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Review of Solar Photovoltaic and Wind Hy

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Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 92 (2018) 937–947

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Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews

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Review of solar photovoltaic and wind hybrid energy systems for sizing
strategies optimization techniques and cost analysis methodologies
Faizan A. Khana, Nitai Palb, Syed.H. Saeedc
Department of Electrical Engineering, Integral University, Lucknow, India
Department of Electrical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology (Indian School of Mines), Dhanbad, India
Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering, Integral University, Lucknow, India


Keywords: Electrical energy becomes necessary for human being. Generation of electrical energy mostly depends on fossils
Renewable energy fuel, they are limited in nature and also responsible for environmental pollution. Renewable energy resources
Sizing schemes provides a better alternative for future,In comparison to conventional energy resources economical aspect is a
Optimization Techniques and cost analysis major issue of renewable energy sources with the feasibility and efficiency. These limitations are tried to
overcome by deployment hybrid renewable energy resources. There are certain criteria to analyze and imple-
ment the sized, optimized and cost efficient system. This paper focus on hybrid energy systems based on solar
photovoltaic (PV) and wind resources. This paper shed lights on various parameters of economic feasibility,
sizing strategies with logical advancements to enhance their utilization, future prospects, and their arrangement.
Strategies to develop an effective storage system is also presented here.A brief review on developments in op-
timization techniques, reliability index and cost analyzing techniques for hybrid renewable energy systems are
also presented.

1. Introduction alone or grid connected with low efficiency while cumulative ar-
rangement of solar PV and wind energy resources are considered as
Growing consumption of fossil based energy resources necessitated hybrid energy system [9]. Most significant feature of a hybrid renew-
an insistent seek out for substitute resources. Due to ecological reasons able energy resource is utilization of many nonconventional energy
renewable energy resources have considered as better choices. Solar sources to enhance the effectiveness of system and economic restric-
Photovoltaic and wind energy are recognized as most encouraging and tions [6]. The solar Photovoltaic and wind energy resources operates in
feasible sources, it is widely known that solar and wind energy re- simultaneous and sequential manner, in first case, both generate energy
sources are never ending and their transformation into power are at the same time while in second one electricity is generated alter-
without contamination, and their accessibility is additionally at no cost natively [10]. Solar Photovoltaic and wind energy resources attracts
[1]. One of major issue for humanity is increase in environmental various researchers to pursue several methodologies for unit sizing and
pollution. [2] After the discoveries of alternative resources of electricity optimization of hybrid energy system based on Photovoltaic and wind
generation sources the deployment of solar photovoltaic and wind en- resources [11,128–130]. The variation in output of solar PV and wind
ergy system has become increasingly more popular [3]. There are little energies in general not similar as load demand therefore reliability
symptoms that immediately required to change for global energy sce- analysis is required for designing and function of hybrid energy systems
nario,the era of fossil fuels is a long way to over, however their dom- for standalone application. [12]. In past few decades study of hybrid
inance still reduced but it is not affordable to wait for taking action arrangement of energy resources renewable in nature have attracted
againsts the movement volved in weather alternation [101]. Worldwide noteworthy attention, Borowy et al. [12] have introduces loss of load
Governments have started to shift their regulations and policies to en- probability (LLP) theory for determining Optimum level of sizing for
courage the utilization of renewable energy resources by including the solar photovoltaic and wind based hybrid system of energy generation.
provision of improving the capability of renewable energy resources Shrestha et al. [13] discussed a technique based on energy generation
and energy preservation strategy [4,101]. It becomes difficult to pro- simulated for optimum sizing and designing of hybrid system of energy
viding reliable and persistent supply of energy as solar photovoltaic and based on solar photovoltaic and wind energy resources. An analysis for
wind energy resources are dependent on whether conditions. This issue sizing and optimization of hybrid system of renewable energy had been
can be fathomed by a reasonable arrangement of energy storage in performed by Kellogg et al. [14] determining probability of loss in
addition to solar photovoltaic and wind energy resources [5]. Solar power supply which is designated as LPSP (Loss of Power Supply Pos-
Photovoltaic and wind energy system individually utilized as stand sibility) technique and levelised cost of energy (LCE) methodology.


1364-0321/ © 2018 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Received 20 December 2017; Received in revised form 2 March 2018; Accepted 21 April 2018
F.A. Khan et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 92 (2018) 937–947

