Homecooking SOW
Homecooking SOW
Homecooking SOW
The home cooking skills course aims to give learners the knowledge, skills and confidence to enjoy cooking meals at home.
Students will gain understanding of how to economise when planning meals to cook at home. The programme will
encourage students to transfer skills learnt to other recipes to continue cooking for themselves and their families and to
inspire others by passing on their knowledge. The course is based on the proposition that being able to cook is an essential
life skill which empowers people to make changes that have benefits to health and wellbeing.
Being able to cook is an essential life skill. Learning to cook used to be passed down through the generations, but this is no
longer necessarily the case. It is apparent that many people do not have the skills to cook meals from scratch and lack food
knowledge, creating a reliance on pre-prepared or ready-cooked food. Lack of time and money are also considerable
issues. These have had a significant impact on the epidemic of obesity which is likely to have a profound effect on the health
of the nation over the next century.
Students will develop their cooking skills by exploring recipes for nutritious meals. Each recipe is underpinned with
knowledge about planning and sourcing food, hygiene and food safety. How to cook different elements of a meal to serve
them at the same time are taken into consideration, along with the importance of presenting food well and how this
contributes to its enjoyment. Ways to economise when shopping for ingredients and cooking meals at home are significant
aspects of the course.
Students will demonstrate their skills by selecting recipes for a nutritious two-course meal and following the recipes to
prepare, cook and present the meal.
This programme aims to give students the skills and confidence to enjoy cooking meals at home, to apply skills to new
recipes to continue cooking for themselves and their families and to inspire others.
Impact: 100% pass rate where students go on to complete higher level courses at college
Learning outcomes and assessment criteria: