SSRN Id3803091
SSRN Id3803091
SSRN Id3803091
Real and private-value assets—defined here as the sum of real estate, infrastructure, col-
$84 trillion in the U.S. alone. Furthermore, private values can affect pricing in many other
financial markets, such as that for sustainable investments. This paper introduces the research
on real assets and private values that can be found in this special issue. It also reviews recent
advances and highlights new research directions on a number of topics in the real assets space
that we believe to be particularly important and exciting. (JEL G11, G12, G41, R31, R33, Z11)
* This paper has been written for a special issue of the Review of Financial Studies on real and private-value assets.
Goetzmann and Spaenjers served as the organizers of a conference on the topic at the Yale School of Management in
January 2020, with Van Nieuwerburgh acting as the sponsoring RFS Editor. We thank the conference program committee
members for their feedback on the submissions, and Leigh Ann Clark and Electra Ferriello for logistical support. We
are also thankful to Dragana Cvijanović, Paul Goldsmith-Pinkham, Ralph Koijen, Matthijs Korevaar, Cameron LaPoint,
Candy Martinez, Tarun Ramadorai, Jacob Sagi, Eva Steiner, and Johannes Stroebel for comments on this paper, and Blair
Vorsatz for sharing data. Michael Leahy provided valuable research assistance. Any remaining errors are ours. Send
correspondence to Stijn Van Nieuwerburgh,
Financial assets are contractual claims to benefits that flow from ownership or promises from
income-producing entities. By contrast, the owner of a real asset has the right to possess and
personally enjoy a particular piece of durable physical property that is typically unique (or at
least in limited supply and subject to heterogeneity in quality). Ownership also gives the right to
contract over the use of this property. The most well-known real asset type is of course real estate,
be it residential, commercial, or agricultural. Other important real asset categories are physical
When can durable physical objects be considered assets? Commercial real estate and infrastruc-
ture projects yield cash flows, and acquirers’ intention is clearly to earn a return commensurate
with the risks they are taking. By contrast, one might treat a cabin in the woods or an oil painting
as simply a consumption good for which one pays a price and then enjoys a service flow. However,
resale—when there is an anticipated dimension of time with attendant concern for the object’s
The price formation and trading process of real assets is unlike that for publicly traded equities.
Real assets are characterized by infrequent trading in search and auction markets, market values
that are difficult to pin down exactly, and investment returns that can only be estimated with noise.
Moreover, for assets such as owner-occupied housing and works of art, the use value derived from
ownership is nonmonetary and nontradable, and is private in the sense that it depends on the identity
of the owner. For private-value assets, any two potential buyers will be willing to pay different
amounts—reflecting differences in preferences and relative wealth—even when they have identical
resale strategies and agree on future monetary cash flows. Because of the illiquidity of the markets
in which these assets are traded, variation in private values can translate into systematic differences
in transaction prices and thus financial returns between market participants. Heterogeneity in
1 Commodities are a well-established asset category on their own, and fall outside of the scope of our analysis. Many
commodity markets are relatively liquid; trading often happens through financial contracts, such as futures; and the
notions of uniqueness and heterogeneity are not as relevant as for the assets discussed in this paper. We also do not
cover research on secondary markets for durable consumer goods (e.g., cars) or capital equipment (e.g., aircraft); see
Gavazza and Lizzeri (2021) for a recent review of the literature.
beliefs about the future dynamics of private preferences—driving potential resale revenues and
thus the common-value component of an asset—can further amplify the price uncertainty at any
point in time.
Real assets are not the only type of investments with private-value components. In particular,
the nonpecuniary private benefits from running one’s own business may be an important part of
the utility flow from entrepreneurship. Noncorporate businesses also share the aspect of illiquidity
We here thus define “real and private-value assets” (RPVA) as the sum of real estate, infras-
tructure, collectibles, and noncorporate business equity. Such assets not only are pervasive but
also represent a significant fraction of the economy. Both institutional and household portfolios
have substantial sums of money invested in RPVA. In Section 1 of this paper, we attempt a rough
quantification for the United States, which arrives at an aggregate asset class value of $84 trillion.
Private values also can be of importance for the pricing of more traditional financial assets.
We can think, for example, of distributions of idiosyncratic preferences around the ESG or impact
features of businesses and how these increasingly affect investment decisions and valuations.
The existing body of published research arguably does not measure up to the importance of
RPVA and of the role of private values in asset pricing more generally, even if much progress is
currently being made. The Review of Financial Studies therefore decided to sponsor a conference and
special issue on the topic. The idea was to simultaneously showcase the current work in the area
The current article, authored by the sponsoring RFS Editor and the two organizers of the
conference, serves as the introduction to the special issue. In Section 3, we present the eleven
original research articles in this issue. We organize our discussion around three research themes:
the measurement of risk, return, and liquidity of real assets; drivers of variation in valuations and
investment behavior; and private values in other asset markets. In Section 4, we identify a number
of research topics that we believe to be particularly promising areas for future work.
1 Size of the Real and Private-Value Asset Class
It is fiendishly difficult to arrive at a precise and internally consistent assessment of the total size
of the RPVA class. All methods agree, however, that the asset class is large and growing. Table
1 compiles our—admittedly rough—estimate of its size in the United States, based on the latest
available data. The bottom line is that RPVA is a $84 trillion asset class. The appendix lists the data
sources and the details of the calculations. Here is a summary of how we arrived at our headline
Residential real estate. Residential real estate is relatively straightforward to value. According to
the Financial Accounts of the United States, it was worth $31.2 trillion in 2020.Q3.
Commercial real estate. The aggregate value of commercial real estate (CRE) assets, including
multifamily rental housing, is much more difficult to measure. We use Financial Accounts data on
real estate values held by the nonfinancial corporate, nonfinancial noncorporate, nonprofit, and
equity real estate investment trust (REIT) sectors. This delivers an aggregate U.S. CRE market value
of $32.8 trillion.
