EPA 608 Study Guide - 007b94a722136190c
EPA 608 Study Guide - 007b94a722136190c
EPA 608 Study Guide - 007b94a722136190c
2 Core 4
2.1 Ozone 4
2.2 Ozone Depletion Potential 6
2.3 Montreal Protocol 6
2.4 Clean Air Act 7
2.4.1 Phase Out and Prohibition 7
2.4.2 Penalties 8
2.5 Refrigeration Cycle 8
2.6 Three R’s 9
2.7 Section 608 Regulations 10
2.7.1 High- and Low-Pressure Refrigerants 10
2.7.2 Recovery Equipment and Process 10
2.7.3 Standards For Reclaimed Refrigerants 11
2.8 Substitute Refrigerants and Oils 12
2.8.1 Refrigerant Blends 12
2.8.2 Dehydration Evacuation 13
2.9 Leak Detection and Repair 14
2.10 Safety 14
2.11 Shipping 16
This federal law is a part of the Clean Air Act (Section 608). The Environment Protection
Agency (EPA) is an agency of federal government tasked with identifying, implementing and
later enforcing such regulations.
Technicians are required to pass an EPA-approved test to earn Section 608 Technician
Certification. The tests are specific to the type of equipment the technician seeks to work on.
Tests must be administered by an EPA-approved certifying organization. All institutions that are
approved to provide the EPA Section 608 technician certification test are listed in the link below.
Note that some of them are nationwide and you need to contact the respective institute to check
if they have a testing location in your city. There are seven organizations that have locations
nationwide (as of Dec’17). Go to their website to check their presence in your city.
Alternatively, just googling “epa 608 test locations” plus “(your city)” will give you available
options. These options can be validated against EPA approved institutions to ensure legitimacy.
Section 608 Technician Certification credentials do not expire. Apprentices are exempt from
certification requirements provided they are closely and continually supervised by a certified
technician. It is the responsibility of the technician to update themselves and be aware of any
changes in regulations..
The EPA performs random inspections, responds to tips and pursues potential cases against
violators of the Section 608 regulations. The EPA is authorized to assess fines of up to $37,500
per day and/or press criminal charges (which may result in jail time) for any violation of these
Technicians certified under Section 608 must keep a copy of their certificate at their place of
business. Technicians must maintain a copy of their certificate until three years after no longer
operating as a technician.
There are 4 sections in the Section 608 certification test, namely Core, Type I, Type II and Type
III. Each section contains 25 questions. To pass a section, you need a score of 72%. This
translates to 18 out of 25 questions. Everyone must pass the core exam. Along with core, one
must pass the exam for the type of certification they are seeking. To get Universal Certification,
you need to pass all 4 sections.
If the technician fails a section of the test, that particular section can be retaken without retaking
the passed sections. This is not applicable to core section. All technicians must pass core
section for the test to count. That is, if the technician fails in the core section, no other passed
sections of that exam will count.
The exams are proctored, so you must go to a testing location to take the exam. When going for
the exam, be prepared to present photo ID, social security number and address.
The only outside material allowed in the exam is a pressure-temperature chart. Make sure you
carry it with you. Some locations may provide this chart but it’s better to have it handy in case
your testing location doesn’t supply them. Along with the chart, a non-programmable calculator
is also typically allowed into the exam. Confirm this with your testing center ahead of time.
There is an appendix with all test topics at the end of this study guide.
For a latest test topics, checkout EPA website. At the time of publication, the test topics are
available at the URL below:
2 Core
2.1 Ozone
Ozone is an essential compound of the earth’s atmosphere. It consists of 3 oxygen molecules
with the chemical formula of O3.
Ozone is present throughout the atmosphere but its concentration is highest in the lower
stratosphere, roughly 12-19 miles above the surface of the earth. This region where 90% of the
atmospheric ozone resides is typically called the Ozone layer.
Ozone molecules act as a blanket of protection against harmful ultraviolet rays emerging from
the sun. In the absence of the ozone layer in earth’s atmosphere, these rays from the sun will
directly reach the earth’s surface. This would be detrimental to all life on earth including the
plants, animals and humans.
Since the 1970s scientists have observed that the stratospheric ozone is being depleted at a
steady rate. The main cause for this is the chemical substances released into the atmosphere
by human activity. The chlorine present in chlorofluorocarbon (CFC) and
hydrochlorofluorocarbon (HCFC) seems to be the biggest culprit. The chlorine within these
compounds gets released as a free chlorine radical.
This chlorine radical then reacts with an ozone molecule, forming chlorine monoxide and
oxygen. The chemical reaction looks like this.