is considered as amalgamation of solar PV panel, Wind mills, charge

controller, storage system, power conditioning units, diesel based
generator set and load [19]. The assessment of performance of Hybrid
system can be done by recreating their models at Simulink platform for
the accessible insulation, speed of wind, electrical load and various
components [20].
The essential objective for evaluation of Hybrid System are building
up the suitable models for various components and their simulation in a
sequential manner as firstly availability of speed wind, accessibility of
sunlight and the demand of load models are simulated after that model
of battery storage and diesel generator can be Simulated. Last strides in
Fig. 1. Solar Photovoltaic and Wind based Hybrid Energy System.
the entire procedure of assessment is deciding the coveted criteria and
exploring the optimum structure of system. [21]. The optimal hybrid
system arrangement should satisfy and compromise the objectives of
Maleki A [16] gives an enlightening mathematical model for every power reliability and cost of system. The load demand frequently
framework segment and their performances are compared by different considered as limitation of the optimization issue and ought to be to-
heuristic algorithms. This paper displays a broad review on different tally satisfied [22]. The solar PV/wind hybrid system is mostly reliant
issues identified with solar PV/Wind hybrid system of energy at present on execution of individual segments. To estimate the performance of
time.(Fig. 1) solar PV/wind hybrid system, individual components are modeled in-
itially after that entire system evaluated to meet the demand [23]. In
2. Renewable hybrid system of energy generation general key aspects to analyze a hybrid system are hybrid system
configuration with respect to the available resources, the optimization
The renewable power sources are being explored due to possibility of the available renewable resources exploitation and the optimization
of lack in availability of conventional resources in future. The major of the output power quality [24].
drawback of Renewable energy resources are dependency on geo- Solar energy and wind energy are analogous to each other in nature
graphical locations and environmental conditions however, the high and both are well appropriate to develop a hybrid system [26]. Avail-
initial cost, increased maintenance cost, and different rates of depre- ability of solar radiations are relatively greater in summer, winds are
ciation are the main challenges associated with these hybrid sys- more accessible in the evening times of winters. This hybrid renewable
tems [18]. The irregular pattern of natural resources necessitates de- energy systems give a more reliable output throughout the year can be
veloping a hybrid system which can generate maximum conceivable planned to fulfill craved qualities on more decreased possible cost [27].
energy for continuous and reliable operations [17]. The design of hy- The constraints of Photo voltaic system, the assessed energy of wind
brid system is influenced by various factors such as condition of sites, energy system and the battery storage are the majorly considered
energy availability, efficiency of energy sources as well as technical and parameters for evaluation of solar and wind based hybrid energy
social limitation In this specific situation, a combination of optimal system. In addition, the precise angular attitude of Photo voltaic panels
sizing method is an indispensable factor to accomplish higher reliability and the tower height of wind turbines are considered for achieving the
quality with least expense [21,79,87,149]. The fundamental parts of the minimum levelised cost of energy. Ribeiro [31] proposed multi-criteria
hybrid energy systems are renewable power source, nonrenewable based analytical decision scheme abbreviated as MCDA which consider
generators, control unit, storage system, load or grid some times, several issues like economic, quality of life, technical and environ-
sources and load may be AC/DC [102]. mental issues of local populations.
Metrological data based on technological, economical, socio-poli-
2.1. Solar photovoltaic /wind based hybrid energy system tical and environmental factors having major impact for estimation and
selection of various components of Solar Photovoltaic and Wind based
An arrangement of the renewable power generation with appro- Hybrid Energy System [32]. Hourly climate information as sun oriented
priate storage and feasible amalgamation with conventional generation radiation, wind speed and temperature are raw information illustrates
system is considered as hybrid energy system or some time referred as a the inconstancy of the parameter input. Place to place data is hard to
micro grid [155]. This system may be any probable combination of obtain for designing purpose at remote location [3,73]. Statistical me-
Photovoltaic, wind, micro turbines, micro hydro, conventional diesel trological climatic information can be delivered by the average of
generation, battery storage, hydrogen storage and Fuel Cell in grid- month to month meteorological information. The information of cli-
connected or off grid arrangement, mate can be anticipated from an adjacent site or synthetically can be
An assembly of interconnected loads, conventional distributed en- produced [32]. Simulation for performance of Solar PV/Wind Hybrid
ergy resources like distributed generators (DG), renewable resources Energy System required climate data including solar radiation, speed of
and energy storage systems in a specified boundary as a controllable wind and temperature which can be find from web sources and also
single entity referred as micro grid. It may be eternally connected to from local meteorological station, it is best to find realistic solution
grid, or isolated by grid. There are worldwide numerous remote com- preference should be given to the specified location based weather data
munities those are not directly connected to grid, and fulfill electricity [28]. To optimize solar photovoltaic and wind based hybrid energy
demand from distributed generators based on fossil fuel in isolated system are hourly or day by day climate information of solar and wind
Microgrids [97,165]. In this paper a assimilated arrangement of solar energy are considered as required significant inputs [29]. Meteor-
PV and wind renewable energy resources is discussed which is slightly ological data determined the receptiveness and amount of sunlight
different from the concept of microgrid. based radiation and wind energy sources at a particular region. An
Solar Photovoltaic /Wind based Hybrid Energy System shows its investigation of characteristics of sun based emission and availability of
adequacy to provide the essential electrical demand for off grid utili- wind at a specific location ought to be concluded before starting [28].
zation. The at most imperative feature of a Solar Photovoltaic (PV) and Bianchini A et al. gives stress on the metrological data in the form of
Wind based Hybrid Energy System is that it uses at least two sustainable solar irradiance and wind distribution and considered hybrid renewable
power sources which enhances reliability, efficiency and financial re- energy system as a amalgamation of PV panel of rated power, hor-
strictions emerges from single energy resources of renewable nature izontal axis wind turbine of rated power, a diesel generator of precise
[18,89,133]. Solar Photovoltaic and Wind based Hybrid Energy System nominal power able to manage peak load and a battery bank of specific

F.A. Khan et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 92 (2018) 937–947