Table 1 also provides a breakdown into the various subsectors of CRE. We use private (i.e., non-
government-owned) fixed asset data from the Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA) to decompose the
CRE value derived from the Financial Accounts into its subsectors. Industrial real estate includes
warehouses and manufacturing structures. Many manufacturing structures are owned by end users
and rarely trade. Health care includes hospitals, many of which may not trade much either, and
Our estimate exceeds numbers provided by the CRE industry, which tend to be based on
“investable” assets. The third column of Table 1 reports one such estimate based on Koijen and
Van Nieuwerburgh (2021) for the four main CRE sectors, using data from Real Capital Analytics
(RCA). They construct price indexes based on all CRE transactions from 2001 until 2020 over $10
million, and then value the stock of all CRE assets that ever traded over this 20-year period as of
the end of 2019. The RCA assets add to $4.7 trillion, an estimate that excludes many assets that
never trade, such as office and manufacturing properties owned and used by the corporate sector.
Agricultural real estate. Agricultural real estate (land and structures) is worth an estimated $2.6
trillion in 2020, according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture. Farmland, like other commercial
property, is income producing. However, like for housing, some fraction of its value may have
Infrastructure. The next category of real assets is infrastructure. The World Economic Forum
(2014) defines infrastructure as “the physical structures—roads, bridges, airports, electrical grids,
schools, hospitals—that are essential for a society to function and an economy to operate.” Many
infrastructure assets are owned by governments (around 75% according to a report by RARE
(2013)). We focus on privately held assets in the United States and use BEA data to arrive at an
estimated value of $6.9 trillion for 2019. Table 1 provides a breakdown into various subcategories.
Our measure of social infrastructure covers educational, vocational, and religious structures, but
Collectibles. For collectibles, we rely on Vorsatz (2020), who estimates the total float of different
collectible types based on wealth distribution data and high net worth individuals’ reported
collectibles ownership. We get to an aggregate value of jewelry, fine art, and antique furniture
owned by U.S. households of $4.6 trillion.2 Table 1 reports the estimates for the different components.
Goetzmann and Whitaker (2021) use U.S. estate tax records from 2013 to arrive at a year 2020 value
for fine art between $1.5 and $2.0 trillion, which is similar to the $1.8 trillion estimate reported here.
Noncorporate business equity. Finally, we include private business wealth. According to the
sole proprietorships and partnerships) is worth $12.7 trillion as of 2020.Q3. However, a substantial
portion of this estimate represents a claim to real estate assets that are already included in our
2 This is a conservative estimate as we exclude classic cars, coins, stamps, wine, and other types of collectibles.
Table 1: Aggregate value of RPVA in the United States (in billions of US$)
Asset type Aggregate Subtype RCA data Period
Residential real estate 31,232 2020.Q3
Commercial real estate 32,793 2020.Q3
Multifamily 7,027 1,453
Office 6,305 1,519
Retail 7,015 916
Industrial 5,167 811
Hospitality 3,466
Health care 3,522
Student housing 291
Agricultural real estate 2,569 2020
Infrastructure 6,901 2019
Power 2,433
Electrical transmission equipment 564
Communication 702
Transportation 515
Water, sewage, and waste treatment 185
Petroleum and gas 1,350
Mining 148
Social infrastructure 1,004
Collectibles 4,638 2017
Precious jewelry 2,156
Fine art 1,798
Antique furniture 684
Noncorporate business equity (excl. CRE) 6,055 2020.Q3
Total 84,189
commercial real estate measure. To avoid double-counting, we subtract the $6.6 trillion in real estate
equity owned by the nonfinancial noncorporate business sector to arrive at a value of $6.1 trillion.3
Another way to emphasize the importance of RPVA is to compute their share in household
portfolios. If we consider real estate, consumer durable goods, and noncorporate business equity as
RPVA for this exercise, then the asset class is worth $50 trillion of household wealth in 2020.Q3, up
from $30 trillion in 2012. This represents 38% of overall household assets, a share that has remained
Gomes, Haliassos, and Ramadorai (2021) review the available evidence on household balance
sheets around the world. They report that shares of real assets are even higher in developing
economies than in developed markets, a finding that points to an “asset tangibility preference”
potentially related to the use of real assets as collateral or as a way to ease intergenerational transfers.
Similarly, a survey of Barclays (2012) shows that financial motivations for holding art and other
collectibles are more important in emerging economies. More research on the drivers of RPVA
To stimulate new research and showcase important work in the area, the Review of Financial Studies
decided to sponsor a conference and special issue on the topic of “Real and Private-Value Assets.”
The conference was held on January 31, 2020, at the Yale School of Management, and cosponsored
by the International Center for Finance. The program committee was cochaired by the authors of
this article.
To allow authors sufficient time to develop new work, a first announcement for the conference
went out in January 2019. The final submission deadline was October 15, 2019. We received exactly
100 submissions. Of these, 73 papers were submitted under the dual submission rules of the RFS.
About 75 papers were sent out for review by a committee of 14 experts. Each paper received two
reviews. Based on the review scores and thematic fit with the conference, the program cochairs
Six of the eight papers at the conference were dually submitted to the RFS. In addition, the
sponsoring RFS Editor independently selected six more papers that were dually submitted to
proceed to formal submission to the RFS. All 12 of these papers went through the regular RFS
paper review process, independent from the conference evaluation. Paper acceptance decisions
were made solely by the RFS Editor, based on the recommendations of two referees. Six of the
In addition, the RFS received several more papers that were not submitted to the conference but
were thematically a good fit for the special issue. Some of these manuscripts were already under
review prior to the conference. Five of the papers in this issue are such regular RFS submissions,
including a paper coauthored by one of the conference organizers (Chambers, Spaenjers, and Steiner
In this section, we briefly present the papers included in this special issue, highlighting their
contributions along three dimensions: the measurement of risk, return, and liquidity in real asset
markets; drivers of variation in valuations and investment behavior; and private values in other
asset markets.