The chlorine monoxide thus generated will further react with another ozone molecule to form a
chlorine radical and oxygen.
ClO+O3→ 2O2+Cl
The chlorine radical is now free to attach to another ozone molecule. This cycle continues,
leading to further destruction of ozone layer. Each chlorine molecule is believed to destroy
about 100,000 ozone molecules.
This effect is observed only due to CFCs and HCFCs. Hydrofluorocarbons (HFC) don’t seem to
have the same detrimental effect on the ozone layer since they don’t have a chlorine molecule.
The fluoride molecule within HFCs is more stable and thus doesn’t react with ozone the same
The table below shows few of the common refrigerants and their categorization into CFCs,
HCFCs and HFCs.
R11, R12, R13, R113, R22, R123, R141B, R142B, R134A, R32, R125, R143,
R114, R115, R500, R502 R401A, R401B, R402A R402B, R152A, R407A, R407F,
R503, R13B1 R403A, R403B, R406A, R408A, R410A
R409A, R409B, R411B, R414B
2.2 Ozone Depletion Potential
The ozone depletion potential (ODP) is the ability of a chemical compound to degrade the
ozone layer in relation to R11. Thus, R11 has a fixed ODP of 1. In comparison, R22 has an
ODP of 0.05. So you can say that R22 causes only 5% of the damage caused by R11.
CFCs have the highest ODP. HCFC have a lower ODP than CFC. Although HCFCs cause less
damage to ozone, they still do cause damage. For this reason, new regulations banned all
refrigerants with ODP > 0. HFCs have the lowest ODP in comparison with HCFCs and CFCs.
Ozone layer depletion will result in harmful ultraviolet rays from the sun directly reaching earth’s
surface. This can cause skin burns, cataracts, skin cancers and reduced crop yields. It can also
affect the balance of marine life.
The ultraviolet rays reaching the earth will likely increase the Ozone concentration in the
troposphere. This ozone is very harmful when inhaled by humans, especially children, the
elderly and people with respiratory disorders.
When stratospheric ozone depletion was first discovered, its cause was very controversial. It
was clear that the depletion was caused due to chlorine in the atmosphere. However, the
source of this chlorine was debated. Some believed that it was from CFCs and HCFCs while
others argued that it could be from naturally-occuring sources like volcanoes.
These were three pieces of evidence which implicated CFCs and HCFCs over natural causes.
1. Air samples taken over volcanoes showed that they don’t cause much chlorine release
2. The rise in chlorine in the atmosphere matches the rise in fluorine levels,another
compound present in CFCs and HCFCs.
Following this realization the world community acted together to ban CFCs and HCFC from
production and to phase out their usage. This will be detailed in the next section.
Section 608 of the Clean Air Act is a part of this agreement and is regulated by the EPA in the
United States.
2.4 Clean Air Act
The Clean Air Act is a United States federal law aimed at controlling air pollution. It was first
enacted in 1963. After the Montreal Protocol, Section 608 was added to the Clean Air Act in
1990 to address the problems of ozone depletion resulting from the use of refrigerants. This
section is regulated by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).
For easy recollection, all the dates and restrictions are detailed in the table below.
Nov 15, 1993 All refrigerant recovery equipment must be certified by an EPA approved
Nov 14, 1994 Only certified technicians are allowed to service, maintain or dispose of
appliances containing CFCs and HCFCs
Dec 31, 1995 CFCs can no longer be manufactured in or imported into United States.
● Any container used for refrigerant recovery must be recovered to 0 psig before disposal
● Nitrogen may not be added to a fully.charged system for leak detection, as it would
cause a release of the mixture
● Venting is not allowed during servicing or disposal of any appliance containing
● The final person in the disposal chain is the one responsible to ensure all refrigerant is
removed from the appliance
● Individual states and local laws may be stricter than federal regulations stated above.
2.4.2 Penalties
Harsh penalties up to $27,500 per day per violation can be imposed on people and businesses
found in violation of this law. There is a reward of $10,000 for anyone who reports a technician
intentionally venting refrigerants. Additionally, the technician may also lose their license and
may need to appear in federal court. If you find any such violations, you can report them on EPA
The EPA may require a technician, at any time, for to demonstrate proper procedures to
recover and reclaim refrigerants. Failure to do so may cause the technician to have their license
1: Metering device
2-3: Evaporator
4: Compressor
5-6: Condenser
Liquid refrigerant enters the metering devices which causes a drop in pressure leading to a drop
in saturation temperature of refrigerant. The refrigerant then enters the evaporator where it
evaporates into vapor. Heat exchange also happens as a byproduct. The vapor refrigerant then
enters the compressor where it is compressed to high pressure vapor. This also leads to an
increase in temperature. The refrigerant then moves to condenser where the refrigerant
condenses to a liquid expelling heat. This is detailed in the table below.
