2023-02+RESF+412+study+guide Fin
2023-02+RESF+412+study+guide Fin
2023-02+RESF+412+study+guide Fin
Faculty of Education
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Study section 4.4 Qualitative sampling methods ................................................................... 40
Study section 4.5 Data collection .......................................................................................... 41
4.5.1 Methods of data collection in qualitative research .................................................... 41
4.5.2 Qualitative data recording procedures ..................................................................... 42
Study section 4.6 Data analysis and interpretation of qualitative research ............................ 44
Study section 4.7 Trustworthiness in qualitative research ..................................................... 44
Study section 4.8 Application of qualitative research designs in education research ............. 46
Study unit 5 An introduction to the quantitative research method ........................................... 51
Study section 5.1 Elements of a research design .................................................................. 52
Study section 5.2 Quantitative research ................................................................................ 52
Study section 5.3 Types of quantitative research designs ..................................................... 52
Study section 5.4 Quantitative sampling methods ................................................................. 53
Study section 5.5 Data collection .......................................................................................... 54
Study section 5.6 Validity and reliability in quantitative research ........................................... 56
5.6.1 Validity ..................................................................................................................... 56
5.6.2 Reliability ................................................................................................................. 56
Study section 5.7 Data analysis ............................................................................................ 57
Study section 5.8 Application of quantitative research designs in education research........... 58
Study section 5.9 Distinguishing between characteristics of qualitative and quantitative
approaches 62
Study unit 6 Research ethics .................................................................................................. 64
Study section 6.1 Research ethics ........................................................................................ 64
Study section 6.2 What is research ethics? ........................................................................... 68
Study section 6.3 Four common ethical principles................................................................. 68
6.3.1 Protection of research participants from harm .......................................................... 68
6.3.2 Respecting participants’ right to privacy ................................................................... 69
6.3.3 Informed consent ..................................................................................................... 69
6.3.4 Conducting and reporting research in an honest manner ......................................... 69
Study section 6.4 Other considerations regarding research ethics ........................................ 70
Study section 6.5 Matters to be considered to obtain the informed consent of research
participants 71
Study unit 7 The research proposal ........................................................................................ 75
Study section 7.1 Clarifying the concepts .............................................................................. 75
Study section 7.2 Writing a research proposal ...................................................................... 76
Study section 7.3 The structure of a research proposal ........................................................ 77
Module information
Module code RESF 412
Module outcomes Assessment criteria
On successful completion of this module, Students have mastered the outcomes if they are
the student should be able to able to:
• illustrate detailed knowledge of the principles
• systematic and comprehensive and elements of education research and how it
knowledge and understanding of the relates to social science research;
key concepts, principles, and theories • analyse and apply relevant literature in an
of education research in particular, academic and reflective manner in order to
within the broader context of social write a literature review;
science research in general; • apply knowledge and understanding to identify
• an application of contested research the suitability of specific aspects of the research
knowledge, and a critical evaluation of process in respect of the literature review and
the applicability of research in the field field of curriculum development, with specific
of education; emphasis on, the design and implementation of
• ability to identify, analyse and critically a research problem, question and title;
reflect on evidence-based solutions • analyse knowledge of and critically evaluate
and theory –driven arguments in the education research processes to significant
research process and apply this to a research themes, issues or topics to identify
specific research topic; and and engage with problems and/or introduce
• ability to take full responsibility in change in the field of education;
decision-making and use of resources • display the ability to independently validate and
to reflect on values, ethical conduct manage sources of information when designing
and justifiable decision making and implementing the research process within
appropriate to the research practices a curriculum based research topic; and
of curriculum and professional • be responsible and accountable throughout the
development. research process to act ethically and
professionally so as to justify decisions and
actions of ethical research conventions such
as, intellectual property and accurate
referencing methods underpinning curriculum
and professional development.
• Requirements for successful completion of the module
Calculation of final mark
Participation mark: 50% of final mark
Examination mark: 50% of final mark
= Total: 100%
Requirements for successful completion of the module:
• Participation mark: minimum 40% to obtain admission to examination
• Examination sub-minimum: 40%
You need a final module mark of at least 50% to pass the module
• Assessment plan:
A) Assessment that will count towards your participation mark (Formative assessment)
You can be expected to conduct the following forms of formative assessment: Essay-type
assignments, activities, research related tasks, tests, and any related research.
B) Examination (Summative assessment)
A two-hour, closed-book examination will be written.
C) Informal assessment that will support and give feedback on your learning
The e-Guide provides informal assessments that the student can complete for this own revision. This
will not form part of the formal formative assessment mark.
Study materials
Compulsory study material:
Visser, A., Van der Vyver, C.P. & Wolhuter, C.C. (eds). 2023. Introduction to research in education
for student teachers. Noordbrug: Keurkopié.
Maree, K. 2020. First steps in research. 3rd ed. Pretoria: Van Schaik.
Additional study material:
Leedy, P.D. & Ormrod, J.E. 2015. Practical research: planning and design. 11th ed. Boston:
Pearson. (Reserved in the library)
Any other additional study materials are uploaded on eFundi.
How to study
The following method is suggested:
1. First read through the material in your study guide or the prescribed material and indicate
the most important parts.
2. Systematise the work in accordance with the learning outcomes as set out in the study
guide and summarise the material in the light thereof.
3. The learning outcomes help you to identify the most important sections of the work. The
other information is not unimportant as it is relevant to the study outcomes. You only have to
have a cursory view thereof for exam purposes. Do not, however, ignore this material. You
should be able to place your knowledge in context.
4. Thereafter complete all the learning activities indicated in the study guide.
5. Always read through your own answers again before comparing them to the model answers
6. Participate in the group discussions and make use of the facilitator's expertise.
Assessment /
Study material
Example Reflection
Study unit 1
Study hours
Recommended time to master the study unit outcomes: 10 hours
Learning outcomes
After engaging with the materials and activities in this study unit, you should
be able to:
• define and analyse the concept of research;
• distinguish between informal (non-scientific, everyday) and formal
(scientific) research;
• define and discuss education research;
• explain how research in education differs from other types of research;
• identify and describe the sequential components of the education research
Study material
Chapter 1 and 2 in the prescribed textbook (Visser, A., Van der Vyver, C.P. &
Wolhuter, C.C. 2023. Introduction to research in education for student teachers.
Noordbrug: Keurkopié.)
Chapter 2 in prescribed textbook (Maree, K. 2020. First steps in research. 3rd ed.
Pretoria: Van Schaik.
In this study unit, you will learn what research is to understand the cyclical process thereof, to know
what education research is, and to understand the process of education research. This study unit is
divided into four sections that will help you to master the outcomes of this study unit.
communicate what we discover to the larger scientific community (Leedy & Ormrod, 2015:20). In
both informal and formal research, research involves searching for solutions to problems and
extending knowledge (Sesay, 2011:18).
and scientific research’ (Mouton, 2001:139). Figure 1.1 below (taken from Mouton, 2001:140)
distinguishes between research problems in the different worlds.
World 3: Metascience
Paradigms in philosophy of science, e.g., positivism, realism,
postmodernism, critical theory, phenomenology
Paradigms in research methodology, e.g., quantitative, qualitative and
participatory action research
World 2: Science
‘Body of knowledge’
Research process
Figure 1.1: The relationship between metascience, science, and everyday life knowledge (a
focus on research problems) (Mouton, 2011:140)
Read Chapter 1 (Introduction to research in education for student teachers) and Chapter 2 (First
steps in research) to gain a better understanding of what research is.
Individual activity 1.1
After having studied the paragraphs above, as well as Chapter 1 (Introduction to
research in education for student teachers) and 2.1 (First steps in research) ,and
answer the questions below.