Historically, the evaluation of the investment characteristics of real assets has typically taken place
through the construction of market-wide price and total return indexes. One challenge that the
literature on real estate faces is to control for time-series variation in the quality of the underlying
properties. Prior research has also struggled to estimate the average net income yields realized by
real estate investors, as data on actual cashflows are hard to obtain. Two papers in this issue, namely,
Eichholtz et al. (2021) and Chambers, Spaenjers, and Steiner (2021), aggregate from detailed asset-
level archival data on property prices and income to asset-class return estimates. Using different
empirical settings, both papers come to the conclusion that the return estimates for housing in Jordà
et al. (2019), which are based on aggregate market statistics, may be biased upward. Eichholtz et al.
(2021) find geometric average annual real total returns of 2.8% for Paris (1871–1943) and 4.8% for
Amsterdam (1900–1979), respectively 1.4% and 2.3% below the estimates of Jordà et al. (2019) for
the same locations and time periods. Using data from Oxford and Cambridge University college
portfolios over the period 1901–1983, Chambers, Spaenjers, and Steiner (2021) report an annualized
real total return for U.K. housing of 2.3%, a difference of 2.4% with Jordà et al. (2019).
Driven by a growing awareness that most household investors in real assets do not hold
diversified portfolios, and that indexes are not investible (Chambers, Dimson, and Spaenjers 2020),
researchers are placing increasing attention on asset-level rather than on index-level risk measures.
Two papers in this issue discuss the idiosyncratic risk associated with real estate investments:
Giacoletti (2021) for housing and Sagi (2021) for commercial real estate. Both papers start from the
idea that the combination of an illiquid asset market and variation in subjective valuations must
lead to substantial transaction-specific risk. Hence, property values do not follow a random walk,
and the variance of property-level capital gains does not scale with the holding period. Sagi (2021)
builds a search model formalizing this idea and shows that it fits patterns in commercial real estate
transaction data well. Giacoletti (2021) documents evidence in favor of a causal effect of illiquidity
on transaction price dispersion. He also shows that idiosyncratic risk accounts for two thirds of
total property-level capital gain risk for 2-year holding periods, but only 45% for 15-year holds.
The mean Sharpe ratio on individual houses is just 0.44 for a 2-year holding period, although this
increases to 0.57 after 15 years. This compares to a Sharpe ratio estimate of 0.79 when ignoring
idiosyncratic risk. Disregarding asset-level capital gains risk thus leads to a biased view on real
Giacoletti (2021) and Sagi (2021) study real estate, but transaction-specific risk is likely to be
important in other real asset markets as well. For example, Lovo and Spaenjers (2018) construct an
auction model for artworks in which variation in bidder types is a source of idiosyncratic risk that
does not disappear even as the holding period converges to zero. The search model of Sagi (2021),
like the auction model of Lovo and Spaenjers (2018), implies that asset owners are more likely to
have a short holding period if an agent with a higher valuation comes along quickly. This highlights
the crucial role played by arbitrageurs in real asset markets. It also suggests a selection bias in
observed returns in real asset markets, where resale decisions and reserve prices are endogenous, at
least over short horizons. As such, these theoretical contributions relate to an econometric literature
that aims to correct repeat-sales estimators of art and housing returns for selection bias (Goetzmann
and Peng 2006; Korteweg, Kräussl, and Verwijmeren 2016; Korteweg and Sorensen 2016), and can
Another, related insight following from these papers is that there is never a single, unambiguous
market value for an artwork or a house, but that one should think of a menu of possible combinations
of (expected) prices and speed of execution (“time on the market”). Recognizing the transactional
frictions in real asset markets should thus help in developing measures of liquidity (see, e.g., Kotova
While Giacoletti (2021) and Sagi (2021) focus on idiosyncratic price dispersion, Eichholtz et al.
(2021) perform an asset-level decomposition of the variance of total real estate returns including
income yields. They find that, while in the short term, total return risk is mostly driven by
idiosyncratic capital gains, income yield risk becomes an increasingly important component of
property-level risk for longer investment horizons. Overall, a better understanding of time-series
and cross-sectional variation in the components of property-level returns and risk should also help
in studying and modeling, first, how income yields and capital gains correlate with each other and
with local housing market characteristics (e.g., Eisfeldt and Demers 2015), and, second, to what
extent different types of risk are priced (e.g., Han 2013; Peng and Thibodeau 2017; Eiling et al. 2020).
A related interesting question is whether returns compensate investors for bearing the risk that
is present in nearby cash flows or in cash flows that will materialize in the distant future. This is
the central focus of the paper by Giglio et al. (2021). Using data on freeholds and (very) long-term
leaseholds for the United Kingdom and Singapore, it deduces that the expected return for cash
flows more than 100 years in the future is only 2.6%. This long-run return estimate is substantially
below the average return on housing of about 6% that they compute based on various data sources
for recent decades for a number of different locations. Hence, they conclude that the term structure
of housing returns must be downward sloping. This confirms the evidence for the equity market
Finally, we want to emphasize that several papers in this issue study the investment characteris-
tics of property types other than housing. For commercial real estate, there of course exists a long
literature studying the properties of REIT returns (for a recent example, see Van Nieuwerburgh
(2019)). This literature mostly focuses on aggregate indexes. Also, the fact that equity REITs
are (modestly) levered and trade in public stock markets affects their liquidity and risk-return
characteristics. Ghent, Torous, and Valkanov (2019) recently reviewed the properties of both public
and private U.S. commercial real estate indexes going back to the 1970s. In this issue, Chambers,
Spaenjers, and Steiner (2021) find that both commercial and agricultural real estate outperformed
housing over the first eight decades of the twentieth century in the United Kingdom, with agricul-
tural (commercial) real estate exhibiting relatively high capital gains (income yields). Sagi (2021)
focuses on asset-level risk and return in the commercial real estate market, using transactions data
from the NCREIF. Andonov, Kräussl, and Rauh (2021), also in this issue, study the investment
performance of commingled closed-end infrastructure funds, and report relatively low risk-adjusted
returns. This is consistent with Gupta and Van Nieuwerburgh (2021), who find similarly poor
risk-adjusted performance for both infrastructure and real estate private equity funds. Andonov,
Kräussl, and Rauh (2021) also find that these funds on average fail to match the long-term stable
income yields of the underlying infrastructure assets, do not add much diversification to investor
portfolios, and have a risk profile more similar to that of other private equity investments. We
return to their question of how to best structure investments in infrastructure, and any other real
assets for that matter, for long-term institutional investors later in this article.