Metering Device High pressure liquid Low pressure liquid Lowering saturation
temperature by lowering
Evaporator Low pressure liquid Low pressure, Low Evaporation; cooling the
temperature Vapor contents inside
The gauge manifold set is an important tool used to record pressures at different points in the
refrigeration system.
1. The compound gauge is blue in color and measures low pressure (psig) and vacuum
(inches Hg).
2. The high-pressure gauge is red in color and measure the high-side discharge pressure.
3. The center port is a yellow hose which connects to the vacuum pump, recovery device or
charging device.
EPA regulations require that all the hoses be equipped with-low loss fittings to minimize
refrigerant loss.
Recover is the process of removing the refrigerant from the system in any condition and store it
in an external container. Recovery should meet the evacuation rules mentioned in section 2.5.4.
Recycle is the process of cleaning the refrigerant for reuse. This is done by separating the oils
and other non-condensables from the refrigerant and removing the moisture by passing the
refrigerant through filter dryers.
Reclaim is the process of purifying the refrigerant up to the point that it matches the quality of
virgin refrigerant. Reclaimed refrigerant must meet ARI-700 standards.
High pressure refrigerants are the ones that have a boiling point between -50℃ and 10℃ or
-58℉ and 50℉ at atmospheric pressure. Common high-pressure refrigerants include R12, R22,
R500, R502
Very high pressure refrigerants have a boiling point below -50℃ or -58℉ at atmospheric
pressure. Common very high-pressure refrigerants include R13 and R503.
High Pressure -50℃ to 10℃ (-58℉ to 50℉) R12, R22, R500, R502
System-dependent equipment uses the components of the appliance from which the recovery is
being performed. For example, they may use the unit’s compressor or, if the unit’s compressor
is not functioning, they may need an independent portable compressor to carry out recovery.
Self-contained recovery equipment has its own means of recovering the refrigerant without
depending on the unit’s compressor. It’s a good practice to always have a self-contained
recovery machine at your business location, especially to deal with units with non-functioning
All air-conditioning and refrigeration equipment containing CFCs or HCFCs must be properly
recovered and recycled.
A strong odor during the recovery process indicates a likely compressor burn out. After
recovering refrigerant nitrogen can be used to flush the debris. Such nitrogen can be vented as
long as there is no refrigerant present in the system (post recovery).
During recovery, the refrigerant moves from the system to the recovery unit due to the
difference in pressure between the two. The system needs to be at high pressure and the
recovery device must be at low pressure. This recovery process can be sped up by
● minimizing the drop in pressure between system and recovery device by having a
connecting hose which is short in length and wide in diameter
● increasing the ambient temperature of the system thereby increasing the pressure
and/or decreasing the ambient temperature of the recovery container thereby decreasing
the pressure
● using a properly-maintained recovery device
Never mix refrigerants because the mixture is impossible to reclaim. If you ever discover 2
refrigerants are mixed, it should be placed in a separate tank. Always use one tank to recover
the same refrigerant.
Recovery cylinders have yellow tops and gray bodies. These are different from disposable
cylinders which can be used for new refrigerants only (not for recovery). If the recovery cylinder
shows any sign of rust, it must be reduced to 0 psig and discarded.
Recovery cylinders have 2 separate ports, for vapor and liquid. The EPA requires any recovery
cylinder to be filled only up to 80% capacity or lower as overfilling may cause explosion.
Refillable cylinders must be tested and date-stamped every 5 years.
Recovery cylinders used for transportation must be approved by Department of Transportation
CFC and HCFC use mineral oil and alkylbenzenes. HFCs work best with ester-based blends.
HFCs can’t work with the oils used with CFCs/HCFCs and vice versa. Oils which have the
tendency to absorb moisture are called hygroscopic oils.
It is important to note here that most substitute refrigerants are incompatible with many
lubricants used with CFC and HCFC refrigerants. Similarly CFC and HCFC refrigerants are
incompatible with many new lubricants,
R-134A is a HFC and is considered as a good alternative to the R-12 (a CFC) present in the
older systems. But due to the difference in oils, a drop-in substitution is not possible. There is no
drop-in substitute for R-12 or any CFCs due to the difference in oils used with the refrigerants.
So to replace a R-12 refrigerant in the older system, a retrofit must be done.