Study section 1.2
The cyclical process of research
Leedy and Ormrod (2015:20-25) explain that research is a systematic process. During this process,
information, also known as data, is collected, analysed and interpreted so as to increase the
understanding of a particular phenomenon of interest or concern (Leedy & Ormrod, 2015:20). In the
everyday lives of people, they often use a systematic approach to collect and interpret information
to solve problems in their daily lives – this is informal research (Leedy & Ormrod, 2015:20). However,
with formal research, researchers intentionally set out to enhance their understanding of a
phenomenon and then communicate what they have discovered to a larger scientific community
(Leedy & Ormrod, 2015:20). Figure 1.2 is a visual representation of research as a cyclical process.
The researcher interprets 1.
the meaning of the data The research begins with
as they relate to the a problem an
problem and its unanswered question.
6. 2.
The researcher collects, The researcher clearly and
organises, and analyses data specifically articulates the
related to the problem and goal of the research
its subproblems. endeavor.
The researcher often
The researcher develops
divides the principal
a specific plan for
problem into more
addressing the problem
and its subproblems.
The researcher identifies
hypotheses and
assumptions that
underlie the research
The research cycle in Figure 1.2 is an iterative process (Leedy & Ormrod, 2015:24). Sometimes a
researcher will move back and forth between the steps along the way. Leedy and Ormrod (2015:24)
give the following example:
While developing a specific plan for a project (Step 5), a researcher might realize that
a genuine resolution of the research problem requires addressing a subproblem not
previously identified (Step 3). And while interpreting the collected data (Step 7), a
researcher may decide that additional data are needed to fully resolve the problem
(Step 6).
The research process is also cyclical. The final step (Figure 1.2) is not really a final step at all (Leedy
& Ormrod, 2015:25). It is rarely the case that a research project completely resolves a problem
(Leedy & Ormrod, 2015:25). Research typically involves a cycle, or rather a helix (spiral), where one
study leads to follow-up studies (Leedy & Ormrod, 2015:24).
Here follows brief descriptions of the different steps in the cyclical process as presented in Figure
1. The researcher begins with a problem (an unanswered question) – Researchers are
constantly aware of their surroundings and ask questions about the occurrence of different
phenomena (Leedy & Ormrod, 2015:20). Asking questions strike a spark and ignites a chain reaction
leading to the research process (Leedy & Ormrod, 2015:20).
2. The researcher clearly and specifically articulates the goal of the research endeavour – A
researcher should identify a research problem and formulate it as a clear, unambiguous statement
(Leedy & Ormrod, 2015:21). Leedy and Ormrod (2015:21) argue that ‘[t]he ultimate goal of the
research must be set forth in a grammatically complete sentence that specifically and precisely
answers the question, “What problem do you intend to solve?”’
3. The researcher often divides the principal problem into more manageable subproblems –
The main problem is divided into several subproblems that can aid in resolving the main problem
(Leedy & Ormrod, 2015:21). A research problem can be formulated into a research question and
divided into smaller questions that must be addressed before the main research question can be
resolved (Leedy & Ormrod, 2015:22).
4. The researcher identifies hypotheses and assumptions that underlie the research effort –
In quantitative research, a researcher often formulates one or more hypotheses. Leedy and Ormrod
(2015:22) define a hypothesis as ‘a logical supposition, a reasonable guess, and an educated
conjecture. It provides a tentative explanation for a phenomenon under investigation. It may direct
your thinking to possible sources of information that will aid in resolving one or more subproblems
and, as a result, may also help you resolve the principal research problem.’ Moreover, Leedy and
Ormrod (2015:23) define an assumption as ‘a condition that is taken for granted, without which the
research project would be pointless’. Researchers in an academic environment write a statement of
their assumptions as the foundation on which their studies rest (Leedy & Ormrod, 2015:23). Leedy
and Ormrod (2015:23) give the following example:
Imagine that your problem is to investigate whether students learn the unique
grammatical structures of a language more quickly by studying only one foreign
language at a time or by studying two foreign languages concurrently. What
assumptions would underlie such a problem? At a minimum, you must assume that:
• The teachers used in the study are competent to teach the language or
languages in question and have mastered the grammatical structures of the
language(s) they are teaching.
• The students taking part in the research are capable of mastering the unique
grammatical structures of any language(s) they are studying.
• The languages selected for the study have sufficiently different grammatical
structures that students might reasonably learn to distinguish between them.
5. The researcher develops a specific plan for addressing the problem and its subproblems
– Research is a carefully planned process to find data to respond to the research problem.
Researchers carefully plan the overall research design in a purposeful way to acquire data relevant
to their research problem and subproblems (Leedy & Ormrod, 2015:23). The research problem or
question determines the research design the researcher uses (Leedy & Ormrod, 2015:23).
6. The researcher collects, organises and analyses data related to the problem and
subproblems – After the researcher has worked through steps one to five above, he/she collects
the data. There are two forms of data, namely quantitative and qualitative data. According to Leedy
and Ormrod (2015:23), ‘quantitative research involves looking at amounts, or quantities, of one or
more variable of interest. A quantitative researcher typically tries to measure variables in some
numerical way, perhaps by using commonly accepted measures of the physical world (e.g., rulers,
thermometers, oscilloscopes) or carefully designed measures of psychological characteristics or
behaviors (e.g., tests, questionnaires, rating scales).’ Leedy and Ormrod (2015:24) further define
qualitative research as ‘[research involving] looking at characteristics, or qualities, that cannot be
entirely reduced to numerical values. A qualitative researcher typically aims to examine the many
nuances and complexities of a particular phenomenon.’ These two forms of research often require
of the researcher to use distinctly different data-analysis strategies (Leedy & Ormrod, 2015:24).
7. The researcher interprets the meaning of the data as they relate to the problem and
subproblems – Data are nothing more than data; data only gain significance once researchers
extract meaning therefrom (Leedy & Ormrod, 2015:24); put differently, if data are not interpreted, the
data are worthless and cannot help in answering the posed questions (Leedy & Ormrod, 2015:24).
Leedy and Ormrod (2015:24) argue that ‘[d]ata demand interpretation. But no rule, formula, or
algorithm can lead the researcher unerringly to a correct interpretation. Interpretation is inevitably a
somewhat subjective process that depends on the researcher’s hypotheses, assumptions, and
logical reasoning processes.’
Individual activity 1.3
Do the following activities.
1. Study Chapter 1 in Introduction to research in education for student teachers, in your own words,
write how you would describe education research.
2. Study Chapter 1 in Introduction to research in education for student teachers and explain the use
of reasoning during research.
Figure 1.3: The education research process
As indicated in Figure 1.3 above, the researcher first has to identify a topic by reading literature and
being aware of what is going on in, for example, the education system, schools and tertiary
environments. This awareness is needed to identify a research problem. The research problem is
then phrased as a research question (more information on this process is provided in Study Unit 3).
A researcher must conduct a literature review that forms the basis of a research project. A literature
review helps researchers to establish what is already known about the topic and on what theories
they want to build the research. Some scholars prefer not to use the phrase ‘literature review’ but
would rather use phrases such as theoretical framework, conceptual framework, body of scholarship,
and so on. When you further your studies, it would be more crucial to know the difference between
these phrases. To learn more about a literature review, you can go to Study Unit 2.
After a research question has been formulated, a researcher needs to decide what research design
to employ to help with responding to the research question. To learn more about the different
research designs, go to Study Units 4 and 5. The elements select topic idea, research problem,
research question, literature review and research design all form part of the research proposal. To
learn more about a research proposal, go to Study Unit 7.
After a research proposal has been accepted, a researcher must apply for ethical clearance. No
researcher may do any empirical research without ethical clearance. To learn more about ethical
clearance, go to Study Unit 6. After ethical clearance has been obtained, a researcher can start with
the research by first obtaining permission and informed consent from relevant stakeholders. After
permission and informed consent have been obtained, the researcher can start with collecting,
processing, analysing and interpreting the data. The final product of a research project is then written
up in a report form. Often, as researchers are busy conducting research, they write up the project in
various formats.