As highlighted in the previous subsection, the combination of market illiquidity on the one hand
and heterogeneity in subjective valuations between market participants on the other hand can lead
to dispersion in acquisition prices. One reason for variation in the willingness-to-pay by investors
can be heterogeneity in private preferences or “tastes.” Adams et al. (2021), speaks directly to
this issue by documenting international, culture-driven differences in preferences for male rather
than female art. In their large sample of historic auction prices, art produced by women sold at
a discount at auction, controlling for a variety of other factors. This discrepancy was larger in
countries with higher levels of gender inequality metrics. Their evidence is not merely historical.
Experiments reported by the authors provide additional evidence that hypothetical works of art are
valued less when they are identified as being made by women. The paper ties in with a growing
literature looking at the market’s evaluation of female artists (Bocart, Gertsberg, and Pownall 2018;
Also Andonov, Kräussl, and Rauh (2021) highlight the importance of investor preferences.
They argue that ESG considerations of public institutional investors, such as public pension funds,
sovereign wealth funds and government agencies, can partially explain their underperformance in
infrastructure. Such investors thus seem willing to trade off financial returns against nonpecuniary
benefits, in a way similar to impact investors in the venture capital industry (Barber, Morse, and
Yasuda 2021). Variation in preferences is more likely to affect investor prices and returns in illiquid
resale values can drive variation in investor behavior in markets for durable assets. Pénasse,
Renneboog, and Scheinkman (2021) build a speculative art trading model with short-sale constraints
and fluctuating differences in beliefs in the spirit of Hong, Scheinkman, and Xiong (2006). They then
study the effects of the negative shock to the expected (future) asset supply (or “float”) caused by
an artist’s premature death. The model predicts permanent increases in prices and trading volume
as both the value and the frequency of exercise of the “resale option” associated with art ownership
go up. Comparing auction price and volume trends for artists that died unexpectedly to those for
otherwise similar artists that lived longer, they find evidence in support of these predictions.
The earlier mentioned-paper of Giglio et al. (2021) highlights another important source of (cross-
sectional and time-series) variation in beliefs about the common-value component of residential
real estate, namely, climate change risk assessment. They find that transaction prices of properties
in flood zones correlate negatively with a “climate attention index” constructed from real estate
listings. The paper belongs to a fast-growing literature on the pricing of climate risk, explored in
the March 2020 issue of the Review of Financial Studies on “Climate Finance” (cf. Hong, Karolyi, and
Scheinkman (2020) and the references therein). Much of this literature focuses on housing and
its exposure to sea level rise and wildfire risk. While the early evidence on the effect of climate
risk exposure on housing values is mixed (Bernstein, Gustafson, and Lewis 2019; Murfin and
Spiegel 2020), Garnache (2020) and Eichholtz, Steiner, and Yönder (2019) document lower prices for
residential and commercial real estate, respectively, when disaster risk is more salient. Other recent
papers focus explicitly on heterogeneity in beliefs between agents (Baldauf, Garlappi, and Yannelis
highlighted above, combined with the fact that housing values respond to climate risk, makes
housing a suitable asset to infer the discount rates to be applied to climate mitigation investment.
Such investments have uncertain benefits that accrue in the distant future, and how to discount
these benefits is an issue of both great importance and confusion. Since such investments are hedges
and the damages from climate change that they offset are largest in the near term, Giglio et al. (2021)
argue that nearby benefits should be discounted at very low rates and further-out benefits at higher
(but still very low) rates. These discount rates change the cost-benefit calculus on climate change
mitigation investments relative to the received wisdom on discount rates in Nordhaus (2013).
Finally, Han et al. (2021) focus on how financial constraints affect equilibrium behavior of sellers
and buyers. Using a regression discontinuity design in the empirical part and a search model in the
theoretical part of the paper, they show how regulatory changes on down payment constraints have
subtle effects on the various price segments of the housing market. A macroprudential policy aimed
at curbing price growth in Toronto in the $1 million housing market segment backfired because it
generated bidding wars in the segment just below the $1 million cutoff.
Private values are not just relevant for real assets. Bellon et al. (2021) consider the utility that
individuals derive from owning their private business. The authors exploit a quasi-natural experi-
ment in which certain households receive large cash windfalls from mineral right claims, while
others do not. The windfalls result in the creation of more incorporated businesses (businesses
with employees), helping to overcome liquidity constraints. The windfalls also allow individuals
to remain self-employed for longer. The latter effect does not seem to be driven by the alleviation
of financial constraints, but rather by a demand for the nonpecuniary or private benefits of being
Finally, we want to highlight that private values may affect investment decisions—and thus,
potentially, valuations—outside the RPVA class. We already mentioned the recent research on
the nonpecuniary benefits derived by impact investors in private equity and venture capital. But
even liquid financial assets’ valuations may be affected by the nonfinancial preferences of investors.
Bauer, Ruof, and Smeets (2021) survey investors in a Dutch pension fund, who were given a vote on
whether the fund should focus more on sustainability issues. The proposal received strong support.
This support appeared to be mainly driven by investors’ social preferences rather than a belief that
sustainability is good for financial performance. A follow-up survey showed that investors’ support
did not weaken after they learned about the actual implementation of the sustainable investment
policy. The findings of the paper are consistent with recent lab experiments showing that investors’
moral preferences affect their valuations and allocations (Bonnefon et al. 2019; Humphrey et al.