storage capacity [33]. Hall et al. [34] proposed the well-known en- and surrounding temperature is known. Zhou et al. [60] exhibited an-
gineered climate information term Typical meteorological year’ (TMY) other simulation model to forecasts performance and VI characteristics
utilized in simulation of solar energy model is first time. It is observa- of a photovoltaic module by considering five different factors for the
tional technique picking particular months from different years using unpredictable reliance upon solar radiation and temperature. Yang
the Fleckenstein– Schafer accurate system [35]. et al. [61] built up a model to extract the maximized output from
load demand play a very important role in establishment of solar photovoltaic modules expecting that it is associated with a MPPT
PV/wind hybrid renewable energy system provides more reliable power controller, shading snow cover and wiring losses considered as derating
for off-grid and standalone applications compared to individual systems factor.
[21] The most of the reviewed studies are about the alone Solar Pho-
tovoltaic /Wind based Hybrid Energy System and few studies are 3.2. Modeling of wind energy system
available for grid connected system. The unsatisfied load request is
procured from the grid. Along this way the hybrid system became no- In case of wind Energy generation characteristics, site character-
ticeably trustworthy. The stand-alone systems with storage infused istics, load demand, meteorological data and economical data are uti-
surplus energy to the grid at a prime cost. Along these lines, the grid lized as contribution for the improvement of wind energy framework. It
connected system becomes more financially acceptable. is recognized that simulation model require hour-by-hour information
of wind speed, due to inaccessibility of such types of data for every
3. Modeling of solar photovoltaic and wind based hybrid energy location and time. Some alternative simulation programs have been
system created for long-term performance. Carpentiero et al. [62] describe the
utilized input data and their statistical treatment for wind turbines, load
Environmental conditions decide availability and measure of sun demand, diesel generators units and energy storage and presented the
based power and wind vitality at a particular site. Environmental developed models and applied to evaluate the energies produced by the
conditions as well as solar radiation speed of wind and temperature wind turbines and diesel generators for diverse wind data. Elbaset [48]
varies for different places. Expected variability in power generation by developed a simple probabilistic model to characterize the load of a
solar Photo voltaic and Wind based system is considered for optimum large farm to be supplied. The existence of an energy reserve taken into
sizing strategy proposed by Markvart [50]. A specific method for the account constituted by lead batteries for odd conditions power gen-
optimum arrangement of solar Photo voltaic array, wind power gen- eration by wind turbine. It is very important to select a suitable model
eration system and battery bank in a solar photovoltaic and wind based for power output simulations of wind generation system. A simplified
hybrid energy system is presented by Borowy et al. [51]. Jing Li et al. simulation model of wind generation system can be developed by
[52] proposed a fundamental algorithm to choose the required number considering speed of wind,hub height and law component of power as
of units of wind generator and photovoltaic modules with standing constrain parameters [47]. The varying nature of wind generated
capacity of storage component for single application or small scale electrical power shows in behavior which leads to explore new methods
network. Cano et al. [49] present a scheme to figure out the quantity of like quadratic model or Weibull distribution for determining wind
wind generation units, solar PV modules and storage unit. Solar ra- power output [7]. some of recent work wind power output is given by
diation data and average of wind speed forecasted by using web cal- the hour based quadratic representation using power rated, speed
culators named as ‘PVGIS’ and ‘Wind finder’. In modeling of solar characteristics based on cut-in, rated and cutoff speed [8].
photovoltaic and wind based hybrid energy System firstly it is required
to create the mathematical models of each component [53]. These 3.3. Modeling of battery storage system
mathematical models are optimized by different optimization methods
to minimize whole cost of system [54]. Reliability and economy are the In general the output of renewable energy resources have slow re-
basic selection criteria for optimum arrangement of hybrid system, the sponse,which can be improved by the addition of storage device with
hybrid system model which serves constant and enough power at faster response like flywheel battery bank, or super capacitor to as-
minimum cost is preferable [55,98]. Zhang et al.[56] obtained the es- semble diverse load requirements [153,154]. The ideal constraint for
timations of the hybrid system for a duration of 20-year by considering storage is high energy capacity with fast access and extended life at
the amount of photovoltaic modules and its surface region, the quantity optimized cost. At present no energy storage appliance is available that
of wind turbines and its establishment tallness, the battery storage and can fulfill these requisite characteristics at same time. Battery storage,
diesel generator working hours [56]. Pumped hydro, hydrogen storage, compressed air, flywheel, super-
conducting magnetic energy storage, super capacitor and Thermal are
3.1. Modeling of solar Photovoltaic system diverse form of storage where some of these are fast access with long
life cycle of charge and discharge process, at high efficiency give a hope
Maghraby et al. [57] proposed the quantity of PVs and batteries are to enhance the storage system [155]. If there should arise an occurrence
picked as per the system necessity on the basis of probability of the of deficient power generation happens from hybrid system then battery
load. Terra et al. [58] extricated the optimum power yield from solar is utilized to store and provide the energy. Bernardi et al. [55] proposed
PV/Wind hybrid system by using Fuzzy based optimization techniques. an arithmetical representation of batteries introducing the recombina-
The control factors are general PV module cost and surface area, the tilt tion reaction of oxygen. Yang et al. [61] suggested that a lead based
angle and the measure of yearly uniform supply of energy. Habib et al. battery can be represented by two parameters as voltage of floating
[37] assumed the parameters for PV module as tilt angle and its latitude charge and state of charge. They concluded that ampere-hour counting
angle, MPPT efficiency, productivity of Battery and capacity of inverter. is the most preferred procedure because of its transparent features and
Koutroulis et al. [39] considered the number, quality and tilt angle of frequent implementation. Morgan et al. [60] replaces state of charge
PV modules, installation height of Wind Generation system, battery with state of voltage for performance evaluation of battery storage in
chargers and its nominal capacity as decision variables in the optimi- hybrid system on various temperatures. The sizing of battery storage for
zation process, used the information on based hourly data for duration standalone photovoltaic system depends on factors like cumulative
of one year. Kerr and Cuevas [59] introduced another strategy, to de- costs of Battery Bank and Solar module and depth of discharge (DOD)
cide the VI characteristics and open-circuit voltage of photovoltaic [11]. Various evolutionary algorithm based annealing simulation are
modules at same instant with respect to variation in intensity of light. used to discover optimal size of battery storage solar photovoltaic and
Salameh [51] gave a streamlined model for calculation of maximum wind based hybrid energy system [52] A specified term ‘days of au-
output of power from solar photovoltaic module while solar radiation tonomy’ is introduced for sizing of Battery bank storage which

