IBM Cloud Pak For Data Express Parts On SNO
IBM Cloud Pak For Data Express Parts On SNO
IBM Cloud Pak For Data Express Parts On SNO
IBM Cloud Pak for Data (CPD) is a fully-integrated data and AI platform, built on top of Red Hat
OpenShift container platform and can run on your private, on-premises cluster or an OpenShift
deployment on cloud. CPD simplifies data access, automates data discovery and curation, and safeguards
sensitive information by automating policy enforcement for all users in your organization. It helps
connect to your data, govern it, find it, and use it for analysis.
Note: The major tradeoff with an installation on a single node is the lack of high availability. In
environments that require high availability, it is recommended that the architecture be configured in a
way in which if the hardware was to fail, those workloads are transitioned to other sites or nodes while
the impacted node is recovered.
Create a Red Hat OpenShift account. Open the hybrid console (
and select Cloud option from the cluster tab and create cluster by selecting AWS option. Select Linux
There are different choices to perform installation of the single node OpenShift cluster. Here we
explore one simple way we have been using to deploy an SNO from scratch on AWS. The OpenShift
installer will provision following resources:
• Virtual private cloud (VPC) that spans three Availability Zones (private and one public subnet in
each Availability Zone).
• Single EC2 compute/worker node instance.
• Internet gateway to provide internet access to each subnet.
• Load Balancer for access to the OpenShift API.
Again, it’s important to note that running OpenShift with only a single node is not recommended for
production environments due to the lack of high availability and scalability.
Note: RedHat does not claim support for single node OpenShift clusters on cloud providers.
Deploy The OpenShift Cluster
Our environment is now ready for OpenShift cluster installation on AWS Cloud Infrastructure.
1. For <installation_directory>, specify the directory name to store the files that the installation
program creates. After you run the command, it will prompt you for a few inputs
• SSH public key
• Cloud Provider: Select the cloud provider from the listed items
• Region: Select the Region where you want to deploy the cluster
• Base Domain: select from the dropdown
• Cluster Name: provide a unique name.
• Red Hat Pull Secret
q Run the installation program. Execute the following command to create a cluster.
During installation, installation program will create a temporary extra bootstrap node which will get
automatically torn down by the installer when installation is done, leaving you with a single-node
OpenShift installation. The process might take around 20 minutes to get the cluster up and running.
Do not delete the installation program or the files that the installation program creates. Both are
required to delete the cluster.
When the cluster deployment completes, directions for accessing your cluster, including a link to its web
console and credentials for the kubeadmin user, displays as below in your terminal.
Optional Services - Analytics Engine, SPSS Modeler, Decision Optimization, Watson Pipelines, RStudio
Note: Depending on number of services to be installed, it may be needed to increase the pod limit
(default maximum pods per node is 250). Refer below:
This can cause the node to reboot, so it would be better to do this before starting CPD installation.
1. For <installation_directory>, specify the path to the directory that you stored the installation
files in.
2. To view different details, specify warn, debug, or error instead of info
In conclusion, SNO is a cost-effective tool for developers and system administrators who want to
deploy Cloud Pak for Data Express in a small-scale environment. It provides a way to make use of
various CPD services with minimum resource overhead for running smaller, fault-tolerant, and short-
term projects. Overall, SNO is a viable option for anyone who wants to test their applications in a
smaller environment or manage a small number of applications without the need for a full-fledged
• Single Node OpenShift RedHat documentation:
• Installing a cluster on AWS with customizations:
platform/4.10/installing/installing_aws/installing-aws- customizations.html
• Configuring persistent storage:
This paper was produced by IBM Cloud Pak for Data Multi-Cloud team led by Anuj Sharma.
Contributed by the following people.
Aparna Sreekumar, Software Developer for Cloud Pak for Data Multi-
Cloud team, India Software Labs (ISL). Working with IBM since August
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