In case of a leak, the refrigerants in the blend leak at different rates due to different vapor
pressures. As a result, the mixture that is left behind in the system will have a different ratio of
refrigerants than the original blend. This phenomenon is called fractionation. Fractionation may
impact the performance of the refrigerant.
When charging such a system, refrigerant should be introduced in the liquid form (not gas) and
from the high side.
Azeotropic blends behave like a single refrigerant throughout their pressure temperature range.
They do not experience temperature glide. Azeotropic blends are numbered in the 500s.
Care should be taken to ensure that desired vacuum levels as set forth by the EPA are reached
before evacuating a system to ambient air.
The table below shows the required evacuation level for each type refrigerants. For the
definition of each type of refrigerant refer to the section 2.5.1.
Inches of Hg vacuum
Very High 0 0
Medium 4 10
25 mm Hg
absolute (about 29
Low 25 in of Hg in of Hg)
If a system has a leak large enough to prevent evacuation to the prescribed level, the system
A vacuum gauge can be used to measure the vacuum. The system should be able to achieve
and hold the vacuum suggested above. A loss of vacuum can be caused by one of the
It is important to minimize the release of CFCs and HCFCs by proper leak detection. There are
several ways to determine leaks. They include:
1. electronic detectors
2. ultrasound detectors
3. applying soap and looking for bubbles on areas under question
4. halide torches for detecting refrigerants
5. adding dye to the system
Use nitrogen and test the system before charging it with refrigerant. If the system doesn’t hold
pressure, it shows the possibility of a leak. Only use refrigerant as a trace gas to detect leaks as
a last resort.
The EPA requires that all equipment with more than 50 pounds of refrigerant be tested for leaks
and repaired regularly. For commercial and industrial equipment, leaks exceeding 35% of
charge per year must be repaired. For equipment that is not commercial or industrial, the
threshold is set at 15%.
If the system holds less than 50 pounds of refrigerant, it is not an EPA requirement to repair
leaks in the equipment. But as a general rule, it is always good practice to test and repair leaks
in a system.
2.10 Safety
Exposure to refrigerants can be harmful and may even cause death. Extreme care should be
taken when handling refrigerants. Refrigerants at atmospheric pressure are at an extremely low
temperature. Exposure may cause frostbite.
Refrigerants are heavier than air, so they displace oxygen and may cause suffocation due to
oxygen deprivation. Some refrigerants are toxic. Other refrigerants may not be toxic, but can
lead to long-term health hazards with prolonged exposure and are dangerous in high
ASHRAE Standard 34 classifies refrigerants based on their toxicity and flammability. Toxicity is
rated as A for low toxicity and B for high toxicity. Flammability is rated as 1 for low flammability
and 3 for high flammability. For example, a classification of B3 represents a refrigerant that is
highly toxic, highly flammable. It is detailed below for easy recollection.
Flammability Toxicity
3 High flammability
Flames or high heat may cause refrigerants (especially R-12 and R-22) to break down into
poisonous chemicals like hydrochloric acid, hydrofluoric acid and phosgene gas. Before
soldering or welding any components of the refrigeration system, the refrigerants must be
completely evacuated.
Protective equipment is essential for a technician handling refrigerants. One should wear safety
glasses or goggles, gloves, , a long-sleeve shirt and long pants. In the case of a large leak in a
confined area, a self-contained breathing apparatus (SCBA) must be used.
Never use oxygen or compressed air to pressurize the system. It may cause an explosion.
Nitrogen can be used to pressurize the system for leak detection. Nitrogen is usually at very
high pressure so it’s important to use a pressure regulator and relief valve with it. The relief
valve is useful in case the pressure regulator fails.
The relief valve should be installed downstream of the pressure regulator. Never install relief
valves in series. If any corrosion is found in the relief valve, it should be immediately replaced. A
Schrader valve is similar to the valve of a tire. They prevent venting. They should be checked
regularly and immediately replaced if any corrosion is found.
Reusable cylinders are refillable multiple times whereas disposable cylinders must be used only
once and discarded. The cylinders must be Department of Transportation (DOT) approved.
Reusable cylinders have a gray body and yellow top and can be used for transportation as well.
The cylinders should always be filled to less than 80% capacity. Gas under high pressure can
be dangerous.
2.11 Shipping
Refrigerant cylinders should have 2 labels - the refrigerant type and the DOT classification tag.
Each cylinder should be properly marked with the type and amount of refrigerant. Additionally,
each cylinder should also be marked with a DOT classification tag stating it is a “2.2
non-flammable gas”.
