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artist Title-Name |Name /Sub-Schoo Technique Period [Courtesy ‘Subject Matter Human Life Value Maru Ragini_|sahipdin nowar Tempra 18th Gen National Museum, New Det + This the Vertical painting based on Raag Mala series, fepict the love story of Dhola Maru, which is + Beautiful and subtle depiction ofthe royal couple's iayers__|Oana Joahour colour on paper Tempra 1810 AD Tempra 7H eontury National Museum, New Det Keshav Das, Rasik Priya, sorved a inspiration for this ly offends Radha, whose + Humans’ commitment to tuth and feeings of betrayal + Genuine lave, dedication and devation Nhat Johan Kishangarh Tempra 1760 AD National Museum, Now Det + An image of a female Aura, Study of composed and at ease nature of the human mind Jaipur Tempra 1740-50 Jao National Museum, [New Det Religous Painting “The scene depicted inthis artworks from the Epic ofthe Re when Bharat comes fo Chirakuta to meet Rama, along with his three mothers and Guru Vishwamiva, i + Love and respect batweon family members, + One should valve forgiveness. + The capacity to put others’ nap teed of your own, ingle scone, several episodes have been displayed = Obedience to eiers instructions [Sub-Schoo Techniqu ‘Title-Name | Artist Name| 1 medium |e Time Period | Courtesy Human Life Value + Complete adoration, faith, compassion, and National submission to the Supreme krishna with Water colour Museum, New | plays serve as symbols for the soul's devotion to |+ The lords have an equal love opis. [Manaku _|Basotwi__fon paper__|Tempra_|173080 _|Delni God. devotees, ‘Nand, Vashoda + This painting is based on the story of Bhagat and Krishna with National | Puran and t depicts Nand, Yashoda and Krishna |+ Leadership qualities Kinsmen going to Water colour Museum, New| with kinsmen in a scene from their journey wile | Unity and faithtulness towards your society JVrindavana —_|Nainsukn [Kangra lon paper [Tempra _| 1785-90 AD [Dein migrating from Gokul to Veindavan, + To follow the masters order faithfully. ii Title - Name 'Sub-Schoo! |Medium |Technique | Time Period Human Life Value + Unty curing the time of any problem. Krishna Liting Water Mount colour on [Govardhana_|Miskin __|akoar's Time [paper [Tempra _| 1585.90 AD Water + Love for animal life and giving affecton and respect to Fatconona |ustad | Jahangirs _|calour on ll Creatures on Earth, Brc-Rest__|Mansoor [Time paper [Tempra __|1615-20AD + One must preserve good memories. + One should lead a simple ie with hui Ustad Water kabirand | Faqurutan | Shah Janar's | eolour on aides khan [Time paper _|Tompra__|1640 40. + Spiritual aisinment and wisdom, Mariage Water ‘+ Mutual spec ina family function Procession of |shah Jahan's|coieur on + One should welcome the guests wih an open heart Para Stikon_|Haji Madi | Time paper [Tempra _|1740.50 aD + One should flow discipline inthe conduct. [Techniqu Title-Name __| Artist Name| Medium |e ‘Time Period| Courtesy _|Subject Matter Human Life Value = Ths painting is porrall study of wo Sainis in @ pastoral | Respect for your guides and care fore youngor Hazrat Water National learners and beginners. Nzamudain Aula colour on Museum, + True guidance can lead us to the right path Jand Amir Kusro_|Unknown [Hyderabad [paper [Tempra _|1750-70 AD [New Det | Mutual respect for each other's at and ti Chand Bi Water National Praying Polo colour on Museum, | Deccan and depicts the interest ofthe royal women ofthat (chaugan) Unknown |GotKonda [paper [Tempra [1750 AD |New Dethi_|in the fel of spors. + Developing a sense of healthy competion |S.No. |Title-Name__|ArtistName _|Time Period |Medium [Technique _|Courtesy [Subject Matter [Human Life Value 7.Master should be kind This painting shows a tired and [and caring towards the Joverloaded camel which has collapsed animals. Abanindranath | Bengal | Water colour] Tempra and