College Report

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Common App college report CR

Student section
Student details
Legal name
First/given Middle Last/family/sur (Enter name exactly as it appears on official documents.) Suffix

Preferred name Date of birth

First/given Middle mm/dd/yyyy

Email CAS ID

Current address
Number and street Apartment number City/town

County State/province Country ZIP/postal code

Current college or university

How many college credits have you earned prior to this academic term?
How many college credits will you have earned when you enroll at the college to which you are applying?

FERPA release authorization

I acknowledge that every school that I have attended may release all requested records and recommendations to colleges to which I am
applying for admission. I also understand that employees at these colleges may confidentially contact my current and former schools should
they have questions about the information submitted on my behalf.
I waive my right to review all recommendations and supporting documents.
I DO NOT waive my right to review all recommendations and supporting documents.

I understand that my waiver or no waiver selection above pertains to all colleges to which I apply and that my selections on this page cannot be
changed after any recommendation or application submission.

Signature Date

College official section

If you have access to the student’s academic records, please complete this form in its entirety. Please send this form directly to each college
admission office. Do not send this form to Common App.

College official details

Prefix First/given Middle initial Last/family/sur Suffix

Title Phone
Include country code, number, and extension (if applicable)


College name

Number and street City/town

County State/province Country ZIP/postal code

Background information Please ensure that information matches what is on the transcript.

Cumulative GPA GPA scale From (start date) Ending (final date)
mm/dd/yyyy mm/dd/yyyy

Is this student in good academic standing? Is this student eligible to return to your school?
If you answer no, please attach an explanation. If you answer no, please attach an explanation.
Yes No Yes No

Signature Date
Copyright 2020 The Common Application, Inc. | Property of The Common Application, Inc.

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