Development Economics Course Outline

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Development Economics (AgEc 442)

Course Description

Development economics draws on several branches of economics in order to elucidate and

understand the development difficulties facing the economies of the world‟s poor countries and
the economic mechanisms that must be taken into account in raising living standards. This
course provides an overview of theories and models of growth and development; and other issues
such as growth and income distribution; growth and structural change; structural features and
characteristics of the Third World; historic growth and lessons learned; growth, poverty and
income distribution. The theories on growth and development will be evaluated in terms of the
economic realities of the fewer developing countries (LDCs).

Course Objectives
After successful completion of this course students will be able to:
 Explain basic concepts of economic development,
 Discuss various theories and models of economic growth and development,
 Evaluate the efficacy of these theories and models in solving the problems of under
 Analyze the relationship between development theory and practice,
 Describe the features and common characteristics of less developing countries,
 Participate in development policy formulation and evaluation, and
 Differentiate concepts of poverty, inequality and income distribution

Content and Thematic Plan

Program Agricultural Economics
Class year Year 4 Semester II
Course Title Development Economics
Course Code AgEc 442
Credit hrs./ ECTS 3/5
Status of the course Compulsory
Lecture class/ Room
Lecture days/ Hours
Instructor name e-mail:
Tutor name e-mail:
Consultation hours
Contact hrs. T
Topic L Pr S Indepe o
e ac u nde t
c tic b a
t al/ - nt l
u tu t stud
e to o y
h ri t
r al a
s l
Topic One: Introduction 4 0 4 12 1
1.1. Definition and Current Interest 6
in Development Studies
1.2. Nature of Development Economics
Topic Two: Economic Growth and 6 2 8 18 2
Development 6
2.1 Concepts of Economic Growth and
2.2. Core Values of Development
2.3. Meaning and Challenges of Development
2.4. Measuring Development: Key Indicators
Topic Three: Structural Features and 4 1 5 15 2
Common Characteristics of the Third 0
3.1. Some Classifications of Developing
3.2. The Structure of Third World Economies
3.3. Common Characteristics of the Third World
Topic Four: Theories of Economic 7 2 9 27 3
Development 6
4.1 The Classical Theory
4.2 The Marxian Theory
4.3 The Keynesian Theory
4.4 Lewis Theory of Unlimited Supplies of Labor
4.5 Balanced Vs Unbalanced Growth Theory
4.6 Dualistic Theories
Topic Five: Economic Growth Models 7 2 9 27 3
5.1 Rostow‟s Stages of Economic Growth 6
5.2 Harrod- Domar Model
5.3 The Solow Model
5.4 Stylized Facts and Steady State Growth
Topic Six: History, 4 1 5 15 2
Expectations and Development 0
1.1 Complementarities
1.2 Coordination failure, Linkages and policy
1.3 History versus Expectations
1.4 Increasing returns
1.5 Competition, Multiplicity and International
Topic Seven: Growth, Poverty and 6 2 8 24 3
Income Distribution 2
7.1 Inequality and World poverty
7.2 Size and functional distribution of income
7.3 Measuring of inequality and absolute poverty
in the Third world
7.4 Economic Characteristics of Poverty Groups
7.5 Women and Poverty
Total hrs. 3 10 4 144 1
8 8 9
Assessment Methods
Assignments 20%
Mid-exam 30%
Final examination 50%
Total 100%

Todaro, M.P (1997), Economic Development
Jonnes, C.I (2002), Introduction to Economic Growth, 2nd edition
Arndt, H.W. (1981). "Economic Development: A Semantic History," Economic Development and
Cultural Change: The Chicago University Press
Debraj Ray (1998). Development Economics, Princeton University Press,
Dwight H. Perkins, Steven Radelet, Donald R. Snodgrass, Malcolm Gillis and Michael Roemer
(2001). Economics of Development, 5th edition, New York: W. W. Norton.
Gerald M. Meier (2005), Biography of a Subject: An Evolution of Development Economics,
Oxford University Press
Jeffrey D. Sachs (2005).The End of Poverty: Economic Possibilities for Our Time, Penguin Books
Meier, Gerald M. and James E. Rauch (2005). Leading Issues in Economic Development.
8th ed.
Oxford University Press.
Michael Todaro and Stephen C. Smith (2008). Economic Development, 10th Ed.,
Addison Wesley.
Smith, Charles; Rees, Gareth (1998). Economic Development, 2nd edition. Basingstoke

List of courses

Course Cr.
# Module Name/ Title Module Code Clustered Courses Code Hrs ECTS
Calculus for Economists Econ 1011 3 5
Mathematical Methods in Linear Algebra for
1 Economics Econ-M1011 Economists Econ 1012 3 5
Microeconomics I Econ 1021 3 5
2 Microeconomics Econ-M1021 Microeconomics II Econ 1022 4 6
Macroeconomics I Econ 1031 4 6
3 Macroeconomics Econ- M1031 Macroeconomics II Econ 1032 3 5
Statistical tools in Introduction to statistics Econ 1041 3 4
4 Economics Econ-M1041 Statistics for Economists Econ 1042 3 5
Mathematical Applications
5 in Economics Econ-M2051 Mathematical Economics Econ 2071 3 5
Econometrics I Econ 2061 3 6
Econometrics II Econ 2062 3 6
Econometrics and Research method for
6 research methods Econ- M2061 Economists Econ 2063 3 4
Development Economics
I Econ 2071 3 5
Development Economics
7 Development Economics Econ -M2071 II Econ 2072 3 5
International Economics I Econ 2081 3 5
8 International Economics Econ-M2081 International Economics II Econ 2082 3 5
Natural . Resource & Natural Resource &
9 Environmental Economics Econ- M2092 Environmental Economics Econ 2091 3 5
Economics of Labour and Labour Economics Econ 3101 3 4
10 Industry Econ- M3101 Economics of Industry Econ 3102 3 4
Economics of Agriculture Econ 3111 3 4
Economics of Agriculture & Agriculture and rural
11 Rural Development Econ- M3111 development Econ 3112 3 4
12 Monetary Economics & Econ- M3121 Monetary Economics: Econ 3121 3 5
Public Finance theory & Policy
Public Finance Econ 3122 3 5
Planning & Project
Analysis I Econ 3131 3 4
Economics Planning & Planning & Project
13 Project Analysis Econ- M3131 Analysis II Econ 3132 3 5
History of Economic
Thought I Econ 3141 3 5
History of Economic History of Economic
14 Thought Econ -M3141 Thought II Econ 3142 3 5
Thesis in Economics I** Econ 3151 3 4
15 Thesis in Economics Econ- M3151 Thesis in Economics II Econ 3152 3 5
Communicative English
Skills EnLa 1011 3 5
16 Basic English Skills EnLa-M1013 Basic writing skills EnLa 1012 3 5
17 Introduction to Logic Phil-M1011 Introduction to Logic Phil 1013 3 5
18 Civics and Ethics CESt-M1023 Civics and Ethics CESt 1023 3 5
Introduction to computer
19 Computer Application CoSc-M 1203 application CoSc 1201 3 5
Principle of Accounting I Acct 2201 3 5
20 Principle of Accounting Acct-M 2203 Principle of Accounting II Acct 2202 3 5
Entrepreneurship and Entrepreneurship and MGMT
21 Enterprise Development MGMT-M3213 Enterprise Development 3212

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