Unit 01 Dols II Lecture 02
Unit 01 Dols II Lecture 02
Unit 01 Dols II Lecture 02
Ramun Prasad1
(Lecture No. 02)
Lecture Outcomes
Social skills
Social skills are the skills we use everyday to interact and communicate with others. They include
verbal and non-verbal communication, such as speech, gesture, facial expression and body language.
A person has strong social skills if they have the knowledge of how to behave in social situations and
understand both written and implied rules when communicating with others.
A social skill is any competence facilitating interaction and communication with others where social
rules and relations are created, communicated, and changed in verbal and non-verbal ways (एक
सामाजिक कौशऱ उन ऱोगों के साथ बातचीत और संचार की सुविधा प्रदान करता है िहां सामाजिक ननयम और संबंध
मौखिक और गैर-मौखिक तरीकों से बनाए िाते हैं, संचाररत होते हैं और ऩररिततन करते हैं।).
{More details: For socialization, interpersonal skills are essential to relate to one another. Interpersonal
skills are the interpersonal acts a person uses to interact with others, which are related to dominance vs.
submission, love vs. hate, affiliation vs. aggression, and control vs. autonomy categories. Positive
interpersonal skills include persuasion, active listening, delegation, and stewardship (प्रबंधक), among
others. A healthy Social interest that involves more than being in a group is required for well-adjusted
social skills. Social psychology is the academic discipline that does research related to social skills and
studies how skills are learned by an individual through changes in attitude, thinking, and behavior.}
Lecturer (Economics), Department of Humanity, Govt. Polytechnic, Gaya, Bihar
E-mail id: gpgcoe@gmail.com My Homepage: https://ecoramun.wordpress.com/
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उऩकरण हैं िो ऱोगों को संिाद करने, सीिने, सहायता मांगने, उचचत तरीकों से ज़रूरतों को ऩूरा करने, दस
ू रों के साथ
ममऱकर, ममत्र बनाने, स्िस्थ संबंध विकमसत करने, स्ियं की रऺा करने, और सामान्य रूऩ से समाि के साथ सौहादत ऩि
ू क
बातचीत करने में सऺम होते हैं।).
Social skills build essential character traits (आिश्यक चररत्र ऱऺणों का ननमातण) like trustworthiness
(विश्िसनीयता), respectfulness (प्रनतष्ठा), responsibility (उत्तरदानयत्ि), fairness (ननष्ऩऺता), caring
(दे िभाऱ), and citizenship (नागररकता). These traits help to build an internal moral compass, allowing
individuals to make good choices in thinking and behavior, resulting in social competence
The important social skills identified by the Employment and Training Administration are:
Coordination (समन्वय)– Adjusting actions in relation to others' actions.
Mentoring (सलाह) – Teaching and helping others how to do something (e.g. a study partner).
Negotiation (बातचीत/ समझौता वाताा) – Discussion aimed at reaching an agreement.
Persuasion (समझाना-बुझाना) – The action or fact of persuading someone or of being persuaded to do
or believe something.
Service Orientation (सेवा अभिववन्यास) – Actively looking for ways to evolve compassionately and
grow psycho-socially with people.
Social Perceptiveness (सामाजिक अिधारणा) – Being aware of others' reactions and able to respond in
an understanding manner.
The community of people living in a particular country or region and having shared customs, laws,
and organizations.
In other words, A society is a group of people involved in persistent (fitted) social interaction, or
a large social group sharing the same geographical or social territory, typically subject to the same
political authority and dominant cultural expectations. Societies are characterized by patterns of
relationships (social relations) between individuals who share a distinctive culture and institutions;
a given society may be described as the sum total of such relationships among its constituent
(संघटक) of members.
Social structure:
Social structure in sociology, the distinctive, stable arrangement of institutions whereby human
beings in a society interact and live together. Social structure is often treated together with the
concept of social change, which deals with the forces that change the social structure and the
organization of society. (समािशास्त्र में सामाजिक संरचना, संस्थानों की विमशष्ट, जस्थर व्यिस्था, जिससे समाि
में मनुष्य एक साथ होतें हैं और एक साथ रहते हैं। सामाजिक संरचना को अक्सर सामाजिक ऩररिततन की अिधारणा
के साथ एक साथ व्यिहार ककया िाता है , िो सामाजिक संरचना और समाि के संगठन को बदऱने िाऱी ताकतों से
ननऩटता है ।).
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The Hindu Caste System
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Develop Sympathy and Empathy:
Empathy and sympathy are very important skills. To interact well with others, you need to be able to
understand how they are feeling.
The words empathy and sympathy are often used interchangeably. Sympathy is a feeling, but the two
terms have distinct origins and meanings. Merriam-Webster defines empathy as "the action of
understanding, being aware of, being sensitive to, and vicariously(ऩरोऺ तौर ऩर) experiencing the feelings,
thoughts, and experience of another of either the past or present without having the feelings, thoughts,
and experience fully communicated in an objectively explicit manner". Merriam-Webster defines that
sympathy is when you share the feelings of another; empathy is when you understand the feelings of
another but do not necessarily share them, as sympathy was defined by 18th century philosophers such
as Adam Smith.
Sympathy (सहानुभूनत/) (from the Greek words syn "together" and pathos "feeling" which means "fellow-
feeling") is the perception, understanding, and reaction to the distress or need of another life form.
Empathy (समानुभूनत) is the capacity to understand or feel what another person is experiencing from
within the other person's frame of reference, i.e., the capacity to place oneself in another's position.
Empathy Sympathy
Definition Understanding what others are feeling Acknowledging another person's
because you have experienced it yourself or emotional hardships and providing
can put yourself in their shoes. comfort and assurance.
Example "I know it's not easy to lose weight because Trying to lose weight can often feel like
I have faced the same problems myself." an uphill battle (कठठन ऱडाई).
Relationship Personal understanding Understanding the experience of others
Nursing A doctor relating with a patient because he Doctors comforting (सांत्िना दे नेिाऱा)
context or she has been in a similar situation or patients or their families
Scope Personal; it can be one to many in some From either one to another person or one
circumstances to many (or one to a group).
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