In RESF 412 and RESF 422, you will only be expected to write a research proposal by the end of
the year. Your lecturer will guide you through the process. You will not complete the research project
and will only stop with phase one of the research process.
Lambert, M. 2012. A beginner’s guide to doing your education research project. London: Sage.
Leedy, P.D. & Ormrod, J.E. 2015. Practical research: planning and design. 11th ed. Boston:
Mouton, J. 2001. How to succeed in your master’s and doctoral studies: a South African guide and
resource book. Pretoria: Van Schaik.
Sessay, A. 2011. Education research: a beginner’s guide. Xlibris Corporation: s.l.
Study unit 2
Study hours
Recommended time to master the study unit outcomes: 10 hours
Learning outcomes
After engaging with the materials and activities in this study unit, you should
be able to:
• find academic sources;
• identify and explain different types of sources;
• know what plagiarism is and why it is important to reference;
• apply referencing and quoting from sources in a technically-appropriate
manner by making use of the NWU Harvard referencing style;
• compile a technically-correct reference list/bibliography;
• explain the reasons for conducting a literature review;
• discuss the steps of conducting a literature review in a logically-organised
• understand and explain the structure of a literature review;
• identify important skills needed when doing a literature review; and
• analyse and apply relevant literature in an academic and reflective manner
in order to write a literature review.
Study material
Chapter 4 in the prescribed textbook (Visser, A., Van der Vyver, C.P. & Wolhuter,
C.C. 2023. Introduction to research in education for student teachers. Noordbrug:
Additional reading
Chapter 4 in McMillan and Schumacher (2010). Research in education: evidence-
based inquiry.
In this study unit, you will learn how to find literature, how to reference these literature sources and
finally, how to analyse and apply relevant literature in an academic and reflective manner in order to
write a literature review. This study unit is divided into three sections that will help you to master the
outcomes of this study unit.
Study section 2.1
Finding literature and referencing
A book:
A chapter in a book:
An article:
2.1.2 Learning from other education research studies
Do the activity belowIndividual activity 2.2
Do the following activity. Download an article and use the following questions to make
a summary of the article (*Note: you can use this table to summarise all the articles
you will use for your literature-review assignment).
2.1.3 Referencing
In this section, we will learn about plagiarism, types of sources, and how sources should be
referenced in texts. Plagiarism
When should one reference?
• When referring to a specific person’s viewpoint;
• If there is a measure of doubt linked to a specific issue;
• When information is used that was not ‘tested’ by the writer him/herself – for example, statistics,
or empirical data.
Referencing is part of academic writing and makes the research formal and scientific. It involves
referencing within your text and by way of a reference list. Not being meticulous in applying in-text
references and compiling a reference list lead to plagiarism.
Plagiarism (according to the NWU, 2012:5):
• is the reproduction of somebody else’s work or ideas and representing it as your own words or
ideas without giving recognition to the author;
• is academic or intellectual theft;
• occurs when you write a sentence or paragraph or quote it verbatim without including a reference,
therefore implying that it is your own work.
14 Different types of sources and how to reference them
Primary sources:
• Sources that provide original information about a topic.
• They should be referenced in the text as follows: At the beginning of a sentence: Simmonds
(2009:25-56); OR at the end of a sentence: (Simmonds, 2009:25-56).
Secondary sources:
• Provide second-hand information. Keep to a minimum.
• They should be referenced in the text as follows: At the beginning of a sentence: According
to Freud (cited by Williams, 1996:10); OR at the end of a sentence (Freud cited by Williams,
The NWU has three referencing styles: Harvard; Law; and APA. This module uses the Harvard
referencing style as specified by the NWU Referencing Guide (2020).
Study Tabane (2015) as well to see different types of sources.
Journal article
In the text:
Boote and Beile (2005:4) OR (Boote & Beile, 2005:4)
In the reference list:
Boote, D.N. & Beile, P. 2005. Scholars before researchers: on the centrality of the dissertation
literature review in research preparation. Educational Researcher, 34(6):3-15.
Individual activity 2.4
Write down all the specific rules for the referencing of:
a book,
a journal article.
How does citing sources and keeping a reference list help you from committing plagiarism?
Individual activity 2.5
Compile a reference list. Your reference list must be according to the NWU
Referencing Guide (2020) Harvard style. Your reference list must consist of 10
sources, which could be:
✓ Books
✓ Book chapters
✓ Journal articles
Apply what you have learnt about how to find sources and how to reference sources to complete this
2.1.4 The literature review
18 How to do a literature review
Punch and Oancea (2014:104) state that a literature review should be critical; it should not simply
be descriptive. To be critical means to not just accept what is written at face value, but to analyse
and evaluate the information (Punch & Oancea, 2014:104). The following questions can help for a
critical orientation while reading and reviewing literature (Punch & Oancea, 2014:104):
• Has the author identified a topic or formulated a problem or an issue, with research questions
that follow from it to guide the investigation?
• Is it clearly defined? Is its significance clearly established?
• What is the author's research orientation or perspective? Could the problem have been more
effectively approached from another perspective?
• What is the author's theoretical framework? Are the main concepts clearly defined and
consistently used?
• Has the author evaluated the literature relevant to the problem? Has the literature been dealt
with thoroughly and even-handedly?
• If it is an empirical study, how good are the basic components – the design, the sampling, the
quality of the data collected, and the data analysis? Are the conclusions justified by the data?
• How does the author structure the argument behind the research? Can you ‘unpack’ the flow of
argument to see if it holds together logically?
• Is the paper appropriately written?
• In what ways does this paper contribute to our understanding of the problem? In what ways is it
useful for practice? What are the strengths and the limitations?
• How does this paper relate to the research I am developing and proposing?
Individual activity 2.7
Study Chapter 4 in Introduction to research in education for student teachers and
Chapter 4 in McMillan and Schumacher (2010) and write comments how you would
ensure that your literature review is a critical synthesis of the literature.
To be able to write a literature review, one must first find literature, summarise it, and only then can
one write a literature review. Figure 2.1 illustrates the process to follow when doing a literature
As illustrated in Figure 2.1, the following is a general outline for conducting a literature review:
1. Broad scan
As regards the research topic or question:
• gather different sources (e.g. books, chapters in books and articles)
• be aware of the scope of the literature (what is your topic?)
• evaluate the research (make use of the questions posed by Punch and Oancea, 2014:104)
Sort and prioritise the literature (find a strategy that would work for you).
2. Inquiry
• analytical reading
• evaluative reading
3. Comprehensive critique
Do a comparison across the literature
4. Writing
• organise the content
• write the literature review
21 Important tips for doing a literature review
A literature review synthesises several different kinds of materials into an ongoing, cumulative
argument that leads to a conclusion (for example, what needs to be researched in the present
research, how and why) (Cohen, Manion & Morrison, 2011:121). It can be like an extended essay
that sets out clearly (Cohen et al., 2011:121):
• the argument(s) that the literature review will advance;
• points in favour of the argument(s) or thesis to be advanced/supported;
• points against the argument(s) or thesis to be advanced/supported; and
• a conclusion based on the points raised and evidence presented in the literature review.
Several points must be considered when researching and writing a literature review. A literature
review (Cohen et al., 2011:121):
• establishes and justifies the need for the research to be conducted;
• establishes and justifies the focus of the research;
• is not just a descriptive summary but an organised and developed argument, usually with
• presents arguments and counter-arguments, evidence and counter-evidence about an issue;
• presents, contextualises, analyses, interprets, criticises and evaluates sources and issues,
and does not merely accept what is said;
• reveals similarities and differences between authors about the same issue;
• must be focused yet comprehensive in its coverage of relevant issues;
• must present both sides of an issue or argument, and
• must include and utilise many sources of literature and not only one article or book.
(Cohen, Manion, & Morrison, 2011:121).
