Teknisk-Katalog Stubends

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LAP-JOINT STUB ENDS ( dimension in mm)
ASME B16.9 - LONG TYPE ASME B16.9 - Short type / MSS SP-43 Type A
O.D. AT RAD of Dia of OD of Barrel O.D. AT RAD of Dia of OD of Barrel
NB BEVEL F Fillet R Lap G Max Min NB BEVEL F Fillet R Lap G Max Min
1/2" 21,3 76 3 35 22,8 20,5 1/2" 21,3 51 3 35 22,8 20,5
3/4" 26,7 76 3 43 28,1 25,9 3/4" 26,7 51 3 43 28,1 25,9
1" 33,4 102 3 51 35,0 32,6 1" 33,4 51 3 51 35,0 32,6
1 1/4" 42,2 102 5 64 43,6 41,4 1 1/4" 42,2 51 5 64 43,6 41,4
1 1/2" 48,3 102 6 73 49,9 47,5 1 1/2" 48,3 51 6 73 49,9 47,5
2" 60,3 152 8 92 62,4 59,5 2" 60,3 64 8 92 62,4 59,5
2 1/2" 73,0 152 8 105 75,3 72,2 2 1/2" 73,0 64 8 105 75,3 72,2
3" 88,9 152 10 127 91,3 88,1 3" 88,9 64 10 127 91,3 88,1
3 1/2" 101,6 152 10 140 104,0 100,8 3 1/2" 101,6 76 10 140 104,0 100,8
4" 114,3 152 11 157 116,7 113,5 4" 114,3 76 11 157 116,7 113,5
5" 141,3 203 11 186 144,3 140,5 5" 141,3 76 11 186 144,3 140,5
6" 168,3 203 13 216 171,3 167,5 6" 168,3 89 13 216 171,3 167,5
8" 219,1 203 13 270 222,1 218,3 8" 219,1 102 13 270 222,1 218,3
10" 273,0 254 13 324 277,2 272,3 10" 273,0 127 13 324 277,2 272,3
12" 323,8 254 13 381 328,0 323,1 12" 323,8 152 13 381 328,0 323,1
14" 355,6 305 13 413 359,9 354,8 14" 355,6 152 13 413 359,9 354,8
16" 406,4 305 13 470 411,0 405,6 16" 406,4 152 13 470 411,0 405,6
18" 507,0 305 13 533 462,0 456,0 18" 507,0 152 13 533 462,0 456,0
20" 508,0 305 13 584 514,0 507,0 20" 508,0 152 13 584 514,0 507,0
22" 559,0 305 13 641 565,0 558,0 22" 559,0 152 13 641 565,0 558,0
24" 610,0 305 13 692 616,0 609,0 24" 610,0 152 13 692 616,0 609,0

When used with the higher pressure flanges, it may be necessary to increase the length of stub ends in sizes 12in and larger. Such
increase in length shall be a matter of agreement between the manufacturer and purchaser.

R – These dimensions conform to the radius established for lap-joint flanges in American National Standard Steel Pipe Flanges and
Flanged Fittings ANSI B16.5.

G – The dimension conform to standard machined facings shown in the American National Standard Steel Pipe Flanges and Flanged
Fittings ANSI B16.5. The back face of the lap shall be machined to conform to the surface on which it seats. Where ring joint facings are to
be applied use dimension ´K´ as given in ANSI B16.5.

F – When special facings such as tongoue-groove, male-female, etc. are employed, additional lap thickness must be provided and such
additional thickness shall be in addition to (not included in) the basic length ´F´´.

W W W . S F F G R O U P. C O M 55

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