F.A. Khan et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 92 (2018) 937–947

represents load demand during odd conditions and it is taken to be two individual systems to achieve the yearly load demand with decreased
or three in general. Parameters like discharge depth, temperature cumulative annual cost. Profile of electric load demand, designing,
modification, battery rated capacity and its span of life considered for planning and optimization of hybrid system are the necessary steps for
battery storage sizing [57]. A capable capacity-oriented storage tech- unit sizing of Solar Photovoltaic and wind based Hybrid Energy System.
nology is the flow battery of electrolyte solution, providing the possi- Kahraman et al. [32] stated that aggregate cost, reliability and emis-
bility of designing their power and energy ability separately. Instead of sions are different factors considered for planning of Solar Photovoltaic
low life cycle lead acid batteries are more suitable for renewable hybrid and wind based Hybrid Energy System. A Zahedi [36] through lights on
system due to its least costly. Nickel metal hydride battery storage sizing of the components as a crucial factor of designing of Hybrid
shows notable development more than conventional lead-acid batteries generation systems. Habib et al. [37] said that sizing of the every
[156]. Sodium sulfur (NaS) and Li–ion batteries are very popular for components in correct manner is essential for a solar PV-hybrid system,
commercial applications. Specifically for electric vehicle that may be under-sizing resulted out in an unreliable system and over-sizing make
further enhanced to high-power and high-energy batteries [157]. an expensive system. Eftichios et al. [39] considered the broad variety
Bayram IS et al. proposes a stochastic sizing method for sharing-based of commercially available device and make it essential to choose the
storage design to satisfy the load demand for grid connected system and quantity and type of Photovoltaic modules, Wind Generators, battery
also used analytical method to obtain a tractable result to the energy bank and their details of installation to achieve reliable and minimum
storage sizing problem. [158] Ghiassi et al. [159] discussed on sto- system cost. Bagul et al. [41] presented a sizing method by plotting the
chastic calculus network based a sizing approach for storage element curve using a probabilistic investigation based on daily energy excess.
attached with solar generation by using loss of load probability. Hakimi et al. [42] reviewed the simulation results and presented the
Chen et al. [161] offered a co-optimization method for distributed en- mechanism of optimum sizing by considering three conditions Gen-
ergy resource by scheduling the resources in steps. In first step, the eration meet up demand, Over-generation and Over-demand. Gupta
maximization of fuel savings is targeted in addition to this deployment [43] presents an algorithmic scheme for sizing and optimization of
of renewable energy is observed in next step, after that projected Solar Photovoltaic and wind based Hybrid Energy System. The reali-
scheme was evaluated with HOMER software to validate the results zation of arrangement is also evaluated through practical mathematical
[161]. Nagarajan et al. [162] discussed a scheme named as convex models where input data and load data are based on hourly measured
optimization to schedule the discharging and charging of lithium-ion- meteorological values. Yazdanpanah [45] did the sizing on the basis of
based energy storage battery system. The objective also included re- renewable energy supply/demand match evaluation method (MEM) in
duction of the impact on the life cycle cost of storage system [162]. Li lowest cost. Negi et al. [65] portrayed unit sizing as a technique to
et al. [163] proposed a control strategy for smoothing the output var- decide the extent of hybrid system by limiting the cost and retaining
iation of a Wind and PV hybrid system based on state of charge feed- reliability which should be possible by using HOMER software working
back control approach and real-time power distribution technique for on three tasks such as sensitivity study, simulation and optimization.
timely regulation of battery power is presented. Pang et al. [164] pre- Notton et al. [82] shows the result of input and output power profile of
sented a scheduling scheme of energy and smoothing the output of solar PV/Wind hybrid energy system sizing simulation procedure and
storage aided to photovoltaic arrangement. They also give focus on also explain the sorts and sizes of wind generators, sizes of Photovoltaic
problem of peak load storage dispatch, by adopting a new subjective modules, tilt angles, and batteries capacity which having a considerable
algorithm to develop an effective energy scheduling scheme during influence upon the reliability and capital cost. Upadhyay et al. [102]
peak load periods. considered number of variables for designing of solar photovoltaic and
wind based Hybrid Energy System such as whole cost, reliability,
4. Sizing of solar photovoltaic and wind based hybrid energy emissions reduction. Dufo-López et al. [111] presents a new strategy for
system control and optimization of hydrogen storage associated renewable
hybrid system by genetic algorithms. Indragandhi et al. [46] discussed
Sizing of various arrangement of hybrid generation system of energy various common strategies for Solar Photovoltaic and wind based Hy-
are critical requires deep study of the investment, maintenance and brid Energy System sizing such as Probabilistic process, Graphical
functioning costs. The sizing of renewable sources is complicated in construction technique, Analytic techniques, Iteration based techni-
comparison to conventional system because of arbitrary nature of the ques, Artificially Intelligent schemes and crossbreed techniques. Zeng
renewable resources, high costs of photovoltaic modules and wind et al. [100] proposed an improved genetiv algorithm to validated the
generators [44]. The sizing and optimization technique comprises the results by simulation and shows that it is better than standard genetic
optimum system which can produce a sensible amount of energy by algorithm in terms of speed and accuracy. Kaabeche et al. [47] sug-
renewable source for achieving the required load demand at minimal gested a model for sizing and optimization of various components of
cost. Size optimization techniques can be classified into classical tech- solar photovoltaic and wind based hybrid energy system including
niques, modern techniques and software tools. Classical techniques use battery bank. Elbaset [48] gives an idea of the optimal sizing of hybrid
iterative, numerical, analytical, probabilistic, and graphical construc- micro grid by minimizing the life cycle cost satisfying required load
tion methods [19]. These methods utilize differential calculus in de- demand without load rejection. Cano et al. [49] relatively studied four
riving the optimum solution [54]. Modern techniques use artificial and sizing methods for solar photovoltaic and wind based hybrid energy
hybrid methods [6,19]. These methods can determine the global op- system integrating battery storage. First two execute a scientific sizing
timum system and has better convergence and accuracy in finding a set In first method sizing and estimation depends on basic equations and
of optimal solutions [19,32]. The third size optimization approach for achieved by utilizing Simulink techniques. The two techniques are
Hybrid Energy System sizing includes computer software tools. The performed by utilizing the software programming HOMER and HOGA
most widely used software tool for sizing and optimization of standa- separately. Optimization and Sizing of hybrid framework should be
lone solar photovoltaic and wind based hybrid energy system is Hybrid possible by various Software tools and methodologies like graphically
Optimization Model for Electric Renewable (HOMER) [6]. Software constructional technique, Probabilistic approach, Artificially Intelligent
named Improved Hybrid Optimization by Genetic Algorithm (iHOGA) schemes and Iteration based techniques.
has been used in sizing optimization for standalone solar PV/Wind
hybrid energy system [6]. Shrestha et al. [13] proposed a sizing scheme 5. Reliability analysis for hybrid solar–wind system
based on simulation to estimate the quantity of PV modules and battery
bank required in solar PV system. Kellogg et al. [14] described the Kaabeche [11] recommended an iteration based approach of
constrain for sizing of generation and storage capacity units for streamlining to diminish the Levelised Cost of Energy (LCE) by utilizing

