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https://dinastirpub.org/DIJEMSS Vol. 4, No.

3, February 2023

e-ISSN: 2686-6331, p-SSN: 2686-6358

DOI: https://doi.org/10.31933/dijemss.v4i3
Received: 11 Desember 2022, Revised: 28 January 2023, Publish: 17 February 2023

Workload, Work Stress, and Employee Performance: a

Literature Review

Riana Nurvianida Nasrul1*, Veithzal Rivai Zainal2, Azis Hakim3

Student at Magister of Administrative Science Study Program, Universitas Krisnadwipayana, Jakarta,
Indonesia, email: bundakayyisaumar@gmail.com
Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the Indonesian MSME Communication Forum,
Head of Magister of Administrative Science Study Program, Universitas Krisnadwipayana, Jakarta,

*Corresponding Author: Riana Nurvianida Nasrul1

Abstract: The aim of this paper is to provide a structured literature review on the constructs
of workload, work stress, employee performance, and empirical evidence on the
relationship between workload, work stress, and employee performance in Indonesia
context. 23 (twenty three) papers published during 2018-2022 that investigates workload,
work stress, employee performance, and the relationship between workload, work stress,
employee performance were reviewed. The results of the review show that workload and
work stress have significant effect on employee performance, but the direction of effect
varies. 84.61% of 13 (thirteen) empirical results show that workload has a positive effect on
employee performance, while the remaining 15.39% has a negative effect. Likewise with
work stress. 50.00% of the 10 (ten) empirical results show that work stress has a positive
effect, while the remaining 50% has a negative effect. The variety of empirical results
requires organizations to determine employee workload and analyze employee work stress
carefully, with the hope that these two variables can have a positive impact on employee

Keywords: Workload, Work Stress, Employee Performance, Literature Review

Employee performance is essential for an organization. By having high employee
performance, the organization also has high performance that will help the organization to
realize its goals effectively and efficiently. However, the challenge to improve organizational
performance has increased along with accelerated competition among organizations, the
struggle to manage the quality of the workplace, globalization, and the rising expectation of
citizens. High-performing employees will determine the success of the organization.
Organizational managers must pay great attention to employee performance. Organizational

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managers also must pay attention to the factors that affect the performance of their
There are several factors identified that can affect employee performance. Two of them
will be discussed in this paper. One of the factors that are believed to affect employee
performance is workload. Another factor that is also believed to affect employee performance
is work stress. Research on workload, work stress employee performance and the relationship
between the three has become a widely researched topic in the field of human resource

According to Jufri & Mellanie (2019) workload is a number of activities that must be
completed by an employee or organizational unit in a certain period. Workloads are tasks
assigned by employees to be carried out at a certain time by using the skills and potential of
the workforce which can be further divided into 2 (two) categories of quantitative workloads
and quality workloads (Muslih and Hardani, 2022). While Tarwaka (2011) defines workload
as a condition for processing job descriptions that must complete within a certain period, and
Munandar (2011) defines workload as tasks assigned to workers or employees to be
completed at a certain time by using the skills and potential of the workforce. Based on some
definition above, in essence, workload can be defines as a number of activities/task that
assigned and must be completed by an employee or organizational unit in a certain period
using the their knowledge and skill.

Work Stress
According to Adiguzel & Kucukoglu (2019) .work stress is a condition where there is a
tension that results in changes to physical conditions and ways of thinking, as well as
emotions. Mangkunegara (2011) defines work stress as a feeling of pressure experienced by
employees in dealing with work. This work stress can be seen from the symptoms, including
unstable emotions, feelings of restlessness,like being alone, having trouble sleeping, smoking
excessively, not being able to relax, being anxious, tense, nervous, increasing blood pressure,
and experiencing indigestion. While Hasibuan (2016) defines work stress as a condition of
dependence that affects the emotions, thought processes of a person. Based on some
definition above, in essence, work stress can be defines as a condition or feeling of pressure
experienced by employee in dealing with work.

Employee Performance
Hidayat et al. (2022) defines employee performance as the value or result
obtained/achieved by the employee as a result of the behavior or work he/she does within a
certain period. According to Tarmizi and Anggiani (2022) employee performance is the result
obtained by an employee as a result of carrying out his duties and responsibilities in a certain
period that contributes positively or negatively to the achievement of organizational goals.
While Mangkunegara (2013) defines employee performance as the result of work in quality
and quantity achieved by an employee in carrying out his duties in accordance with the
responsibilities assigned to him. Based on some definition above, in essence, employee
performance can be define as the result or outcome achieved by employee in carrying out his
duties in accordance with the responsibilities assigned to him.

