3rd Consensus On Concussion
3rd Consensus On Concussion
3rd Consensus On Concussion
symptom free.29,30 There may be persons (eg, child and a stepwise RTP strategy.57 During this period of recovery
adolescent athletes) in whom testing may be performed while symptomatic following an injury, it is important to
early while the patient is still symptomatic to assist in emphasize to the athlete that physical AND cognitive rest
determining management. This will normally be best is required. Activities that require concentration and
determined in consultation with a trained neuropsycholo- attention (eg, scholastic work, video games, text messaging,
gist.31,32 etc) may exacerbate symptoms and possibly delay recovery.
In such cases, apart from limiting relevant physical and
3.4 Genetic Testing cognitive activities (and other risk-taking opportunities for
reinjury) while symptomatic, no further intervention is
The significance of apolipoprotein (Apo) E4, ApoE
required during the period of recovery, and the athlete
promotor gene, tau polymerase, and other genetic markers
typically resumes sport without further problem.
in the management of sports concussion risk or injury
outcome is unclear at this time.33,34 Evidence from human
and animal studies in more severe traumatic brain injury 4.1 Graduated RTP Protocol
demonstrates induction of a variety of genetic and cytokine Return-to-play protocol following a concussion follows
factors, such as insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1), IGF a stepwise process as outlined in Table 1.
binding protein-2, fibroblast growth factor, Cu-Zn super- With this stepwise progression, the athlete should
oxide dismutase, superoxide dismutase-1 (SOD-1), nerve continue to proceed to the next level if asymptomatic at
growth factor, glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP), and S- the current level. Generally each step should take 24 hours,
100. Whether such factors are affected in sport concussion so that an athlete would take approximately 1 week to
is not known at this stage.35–42 proceed through the full rehabilitation protocol once
asymptomatic at rest and with provocative exercise. If
3.5 Experimental Concussion Assessment Modalities any postconcussion symptoms occur while in the stepwise
Different electrophysiologic recording techniques (eg, program, then the patient should drop back to the previous
evoked response potential [ERP], cortical magnetic stim- asymptomatic level and try to progress again after a further
ulation, and electroencephalography) have demonstrated 24-hour period of rest has passed.
reproducible abnormalities in the postconcussive state.
However, not all studies reliably differentiated concussed 4.2 Same-Day RTP
athletes from controls.43–49 The clinical significance of With adult athletes, in some settings, where there are
these changes remains to be established. team physicians experienced in concussion management
In addition, biochemical serum and cerebrospinal fluid and sufficient resources (eg, access to neuropsychologists,
markers of brain injury (including S-100, neuron specific consultants, neuroimaging, etc) as well as access to
enolase [NSE], myelin basic protein [MBP], GFAP, tau, immediate (ie, sideline) neurocognitive assessment, RTP
etc) have been proposed as means by which cellular
management may be more rapid. The RTP strategy must
damage may be detected if present.50–56 There is currently
still follow the same basic management principles: namely,
insufficient evidence, however, to justify the routine use of
full clinical and cognitive recovery before consideration of
these biomarkers clinically.
RTP. This approach is supported by published guidelines,
such as those from the American Academy of Neurology,
4) CONCUSSION MANAGEMENT US Team Physician Consensus Statement, and US
The cornerstone of concussion management is physical National Athletic Trainers’ Association position state-
and cognitive rest until symptoms resolve and then a ment.58–60 This issue was extensively discussed by the
graded program of exertion prior to medical clearance and consensus panelists, and it was acknowledged that there is
RTP. The recovery and outcome of this injury may be evidence that some professional American football players
modified by a number of factors that may require more are able to RTP more quickly, with even same-day RTP
sophisticated management strategies. These are outlined in supported by National Football League studies without a
the section on modifiers below. risk of recurrence or sequelae.61 There are data, however,
As described above, the majority of patients will recover demonstrating that at the collegiate and high school levels,
spontaneously over several days. In these situations, it is athletes allowed to RTP on the same day may demonstrate
expected that an athlete will proceed progressively through NP deficits postinjury that may not be evident on the
Address correspondence to Paul McCrory, MBBS, PhD, Centre for Health, Exercise & Sports Medicine, University of Melbourne,
Parkville, Australia 3010. Address e-mail to paulmccr@bigpond.net.au.