F.A. Khan et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 92 (2018) 937–947

Table 1
Reliability Indices.
S No Reliability indices Description Refrences

1. Loss of Power Supply Probability This technique is widely utilized where probability of inadequate energy supply to load [15,16,55,86,93,112,113,116,120–123]
Reliability indices demand is considered for planning and designing of hybrid system. Loss of energy supply
probability (LPSP) is the proportion of energy supply shortages with specified duration load
2. Unmet Load (UL) This is the proportion of the load which is not met and total load time (In general one year). [29,117,151]
3. Loss of Load It is the ratio of power failure time period and total working time of the hybrid system. It is [57,117]
Probability also defined as the fraction of number of hours of load insufficiency probability to the
(LOLP/LLP) number of hours of load satisfaction.
4. Deficiency of Power Supply DPSP is the probable condition of lack in supply of energy in comparison to the load [107,120]
Probability demand. It is also a specialized criterion for evaluation and sizing of a solar Photovoltaic and
(DPSP) wind hybrid system for energy generation. Mathematically it is represented as ratio of power
supply deficiency and cumulative load demand on annual basis.
5. Loss of Load Hours (LOLH) It is summation of hourly expected loss in load for a specified duration of one year, which [13]
can't able to meet load demand because of lacking in power generation at the time of
6. System Performance The Probable expectation of unsatisfied load demand in general considered as System [57]
Level (SPL) Performance Level. It is characterized as the quantity of days which can't be fulfilled the
expected load.
7. Loss of Load Risk (LOLR) Probability of failure to satisfy the daily demand of electrical energy due to deficiency in [95]
generation of energy by renewable sources.
8. Loss of Energy Expected (LOEE) LOEE means predicted value of energy that hasn't been supplied. It occurs when the [103,120]
available electric generation capacity cannot meet the hourly load demand.
9. Loss of Load Expected It is expectation of energy which is not supplied to the load considering that load demand is [32,103]
greater than generation.

the technique of Deficiency of Power Supply Probability (DPSP). Bel- based on LPSP technique is used by Yang et al. [70] to observe power
mili et al. [12] preferred LPSP (Loss of Power Supply Possibility) reliability.
technique. Authors of references [14–16] used LPSP technique for
calculating the quantity of photovoltaic panels and wind turbines. 6. Cost analysis
(Table 1)
Bajpai et al. [20] simulated the system to obtain the many ar- The sizing and optimization of hybrid renewable energy system
rangements of photovoltaic array and battery bank by incorporating the obtained by decreasing the entire system cost using various meth-
LPSP techniques. Deshmukh et al. [54] worked out on fraction of un- odologies. The total cost function consists of installation cost, operation
satisfied load for a individual system for long-term by using LPSP [54]. and maintenance costs annually. Kellogg et al. [14] describe the ap-
Eftichios et al. [39] depicts the procedure to acquire the quantities of proach to reduce the entire annual system cost as a combination of
photovoltaic modules and battery storage units by Loss of Load Hours annual generation cost and maintenance cost of system. Koutroulis
(LOLH) reliability indices. Ellabban et al. [19] measures the reliability et al. [39] suggested a scheme to achieve the number of units of hybrid
by LPSP procedure for appraisal of assessment of diverse arrangements renewable energy system as per load requirements and also minimized
and fulfilling the desired reliability level. Researchers of references entire system cost for twenty years. Zhang et al. [56] optimized the
[9–12] computed the quantity of photovoltaic modules associated with investment cost of hybrid system to its optimum commercial values.
individual wind generator in a hybrid system by utilizing the LPSP Arabi et al. [67] proposed a constrain function consisting investments
method. Nelson et al. [91] adapted the LPSP technique to maintain costs, maintenance and operation costs of solar PV, Fuel Cell and wind
coordination between energy generation and load demand they also based hybrid system. Giuseppe [58] worked out for minimization of
consider sizing of battery storage. Gupta et al. [43] analyzes the lim- cost function using Life Cycle Costing Method that is the summation of
itation of wind generation by utilizing the LPSP method for duration of costs of all parts of system for its lifetime. S.M. Hakimi [70]presented a
one year. Kaabeche et al. [47] recommended a subordinate model constrain function for the cost of the system based on numerous eco-
based on DPSP techniques for hybrid system. Sánchez et al. [44] de- nomic norms exists like Levelised Cost of Energy (LCE), Net Present
tailed a thought for optimal measuring of a renewable hybrid system Cost(NPC), and Life Cycle Cost(LCC). Kellogg et al. [14] proposes an
using LPSP methodology. B. Tudu et al. [64] observed optimal sizing algorithm for cost optimization under the umbrella of unit sizing this
and reliability for renewable energy hybrid system based on LPSP algorithm uses for minimizing the objective function consisting of the
technique. Diaf et al. [92] uses LPSP concept for Photovoltaic and wind total annual cost for customer (Fc) which is the summation of the an-
hybrid energy system. Lim [23] presented RLP model a method de- nual capital cost (Cc) for life time of hybrid system and its annual
veloped by modifying the LPSP to sizing and optimizing renewable maintenance cost (Cm).
hybrid system. Belmilia et al. [24] proposed a sizing algorithm ap-
Fc = Cc + Cm
proach solar photovoltaic and wind hybrid energy system by utilizing
LPSP techniques. There are different scheme of reliability to analyze the These costs are summation of annual wind generation system costs,
hybrid energy system such as Loss of power supply probability (LPSP) Photovoltaic array, battery bank, and backup system.
[93,94], System Performance Level (SPL) [96]., Loss of Load Hours Cc = Ccpv + Cc wind + Ccstore + Ccbackup
(LOLH).and Loss of Load Probability (LOLP) [95]. Al-Ashwal et al. [95]
decided a proportion based on LOLR technique for checking the relia- Cm = Cmpv + Cm wind , +Cmstore + Cmbackup
bility of hybrid energy system. Negi et al. [65] stated that LPSP tech-
Kellogg [14] framed an objective function Fc to reduce disparity
nique is most admired technique to estimate the reliability of hybrid
among power in demand (Pdem) and energy generated (Pgen) for a
energy system. Markvart, [50] uses DPSP technique to articulate the
specified time duration.
reliability of a hybrid energy system which is unable to assure the load
demand. Hybrid Solar/wind System Optimization (HSWSO) method DP = Pgen − Pdem

