course Code : CACS204

Submitted by
Amrit Rana
ID : 1080408
Bachelor In Computer Application
Semester III

Prepare By Amrit Rana

Department of Humanities and Social Science
Navakshitiz Collage

Experiment Date:
Submitted to:
Submission Date: Department of
Submitted by: Amrit Rana
Humanities and Social Science

Prepare By Amrit Rana

Title : File Handling.
Objective : An implementation of an interface is a java program that references the interface using the
implements keyword. In this lab we are going to learn about File Handling. File handling in Java implies
reading from and writing data to a file. The File class from the package, allows us to work with
different formats of files. In order to use the File class, you need to create an object of the class and specify
the filename or directory name.

Problem 01:Write a Java program to copy a file to another file using ByteStream.

Code :

Output :

Problem 02: Write a Java program to copy a file to another file using CharacterStream.

Code :

Prepare By Amrit Rana

Problem 03: Write a program read from File in Standard Way in Java.
Code :

Prepare By Amrit Rana


Prepare By Amrit Rana

Problem 04: Write a program read from File Using Buffered Reader in Java.
Code :

Output :

Conclusion :
After the above study I have understood File Handling. and how to use File Handling. I learn many basic
things in java programmed. now I can create new file and file copy from character and byte . I can read file
Using Buffered Reader, Using File Reader class, Using Scanner class, Using Scanner class but without
using loops and with standard from. We will be in a position to crack so many stuff with our skills and we
will be able to capable of solving some great math and condition with java operators.

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