22 Academic writing
When people talk to their friends, they would make use of informal language. However, to write
academically is a form of art and it takes years to master. Your lecturer will expect of you to make
use of academic writing for completing assignments in RESF 412. Carefully study Chapter 4 Section
4.4.3 in Introduction to research in education for student teachers and Chapter 4 in McMillan and
Schumacher (2010)on writing up the literature review.
Cohen, L., Manion, L. & Morrison, K. 2011. Research methods in education. 7th ed. Abingdon:
Hammond, M. & Wellington, J. 2013. Research methods: the key concepts. London: Routledge.
McMillan JH & Schumacher, S. 2010. Research in Education: evidence-based inquiry. Pearson
Education Inc
NWU (North-West University). 2020. NWU referencing guide.
http://library.nwu.ac.za/sites/library.nwu.ac.za/files/files/documents/quoting-sources.pdf Date of
access: 4 Oct. 2019.
Punch, K.F. & Oancea, A. 2014. Introduction to research methods in education. 2nd ed. s.l.: Sage.
Study unit 3
Study hours
Recommended time to master the study unit outcomes: 10 hours
Learning outcomes
After engaging with the materials and activities in this study unit, you should
be able to:
• identify the background to the research problem;
• make a clear distinction between the research question and the research
• determine the features of good research questions;
• know the importance of research questions;
• understand the different types of research questions;
• identify good and bad research questions;
• formulate primary and secondary research questions based on the
research problem;
• gain an understanding of how research titles are formulated;
• consider different factors that may influence the formulation of the most
suitable research title;
• formulate a researchable title;
• identify variables in a title; and
• discuss reasons why a researchable title is formulated from a research
Study material
Chapter 3 in the prescribed textbook (Visser, A., Van der Vyver, C.P. & Wolhuter,
C.C. 2023. Introduction to research in education for student teachers. Noordbrug:
Chapter 1 in prescribed textbook (Maree, K. 2020. First steps in research. 3rd ed.
Pretoria: Van Schaik.
In this study unit, you will learn what a title is so as to be able to formulate research questions and
identify a research problem. This study unit is divided into four sections that will help you to master
the outcomes of this study unit.
Study section 3.1
The research title
Research does not start with finding the title of the research but with identifying a research problem
– in other words, what you want to research: precisely, a specific issue, difficulty, problem, or gap in
knowledge that you want to address. These are practical problems aimed at contributing to change.
The research title is the broad subject matter that is addressed by the study (Creswell, 2012). The
title gives the researcher and the readers a clear picture of the direction of the study – it predicts the
content. The title is about what the researcher wants to know – the need for the study. It is a
statement of what exactly the researcher wants to find out or achieve by undertaking the research.
The title must be refined for it to be researchable; thus, it needs to be narrowed down to specific
issues for which empirical data can be gathered. It is important not to rush this phase of the research
as it can become frustrating and time consuming. This is because the title must be selected, defined
and refined to ensure a smooth implementation and scientific rigour. The statement of a research
topic is a signpost and a boundary-maker that sets the investigator on a clear path and a territory to
be explored.
The selection of a research title can be done at the beginning, during and after the research project
has been finalised. Some researchers claim that a title is formulated after the research problem has
been identified, and some formulate the titles for their projects at the end of the proposal-writing
process. The latter do this so that they can be as precise as possible in their wording and sentence
structure to best represent their investigation. Some prefer to work with a ‘working title’, which can
be revised as the project develops.
A title must be well formulated. A poorly formulated title can mislead readers into thinking the study
is about something it is not, confusing them from the start.
Better: Visual acuity in infants
Avoid: Studies on the development of objective techniques for monitoring the development of visual
acuity in infants
Avoid using fillers and non-communicative devices, such as: A study of...; An exploratory study to
determine...; An examination of...; A method to explore...
Rather formulate a title like the following examples:
• The influence of leadership on work performance motivation
• Effective management of healthy school environments
• Suicide prevention among learners in Northern Free State schools
Individual activity 3.1
After having studied the above sections, do the following:
3. Distinguish between the dependent and independent variables in your title and elaborate on the
reasons for the differences.
3.2.1 Features of good research questions
The focus of research questions in qualitative and quantitative research differs. In quantitative
research, the research question is more explicit, taking into consideration the concepts and variables
in the title. Researchers formulate primary and secondary questions for their research. A research
question is the question around which you centre your research.
The following are characteristics of good research questions:
• clearly formulated and unambiguous
• concise
• operationalisable, as they can be executed or implemented in practice
• open-ended, posed in a manner that does not suggest an obvious answer
• theoretically rich, raising and generating other research questions
• self-explanatory and do not need further elaboration
• grammatically correct, posed by a researcher with an eye on detail and meticulous on the use of
Research questions can be focused or unfocused; the former helps researchers to stick to what is
to be studied.
Study section 3.9 in Introduction to research in education for student teachers and Chapter 1 (First
Steps in research) of the prescribed textbooks to gain an understanding of what the qualities of good
research questions are.
• Descriptive – Do teachers still practise corporal punishment?
• Explanatory – Why do schools persist in administering corporal punishment even though such
practices are illegal?
• Exploratory – To what extent, if any, are students on former white campuses living socially
segregated lives?
Study section 3.9 in Introduction to research in education for student teachers and Chapter 1 (First
Steps in research) in the prescribed textbooks to gain a better understanding of formulating research
Individual activity 3.2
After having studied the above section, answer the following:
Indicate whether the research questions below are good or bad and give a reason for
your answers.
1. Since smoking causes cancer, what can be done to eliminate smoking in high schools?
3. To what extent, if any, are students on former white campuses living socially segregated lives?
5. What are the online behaviours of students doing their first degree through e-learning?
3.2.3 Primary and secondary research questions
There are two types of research questions: the main or primary, and secondary. The secondary
questions are more specific and give added focus to the main research question. Each secondary
question must relate directly to the main question.
Primary research question
• Are healthy school environments in the Gert Sibande District effectively managed?
Secondary research questions
• What constitutes a healthy school environment?
• What legislative principles and policies guide the management of healthy environments in
• Why are healthy school environments important in schools?
• To what extent, if any, are school managers effectively managing healthy school environments?
Secondary questions can be formulated to be addressed in literature (literature questions) or in
empirical studies (empirical questions). Both these types of questions guide the literature and
empirical investigation.
Study section Introduction to research in education for student teachers and 1.8 in First
Steps in research to understand primary and secondary questions.
2. How do South African teachers use learning materials in CAPS?
Title: An investigation into students’ use of e-books at the North-West University
Aim: Many academic libraries have expanded their library provision by the acquisition of e-books.
Despite this strategic direction, the literature reveals that relatively little is known about student
perceptions of and attitudes towards e-books. Therefore, the aim of this study is to conduct empirical
research into student perceptions of e-books and their frequency of use. The results will be used to
make recommendations to library management to improve the quality of service provision of e-
Research objectives:
The above aim will be accomplished by fulfilling the following research objectives:
• Review the literature on student uptake and experience of e-books in academic libraries.
• Investigate perceptions of students on the usage of e-books at the North-West University.
• Compare usage statistics between various user-groups, e.g. full-time, part-time, course type, etc.
• Determine if any improvements or alterations are required so as to facilitate high service-quality
provision regarding e-books at the North-West University library.
Individual activity 3.4
Study chapter 3 in Introduction to research in education for student teachers and for
additional reading Chapter 3 in McMillan and Schumacher (2010) and answer the
following questions.
3. How would you narrow down your topic to help you select a particular research problem?
2. Formulate a research problem.
3. From the research problem, formulate a primary research question and a research aim.
5. Develop three secondary questions related to the primary research question and title.
Bryman, A. 2007. The research question in social research: what is its role? International Journal of
Social Research Methodology, 10(2007):5-20.