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Empirical Evidence About the Relationship Between Workload, Work Stress, and
Employee Performance
1. Work of Martini and Sitiari (2018)
Martini and Sitiari (2018) investigated the effect of workload on employee performance
at Hotel Mahagoni Mumbul Bali, Indonesia. Data collection techniques are questionnaire,
observation and interview. The number of participants was 48 employee. The analysis
technique uses multiple linear regression analysis using SPSS. The results of hypothesis
testing indicate that workload has a positive and significant effect on employee performance.

2. Work of Ashar, Syahruddin, Nasruddin, Akbar, Tahir, Chamidah, and Siregar (2021)
Ashar et al (2021) investigated the effect of workload on employee performance at
STIKES Pelamonia Makassar (Indonesia). Data collection techniques are questionnaire,
observation and interview. The number of participants was 53 educators at STIKES
Pelamonia Makassar. The analysis technique uses path analysis using SPSS. The results of
hypothesis testing indicate that workload has a positive and significant effect on employee

3. Work of Cahyaningtyas and Santosa (2021)

Cahyaningtyas and Santosa (2021) investigated the effect of workload on the employee
performance at Bank BJB S. Parman, Jakarta (Indonesia). Data collection technique is
questionnaire. The number of participants was 100 employees. The analysis technique uses
multiple linear regression analysis using SPSS. The results of hypothesis testing indicate that
workload has a positive and significant effect on employee performance.

4. Work of Malau and Kasmir (2021)

Malau and Kasmir (2021) investigated the effect of workload on employees
performance at PT. XX (Indonesia). Data collection technique is questionnaire. The number
of participants was 197 employees. The analysis technique uses structural equation modeling
using Smart-PLS. The results of hypothesis testing indicate that workload has a negative and
significant impact on employee performance.

5. Work of Rusmiati, Rasmini, and Fitriani (2021)

Rusmiati et al (2021) investigated the impact of workload on employee performance at
El-Syifa Kuningan (Indonesia). Data collection technique is questionnaire. The number of
participants was 137 employee. The analysis technique uses structural equation model (SEM)
using AMOS. The results of hypothesis testing indicate that workload has a positive and
significant impact on employee performance.

6. Work of Sipayung and Purba (2021)

Sipayung and Purba (2021) investigated the effect of workload on employee
performance at Environmental Service Office of Deli Serdang Regency (Indonesia). Data
collection technique is questionnaire. The number of participants was 37 employees. The
analysis technique uses path analysis using SPSS. The results of hypothesis testing indicate
that workload has a positive and significant impact on employee performance.

7. Work of Utari, Wediawati, and Althalets (2021)

Utari et al (2021) investigated the effect of workload on employee performance at PT.
Inco Mandiri in Bontang (Indonesia). Data collection technique is questionnaire. The number
of participants was 45 employees. The analysis technique uses multiple regression analysis

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using SPSS. The results of hypothesis testing indicate that workload has a positive and
significant impact on employee performance.

8. Work of Wibowo, Tamzah, Farida, Rasyid, Rusli, Yusriadi, Tahir (2021)

Wibowo et al (2021) investigated the effect of workload on employee performance at
SAMSAT Makassar City (Indonesia). Data collection technique is questionnaire. The number
of participants was 135 employees. The analysis technique uses multiple regression analysis
using SPSS. The results of hypothesis testing indicate that workload has a positive and
significant impact on employee performance.

9. Work of Munandar, Hermawan, and Syihabudhin (2022)

Munandar et al (2022) investigated the effect of workload on employee performance at
Perumda Air Minum Tugu Tirta, Malang (Indonesia). Data collection technique is
questionnaire. The number of participants was 173 employees. The analysis technique uses
path analysis using SPSS. The results of hypothesis testing indicate that workload has a
positive and significant impact on employee performance.

10. Work of Muslih and Hardani (2021)

Muslih and Hardani (2021) investigated the effect of workload on employee
performance at PT. Perkebunan Nusantara IV (Persero) Medan. (Indonesia). Data collection
technique is questionnaire. The number of participants was 81 employees. The analysis
technique uses multiple regression analysis using SPSS. The results of hypothesis testing
indicate that workload has a positive and significant impact on employee performance.

11. Work of Paramita and Suwandana (2022)

Paramita and Suwandana (2022) investigated the effect of workload on employee
performance at PT. Family Circus in Badung (Indonesia). Data collection technique is
questionnaire. The number of participants was 50 employees. The analysis technique uses
multiple regression analysis using SPSS. The results of hypothesis testing indicate that
workload has a positive and significant impact on employee performance.

12. Work of Riwukore, Yustini, and Likur (2022)

Riwukore (2022) investigated the effect of workload on employee performance at the
Dinas Sosial Kota Kupang (Indonesia). Data collection technique is questionnaire. The
number of participants was 93 employees. The analysis technique uses multiple regression
analysis using SPSS. The results of hypothesis testing indicate that workload has a positive
and significant impact on employee performance.