lunder the massive weight. Posture of the |2.Animal's loyalty 1_| Journey's nd | Tagore School__|_ on Paper Wash licates as if everything is finished. |towards its master. National Gallery of inting, the temperament of Bengal | Watercolour] Tempra and | Modem Art, New jiovelom Radhika has been shown 2 Radhika __| MAR. Chugtai| _School__|_on Paper Wash Deli artistically. in this painting the artist Nandalal Bose ly depicts the narrative mythology of Shiva and Sati National Gallery of jing depicts the dead body of Sati 1.Setf-respect and Bengal | Watercolour | Tempera and | Modem Art, New in the arms of Shiva who is shown ina dignity. 3_| Shiva and Sati | Nand Lal Bose | _Schoo!__| _on Paper Wash Delhi sitting position. 2.Love for husband. ‘The painting Maghdoot is based on the Icharacter of a play “Meghdoot" which is written by Kalidas. 1.Emotion of loneliness. }2.Emotion of | love in separation which is very clearly _|3.Emotion of Ram Gopal Watercolour | Tempera and | Lalit Kala Academy, |visible on the face of the Yaksha, male [commitment and 4 | Meandoot | Viiavvaraiva | 1940.0. | on Paper Wash New Delhi character. faithfulness [S.No. |Title - Name [Artist Name |Time Period |Medium _|Technique |Courtesy [Subject Matter Human Life Value 1.Always demonstrate humility Rama vanquishing {his painting depicts Rama's anger |hard decisions it somebody the Pride ofthe | RajaRavi | Late 19th | Oil colours Chitrashala, Mysore, |for the ocean for not giving him a |stops you for taking the right Ocean Verma Century _|_on canvas Kamataka | way to reach Lanka. path. 1.Unconditional love of mother National Gallery of |The painting is an expression of —|towards h Watercolour Modem Art, New Junconditional love of the mother for |2.Respon: Mother and Child | Jaminioy | 1930.0. | on paper_|Tempera Delhi towards c an honest portrayal Indian household. shows women doing a very National Gallery of ‘routine chore of grinding turmeric, a|1.Simple Livi Amrita Cillon ‘Modem Art, New |common spice used in every Indian |2.Hard woi Haldi Grinders Shergil_|_ 1940.0. | canvas Delhi cuisine. 3.Unity is strength, T.Unconditional love and care {for the poor and the destitutes. The artist has given a tribute to the |2.Selfless service of the poor National Gallery of great lady Mother Teresa, who and needy. Oil & acrylic. Modem Art, New |served the poor and the homeless _|3.Rise above religion and work Mother Teresa_| M.F Husain | 1980's AD | on canvas Delhi throughout her life. for the welfare of the society. |S.No. |Title -Name |Artist Name |Time Period |Medium |Technique _|Courtesy [Subject Matter Human Life Value 1.The artist has depicted the pain, struggle, starvation, sufferings, 1.Empathy and love for those who wounds during the war and the are impoverished and in need. 2.Economic equality is required in National Gallery of the injustice of | society so that everyone has Somnath | 1955-1970 | Copper | Etching & | Moder Art, New weak and | access to basic essentials such as 4] Children Hore AD. Plate_|_Aquatint Delhi food, clothes, and shelter. ‘Importance of spiritu we can become one National Gallery of Divine. Brass Modem Art, New |Deviis a print glorifying the World |2.Union with Supreme is the 2|__ devi Jyoti Bhatt_| 197080. | Plate _| Etching Delhi [Mother. Shakti or Devi. ultimate goal of any human being, This work is often interpreted as the representation of poverty and [The human life value we get to National Gallery of [Ioneliness and shows the Indian learn from Modern Art, New | women entrapped in perpetual Ineed for social equality for women, 3|_ofwatis [Anupam sud| 1982 Lithograph Dethi drudgery. in our society. National Gallery of [It's a depiction of vilage life based _|1.Love towards nature Man, woman} K.Laxma | 1980-1990 Etching and | Modern Art, New on artistic memories of rural and —_|2.Simple living and becoming one a] and tree Goud, AD. Paper | aquatint Dethi tribal life from childhood, with nature /S.No.