Creswell, J.W. 2012. Educational research: planning, conducting, and evaluating quantitative and
qualitative research. Boston: Pearson.
Gall, M.D., Gall, J.P. & Borg, W.R. 2006. Educational research: an introduction. 8th ed. Boston: Allyn
& Bacon.
Leedy, P.D. & Ormrod, J.E. 2015. Practical research: planning and design. 10th ed. Boston:
MacMillam JH & Schumacher, S. 2010. Research in Education: evidence-based inquiry. Pearson
Education Inc
Walliman, N. 2006. Social research methods. London: Sage.
Study unit 4
Study hours
Recommended time to master the study unit outcomes: 10 hours
Learning outcomes
After engaging with the materials and activities in this study unit, you should
be able to:
• demonstrate an understanding of what a qualitative research method
• discuss qualitative research designs, namely phenomenology, narrative
inquiry, ethnography, case studies, and grounded theory;
• distinguish between different qualitative research designs;
• define and describe qualitative sampling methods;
• define and describe qualitative data collection methods;
• define and describe qualitative data analysis methods;
• explain how trustworthiness is ensured in qualitative research; and
• critically evaluate the applicability of qualitative research designs in
education research studies.
Study material
Chapter 5 in Introduction to research in education for student teachers. Noordbrug:
Chapters 4–6 in the prescribed textbook (Maree, K. 2020. First steps in research.
3rd ed. Pretoria: Van Schaik.
In this study unit, you will learn what a research design is, what qualitative research entails, how to
ensure trustworthiness in a qualitative study and how to critically evaluate the applicability of
qualitative research designs in an education research study. This study unit is divided into eight
sections that will help you to master the outcomes of this study unit.
A research design describes:
• how the study will be (was) conducted;
• it summarises the procedures for conducting the study, including when, from whom, and under
what conditions the data will be (were) obtained.
In other words, the research design indicates:
• the general plan how the research is set up;
• what happens to the respondents/participants;
• what methods of data collection are used.
Research designs can be divided into two main groupings, namely empirical research designs and
non-empirical research designs.
Under non-empirical research, we identify historical, discursive, meta-analytical and theoretical
Our focus is on empirical research designs.
• focus on individual meaning; and
• a description of the complexity of the situation (Creswell, 2009:4).
In general,
• qualitative research is collecting, analysing and interpreting data by observing what people do
and say;
• qualitative research refers to the meanings, concepts, definitions, characteristics, metaphors,
symbols, and descriptions of things;
• using words through open-ended questions.
Grounded theory
Narrative research
Read Section 5.4 in Introduction to research in education for student teachers and 5.2 in First Steps
in Research to gain an understanding of five qualitative strategies (approaches).
Ethnography: ‘a strategy of inquiry in which the researcher studies an intact cultural group in a
natural setting over a prolonged period of time by collecting, primarily, observational and interview
data’ (Creswell, 2009:13).
Grounded theory: ‘a strategy of inquiry in which the researcher derives a general, abstract theory
of a process, action, or interaction grounded in the views of participants’ (Creswell, 2009:13).
Case studies: a strategy of inquiry in which the researcher explores in depth a program, event,
activity, process, or one or more individuals. Cases are bounded by time and activity, and
researchers collect detailed information using a variety of data collection procedures over a
sustained period of time (Stake, 2000).
Phenomenological research: ‘a strategy of inquiry in which the researcher identifies the essence
of human experiences about a phenomenon as described by the participants’ (Creswell, 2009:13).
Narrative research- ‘a strategy of inquiry in which the researcher studies the lives of individuals and
asks one or more individuals to provide stories about their lives’ (Creswell, 2009). The researcher
retells this information in the form of a narrative chronology. The narrative combines views from both
the participant’s life and that of the researcher in a collaborative narrative (Creswell, 2009).
Study section 4.4
Qualitative sampling methods
A crucial step in research is the selection of the participants or individuals who will participate in the
research (being interviewed, observed, to fill in questionnaires, etc.). When you want to know
something about a certain group of people (i.e. the population), you must find a few members of this
group and study them. Sampling is the process of selecting these individuals from the population.
Study section 5.5.1 in Introduction to research in education for student teachers and 5.3.2 in First
steps in research to familiarise yourself with types of sampling methods.
Purposive sampling is generally used in qualitative research. The following are criteria for sampling:
• the sampling strategy should be relevant to the conceptual framework and research questions;
• the sample should generate rich information on the phenomenon;
• the sample should enhance transferability of the findings;
• the sample should produce credible explanations;
• the sample should take ethical preconditions into consideration;
• the sampling should be feasible in terms of money and time.
There are four main types of non-probability sampling methods:
• convenience sampling
• quota sampling
• snowball sampling
• purposive sampling
• the researcher may be an outsider or a participant observer
• intentionally unstructured and free flowing
• can be problematic and lack objectivity
• can yield a great deal of information
• tend to be unstructured and open-ended
• occasional use of focus groups
Qualitative documents:
• public documents, such as newspapers, minutes of meetings, official reports
• private documents, such as personal journals and diaries, letters, and e-mails
Qualitative audio- and visual materials:
• photographs, art objects, videotapes, or any forms of sound.
*(Adapted from Creswell, 2009:178-181).
Use an interview protocol for asking questions and recording answers during an interview,
consisting of:
A heading – date, place, interviewer, interviewee.
Instructions for the interviewer to use standard procedures from one interview to another.
The questions – an ice-breaker question followed by 4 to 5 questions.
Probes for the questions – to follow up and ask an individual to explain in greater detail or to elaborate
on a statement.
Space between questions to record the answers.
A final thank-you statement to acknowledge the time the interviewee/participant spent during the
Information can be recorded by means of:
Handwritten notes
Audio recording – plan for transcription of the tape
Video recording
*(Adapted from Creswell, 2009:181-183).
Individual activity 4.4
After having studied the above sections, answer the following questions:
2. What are the differences between individual interviews and focus group interviews?
4. What are the limitations of focus group interviews?
Four criteria that should be considered by qualitative researchers in pursuit of a trustworthy study
• Credibility – questions that are often asked to deal with credibility are “How congruent are the
findings with reality? How do I ensure that the reader will believe my findings” (Nieuwenhuis,
2020:145). There are various strategies that can be employed to ensure credibility, one
example is to have a research design that is aligned with the research question(s)
(Nieuwenhuis, 2020:144).
• Transferability – invites readers to connect a research study with their own experience or
research (Nieuwenhuis, 2020:144). For transferability to be possible, the researcher must
provide a thick description (detailed descriptions of context, participants, and research design)
and make use of purposive sampling (Nieuwenhuis, 2020:145)
• Dependability – closely related to credibility (Nieuwenhuis, 2020:145). According to
Nieuwenhuis (2020:146) “Dependability is demonstrated through the research design and its
implementation; the operational detail of data-gathering; and the reflective appraisal of the
• Confirmability – is the “degree of neutrality or the extent to which the findings of a study are
shaped by the participants and not by researcher bias, motivation, or interest” (Nieuwenhuis,
Read section 5.8in Introduction to research in education for student teachers and 6.7 in First steps
in research on trustworthiness in qualitative research.
1. What is trustworthiness?
2. What are the four criteria for trustworthiness that should be considered by qualitative researchers?
Discuss these criteria.
Study section 4.8
Application of qualitative research designs in education
Do the following two individual activities:
This research reports on a case study about ex-model C secondary school teachers’ interpretations
of how they implement formative assessment in their Physical Science classrooms. The key purpose
of the study was to elicit data on how ex-model C secondary school Physical Science teachers
understand and incorporate notable aspects of formative assessment into their teaching practices.
Individual, semi-structured interviews were conducted, enabling participants to reflect upon their
personal experiences and practices. Ten interviewees were chosen based on their relative
experience as secondary Physical Science teachers. In addition, the classroom practices of all the
interviewees were directly observed during predetermined periods without influencing the classroom
dynamics. The conclusion was that the 10 participants would be sufficient to reach data saturation.