Cylinders should be tested and stamped every five years. They should be transported in an
upright position. Disposable cylinders are designated as DOT Specification 39, non-reusable
3. Type 1 (Small Appliances)
3.1 Definition
Any refrigeration unit manufactured, charged and hermetically sealed at the factory with less
than 5 pounds of refrigerant is defined as a small appliance. Such units include products like
refrigerators, freezers, heat pumps, drinking water coolers, window air conditioners, room air
conditioners and ice makers. Any technician servicing such a system must be certified under
type 1 certification or universal certification. Motor vehicle air conditioner servicing is not
covered under type 1. It comes under EPA 609 which is a different certification.
All the equipment must be fitted with low-loss fittings to minimize refrigerant loss. The EPA does
not require leak repair on small appliances, but it’s recommended to test and fix leaks whenever
Self-contained, or active, recovery equipment has its own means of recovering refrigerant and
achieving the desired evacuation levels without depending on the system’s compressor. Active
equipment recovers refrigerant into a pressurized recovery tank. The technician must ensure
that the tank is free of air and condensables before recovering the refrigerant.
If the compressor is not operational, connecting to both the high and low side may be necessary
to achieve desired evacuation levels. In cases of non-operating compressors, use of an external
heat source/vacuum pump and/or sharply striking the compressor (to release refrigerant from
oil) can aid in the recovery process.
The EPA requires every technician to have at least one active recovery device to handle
non-operating compressor systems. The only exception is technicians dealing exclusively with
small appliances. Only appliances with less than 15 pounds of refrigerant can be recovered
using system-dependant (passive) recovery equipment.
For more details about active and passive recovery equipment, refer to Section 2.5.2 (Recovery
Equipment and Process)
3.6 Safety
For information on safety for small appliances refer to Section 2.10 (Safety).
4. Type 2 (High-Pressure Appliances)
4.1 Definition
Any technician servicing a high-pressure or very high-pressure unit must be certified with type 2
certification or universal certification (except small appliances as defined under type 1 and
motor vehicle units which is EPA 609 certification).
Leak detection and repair should also be performed when signs of leakage are found during
inspection. Signs of leaks include:
● Traces of oil (refrigerant blend leaks but refrigerant vaporizes, leaving oil behind)
Commercial and industrial process refrigeration equipment with more than 50 pounds of
refrigerant must be repaired when the leak exceeds more than 35% of the charge per year.
All other equipment (excluding commercial and industrial process refrigeration) containing more
than 50 pounds of refrigerant must be repaired when the leak rate exceeds 15% of the charge
per year.
Before recovering a new type refrigerant, the recovery equipment must be properly cleared of
any existing refrigerant and the filter should be changed to prevent cross-contamination.
Technicians working with R-134A should use dedicated equipment including hoses, gauges and
oil containers.
Inches of Hg vacuum
25 mm Hg absolute
Low Pressure 25 in of Hg (about 29 in of Hg)
After finishing recovery, it is essential to wait for a few minutes to ensure the system pressure is
stable. Rising pressure may be due to vaporization of liquid refrigerant trapped in the system or
in the oil. So, if the pressure continues to rise, continue the recovery. It could also be due to a
leak. If the presence of leak is making the desired evacuation levels unattainable, it is
acceptable to evacuate the system to 0 psig (atmospheric pressure).
4.5 Refrigeration
With the advancement of research into refrigeration systems, many new and innovative
refrigerants are available in the market. Always read the label to identify the type of refrigerant in
the appliance. A pressure/temperature chart can also be used to identify common refrigerants.
Both psig and psia are used to measure the pressure exerted by a gas (like refrigerant vapor) in
a closed container. Pounds Per Square Inch Gauge (psig) is the pressure relative to
atmospheric pressure. Pounds per Square Inch Absolute (psia) is the pressure relative to
vacuum. Since atmospheric pressure at sea level is 14.7, psia can be obtained by adding 14.7
to psig. The reading on a measuring device is typically psig. For example, an inflated tire could
show 35 units on the gauge. So it has a psig of 35 and psia of 35+14.7 or 49.7 psia.
This conversion is very important when referring to the pressure/temperature charts. Pay close
attention to the units on the chart compared to the units on your measuring device. Convert the
units if necessary to get an accurate pressure/temperature relationship.
4.6 Safety
ASHRAE Standard 34 which we learned in Section 2.10 (Safety) is a safety classification of
refrigerants. This designates each refrigerant based on their toxicity.
Flammability Toxicity
3 High flammability
ASHRAE Standard 15 is a safety standard for refrigeration systems. This standard requires that
every room containing refrigeration systems be equipped with sensors which will sound alarms
and start ventilation automatically upon sensing a refrigerant leak in an occupied room (above a
threshold value when it starts to become harmful to the inhabitants).