4 Moving Forward
In this final section of our paper, we outline some, in our view, particularly exciting research areas
that hold promise for much additional work in the near future. Our goal is not to give an exhaustive
overview of all current research on RPVA. Instead, we focus on a selective set of issues related to
the ownership and trading of real assets. We thus largely ignore research related to, for example,
private values in financial assets, the financing of real asset acquisitions, or the effect of macro
factors and credit cycles on price levels in real asset markets. For housing, the latter literature is
surveyed in Davis and Van Nieuwerburgh (2014) and Guerrieri and Uhlig (2016).
4.1 Price formation and return heterogeneity in real estate markets
Real assets are the quintessential illiquid assets. They trade infrequently and in thin markets
because of the uniqueness of each asset’s physical characteristics and the heterogeneity in investors’
subjective valuations, which is in turn due to heterogeneity in preferences, financial constraints, and
beliefs about future fundamentals. Han and Strange (2015) review the existing literature on search
in housing markets. It strikes us as an important task to build richer search and matching models
that can be confronted with detailed asset-level data (asset features, buyer and seller characteristics,
time on the market, transaction prices, etc.). Some papers have recently pushed in the direction of
modeling real-world features of housing markets. Ngai and Tenreyro (2014) study the effects of
seasonality in housing market thickness (and thus in the quality of buyer-seller matches). Piazzesi,
Schneider, and Stroebel (2020) focus on geographical segmentation in search. Arefeva (2020) builds
a dynamic search model that accounts for bidding wars between potential home buyers with
heterogeneous valuations. Burnside, Eichenbaum, and Rebelo (2016) present a model of social
dynamics in which agents’ beliefs about housing market fundamentals change through meetings
with other agents; Bailey et al. (2018) use social network data demonstrating the empirical relevance
of this mechanism. Data from online platforms are helpful to understand the drivers of actual
search behavior (Gargano, Giacoletti, and Jarnecic 2020; Piazzesi, Schneider, and Stroebel 2020).
Researchers have also started to use search models to analyze the commercial real estate market.
The paper by Sagi (2021) included in this issue is a prime example. Badarinza, Ramadorai, and
Shimizu (2020) analyze how counterparties’ affinity with each other can mitigate cross-border
contracting frictions, leading to a matching of buyers with sellers of the same (or proximate)
nationality. Ghent (2020) focuses on market segmentation by liquidity preferences and explains why
delegated investors concentrate their commercial real estate investments in the most liquid markets.
There is scope for much more work in this area, in particular as new empirical work documents
the variation in preferences (Cvijanović, Milcheva, and van de Minne 2020) or in transaction prices
(Spaenjers and Steiner 2020) across different investor types in the commercial real estate space.
One group of real estate investors that has been studied increasingly is foreign or nonlocal buyers.
These investors have been blamed for pushing up house prices, aggravating existing housing
affordability issues. Favilukis and Van Nieuwerburgh (2021) build a spatial equilibrium model of
a city to quantify the effect of an out-of-town inflow on local residents’ welfare and house prices.
Empirical work by Chinco and Mayer (2016), Badarinza and Ramadorai (2018), Barcelona, Converse,
and Wong (2019), Davids and Georg (2020), Gorback and Keys (2020), and Li, Shen, and Zhang
(2020) shows that investment demand from out-of-town or out-of-country buyers can drive up local
house prices, which gives an interesting contrast with earlier papers on the effects of immigration
Asymmetric information is a key characteristic of real estate markets (Garmaise and Moskowitz
2004; Kurlat and Stroebel 2015; Stroebel 2016), and may be particularly important in cross-border
transactions. Foreign home buyers may try to lower asymmetries by searching in “preferred habitats”
with high proportions of same-nationality households (Badarinza and Ramadorai 2018). Agarwal
et al. (2019a) focus on ethnic matching between buyers and sellers. Agarwal, Sing, and Wong (2019)
and Badarinza, Ramadorai, and Shimizu (2020) emphasize the importance of investors’ nationalities
in commercial real estate transactions, highlighting the roles of learning and trust, respectively,
when transacting under asymmetric information. There are natural connections between this work
and an emerging body of research in the trade literature recognizing the importance of informational
frictions (e.g., Chaney 2014). The international finance literature rarely considers cross-border trade
in RPVA. Taking into consideration the specific trading costs and market illiquidity in this asset
Nonlocal investors may differ from local ones on other dimensions than their information set
alone. For example, Cvijanović and Spaenjers (2020) argue that wealthy out-of-country buyers in
the Paris housing market realize lower capital gains because of their lower bargaining intensity, not
because of higher information asymmetries.
A growing literature studies the role of housing for the dynamics of inequality. Real estate assets
and mortgage debt occupy a preeminent place in the household wealth portfolio, especially for
middle-class households. House price and mortgage rate dynamics therefore trigger large shifts in
that part of the wealth distribution (Rognlie 2016; Knoll, Schularick, and Steger 2017; Bach, Calvet,
and Sodini 2020; Fagereng et al. 2020; Kuhn, Schularick, and Steins 2020). The wealth-building
aspect of home ownership, emphasized in Sodini, Nieuwerburgh, and Vestman (2017), contributes
to rising financial wealth inequality when house prices go up. Existing research also suggests that
the location of upbringing (Chetty, Hendren, and Katz 2016; Miller and Soo 2021), as well as home
ownership and housing returns (Cooper and Luengo-Prado 2015; Lovenheim and Mumford 2013;
Been et al. 2021; Hacamo 2021), may have important long-run and even intergenerational effects.
The full effects of lifetime experiences in real estate markets remain to be uncovered.
Long-standing issues of racial and ethnic differences in access to the mortgage market and home
ownership have received relatively little attention in the finance literature, at least until recently.
New work in this area includes Ghent, Hernández-Murillo, and Owyang (2014), Bayer et al. (2017),
Bayer, Ferreira, and Ross (2018), Gerardi, Willen, and Zhang (2020), Stein and Yannelis (2020),
Ambrose, Conklin, and Lopez (2021), Bhutta and Hizmo (2021), Giacoletti, Heimer, and Yu (2021),
and, in the context of new FinTech business models, Bartlett et al. (2019) and Fuster et al. (2020).