2. Identify three phrases from the excerpt that could guide the literature review for this study.
3. Ten research participants were selected as the sample for the study. List three possible criteria
applied by the researcher for selecting these participants.
6. What measures could the researcher put in place to ensure that the raw data that were collected
through semi-structured interviews and direct observations are trustworthy?
A grade 12 Mathematics educator started to use interactive whiteboard lessons. She decided to
determine how the Grade 12 learners experience the interactive whiteboard lessons. She compiled
an open-ended questionnaire and approached the Department of Education and her principal for
permission to conduct this study at her high school. Thereafter, she wrote a letter to the learners and
to their parents in which she explained the project in detail. In addition to the letter, she verbally
explained the project to the learners. She also stressed that participation was voluntary, that learners’
identities would not be revealed when she writes up the findings of her study, and that learners could
withdraw from the project at any time. She asked the learners to assent to participation and she
asked their parents to give consent. Both learners and parents signed assent/consent forms.
Eighty of the learners agreed to participate and returned the necessary forms. The researcher met
with these learners at a prearranged time after school and asked them to complete the questionnaire.
1. Identify and discuss the research design used in the scenario. Use evidence from the scenario to
substantiate your answer.
6. Discuss four ethical principles that the researcher adhered to.
7. Differentiate between probability and non-probability sampling and give two examples of each
Creswell, J.W. 2009. Research design: qualitative, quantitative, and mixed methods approaches.
3rd ed. Los Angeles: Sage.
Di Fabio, A. & Maree, J.G.K. 2012. Ensuring quality in scholarly writing. In: Maree, J.G.K., ed.
Complete your thesis or dissertation successfully: practical guidelines. Cape Town: Juta. pp. 136-
Nieuwenhuis, J. 2020. Analysing qualitative data. In: Maree K., ed. First steps in research. Pretoria:
Van Schaik. 3rd ed. pp. 118-155.
Stake, R. E. 2000. Case studies. In: Denzin, N.K. & Lincoln, Y.S., eds. Handbook of qualitative
research. 2nd ed. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage. pp. 236-247.
Study unit 5
Study hours
Recommended time to master the study unit outcomes: 10 hours
Learning outcomes
After engaging with the materials and activities in this study unit, you should
be able to:
• demonstrate an understanding of what a quantitative research method
• discuss quantitative research designs, namely experimental and non-
experimental designs;
• distinguish between quantitative research designs;
• define and describe quantitative sampling methods;
• define and describe quantitative data collection methods;
• define and describe quantitative data analysis methods;
• explain how reliability and validity is ensured in quantitative research; and
• critically evaluate the applicability of quantitative research designs in
educational research studies.
Study material
Chapter 6 in the prescribed textbook (Visser, A., Van der Vyver, C.P. & Wolhuter,
C.C. 2023. Introduction to research in education for student teachers. Noordbrug:
Chapters 5, 8–13 in prescribed textbook (Maree, K. 2020. First steps in research.
3rd ed. Pretoria: Van Schaik.)
In this study unit, you will learn what quantitative research entails, how to ensure reliability and
validity in a quantitative study, and how to critically evaluate the applicability of quantitative research
designs in an education research study. This study unit is divided into nine sections that will help
you to master the outcomes of this study unit.
Study section 5.1
Elements of a research design
Review Study Unit 4.1 to remind yourself about what a research design is and what the different
elements of a research design are.
Below is a repetition of the figure in Study Unit 4 to remind you of the research designs.
Survey research
strategies of inquiry
Experimental research
Read the following sections in your prescribed textbook to familiarise yourself with what some these
research strategies entail.
Quantitative strategies
Survey research
Experimental research
Defining surveys and experiments
Survey design: Provides a quantitative or numeric description of trends, attitudes, or opinions of a
population by studying a sample of that population. The researcher generalises to and makes
assumptions about the population (Creswell, 2009:145).
Experimental design: The aim of an experimental design is to test the impact of an intervention or
treatment, controlling other factors that might influence the outcome. Researchers randomly assign
individuals to groups as a form of control. One group receives the treatment and the control group
does not (Creswell, 2009:146).
Individual activity 5.2
After having studied sections 5.5 and 6.6 Introduction to research in education for
student teachers and 10.2.1 in First steps in research , do the following:
Example of a Likert-type questionnaire:
Read each statement as if it commences with:
As far as my psychological welfare is concerned, my
Some extent
Large extent
Small extent
school principal..........................
Not at all
1 can control his/her emotions 1 2 3 4
2 understands my feelings 1 2 3 4
3 demonstrates sympathy with my circumstances 1 2 3 4
4 can imagine him/her in my situation 1 2 3 4
5 can understand my point of view 1 2 3 4
2. How would you design the data collection if you plan to make use of quantitative research?
Study section 5.6
Validity and reliability in quantitative research
The data collected by means of instruments (tests and questionnaires) used in quantitative research
should be valid and reliable.
5.6.1 Validity
Validity is the extent to which a concept is accurately measured by the instrument; in other words,
does the instrument measure what it is supposed to measure?
Define the term validity and then differentiate between four types of validity.
5.6.2 Reliability
Reliability is the consistency with which the instrument measures; in other words, the degree to which
the instrument measures the same way each time it is used – also referred to as the repeatability of
the instrument.
Study section 5.7
Data analysis
By now you would have realised that each specific research design has its own methodology in
terms of data collection and sampling. This also applies to data analysis. The analysis processes in
qualitative and quantitative methodology also differ. The main differences are that qualitative data
are usually textual data (words), whereas quantitative data are usually numerical data (numbers in
the form of statistics).
Read sections 6.8 in Introduction to research in education for student teachers and 11.1 and 12.1 in
First steps in research for an overview on quantitative data analysis.
Data analysis and interpretation in survey research (Quantitative)
Creswell (2009:151) suggests the following steps involved in analysing data:
• Report information about the number of members from the sample who return the survey.
• Discuss the method by which response bias will be determined.
Response bias – the effect of non-responses on the estimate of the survey. Bias suggests that,
should the non-respondents have responded, the responses would have changed the results in
• Discuss how a descriptive analysis will be provided for all the dependent and independent
variables in the study. This analysis should specify the means, standard deviations, and range
of scores for the variables.
• If the proposal contains an instrument with scales, identify the statistical procedure (e.g., factor
analysis) that will be used.
• Name the statistics and statistical program that will be used to test the research questions or
hypotheses in the proposed study.
• Present the results in tables and figures and interpret the results from the statistical test.
*(Adapted from Creswell, 2009:151-153)
Data analysis of an experimental method plan
• Discuss the types of statistical analysis that will be used in the experiment.
• Report the descriptive statistics calculated for observations and measures at the pre-test and
post-test stages of experimental designs.
• Means
• Standard deviations
• Ranges
• Indicate the inferential statistical tests used to examine the hypotheses in the study.
*(Adapted from Creswell, 2009:166)
Individual activity 5.4
After having studied the above sections, do the following:
Research scenario 1
Researchers want to determine the effects of incorporating practical apparatus in Physical Science
teaching on Grade 9 learners’ academic achievement. The population will be all Grade 9 learners
in Windhoek. The sample will include at least 10 classrooms. The researchers obtain permission
from the Namibian Department of Education to do the research. Letters of informed consent are
also given to the parents of all the learners in the sample. All the learners will write a test in Physical
Science. After the test, five classrooms will receive instructions for the use of practical apparatus,
whereas the other five classrooms will receive the normal instruction without the use of practical
apparatus. At the end of 10 weeks of instruction, all the learners will again write a test in Physical
Science. The two test scores will then be compared.