Low-pressure appliances are equipped with a purge unit to remove air, moisture and other
non-condensables. Excessive activity of a purge unit indicates the presence of a leak. If the
system pressure increases over 2.5 mm (of Hg) during vacuum testing, the system should be
tested for leaks.
The preferred way to leak-test is to increase the pressure by increasing the temperature. This
can be achieved by running hot water through the unit or by covering the unit with heat blankets.
If that is not possible then the technician can recover the refrigerant and pressurize the system
with nitrogen.
These units have a rupture disc which breaks and releases pressure when it exceeds a certain
level. Hence, the pressure should never exceed 10 psig when pressurizing the system for leak
Always check the shaft seal for units with open compressors. If a leak in water tubes is
suspected, a hydrostatic tube test can be performed.
Commercial and industrial process refrigeration equipment with more than 50 pounds of
refrigerant must be repaired when the leak exceeds more than 35% of the charge per year.
All other equipment (excluding commercial and industrial process refrigeration) containing more
than 50 pounds of refrigerant must be repaired when the leak rate exceeds 15% of the charge
per year.
Leaks must be repaired within 30 days of discovery. The only exception is if the owner has a
plan to retrofit or retire the equipment within one year. If such a plan is to be carried out,
documentation should be kept on site for verification.
Recovering liquid refrigerant first can speed up the recovery process. However, in a
low-pressure system a considerable amount of refrigerant is still left in vapor phase even after
recovering all the liquid refrigerant. It’s important for the technician to be patient and recover all
the refrigerant in vapor phase as well.
Oil should be heated to 130℉ before removing it. This minimizes the presence of refrigerant
trapped in the oil.
Water is used in low-pressure systems to cool the condenser. During refrigerant recovery, water
present in the system can freeze and rupture the tubes. To prevent such damage, it is
necessary to either remove water completely or circulate the water by connecting the recovery
unit to a water supply. Circulating water will not freeze.
Recovery machines for low-pressure chillers should be equipped with a pressure-relief device
set to 10 psi. This is lower than the inbuilt pressure relief system of the unit. Rupture disks of the
system are usually set at a cut-out level of 15 psig to prevent explosion.
All refrigerant must be recovered before disposing of appliances containing CFCs or HCFCs.
The last person in the supply chain is responsible for recovery. This person must also keep
records documenting the recovery.
Recovery/recycling equipment manufactured after Nov 15, 1993 must be certified by a EPA
approved laboratory. All equipment must have low-loss fittings to minimize refrigerant loss while
connecting and disconnecting.
These evacuation levels are valid for equipment with any amount of refrigerante (over or under
200 lbs).
Once the desired vacuum level is reached, the technician should wait for a few minutes while
monitoring the system pressure. Rising pressure indicates the presence of liquid refrigerant in
the system or oil. If this happens, continue the recovery. This process must be repeated several
times until the desired vacuum level is reached and maintained for a few minutes.
If the presence of leak make the desired vacuum levels unattainable, it is okay to evacuate to
the lowest possible level.
Any work done on the compressor, condenser, evaporator or heat exchanger is considered a
major repair.
When charging a low-pressure system, introducing liquid refrigerant can freeze the water and
rupture the tubes. It’s important to introduce refrigerant in vapor phase until the pressure builds
up enough so that the saturation temperature is over the freezing point of water (0℃). This can
be derived from the pressure/temperature chart.
5.7 Safety
ASHRAE Standard 15 is a safety standard for refrigeration systems. This standard requires that
every room containing refrigeration systems be equipped with sensors which will sound alarms
and start ventilation automatically upon sensing a refrigerant leak in an occupied room (above a
threshold value when it starts to become harmful to the inhabitants).
All refrigeration systems must have pressure-relief valves. Never install pressure-relief valves in
Low-pressure refrigerant R-11 (a CFC) is classified as A1 while R-123 (an HCFC) is classified
as B1 according to ASHRAE Standard 34.
For details on ASHRAE Standard 34 and other additional information on safety refer to S
2.10 (Safety).
Appendix A: Test Topics by Section in Study Guide
For the most updated version of test topics, check the EPA website. Core section is mandatory
for all types. A technician needs to pass all 4 sections for universal certification.