Appel and Nickerson (2016) study the long-run effects of “redlining” policies that restricted access
to credit in poor and minority urban neighborhoods. Avenancio-Leon and Howard (2020) document
racial inequalities in property taxation. Future work could dig deeper into demographic variation
in the risk-return characteristics of owned housing, and, in the spirit of Agarwal et al. (2019a), the
role of race and ethnicity in housing search and matching dynamics. It could also analyze how
financial contract design can promote durable home ownership across all income levels.
Other dimensions of inequality are worth exploring more as well. For example, Sakong (2020)
finds that poorer households realize lower returns in the housing market because they are more
likely to buy when prices are high and to sell when prices are low. Goldsmith-Pinkham and Shue
(2020) show a substantial gender gap in housing returns stemming from differences in both market
timing and execution prices. However, Andersen et al. (2020) argue that much of the difference in
negotiated prices between single men and single women reflect gender differences in preferences
The discussion in the previous subsection highlighted the importance of investor heterogeneity.
Using the tools of demand-based asset pricing developed by Koijen and Yogo (2019), Koijen and
Van Nieuwerburgh (2021) use rich data on the identity of buyers and sellers to study whether
different types of investors have different valuations for asset characteristics. The coefficients of
the hedonic pricing model come to depend on the investor composition. The ultimate goal for
the literature is to build a model that can jointly account for prices, quantities (holdings and
transactions), and liquidity measures (e.g., inventory, time on the market) in the time series and in
the cross-section.
For most real assets, supply changes endogenously and often with long lags. These “hog cycles"
in development amplify price cycles in secondary markets. Land, which is an option on a future
building or infrastructure asset, is much more volatile than structures (Davis and Heathcote 2005).
Some recent papers emphasize the role of supply in explaining housing price dynamics. Head,
Lloyd-Ellis, and Sun (2014) models the response of housing construction to income shocks in a
search-and-matching model. Nathanson and Zwick (2018) study how the interaction between
development constraints and disagreement about future demand affects house prices. Ben-David,
Towbin, and Weber (2019) infer the dynamics of house price expectations from the joint dynamics
of prices and demand-supply disparities. Combining richer models of supply with demand-based
For both art and housing, a lot can still be learned about the role played by “investors”—buyers
driven by expectations of capital gains rather than consumption motives—in generating the time
dynamics of both prices and volume. One type of investor aims to profit from marketwide price
increases. Bayer et al. (2020) document substantial entry by such (amateur) “speculators” during
housing boom periods—completely mistiming the market. DeFusco, Nathanson, and Zwick (2020)
and Gao, Sockin, and Xiong (2020) argue that variation in speculative activity can play a role
in amplifying housing market cycles. By contrast, Griffin, Kruger, and Maturana (2020) find no
consistent relation between different proxies for speculation and prices in the early 2000s housing
boom and bust. Bayer, Mangum, and Roberts (2021) shows how speculative activity is contagious
and spills over geographically. Investors may be subject to larger fluctuations in the availability
and cost of credit over time and a have different propensity to default on mortgages (Albanesi,
De Giorgi, and Nosal 2019). The impact of investors on house prices may thus change over
the course of the credit cycle. An interesting question to explore further is how taxes or other
regulations targeting speculators affect outcomes and welfare (Chi, LaPoint, and Lin 2021; Favilukis
and Van Nieuwerburgh 2021). More broadly, relatively little work pursues the public finance aspects
of real estate, such as property taxation and zoning, and how they affect prices, quantities, and
Other financially driven art and housing buyers act as intermediaries or arbitrageurs, buying
undervalued assets—often from forced sellers—and bringing them back to the market quickly. In
the art auction model of Lovo and Spaenjers (2018), such “flipping” behavior arises endogenously
because of market illiquidity, and happens no matter what the state of the economy is. In the same
spirit, Bayer et al. (2020) contrast the stabilizing role of liquidity-providing “middlemen” for house
prices with the destabilizing role of speculators. Driven by the emergence of machine-learning-
based automated property valuation methods (Glaeser, Kincaid, and Naik 2018; Lindenthal and
Johnson 2020), one of the most important developments in the housing market is the emergence
of “iBuyers,” studied recently by Buchak et al. (2020). We foresee much more work on the role
and (expected) impact of such players on prices and quantities, and their cyclical properties, in the
A quickly growing literature looks into how households’ investment choices in the housing market
are driven by their (subjective) experiences, their (potentially biased) expectations of future price
rises, and the interaction of the two (Piazzesi and Schneider 2009; Burnside, Eichenbaum, and Rebelo
2016; Glaeser and Nathanson 2017; Bailey et al. 2018; Armona, Fuster, and Zafar 2019; Kuchler
and Zafar 2019; Bottan and Perez-Truglia 2020; Liu and Palmer 2021). DeFusco, Nathanson, and
Zwick (2020) and Pénasse and Renneboog (2020) emphasize the role of extrapolative expectations in
fueling speculative booms for the housing and the art market, respectively. The two-way feedback
loop between (implicit or explicit) expectations on the one hand and investment behavior and
There is also scope for more work on how housing market beliefs drive credit demand (e.g.,
Bailey et al. 2019; De Stefani 2020) and supply (e.g., Kaplan, Mitman, and Violante 2020), which
may feed back to price movements. The relative importance of beliefs and credit conditions in
accounting for boom and bust dynamics in the housing market remains an unsettled issue (Favilukis,
On the seller side, starting with Genesove and Mayer (2001), a literature has developed stressing
the importance of loss aversion in explaining the positive correlation between prices and volume
observed in the housing market. The loss aversion effect interacts with the down payment effect,
typically attributed to Stein (1995). However, recent work by Bracke and Tenreyo (2020) and
Andersen et al. (2021) disputes this commonly accepted explanation, arguing that loss aversion
does not play a very significant role over and above simple anchoring. Beggs and Graddy (2009)
show evidence for the existence of anchoring in the art market. A better theoretical understanding
behavioral biases therein—clearly would be helpful in order to explain the observed price and
volume dynamics.