F.A. Khan et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 92 (2018) 937–947

Belmilia et al. [12] chosen Life-Cycle Costing (LCC) method for cost- minimum cost arrangement to represent the optimum combination.
effective assessment for lifetime and introduces a new term annualized (Table 2)
LCC which is yearly cost of system and called as Annualized Life-Cycle
Cost (ALCC).
7. Optimization techniques for solar photovoltaic and wind based
Io + Epn. Pa
ALCC = [€/year] hybrid energy system
Kaabeche et al. [47] developed a computer code for cost-effective Optimization techniques are utilized for modeling and sizing of such
presentation in terms of life cycle cost (LCC) which permit fast identi- types of hybrid energy system to give power to different applications.
fication of optimal design S.C.Gupta et al. [43] break the system cost These strategies depend on graphical construction, iterative meth-
into the initial capital cost (ICcap), life cycle cost (LCC), maintenance odologies and direct programming. The ideal estimation of reliability
cost (Cmain) and replacement cost (Crep). Initial capital cost is sum- and cost of hybrid system are clashing of multiple issues considering
mation of installation cost, individual cost of element, civil work cost, improvement of the same. Kellogg et al. [14] studied three economics
and connection cost. LCC expressed as follows: scenarios and validate the use of renewable energy. They also discuss a
simple iterative technique for basic designing of solar photovoltaic and
LCC ($) = ICcap + Crep + Cmain
wind energy based hybrid system which works on concept of energy
Carpentiero et al. [62] worked out on three economic parameters balance. Iterative technique explores all the possible arrangement of
developed to calculate approximate economics of PV/FC hybrid system hybrid generation system by changing the respective decision variables.
called as Initial system cost (IC) which is addition of six major com- The optimized arrangement can be recognized at long last by figuring
ponents cost, Cost of Electricity (COE) and Annualized Cost of System the cost of system and unwavering reliability for every components.
(ACS). Jing L et al. [52] present a theory for life cycle cost comprising [70,71], Koutroulis et al. [39] stated that genetic algorithms (GA)
initial principal cost, running cost, maintenance cost and substitution technique easily can achieve the global optimum level as compared to
cost, expressed by the following equations usual dynamic programming and gradient techniques optimization
methods. Daily solar irradiation, wind speed, hourly average of ex-
Hsystem = Hcap + Hope + Hrep
tensive temperature is taken as the data input for optimization algo-
Hcap = Nwind⋅C w + NPV⋅ CPV + Cb ⋅Cbat rithm. Habib et al. [37] describe a sizing and optimization methodology
based on numerical techniques for solar photovoltaic and wind based
Hope = Cope ⋅TL hybrid Renewable Energy system. Gupta et al. [43] developed coding
based simulation technique for solar Photovoltaic and wind based hy-
1 brid Renewable Energy system. This coding system comprises mathe-
Hrep = Cb∙Cbat ∑ (1 + i)TL∙n
+Nwind∙Cw∙ ∑ (1 + i)TL∙n matical representation for photovoltaic system, effect of the irradiance
n=1 n=1
on open circuit voltage and its non-linear characteristics, wind gen-
Nwind, is quantity and Cw is initial cost of wind generators, NPV re- erator representation. Kaabeche et al. [47] mentioned various optimi-
presents numeric values of Photovoltaic arrays and CPV is its cost while zation and sizing schemes like graphical construction scheme, dyna-
Cb is number of batteries Cbat is respective cost of storage batteries. Cope mically programmed methods, linearly programmed methods, multi
= kcHcap, kc is initial cost percentage, TL shows life span of whole objective techniques, iterative techniques, and probabilistic approach.
scheme. Lagorsea et al. [66] described the consistency of the system by Pallabazzer et al. [63] presented a Matlab based computer program-
introducing the term System Total Investment Cost (STIC) and System ming to analyze the optimal design, control techniques, economical
Initial Equipment Cost (SIEC). Belmilia [152] finalized economic ana- status of solar photo voltaic/Fuel Cell hybrid energy system. The eco-
lysis HRES by considering three main cost categories the initial cost, the nomic parameters are in a direct relationship with the cost of the in-
maintenance cost and replacing cost. Xu [88] explained the initial in- stallation, selecting this parameter lead toward the user which
vestment as summation of cost of Photovoltaic module, wind genera- prompted for analysis each component the photovoltaic panel, the
tion system and cost of battery storage. The operating, maintenance and wind, batteries, inverter and its initial price, and maintenance price and
replacement cost are defined per unit time respectively. Yazdanpanah its life time [24]. Yazdanpanah [45] explain the designing of constrain
[45] analyzed the concept of annualized cost of system (ACS) consisting function based on MEM technique as a multi-objective optimization
annual capital cost (ACC), annual substitution cost (ARC), annual pre- problem for solar photovoltaic and wind based hybrid Renewable En-
servation and operation cost (AOC), and. Kellogg et al. [14] concluded ergy system is developed considering number of wind generator and
that calculate total annual cost for every arrangement then select Photovoltaic array as decision variables. Multi-objective PSO is utilized