Topic Section
Ozone Depletion
Destruction of ozone by chlorine 2.2
Presence of chlorine in chlorofluorocarbon (CFC) and hydrochlorofluorocarbon (HCFC)
refrigerants 2.2
Identification of CFC, HCFC, and hydrofluorocarbon (HFC) refrigerants (not chemical
formulas, but idea that R-12 is a CFC, R-22 is an HCFC, R-134 is an HFC, etc.) 2.2
Idea that CFCs have higher ozone-depletion potential (ODP) than HCFCs, which in turn have
higher ODP than HFCs 2.2
Health and environmental effects of stratospheric ozone depletion 2.2
Evidence of stratospheric ozone depletion and role of CFCs and HCFCs 2.2
Clean Air Act and Montreal Protocol
CFC phaseout date 2.4.1
Venting prohibition at servicing 2.4.2
Venting prohibition at disposal 2.4.1
Venting prohibition on substitute refrigerants 2.4.1
Maximum penalty under the Clean Air Act 2.4.2
Montreal Protocol (the international agreement to phase out production of ozone-depleting
substances) 2.3
Section 608 Regulations
Definition/identification of high and low-pressure refrigerants 2.7.1
Definition of system-dependent versus self-contained recovery/recycling equipment 2.7.2
Identification of equipment covered by the rule (all air-conditioning and refrigeration
equipment containing CFCs or HCFCs except motor vehicle air conditioners) 2.1
Need for third-party certification of recycling and recovery equipment 2.7.2
Standard for reclaimed refrigerant [Air Conditioning, Heating, and Refrigeration Institute
(AHRI) Standard 700-1995] 2.7.3
Substitute Refrigerants and oils
Absence of "drop-in" replacements 2.8
Incompatibility of substitute refrigerants with many lubricants used with CFC and HCFC
refrigerants and incompatibility of CFC and HCFC refrigerants with many new lubricants
(includes identification of lubricants for given refrigerants, such as esters with R-134;
alkylbenzenes for HCFCs) 2.8
Fractionation problem--tendency of different components of blends to leak at different rates 2.8.1
Refrigerant states (vapor versus liquid) and pressures at different points of refrigeration cycle;
how/when cooling occurs 2.5
Refrigeration gauges (color codes, ranges of different types, proper use) 2.5
Three R Definitions
Recover 2.6
Recycle 2.6
Reclaim 2.6
Recovery Techniques
Need to avoid mixing refrigerants 2.7.2
Factors affecting speed of recovery (ambient temperature, size of recycling or recovery
equipment, hose length and diameter, etc.) 2.7.2
Dehydration Evacuation
Need to evacuate system to eliminate air and moisture at the end of service 2.8.2
Risks of exposure to refrigerant (e.g., oxygen deprivation, cardiac effects, frost bite, long-term
hazards) 2.10
Personal protective equipment [gloves, goggles, self-contained breathing apparatus
(SCBA)-in extreme cases, etc.] 2.10
Reusable (or "recovery") cylinders versus disposable cylinders [ensure former Department of
Transportation (DOT) approved, know former's yellow and gray color code, never refill latter] 2.10
Risks of filling cylinders more than 80 percent full 2.10
Use of nitrogen rather than oxygen or compressed air for leak detection 2.10
Use of pressure regulator and relief valve with nitrogen 2.10
Labels required for refrigerant cylinders (refrigerant identification, DOT classification tag) 2.11
TYPE 1 (Small Appliances)
Type 1 test includes topics from Core section and the topics mentioned below.
Topic Section
Recovery Requirements
Definition of "small appliance" 3.1
Evacuation requirements for small appliances with and without working compressors using
recovery equipment manufactured before November 15, 1993 3.2
Evacuation requirements for small appliances with and without working compressors using
recovery equipment manufactured after November 15, 1993 3.2
Recovery Techniques
Use of pressure and temperature to identify refrigerants and detect noncondensables 3.3
Methods to recover refrigerant from small appliances with inoperative compressors using a
system-dependent or "passive" recovery device (e.g., heat and sharply strike the compressor,
use a vacuum pump with non-pressurized recovery container) 3.3
Need to install both high and low side access valves when recovering refrigerant from small
appliances with inoperative compressors 3.3
Need to operate operative compressors when recovering refrigerant with a system-dependent
("passive") recovery device 3.3
Should remove solderless access fittings at conclusion of service 3.5
Hydrofluorocarbon (HFC)-134a (also called R-134a) as likely substitute for chlorofluorocarbon
(CFC)-12 (also called R-12) 2.8
Decomposition products of refrigerants at high temperatures 2.1
TYPE 2 (High Pressure)
Type 2 test includes topics from Core section and the topics mentioned below.