13. Work of Setyanti, Fagastia, and Sudarsih (2022)

Setyanti et al (2022) investigated the of workload on employee performance at Bank
Jatim (Indonesia). Data collection technique is questionnaire. The number of participants
was 58 employees. The analysis technique uses multiple regression analysis using SPSS. The
results of hypothesis testing indicate that workload has a negative and significant impact on
employee performance.

14. Work of Ramli (2018)

Ramli (2018) investigated the effect of work stress on employee performance at Private
Hospital in Jakarta (Indonesia). Data collection technique is questionnaire. The number of
participants was 82 employees. The analysis technique uses structural equation modeling

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using Partial Least Square. The results of hypothesis testing indicate that work stress has a
negative and significant impact on employee performance.

15. Work of Erawati, Sitiari, and Indiani (2019)

Erawati et al (2019) investigated the effect of workload on employee performance at
International Restaurant in Badung Bali (Indonesia). Data collection technique is
questionnaire. The number of participants was 80 employees. The analysis technique uses
structural equation modeling using Partial Least Square. The results of hypothesis testing
indicate that work stress has a negative and significant impact on employee performance.

16. Work of Tsalasah, Noermijati, and Ratnawati (2019)

Tsalasah et al (2019) investigated the effect of work stress on employee performance in
at PT. Global Insight Utama Bali Area (Indonesia). Data collection technique is
questionnaire. The number of participants was 78 employee. The analysis technique uses
structural equation modeling using Partial Least Square. The results of hypothesis testing
indicate that work stress has a negative and significant impact on employee performance.

17. Work of Prasetyo and Rofiah (2020)

Prasetyo and Rofiah (2020) investigated the effect of work stress on employee
performance at the Jombang City Education Office (Indonesia). Data collection technique is
questionnaire. The number of participants was 62 employee. The analysis technique uses
multiple regression analysis using SPSS. The results of hypothesis testing indicate that work
stress has a positive and significant impact on employee performance.

18. Work of Sari, Storyna, Sinaga, Gunawan, Asrol, and Redi (2020)
Sari et al (2021) investigated the effect of work stress on employee performance at
manufacturing industry in Indonesia. Data collection technique is questionnaire. The number
of participants was 93 employees. The analysis technique uses partial structural data analysis
using SPSS. The results of hypothesis testing indicate that work stress has a positive and
significant impact on employee performance.

19. Work of Wahyuni, Musnadi, and Faisal (2020)

Wahyuni et al (2020) investigated the effect of work stress on employee performance at
Aceh Financial Management Board (Indonesia). Data collection technique is questionnaire.
The number of participants was 130 employees. The analysis technique uses structural
equation modeling using Partial Least Square. The results of hypothesis testing indicate that
work stress has a negative and significant impact on employee performance.

20. Work of Sutanto, Titisari, and Pawenang (2021)

Sutanto et al (2021) investigated the effect of work stress on employee performance at
Karanganyar Primary tax Office (Indonesia). Data collection technique is questionnaire. The
number of participants was 122 employees. The analysis technique uses multiple regression
analysis using SPSS. The results of hypothesis testing indicate that work stress has a positive
and significant impact on employee performance.

21. Work of Amin, Fauziah, Ansari, and Sabtohadi (2022)

Amin et al (2022) investigated the effect of work stress on employee performance at
CV. Berta lestari Anggana (Indonesia). Data collection technique is questionnaire. The
number of participants was 40 employees. The analysis technique uses simple regression

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analysis using SPSS. The results of hypothesis testing indicate that work stress has a positive
and significant impact on employee performance.

22. Work of Karim (2022)

Karim (2022) investigated the effect of work stress on employee performance at PT Pan
Baruna Pekanbaru (Indonesia). Data collection technique is questionnaire. The number of
participants was 87 employees. The analysis technique simple regression analysis using
SPSS. The results of hypothesis testing indicate that work stress has a negative and
significant impact on employee performance.

23. Work of Marpaung, Manalu, Robin, Gurusinga, and Halim (2022)

Marpaung et al (2022) investigated the effect of work stress on employee performance
at CV. Mitra Karya Abadi (Indonesia). Data collection technique is questionnaire. The
number of participants was 76 employees. The analysis technique uses multiple regression
analysis using SPSS. The results of hypothesis testing indicate that work stress has a positive
and significant impact on employee performance.

Based on a literature review of empirical evidence regarding the relationship between
workload and employee performance (both in the public and private sectors) in Indonesia
context it was found that workload has a significant effect on employee performance, but the
direction of the effect varies (84.61% has a positive; 15.29% has a negative). Likewise with
empirical evidence about the effect of work stress on employee performance (both in the
public sector and the private sector) in Indonesia context. Basically, work stress has a
significant effect on employee performance, but the direction of the effect also varies
(50.00% has a positive; 50% has a negative). Based on this empirical evidence, organizations
must pay serious attention on employee workload and employee work stress in its human
resource management program, which is ultimately expected to improve employee
performance and overall organizational performance.

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