• The research question in the above scenario can be deduced by looking at the part that tells
you exactly what the research is about. The research question probably is: What are the effects
of incorporating practical apparatus in Physical Science teaching on grade 9 learners’ academic
• The purpose of any research is to find answers to the research question; in this instance, the
research purpose is: to determine the effects of incorporating practical apparatus in Physical
Science teaching on Grade 9 learners’ academic achievement.
• The research design in the above scenario is clearly a quantitative research design. Why?
Firstly, looking at the scenario, it is stated that the sample will include 10 classrooms. This is
quite a big sample – it could be up to 400 learners. Large samples are usually used in quantitative
Secondly, the method of data collection is a quantitative method, namely tests.
• The specific quantitative research strategy (strategy of inquiry) is an experiment (experimental
research). Why?
The sample will be divided into two groups (five classrooms each); in other words, one group will
be the experimental group and the other the control group. A pre-test will be written by both
groups. The experimental group will receive an intervention or treatment (i.e. instruction with the
use of practical apparatus) and not the control group. After the treatment, both groups will write
a test again, called a post-test.
• The method of sampling is not directly indicated in the scenario; however, we know that, in
quantitative research, the method of sampling would be some sort of probability (random)
• The method of data collection is clearly indicated in the scenario as a test (pre-test and post-
• Ethical aspects that are addressed in the scenario include:
o permission from the Namibian Department of Education to do the research;
o letters of informed consent are given to the parents of all the learners.
Research scenario 2
A researcher conducted research in order to determine to what extent 500 randomly selected female
teachers understand what the task of a "mediator of learning" entails. Information was collected from
the 500 practising teachers by means of a self-constructed questionnaire. The questionnaire
collected biographical information of the teachers (age, ethnic group, experience, qualification level)
and questionnaire statements probed teachers' understanding of the concept of mediation. The
respondents could choose from four options in each question. Before administering the
questionnaire, the researcher obtained permission from the Department of Basic Education to
conduct the research as well as written consent from the teachers who participated in the research.
The construction of the questionnaire was done after a thorough literature study of what mediation
• The research question in the above scenario can be deduced by looking at the part that tells
you exactly what the research is about. The research question probably was: To what extent do
female teachers understand what the task of a ‘mediator of learning’ entails?
• The purpose of any research is to find answers to the research question; in this instance, the
research purpose was: to determine the extent to which female teachers understand what the
task of a ‘mediator of learning’ entails.
• The research design in the above scenario is clearly a quantitative research design. Why?
Firstly, looking at the scenario, it is stated that the sample included 500 teachers. Large samples
are usually used in quantitative research.
Secondly, the method of sampling is random sampling.
Thirdly, the data collection method was a quantitative method, namely a Likert-scale
• The specific quantitative research strategy (strategy of inquiry) was a survey (survey research).
Data were collected by means of a structured questionnaire with four options. The research
provides a numeric description of the understanding of a population (i.e. what the task of a
‘mediator of learning’ entails) by studying a sample of that population.
• The method of sampling was random (probability) sampling. A random sample is representative
of the population and therefore the findings of the research can be generalised to the whole
• Ethical aspects that were addressed in the scenario include:
o permission from the Department of Basic Education;
o written consent from the teachers who participated in the research.
Early intervention for children with specific language impairment by teachers with experience in
supporting their needs is critical to language acquisition. In Western Australia (WA), these children
are catered for in designated settings with specialised teachers. The length of time that these
children can access intensive instruction may be shortening, and therefore the potential effect on
their learning is crucial. The research focused on the perceived ability of mainstream teachers to
provide appropriate support for children with specific language impairments in the early years.
Teachers, education assistants, speech therapists and other professionals working at all Language
Development Centres (LDC) in WA were selected. Questionnaires were distributed to the 295
employees across the five LDCs. Permission was sought from the relevant ethics committees and
consent was obtained from the principals. A two-part questionnaire was employed. Part 1 requested
general demographic information on the participants. Part 2 was a specifically-developed scale,
focusing on the perceptions of LDC staff about the practices, policies and proposed transition to a
two-year intervention model.
Teachers from five LDCs were asked to respond to a range of issues associated with these children's
ability to cope with the proposed early re-entry into the mainstream classroom. A total of 120
responses were received from teachers, speech therapists and educational assistants that
highlighted the specialist skill set required to teach children with specific language impairments.
1. Identify the specific research design (research approach) used. Motivate your answer with
examples from the scenario.
2. Identify the specific strategy of inquiry (research strategy used). Motivate your answer.
Study section 5.9
Distinguishing between characteristics of qualitative
and quantitative approaches
Table 5.1: Distinguishing characteristics of qualitative and quantitative approaches
Qualitative research Quantitative research
To describe and explain To explain and predict
Words Numbers
of research Narratives, individual quotes Statistics, aggregated data
Personal voice, literary style Formal voice, scientific style
Creswell, J.W. 2009. Research design: qualitative, quantitative, and mixed methods approaches.
3rd ed. Los Angeles: Sage.
Study unit 6
Study hours
Recommended time to master the study unit outcomes: 10 hours
Learning outcomes
After engaging with the materials and activities in this study unit, you should
be able to:
• define the concept of research ethics;
• discuss four common ethical principles;
• list some additional considerations regarding research ethics; and
• draw up a letter of consent.
Study material
Chapter 8 in the prescribed textbook (Visser, A., Van der Vyver, C.P. & Wolhuter,
C.C. 2023. Introduction to research in education for student teachers. Noordbrug:
In this study unit, you will learn what research ethics is to understand common ethical principles and
know how to draw up a letter of consent. This study unit is divided into five sections that will help you
to master the outcomes of this study unit.
1974. The Commission identified three basic principles that one must follow when conducting
research with human subjects:
1. Respect of persons
2. Beneficence
3. Justice
These three principles advocate for participants’ protection from harm, ensuring their well-being and
fair and just treatment of the participant(s) (benefits and burdens experienced by participant as a
result of the research). The application of the principles to conduct research led to the consideration
of the following requirements: informed consent; benefit-cost assessment; and the selection of the
subjects of research. The Singapore Statement on Research Integrity (2010) further highlights
principles and professional responsibilities that researchers should illustrate in research (see next
page). (For access to the document, follow the link: https://wcrif.org/documents/327-singapore-
The four principles and 14 responsibilities highlighted in this statement have been adopted by the
North-West University (NWU) in the Code of Conduct for Researchers that is signed by all
researchers conducting research at the NWU (For access, follow the link:
6.3.2 Respecting participants’ right to privacy
The researcher should keep the nature and quality of all research participants’ performances
confidential, and performances should only be used for the purpose of the research. All responses
or behaviour of the participants should therefore be reported under pseudonyms or anonymously.
Cohen et al. (2011:90) emphasise that this extends beyond simply changing the name, because in
some settings, identities can still be recognised due to roles played by participants, when certain
events occurred, or other contextual issues arise.
Individual activity 6.1
Read the scenario below and answer the questions that follow.
An education researcher conducts semi-structured one-on-one interviews with 20
Grade 8 learners at a school in the North West province. Assent from the learners
and consent from their parents or legal guardians were obtained. Learners were told
that they would receive R100 if they participate in the research. During the interviews,
several of the learners opened up about problems and other challenges they
encountered with some of the teachers in the school. After the interviews, the
researcher approached the teachers and disclosed the learners’ experiences to them.
The researcher also never gave the learners the R100 remuneration.
1. Identify what common ethical principles the researcher in the above case study complied with.
And explain how these where complied with.
2. What common ethical principle(s) did the researcher NOT adhere to? What would you as the
researcher change in the research process to adhere to these principles?
Individual activity 6.2
Refer to section 3.3.16 in your prescribed textbook. Draw a table wherein you identify
and define the other ethical considerations mentioned by Kobus Maree.
For example:
Ethical consideration Definition of ethical consideration
Get permission from authorities All relevant authorities, such as the
(gatekeepers) to gain access to Department of Education, institutional
participants registrars, school governing bodies, etc.,
should be consulted, and permission to
conduct research should be granted
before participants are contacted.