Topic Section
Leak Detection
Signs of leakage in high-pressure systems (excessive superheat, traces of oil for hermetics) 4.2
Need to leak test before charging or recharging equipment 4.2
Order of preference for leak test gases [nitrogen alone best, but nitrogen with trace quantity of
hydrochlorofluorocarbonHelphydrochlorofluorocarbonA compound consisting of hydrogen,
chlorine, fluorine, and carbon. The HCFCs are one class of chemicals being used to replace
the CFCs. They contain chlorine and thus deplete stratospheric ozone, but to a much lesser
extent than CFCs. HCFCs have ozone depletion potentials (ODPs) ranging from 0.01 to 0.1.
Production of HCFCs with the highest ODPs are being phased out first, followed by other
HCFCs. A table of ozone-depleting substances
(http://www.epa.gov/ozone/science/ods/classtwo.html) shows their ODPs, GWPs, and CAS
numbers. HCFCs are numbered according to a standard scheme
(http://www.epa.gov/ozone/geninfo/numbers.html). (HCFC)-22 (also called R-22) better than
pure refrigerant] 4.2
Leak repair requirements
Allowable annual leak rate for commercial and industrial process refrigeration 4.2
Allowable annual leak rate for other appliances containing more than 50 pounds of refrigerant 4.2
Recovery Techniques
Recovering liquid at beginning of recovery process speeds up process 4.3
Other methods for speeding recovery (chilling recovery vessel, heating appliance or vessel
from which refrigerant is being recovered) 4.3
Methods for reducing cross-contamination and emissions when recovery or recycling machine
is used with a new refrigerant 4.3
Need to wait a few minutes after reaching required recovery vacuum to see if system
pressure rises (indicating that there is still liquid refrigerant in the system or in the oil) 4.4
Recovery Requirements
Evacuation requirements for high-pressure appliances in each of the following situations:
- Disposal
- Major versus non-major repairs
- Leaky versus non-leaky appliances
- Appliance (or component) containing less versus more than 200 pounds
- Recovery/recycling equipment built before versus after November 15, 1993 4.4
Definition of "major" repairs 4.4
Prohibition on using system-dependent recovery equipment on systems containing more than
15 pounds of refrigerant 4.4
How to identify refrigerant in appliances 4.5
Pressure-temperature relationships of common high-pressure refrigerants [may use standard
temperature-pressure chart--be aware of need to add 14.7 to translate pounds per square
inch gauge (psig) to pounds per square inch absolute (psia)] 4.5
Components of high-pressure appliances (receiver, evaporator, accumulator, etc.) and state
of refrigerant (vapor versus liquid) in them 4.5
Shouldn't energize hermetic compressors under vacuum 4.6
Equipment room requirements under American Society of Heating, Refrigerating, and
Air-Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE) Standard 15 (oxygen deprivation sensor with all
refrigerants) 4.6
TYPE 3 (Low Pressure)
Type 3 test includes topics from Core section and the topics mentioned below.
Topic Section
Leak Detection
Order of preference of leak test pressurization methods for low-pressure systems
1. Hot water method or built-in system heating/pressurization device such Prevac
2. Nitrogen 5.2
Signs of leakage into a low-pressure system (e.g., excessive purging) 5.2
Maximum leak test pressure for low-pressure centrifugal chillers 5.2
Leak repair requirements
Allowable annual leak rate for commercial and industrial process refrigeration 5.3
Allowable annual leak rate for other appliances containing more than 50 pounds of refrigerant 5.3
Recovery Techniques
Recovering liquid at beginning of recovery process speeds up process 5.4
Need to recover vapor in addition to liquid 5.4
Need to heat oil to 130°F before removing it to minimize refrigerant release 5.4
Need to circulate or remove water from chiller during refrigerant evacuation to prevent
freezing 5.4
High-pressure cut-out level of recovery devices used with low-pressure appliances 5.4
Recharging Techniques
Need to introduce vapor before liquid to prevent freezing of water in the tubes 5.6
Need to charge centrifugals through evaporator charging valve 5.6
Recovery Requirements
Evacuation requirements for low-pressure appliances in each of the following situations:
- Disposal
- Major versus non-major repairs
- Leaky versus non-leaky appliances
- Appliance (or component) containing less versus more than 200 pounds
- Recovery/recycling equipment built before versus after November 15, 1993 5.5
Definitions of "major" and "non-major" repairs 5.5
Allowable methods for pressurizing a low-pressure system for a non-major repair (controlled
hot water and system heating/pressurization device such as Prevac) 5.2
Need to wait a few minutes after reaching required recovery vacuum to see if system
pressure rises (indicating that there is still liquid refrigerant in the system or in the oil) 5.5
Purpose of purge unit in low-pressure systems 5.2
Pressure-temperature relationships of low-pressure refrigerants 5.6
Equipment room requirements under ASHRAE Standard 15 (oxygen deprivation sensor with
all refrigerants) 5.7