4.3 Intermediaries
Intermediaries (e.g., real estate agents, art auction houses) play a crucial role in real asset markets.
A number of papers study the relation between house prices and (excess) entry into the real estate
agent profession (e.g., Hsieh and Moretti 2003; Begley, Haslag, and Weagley 2020). However, the
impact of time-series and cross-sectional variations in broker quality and behavior on transaction
who find that houses listed by inexperienced brokers have a lower probability of sale, and that this
effect is stronger during a housing bust. They propose a housing search model in which brokers
enter and exit endogenously, leading to cyclical variation in the distribution of intermediaries’
experience. For the art market, Bruno, Garcia-Appendini, and Nocera (2018) argue that auction
Some other research focuses on the distorted incentives and conflicts of interest of real estate
agents. Levitt and Syverson (2008) show that brokers sell their clients’ houses more quickly and at
lower prices than their own. However, recent work that applies textual analysis to broker listings
argues this result may be due to an omitted variable bias (Liu, Nowak, and Smith 2020). Still,
real estate agents sometimes have clear informational advantages that may allow them to, for
example, “cherry-pick” cheaper listings or to obtain larger discounts from weak sellers (Agarwal
et al. 2019b). Barwick, Pathak, and Wong (2017) find that real estate agents steer buyers to high-
commission properties. There is clearly scope for more work here. Related to earlier-mentioned
issues, future studies could also dig deeper into the role of real estate agents in the matching (or not)
of counterparties of different nationalities or racial or ethnic groups, and the effects on transaction
An understudied aspect of intermediaries is their role as information producers or providers.
Some recent papers show how real estate advertisements provide otherwise difficult to observe
information about properties’ quality (Liu, Nowak, and Smith 2020; Nowak and Smith 2020; Shen
and Ross 2021). Other work focuses on presale appraisals of items’ market values. For example,
Aubry et al. (2020) show that art auction house estimates are systematically biased, which could
be due to behavioral biases, but also to strategic reasons. Similar mechanisms may play a role in
housing appraisals as well (Salzman and Zwinkels 2017). Future research should help improve our
understanding of the competitive considerations that underlie intermediaries’ asset valuations, and
their effects on the equilibrium behavior of buyers and sellers. Already some evidence points to
Institutional investors access real estate and infrastructure investments both through public equity
and debt markets and through private equity and debt markets. The general trend seems to be for an
increasing allocation to alternative assets held outside public equity vehicles. Andonov, Kräussl, and
Rauh (2021) ask an important question in this issue: do investors hold RPVA investments in the right
vehicles? Do commingled closed-end private equity funds provide a good structure for pension
funds, sovereign wealth funds, or endowments to invest in real assets given the long-term nature of
their liabilities? How does the after-fee performance of such investments compare to coinvestments
or direct asset investments? Do pension funds have the expertise to pull off such direct investments
successfully, maybe by forming consortia, as was done in Canada (Lipshitz and Walter 2020)? Do
investors shy away from public markets since it absolves them from having to mark positions to
market, creating an “illiquidity premium," as suggested by Gupta and Van Nieuwerburgh (2021)?
More empirical work is needed to carefully measure the risk-adjusted performance (before and
after fees) of the various modes of investing in real assets. More theoretical work is needed to
develop the optimal contractual structures for different types of institutional investors.
Both for real estate and for collectibles, some popular discussion revolves around “tokenization.”
Limited academic research has tackled this topic so far. For collectibles, Vorsatz (2020) develops a
model of tokenization and argues that it can be welfare improving. A complementary perspective
is offered by Whitaker and Kräussl (2020), who argue that a fractional equity system for artworks
can be a tool for diversified investment and democratized access to the art market, while allowing
artists to retain a share in the upside potential that their work creates. There is room for new
models of financing that unlock some of the value and help share the risk in RPVA assets.
We can think of the private use value associated with the possession of an artwork as an “emotional
dividend” (Lovo and Spaenjers 2018), which is worth what the owner would be willing to pay
for one period of enjoyment. Barring pressure from investment demand, including the occasional
need for a discrete and portable store of wealth (Oosterlinck 2017), prices of artworks and other
collectibles are thus determined at the intersection of the distribution of purchasing power and that
of tastes. Research has indeed shown a strong impact of wealth dynamics on the willingness-to-pay
for collectibles (Aït-Sahalia, Parker, and Yogo 2004; Hiraki et al. 2009; Goetzmann, Renneboog, and
Spaenjers 2011; Dimson, Rousseau, and Spaenjers 2015). Oster and Goetzmann (2003) study the
role played by urban concentrations of wealth in the economics of local museums, emphasizing
the social dimension of the nonmonetary dividends supplied by art. Moving from wealth to tastes,
common (and seemingly lexicographic) preferences for certain highly ranked experiences can
clearly have unusual economic effects supporting extreme and puzzling variations in prices for
practically indistinguishable goods. The details of collectors’ preferences and their associated values
are difficult to measure and model economically, but may have first-order effects. Differential
preferences can derive from variation in past aesthetic experiences, social signaling, identity
construction, and many other factors (Spaenjers, Goetzmann, and Mamonova 2015).
Research into the pricing of aesthetic features has arguably been hampered by blunt econometric
tools. Hedonic regressions typically project the characteristics of artworks to prosaic indicator
variables, with the most relevant being the artist. Advances in computer vision and machine
learning have opened up new possibilities for studying the subtleties of the pricing of style and
features detectable optically (Pownall and Graddy 2016; Ma, Noussair, and Renneboog 2019; Aubry
et al. 2020). Future work may build on new methods that visually compare objects to each other
and computationally measure creativity (Elgammal and Saleh 2015). There also may be scope
for research that constructs crowdsourced proxies for attractiveness, as already has been done to
Also new statistical methods applied to transaction and art historical data can enable a better
understanding of the formation of aesthetic tastes and the dynamics of fashion. Goetzmann
et al. (2016) develop an empirical classification of styles based on a manifold clustering algorithm
applied to auction prices. Fraiberger et al. (2018) use network analysis to model the paths of highly
successful contemporary artists, showing the importance of early access to prestigious central
Finally, there is definitely room for more experimental research examining the drivers of private
enjoyment and willingness-to-pay. As noted before, Adams et al. (2021), in this issue, study
experimentally how appreciation of artworks depends on the (perceived) gender of the artist. Other
recent studies have generated further insights into the aesthetic experience. Ma, Noussair, and
Renneboog (2019) study how colors can affect emotions and valuations. Newman and Bloom
(2012) explore when and for which reasons original artworks and artifacts are considered more
valuable than duplicates. Related research finds that people value objects that enhance their sense
of proximity to the artist or to collectors with similar preferences (Newman and Smith 2016; Smith,
As more sophisticated methods for the study of aesthetics become available, future researchers
can build on insights from both neuroaesthetics (Chatterjee and Vartanian 2014) and neuroeconomics.