Individual activity 6.3
Below is a template of an informed consent letter (Bless et al., 2013:39-40). Work
through the contents of the letter to identify which of the above-mentioned factors
(listed in study section 6.5) have been included.
(Name of institution)
You are being asked to participate in this research study because (state PURPOSE)
As a participant, you will be enrolled in the study and … (State what the procedures are and what is
expected of the participant).
Some of the questions in the questionnaire you will be completing may touch on sensitive areas.
However, every effort will be made by the researchers to minimise your discomfort. You are
encouraged to discuss with the research staff and/or coordinator any negative or difficult feelings or
experiences you have because of participating in this research project. If, at any time, you feel you
would like to stop your participation in the study, you would be free to do so.
There are no financial costs directly associated with participation in this project. Services from
support staff are provided at no cost to you.
There is no guarantee that you will benefit directly from the study. However, the investigators believe
that it is likely that participants may benefit from attending the group interventions.
You will not receive any compensation for participating in this study.
Participation in this research project is entirely voluntary and you may choose not to participate.
Every attempt will be made by the investigators to keep all information collected in this study strictly
confidential, except as may be required by court order or by law. If any publication results from this
research, you will not be identified by name.
Your participation in this study is entirely voluntary, and you are free to refuse participation. You may
discontinue your participation at any time without prejudice or without jeopardising the future care of
either yourself or your family members. If you discontinue participation in this project, you may
request that we not use the information already given to us. You are encouraged to ask questions
concerning the study at any time as they occur to you during the programme. Any significant new
findings developed during the study that may relate to your willingness to continue participation will
be provided to you.
You agree that your participation in this study is completely voluntary and that you may withdraw at
any time without prejudicing your standing within (name of institution).
If you have any questions pertaining to your participation in this study, you may contact the principal
investigator (name of principal investigator) by telephone (xxxx).
By signing below, you are indicating that you have read and understood the consent form and that
you agree to participate in this research study.
Bless, C., Higson-Smith, C. & Sithole L.S. 2013. Fundamentals of social research methods: an
African perspective. 5th ed. Cape Town: Juta.
Cohen, L., Manion, L. & Morrison, K. 2011. Research methods in education. 7th ed. New York,
NY: Routledge.
Govil, P. 2013. Ethical considerations in educational research. International Journal of
Advancement in Education and Social Sciences, 1(2):17-22.
North-West University. 2019. Policy and rules for research ethics.
9.1.5_Policy%20of%20research%20ethics_eng1.pdf Date of access: 30 Sept. 2019
Singapore. 2010. Singapore Statement on Research Integrity. 2nd World Conference on
Research Integrity, Singapore, 21-24 July 2010. https://wcrif.org/documents/327-singapore-
statement-a4size/file Date of access: 26 Sept. 2019.
Study unit 7
Study hours
Recommended time to master the study unit outcomes: 10 hours
Learning outcomes
After engaging with the materials and activities in this study unit, you should
be able to:
• explain the concept of a research proposal in your own words;
• differentiate between a research proposal and a research project;
• conduct and justify an assessment of a research proposal;
• identify different sections needed in a research proposal; and
• plan and draft the first sections of a research proposal.
Study material
Chapter 8 in the prescribed textbook (Visser, A., Van der Vyver, C.P. & Wolhuter,
C.C. 2023. Introduction to research in education for student teachers. Noordbrug:
Chapter 3 in the prescribed textbook (Maree, K. 2020. First steps in research. 3rd
ed. Pretoria: Van Schaik.)
In this study unit, you will learn what a research proposal is so as to identify the different sections of
a research proposal and know how to draft the first sections of a research proposal. This study unit
is divided into three sections that will help you to master the outcomes of this study unit.
Individual activity 7.1
After having studied the above sections, do the following:
1. Capture your understanding of the concept of a research proposal in not more than five sentences.
2. After having read this section, differentiate between a research paper, a research proposal, and
a research project.
8) Ensure that all required sections of the proposal are addressed adequately and that each
section is proportionally positioned in relation to the other sections.
9) Use the active voice in your writing.
10) Keep the purpose of the proposal in mind.
11) Treat the proposal as a scientific piece of work.
12) Avoid emotional writing.
13) Do not include too many quotations.
14) Demonstrate your insight into the topic throughout by indicating that you have consulted an
array of existing sources.
15) Communicate your thought in an accessible way.
Research questions (See SU 3)
To be included: Yes/No
Is the problem stated in clearly focused and manageable research questions?
Is each research question related and relevant to the problem?
Research objectives (See SU 3)
To be included: Yes/No
Is the purpose stated in clearly focused and manageable research objectives?
Is each research objective related and relevant to the purpose of the research?
Keywords/phrases (See SU 2)
To be included: Yes/No
Are keywords related to the title/problem/aim?
Will these keywords assist the researcher to easily find relevant literature?
Strategies to search for relevant literature (See SU 2)
To be included: Yes/No
Are databases that are used to gather information listed?
Is a distinction made between different forms of possible sources on the intended research?
Conceptual framework (See SU 2)
To be included: Yes/No
Is evidence provided of information gathered from literature related to the title/problem/aim?
Does the conceptual framework place the intended research in context of recent research findings?
Does the conceptual framework provide for a sound theoretical basis and leading theoretical
Research methodology (See SUs 4 & 5)
Does this section make provision for the following subsections? Yes/No
Research paradigm (although this is part of a research methodology, you will learn more about this if
you further your studies in Education)
Research design (qualitative/quantitative)
Strategy of inquiry (case study, experimental research, etc.)
Population and sample (including sampling procedure)
Data collection methods (intended measuring instruments)
Data collection process
Role of the researcher
Data analysis (e.g. intended computer programs/techniques to be used)
Quality criteria (e.g. reliability, validity, trustworthiness, etc.)
Ethical considerations (See SU 6)
To be included: Yes/No
Is a brief description provided on how ethics will be managed during the research?
Significance and possible contribution of the intended research
To be included: Yes/No
Is the research motivated by indicating its significance and contribution to the field of knowledge?
Possible challenges of the study
To be included: Yes/No
Are possible challenges that may affect the study mentioned?
Preliminary chapter division
To be included: Yes/No
Is a logical structured chapter division provided?
In-text references and reference list (See SU 2)
To be included: Yes/No
Have references to sources (in-text references) been done according to the required referencing
Are all references reflected in the reference list?
Is the reference list compiled according to the required techniques (NWU Harvard referencing
Are at least TEN sources listed?
Language and Technical care
To be included: Yes/No
Is the use of scientific language appropriate?
Are the grammar and syntax acceptable?
Are ideas presented in an orderly fashion to provide for a logical flow of arguments?
Is the proposal structured according to the outline provided in this checklist?
Has the proposal been typed in 11-point Arial/Times New Roman font, 1.5 line spacing?
Does the proposal NOT exceed 5 to 8 pages (excluding reference list)?
Is a separate cover page with all student particulars provided?
Is the FULL proposal attached?
Is the marking scheme attached?
To be included: Yes/No
Is a data collection instrument included?
Is the data collection instrument aligned with the rest of the proposal?
Does the data collection instrument satisfy the criteria of a ‘good’ instrument?
Is a participant consent form included?
Is the participant consent form aligned with the rest of the proposal?
Does the participant consent form satisfy the criteria of a ‘good’ consent form?
In this unit, you were introduced to the concept of a research proposal. By considering the definition
and purpose of a research proposal and adhering to the writing guidelines, the suggested structure
of a proposal and your lecturer’s instructions, you should now be able to compile your own research
Leedy, P.D. & Ormrod, J.E. 2015. Practical research: planning and design. 11th ed. Boston:
Mouton, J. 2001. How to succeed in your master’s and doctoral studies: a South African guide and
resource book. Pretoria: Van Schaik.