|Title -Name|Artist Name __|Time Period |Medium Courtesy [Subject Matter Human Life Value 1.Hard work done by Bronze - Marina Beach, labourers and dignity of Chennai, ‘The triumph of labour sculpture labour. Cement - National represents labour at work and the 2. Unity is strength Triumph of | _D.P. Roy Bronze and | Gallery of Modem Art, [human spirit, which triumphs over [Teamwork and coordin: 1_| Labour Choudhury | 1953 A.D. Cement New Delhi hardship _with unity. to win over the impossible. Family values of Cement and It depicts a peasant family froma |togetherness and unity. Concrete tribal tribe. A poor family that is _|2.Care, love and affection of Santhal (Sand and Kala Bhawan, _| migrating with their belongings to _|parents towards their 2 | family | Ramkinkar Baij 1938 Gravel) Shantiniketan___|another location in search of work. _|children . ‘The sculpture cries and depicts a _| 1.Empathy and love towards poor family who have raised their _|the poor and the needy. Cries National Gallery of _ [hands and are shouting for help in_|2. Need for economic. 3 | unheard |Amamath Sehgall 1958 A.D. Bronze __| Modern Art, New Delhi |the time of distress. lequ: society. The sculpture Ganesha is an Oxidized abstract sculpture it depicts as the Copper Tin and] National Gallery of _|name suggests the hindu god Lord |1.Love and devotion for the 4 | Ganesha | PV. Jankiram 1970 wires Modern Art, New Delhi |Ganesha va bron i a. "aaa of Rea) cisthte pyai rteabiine useok metaprors i. Aroati Voltals 2b oman beady I Rocke Bani Tani! C@rx plex = pas'nting 2 CO) f PaNesthomn! sehen) Oh, read atadtine Pininci ngs Rame LBuwecess Show rosedthe pruienclship eof | Seabect dooencls etl cola by them anol wWemen !. Bas - | Manu Rogan Cex plas He fainbirpy 2 ate al i ef Ot e, noe hola anof Recenk e Be Mi eesscas to | e noldy te tog” oe + fete 4 i doy | > ‘3 fs | Moamu Regen! Cexplar, “aif pe Serre ce Q | There 4 mo eompetihi Art Works Session 2022-2023 Rajasthani School of Miniature Painting S.No. [Title - Name [Artist Name _ |Sub-School 1 [Maru Ragini Sahibdin Mewar 2|chaugan Players Dana Jodhpur 3 [krishna ‘on swing Nuruddin Bikaner [Radha (Bani- Thani) Nihal Chand Kishangarh 5 lenarat Meets Rama at Chitrakuta |Guman Jaipur Pahari School of Miniature Painting Artist Sub- S.No. |Title - Name Name School 1|Krishna with Gopis Manaku Basohii Nand, Yashoda and Krishna with Kinsmen going to 2|Vrindavana Nainsukh | Kangra Mughal School of Miniature Painting S.No.|Title - Name Artist Name |Sub-School 1|Krishna Lifting Mount Govardhana_|Miskin lakbar's Time 2|Falcon on a Bird-Rest Ustad Mansoor |sahangie's Time 3|Kabir and Raidas Ustad Faquirullah khan|Shan Jahan's Time 4|Marriage Procession of Dara Shikoh| Haji Madni [Provincial Mughai Deccan School of Miniature Painting S.No. |Title - Name Artist Name —[Sub-School Hazrat Nizamuddin Auliya and Amir 1|Khusro Unknown Hyderabad 2|Chand Bibi Playing Polo (Chaugan) Unknown |Gol Konda Bengal School of Art -No.| Title - Name Artist Name jlJourney's End Abanindranath Tagore 2|Radhika MAR. Chugtai 3|shiva and Sati Nand Lal Bose 4|Meghdoot Ram Gopal Vijayvargiya The Modern Trends in Indian Art - Paintings |S.No.|Title - Name Artist Name 1)Rama vanquishing the Pride of the Ocean Raja Ravi Verma 2|Mother and Child Jamin Roy 3}Haldi Grinders Amrita Shergil 4\Mother Teresa M. F. Husain The Modern Trends in Indian Art - Graphic Prints {S.No.|Title - Name Artist Name 4}Children Somnath Hore 2)Devi Jyoti Bhatt Slot walls Anupam Sud 4|Man, woman and tree K, Laxma Goud The Modern Trends in Indian Art — Sculpture No. |Title - Name Artist Name 4| Triumph of Labour D.P. Roy Choudhury 2|Santhal family Ramkinkar Baij 3Icries unheard Amarnath Sehgal [Ganesha PN. Jankiram

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