Facilitators 1
Facilitators 1
Facilitators 1
A. Facilitators List
S.L Name and Designation Address Phone and E-mail Address
1) Mr. Syed Monzur Elahi House No-06, Road No- 01711-525115
Former Adviser of 137, Block No-C (D), smelahi@apexfootwearltd.com
Caretaker Government. Gulshan, Dhaka-1212,
10) Mr. MD. Abdul Latif 66/L, Indira Road, Dhaka. 01711-690408
Shikder. alatifsikder@yahoo.com
Ex. Member (NBR)
12) Mr. Md. Shahab Uddin, Flat No-5C, House No-46, 01711-1256555
Ex. Member (NBR) Road No-10A, 8118284
Dhaka. Dhanmondi (Residential mshahab48@yahoo.com
Area), Dhaka.
16) Mr. Shah Alam Khan Flat No-B-3, House No- 01711-302572
Ex. Member (NBR) 20, Road No-16, Block shahalamkhan678@gmail.com
Dhaka. No-B, Banani, Dhaka-
17) Mr. Md. Abdul Mannan 73, kakrail, 8th Floor, 01732-635720
Patowary, Room No-16, Dhaka. patwarimannan@yahoo.com
Ex. Member (NBR)
18) Mr. Golam Mahbubur House No-25, Apartment 9893056
Rahman, No-G, Roae No-130,
Ex. Member (NBR) Gulshan, Dhaka.
A retired VAT Officials not below the rank of Joint Commissioneer who is
efficient and experienced in VAT related issues.
An Officer from the Judicial Service not below the rank of Additional
District Judge
A lawyer or Chartered Accountant having 7 (seven) years of experience in
A retired Officer not below the rank of Deputy Secretary who is efficient
and experienced in law and legislative matters
Any businessman experienced in VAT.
C. Amendment of Facilitator’s List
National Board of Revenue can amend the list of Facilitators every six months
after consultation with the Federation Chamber.