Interestingly, neurological research suggests that the relation between experienced utility and prices
may not be a one-way street (Plassmann et al. 2008), arguably providing a biological microfoundation
for models in which the price of a collectible directly enters the utility function (Mandel 2009).
4.6 Big challenges for real estate and infrastructure markets
The Covid-19 crisis has raised important questions about the future of cities and the future of work,
with direct and indirect implications for housing markets, commercial real estate markets (office,
e-commerce), and infrastructure (e.g., safety and financial viability of public transit). Gupta et al.
(2021) study changes in residential rents and prices in urban versus suburban locations resulting
from pandemic-induced household migration. Ling, Wang, and Zhou (2020) study the impact of
the pandemic on asset-level commercial real estate across different categories, largely resulting from
temporary restrictions on business activity. Delventhal, Kwon, and Parkhomenko (2020) and Davis,
Ghent, and Gregory (2021) study housing prices in spatial equilibrium models where households
choose where to locate when the technology for working from home improves. The pandemic has
also underscored the need for a better understanding of how public health shocks affect real estate
markets (Wong 2008; Custódio, Cvijanović, and Wiedemann 2020; D’Lima and Thibodeau 2021;
Climate change and the energy transition it has set in motion directly affects the built envi-
ronment and the infrastructure that supports it. Technological innovations, such as driverless
cars (Zakharenko 2016), and the sharing economy (Calder-Wang 2020) intersect with the climate
imperative in interesting ways. Better cost-benefit analysis of investments in energy efficiency and a
quantification of the risk of economic obsolescence (stranded real assets) are needed. The increased
focus on sustainability by institutional and retail investors in equity and debt markets (green bonds)
and in property markets (green buildings) will continue to be an important research theme.
Finally, there are large unmet infrastructure needs in the developed world, but even more so in
developing countries where most of the growth in the world population takes place (Walter 2016).
Infrastructure investments run up against fiscal constraints everywhere. Capturing some of the
newly created value of infrastructure additions (Gupta, Van Nieuwerburgh, and Kontokosta 2020),
for example, through property taxes, can be a useful tool in a broader arsenal of financing options.
Much work is needed to assess risk and return of infrastructure projects in emerging markets and
to find ways to bridge the financing gap (Gardner and Henry 2021).
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Appendix. Size of the Real and Private-Value Asset Class
This appendix describes the data sources and calculations behind Table 1, which computes the
total value of the stock of RPVA in the United States. The three main data sources are the Financial
Accounts of the United States of the Federal Reserve Board (FAUS); the Fixed Assets Accounts of the
Bureau of Economic Analysis (FAA); and Vorsatz (2020).
Alternatively, one can value commercial real estate in a bottom-up manner using data on CRE
transactions. Koijen and Van Nieuwerburgh (2021) use data from Real Capital Analytics on all sales
above $10 million of CRE assets in the four core sectors (apartments, office, retail, and industrial)
between 2001 and 2020 to estimate a hedonic pricing model for each sector and geographic market.
They then revalue the stock of all assets that ever traded over this 20-year period as of the end of
2019. The column labeled “RCA data” in Table 1 reports the results.
The main breakdown in Table 1 shows nontrivial values for noncore CRE sectors. The latter
have been growing in importance relative to the four core sectors over the past decade. Some
classify cell phone towers and data centers as CRE assets as well. In our calculations, those are
included as infrastructure.
We focus on privately held infrastructure assets in the United States. As before, we use FAA table
2.1. We decompose infrastructure assets into the following components:
Estimates for the worldwide value of the different collectible categories shown in Table 1 come from
Vorsatz (2020). We thank the author for generously sharing his data. To estimate the total value
of the float for these items, he combines a survey of the collectibles holdings of high net worth
individuals (Barclays 2012) with year 2017 data on the distribution of wealth (Credit Suisse 2017).
His Appendix C contains the details. To transform his global estimates to U.S. values, we multiply
by the estimated share of the United States in worldwide household wealth according to Credit
Suisse (2017), which is 33%. Finally, we group together “fine art pictures & paintings” and “fine art
Apart from the categories shown in the table, Vorsatz (2020) also estimates the aggregate value
of worldwide holdings of a number of other collectible types. Using the same methodology as
before would lead to the following estimates of the value of U.S. holdings: $819 billion for classic
cars, $567 billion for coins, $480 billion for tapestries and rugs, $345 billion for wine, and $209
billion for stamps. These numbers strike us as implausibly large given what we know about annual
turnover in these markets. One explanation is that wealthy households overestimate the market
value of their holdings in these collectible types. In particular, collections of coins, stamps, and wine
often consist of large numbers of items with relatively limited resale values. Another explanation is
that the survey oversampled owners of collectibles that are less widely-held than precious jewelry,
fine art, and antique furniture.
Noncorporate business equity
We take the 2020.Q3 value for FAUS series LM112090205.Q: Nonfinancial noncorporate business;
proprietors’ equity in noncorporate business (net worth), and subtract real estate equity computed as
the difference between series LM115035005.Q: Nonfinancial noncorporate business; real estate at market
value and series FL114123005.Q: Nonfinancial noncorporate business; loans; liability.