@vtucode - in BCS403 Model Paper 2022 Scheme

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Model Question Paper- II with effect from 2022

Fourth Semester B.E Degree Examination 2024-25

Database Management System (BCS403)
TIME: 03 Hours Max.Marks:100
1. Note: Answer any FIVE full questions, choosing at least ONE question from each MODULE
2. M: Marks, L: Bloom’s level, C: Course outcomes.

Module - 1 M L C
Q.1 a What is a Database? Explain the three schema architecture with neat diagram. 8 L2 CO1

b What are the advantages of using DBMS approach? Explain 8 L2 CO1

c Explain the following terms. 4 L2 CO1

1. Data Dictionary 2. Weak Entity


a Explain the categories of Data Models. 8 L2 CO1

b Explain the component modules of DBMS & their interactions with 8 L2 CO1

c What are the responsibilities of DBA & database designers? 4 L2 CO1

Module - 2
Q.3 a Explain the different types of update operations on relational database. How 6 L2 CO2
basic operation deals with constraint violation.

b Explain Unary relational operations with examples. 6 L2 CO2

c What is an Integrity Constraint? Explain the importance of Referential 8 L2 CO2

Integrity Constraint.


Q.4 a Explain the following relational algebra operation. 10 L3 CO2


b Discuss the E.R to Relational mapping algorithm with example for each 6 L3 CO2

c Explain the relational algebra operation for set theory with examples. 4 L2 CO2

Module - 3
Q.5 a Illustrate insert, delete, update, alter & drop commands in SQL. 6 L4 CO3
Model Question Paper- II with effect from 2022
b Explain informal design guidelines for relational schema design. 4 L2 CO3

c What is Functional dependency? Explain the inference rules for functional 10 L3 CO4
dependency with proof.

a Consider two sets of functional dependency. F={AC, ACD, EAD, 10 L3 CO4

Q.6 EH} E= {ACD, EAH}. Are they Equivalent?
b Explain the types of update anomalies in SQL with an example. 10 L2 CO3

Module - 4
Q.7 a Demonstrate transaction states & additional operations. 10 L3 CO4

b Demonstrate working of Assertion & Triggers in database? Explain with an 10 L2 CO3


Q.8 a Demonstrate the System Log in database transaction. 6 L2 CO4

b Discuss the ACID properties of database transaction. 4 L2 CO4

c Explain stored procedure language in SQL with an example. 10 L2 CO3

Module - 5
Q.9 a Explain the Two phase locking protocol used for concurrency control. 8 L3 CO5

b Define Schedule? Illustrate with an example. 4 L2 CO5

c. Why Concurrency control is needed? Demonstrate with an example. 8 L3 CO5


Q.10 a What is NOSQL? Explain the CAP theorem. 6 L2 CO5

b What are document based NOSQL systems? basic operations CRUD in 8 L2 CO5

c What is NOSQL Graph database? Explain Neo4j. 6 L2 CO5

Model Question Paper- I with effect from 2022

Fourth Semester B.E Degree Examination 2024-25

Database Management Systems (BCS403)
TIME: 03 Hours Max.Marks:100
1. Note: Answer any FIVE full questions, choosing at least ONE question from each MODULE
2. M: Marks, L: Bloom’s level, C: Course outcomes.

Module - 1 M L C
Q.1 a Explain the types of end users with examples. 8 L2 CO1

b What are the advantages of using DBMS? Explain. 8 L2 CO1

c Describe the characteristics of database. 4 L2 CO1

a Explain three schema architecture. Why mappings b/w schema levels are 8 L2 CO1
b Explain the different types of attributes in ER model. 8 L2 CO1

c Explain the following. 4 L2 CO1

1. Cardinality Ratio 2. Weal Entity

Module - 2
Q.3 a Explain the different Relational Model constraints. 6 L2 CO2

b Demonstrate the concepts of Generalization & Specialization with examples. 6 L2 CO2

c Explain Entity Integrity Constraint & Referential Integrity Constraints? Why 8 L2 CO2
each of these is important in a database.

Model Question Paper- I with effect from 2022
Q.4 a Consider the Sailors-Boats-Reserves DB described 10 L3 CO2
s (sid, sname, rating, age)
b (bid, bname, color)
r (sid, bid, date)
Write each of the following queries in SQL.
1. Find the colors of boats reserved by Alber.
2. Find all sailor ids of sailors who have a rating of at least 8 or reserved
boat 103.
3. Find the names of sailors who have not reserved a boat whose name
contains the string “storm”. Order the names in ascending order.
4. Find the sailor ids of sailors with age over 20 who have not reserved
a boat whose name includes the string “thunder”.
b Discuss the Equijoin & Natural Join with suitable example. 6 L3 CO2

c Explain the relational algebra operation for set theory with examples. 4 L2 CO2

Module - 3
Q.5 a Explain the Cursor & its properties in embedded SQL with an example. 6 L2 CO3

b What is a Normalization? Explain the 1NF, 2NF & 3NF with examples. 10 L2 CO4

c Explain informal design guidelines for relational schema design. 4 L2 CO3

a What is Functional Dependency? Write algorithm to find minimal cover for 10 L2 CO4
Q.6 set of Functional Dependency. Construct the minimal cover m for set of
functional dependency. E={ BA, DA, ABD}
b Explain the types of update anomalies in SQL with an example. 10 L4 CO3

Module - 4
Q.7 a Demonstrate the Database Transaction with transaction diagram. 10 L2 CO4

b Demonstrate working of Assertion & Triggers in SQL? Explain with an 10 L3 CO3


Q.8 a Demonstrate the System Log in database transaction. 6 L2 CO4

b Demonstrate the ACID properties of database transaction. 4 L2 CO4

c Explain stored procedure language in SQL with an example. 10 L2 CO3

Model Question Paper- I with effect from 2022

Module - 5
Q.9 a Demonstrate the Two phase locking protocol used for concurrency control. 8 L3 CO5

b Demonstrate the Concurrency control based on Timestamp ordering. 4 L2 CO5

c. Why Concurrency control is needed? Demonstrate with an example. 8 L3 CO5


Q.10 a What is NOSQL? Explain the CAP theorem. 6 L2 CO5

b What are document based NOSQL systems? Explain basic operations 8 L2 CO5
CRUD in MongoDB.
c What is NOSQL Graph database? Explain Neo4j. 6 L2 CO5

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