Table 2
Cost analysis.
S. No. Cost Indices Description References

1. Total System Cost / NPC demonstrates the ratio of annual aggregate cost of the system to the yearly power [28,104,106,109,114,117,119,120,123,124]
Net Present Cost (NPC) conveyed by the system. It is complete estimation of cost including starting cost,
replacement expense and upkeep cost of system.
2. Annualized Cost (ACS) ACS represents various segments of composite cost on annual basis such as capital cost, [22,32,105,108,110,112,113,118]
replacement cost and maintenance cost.
3. Cost of Energy (COE) It is proportion of aggregate annualized system cost to the yearly power provided by the [28,52,106,115,116,122,124,126]
system. Annualized expenses incorporate every expenses over the system life time from
starting venture and capital expenses including operation support and financing costs.
4. Life Cycle Cost (LCC) It is aggregate cost of rehashing and one-time costs for life time duration of a good, [28,131,132]
framework Including foundation cost, running costs, support and improvement costs.
5. Life Cycle Unit Cost (LCUC) It is the unit energy cost obtained by dividing Life cycle cost with whole amount of energy [103,107,125]
produced from system over its lifetime.
6. Levelised Cost of Energy LCE is rate of entire energy output of generation system to install and operate it for lifetime [15,55,61,93,99,103,125,127,134]
(LCOE/LCE/LEC) with respect to average overall cost of system over the lifetime. LCE can also be considered
as the minimum cost required selling electricity at break-even price for the life of the plant.

F.A. Khan et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 92 (2018) 937–947

for optimization and matching the supply and load demand [45] 7.2. Probabilistic approach
Enhancement and development of a cost optimized hybrid system
can be formulated by simulating the comparison of execution with sizing of hybrid system based on wind energy and solar Photovoltaic
energy generation. A few programming softwares are accessible to de- using inconstancy of wind speed and solar radiation as input for
sign hybrid system for example HOMER (Hybrid Optimization Model Probabilistic approaches. Bagul et al. [41] concentrated on the meth-
for Electric Renewable), HOGA, HYBRIDS and HYBRID2. HOMER has odology to remove the restrictions of traditional methods to meet the
been utilized widely in past for contextual investigations of renewable actual demand with energy generated by hybrid systems by assuming
energy system [75,76]. To determine optimum sizing of component for three conditions in probabilistic approach. Tina et al. [69] presented a
hybrid system a basic numerical algorithm developed, where variables convolution based probabilistic technique in comparison to the results
as load pattern, load demand,average of hourly wind speed, and in- of time based simulations of the hybrid system but it never shows the
solation of solar energy are considered for evaluation of solar Photo- dynamically varying response.
voltaic and wind based hybrid generation [14]. Appropriate designing,
cost optimization, reliable operation and control are fundamental
parameters for assessment of hybrid renewable energy generation 7.3. Iterative technique
system which can be attained by utilizing genetic algorithm [38].
Sánchez et al. [44] obtained optimum sizing on the basis of Particle Yang et al. [70] made a proposal to optimize solar Photovoltaic and
Swarm Optimization for a solar photovoltaic, wind and Fuel cell based wind hybrid system based on iterative process naming HSWSO model.
hybrid energy system. Zhang et al. [56] focus on deterministic sizing A number of probable arrangement of solar/wind generation system
techniques for solar Photovoltaic, wind, battery and diesel hybrid en- can be obtained. In case of iterative optimization techniques linearly
ergy systems based on the dividing rectangles methods. Nowdeh et al. varying decision variables are used for cost minimization sometimes
[67] developed the sizing method to achieve the reliability at least cost linear programming method are also preferred to determine optimized
of energy generated based on Particle Swarm Optimization algorithm. solution [28].
Reddy [160] proposed a new realistic and transparent optimal day-
ahead (DA) scheme based on scheduling in case of hybrid generation
system by unambiguously considering the uncertain errors and also 7.4. Artificial intelligence methods
adjustment of real time costs adjustment inclusive of revenue of re-
newable energy sources. Optimization problem may be multiobjective, it is defined as ability of a machine to complete the relative short-
complex and sometimes conflicts in objectives, it is tried to achieve comings of abilities which represent human thoughts [71] Artificial
single global optimum point analogous to the diverse objectives for intelligence techniques used for optimization of hybrid system in-
complicated optimization problem. These optimization problems are cluded, Genetic Algorithms based techniques Fuzzy Logic techniques
complicated to resolve by analytical techniques therefore Heuristic and Artificial Neural Networks with comparative computational ease in
multiobjective techniques for optimization [166,167] (Table 3) comparison to conventional techniques like gradient techniques and
Hakimi et al. [42] in his paper performed optimization and sizing of dynamic programming [28,30] Seeling [73] minimized time duration
a wind and fuel cell hybrid system by utilizing Particle Swarm Opti- of simulation by recalling the troubles of indecisive renewable sources
mization algorithm. BenJemaa [68] highlighted an optimization ap- of energy, demand of load and various components characteristics by
proach by combining the fuzzy logic and Genetic Algorithms for opti- Genetic Algorithms. System designing and cost-effective dispatch of
mization by naming as Fuzzy-Adaptive Genetic Algorithm in which power in case of huge distribution systems performed by Genetic Al-
initial solutions are randomly selected. Carpentiero et al.[62] stated gorithms perfectly and competently. Artificial Neural system based
that Genetic Algorithm and Particle Swarm Optimization algorithm are optimization techniques are arithmetical model developed and utilized
most appropriate schemes for optimization of renewable resources to optimize the hybrid system by using computational model or soft-
based hybrid energy system. ware techniques [28].

7.1. Graphic construction method 7.5. Multi-objective design

Borowy et al. [12] shows a graphical development technique to To carry out a design in any engineering field, it is required to work
figure out optimal arrangement system of solar PV/wind hybrid system out on various points simultaneously avoiding clash between them in
and storage battery using large duration data of wind speed and solar any optimization and sizing mathematical schemes. Traditional opti-
radiation documented for 24 h of 30 years by assuming the linear re- mization methods uses extra processing time sometimes become in-
lation between combined cost of the system and quantity of solar efficient to consider all associated parameters instantaneously which
photovoltaic array and battery system. leads to develop Multi Objective Evolutionary Algorithms (MOEAs) for
multipurpose schemes [75].

Table 3
Traditional Optimization Approaches.
S.No. Optimization Techniques Description Refrences

1 Iterative approach It is based on recursive method to conclude the propose condition at the instant of best possibilities achieved. This [12,14,15,61,125,127]
method is easy to understand have capability to trace the threats at early phases.
2 Probabilistic approach Probabilistic approach is Based on random of variable depends on performance of an system. It is not able to reflect [41,69,83]
the process of dynamic changing nature of hybrid system. an system
3 Linear programming It is mathematical modeling approach based on linear relationship, Best method for solving complex problem. Shows [2,147,148]
linear relationship in variable and also unrealistic assumptions are required to develop in between input and output.
4 Graphical construction It shows the graphical solution of optimization constrain. Graphical construction technique is easy to understand but [12,50]
technique some factors like wind mill hub height and tilt angle of PV system cannot be possible to include.
5 Trade off method It is based on give and take method gain one thing at a cost of losing some other quantity. It is familiarly not used in [146]
study of hybrid system.

F.A. Khan et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 92 (2018) 937–947

Table 4
New generation approach for solar Photovoltaic and wind based hybrid energy system.
S.No Techniques Description References

1 Genetic algorithm It is constructed by John Holland during the period of 1960–1970. Genetic Algorithm is [22,39,53,56,72,74,90,100,108,111,112,135–139]
Techniques an investigating process which follow the procedure of normal selection. Genetic
Algorithm (GA) produce solutions of optimization problems using techniques based on
natural advancement eg. inheritance, mutation selection, and cross over. Easy to solve
problems of multiple solutions. simulations and models available in MATLAB toolbox
but speed is slower and not promise stable optimization response with in specified time.
2 Particle swarm Behavior of fish and bird movement is basic Inspiration behind the Particle swarm [16,48,76,105,116,117,140,141]
optimization optimization (PSO) developed by Kennedy and Eberhart. Calculation in PSO is
uncomplicated with very fast speed and can be completed simply. Non- coordinate
system problems cannot be executed by PSO.
3 Simulated annealing (SA) Simulated annealing developed by Kirkpatrick, Gelattand Vecchiin in 1983. It copies [16,141,142]
material annealing process. It works on global optimization based on a technique named
as trajectory random investigation. its capability to stay away from local minima is the
basic advantage. It is able to deal with noisy data.and extremely non linear system,
4 Ant colony algorithms This algorithms encouraged by the aging nature of ants which is based on pheromone [143,144]
(ACA) approach. this method explained the behavior of ants in searching of the shortest path
among their nests and source. global and local both searches involved in this algorithm.
5 Bacterial Foraging It takes inspiration from the aging activities of bacteria. [69]
Algorithm (BFO)
6 Artificial bee colony Karaboga and Basturk proposed this optimization algorithm. It's intelligent foraging [145]
algorithm (ABC) behavior of honey bee is fundamental of this algorithm.

7.5.1. Particle swarm optimization installation cost and running cost of resources hybrid energy system
Kennedy et al. [76] constructed a model-free optimization method based on renewable resources for optimum level of sizing of a system is
to improve and adopt the original algorithm directly and able to exe- performed. A trend of Optimization studies are find that researchers
cute specified optimization problems named as Particle swarm opti- from last 2.5 decades emphasizing to chose the alternatives of con-
mization [77,78]. The primary adaptation of Particle swarm optimi- ventional resources and introduces new methods for generation and are
zation was to deal with optimization of nonlinear continuous issues analyzed various optimization methods preferring hybrid algorithms.
further its capability increases with a wide range of complex im- Artificial intelligence based algorithms having less computation time,
provement issues [40]. A Particle swarm optimization calculation better precision and excellent convergence in comparison to conven-
comprises of a populace which constantly gives information seeking tional scheme are frequently used from the period of previous decade.
space. This populace is shaped by particles for a conceivable arrange- This study shows that most of the authors recommended hybridization
ment. Belmilia et al. [24] utilized Particle swarm optimization for en- of more than two algorithms to precise the restrictions of a particular
hancement to explore the components effect of accessibility for hybrid algorithm or technique. In addition a number of other methods are
system. Investigation of system cost and reliability quality is performed recognized to pursue the sizing and optimization of solar Photovoltaic
under the consideration of variability in wind speed and solar irra- and wind based hybrid energy system. This review study would be
diance. valuable to overcome the challenges and complexity in the research of
sizing and optimization of solar Photovoltaic and wind based hybrid
energy system.
7.6. Bees algorithm
Tudu et al. [64] concentrates on sizing of hybrid system utilizing
bees algorithm which is other than meta-heuristic techniques created
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