Electrodynamics - DAMTP Cambridge University
Electrodynamics - DAMTP Cambridge University
Electrodynamics - DAMTP Cambridge University
Dr. M. J. Perry1
Michælmas 1997
1 A
EXed by Paul Metcalfe – comments and corrections to pdm23@cam.ac.uk.
Copyright © 2004 University of Cambridge. Not to be quoted or reproduced without permission.
Introduction v
1 Point of departure 1
1.1 Maxwell’s Equations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
1.2 Electrostatics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
1.2.1 Coulomb’s Law . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
1.2.2 Multipole expansion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
1.3 Special Relativity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
2 Relativistic Electromagnetism 7
2.0.1 Relativistic motion in constant electric field . . . . . . . . . . 8
2.1 Transformation of Fµν . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
2.2 Lorentz invariant scalars . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
2.3 Tensorial form of Maxwell’s equations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
2.3.1 Potentials . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
2.4 Least action principles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
2.4.1 Particle motion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
2.4.2 Field action . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
Copyright © 2004 University of Cambridge. Not to be quoted or reproduced without permission.
6 Born-Infeld Theory
Copyright © 2004 University of Cambridge. Not to be quoted or reproduced without permission.
These notes are based on the course “Electrodynamics” given by Dr. M. J. Perry in
Cambridge in the Michælmas Term 1997. These typeset notes have been produced
mainly for my own benefit but seem to be officially supported. The recommended
books for this course are discussed in the bibliography.
A word or two about the philosophy of these notes seem in order. They are based in
content on the lectures given, but I have felt free to expand and contract various details,
as well as to clarify explanations and improve the narrative flow. Errors in content are
(hopefully) mine and mine alone but I accept no responsibility for your use of these
Other sets of notes are available for different courses. At the time of typing, these
courses were:
Probability Discrete Mathematics
Analysis Further Analysis
Quantum Mechanics Fluid Dynamics 1
Quadratic Mathematics Geometry
Dynamics of D.E.’s Foundations of QM
Electrodynamics Methods of Math. Phys
Fluid Dynamics 2
http://pdm23.trin.cam.ac.uk/˜pdm23/maths/ or
or you can email me on pdm23@cam.ac.uk to get a copy of the sets you require.
Even if you download them please email me to let me know, so that I can keep you up
to date with the errata and new note sets. The other people who have contributed time
and effort to these note sets are:
Richard Cameron Analysis Hugh Osborn Proofreading
Claire Gough Proofreading Malcolm Perry Accomodation
Kate Metcalfe Probability
Although these notes are free of charge anyone who wishes to express their thanks
could send a couple of bottles of interesting beer to Y1 Burrell’s Field, Grange Road.
Paul Metcalfe
4th December 1997
Copyright © 2004 University of Cambridge. Not to be quoted or reproduced without permission.
Chapter 1
Copyright © 2004 University of Cambridge. Not to be quoted or reproduced without permission.
Point of departure
This is a review of terminology and results from Special Relativity and Electromag-
netism (possibly rewritten in a more grown-up way).
div E =
curl E = −Ḃ
div B = 0
curl B = µ0 j + µ0 ǫ0 Ė.
ρ is the charge density. ǫ0 is called the permittivity of free space. It is not a funda-
mental constant but merely determines units. Similarly, µ0 is the permeability of free
space and merely determines units. µ0 and ǫ0 satisfy µ0 ǫ0 = c−2 , where c is the speed
of light (and a fundamental constant). In familiar units c ≈ 2.997 × 108 ms−1 , but we
will choose units such that c = 1.1 Dimensional analysis can replace c in any derived
1.2 Electrostatics
This is the case where there is no current and a time independent charge distribution.
Then Maxwell’s equations reduce to div E = ǫρ0 and curl E = 0. We will assume
B = 0, but it does not affect the equations for the electric field.
q1 1
The electric field due to a point charge q1 is E = 4πǫ 0 r
2 r̂. To measure the electric
1 Despite the fact that the Schedules mandate SI units. Exam questions will be set such that c = 1.
potential φ such that E = −∇φ. Then ∇2 φ = −ρ ǫ0 . We can solve this using a Green’s
function, that is a function G(r, r ) such that ∇r G(r, r′ ) = δ(r, r′ ). We can see that
′ 2
1 1
G(r, r′ ) = − 4π |r−r′ | . Then
φ(r) = − d3 r′ G(r, r′ )ρ(r′ ).
Proof. Firstly, we see that
∇2r φ = − d3 r′ ∇2r G(r, r′ )ρ(r′ )
=− d3 r′ δ(r, r′ )ρ(r′ )
= .
Then we merely note that solutions to Poisson’s equation are unique.
1 1
= (r2 − 2ri ri′ + r′2 )− 2
|r − r |
¶− 12
1 2ri ri
= 1− 2 + 2
r r r
à !
1 ri ri′ 1 r′2 3 (ri ri′ )
= 1+ 2 − + + ... .
r r 2 r2 2 r4
φ = 4πǫ10 r3 ri di .
When l = 2 we have a quadrupole and the contribution to φ is 4πǫ10 r5 ri rj Qij ,
where Qij is the quadrupole moment and Qij = 12 d3 r′ ρ(r′ ) 3ri′ rj′ − δij r′2 . Qij
R ¡ ¢
d3 r′ ρ(r′ ) 3ri′ rj′ δij − δij δij r′2 = 0.
¡ ¢
Qij δij =
It has 5 independent components. In general the r−l term has 2l + 1 independent com-
ponents. When l = 3 we have the octopole moment and when l = 4 the hexadecapole
moment, but these become increasingly cumbersome.
This leads us to consider Minkowski space, viz. xµ = (t, x) = (t, xi ). µ runs from
0 to 3 and i runs from 1 to 3. These are inertial co-ordinates. If a particle is at rest at
x = 0 at t = 0 then in remains at rest at x = 0 for all time. t is then the proper time
for that particle — what a clock sitting on the particle would measure.
We can relate the physics in one inertial frame to another by Lorentz transforma-
tions. Suppose that one has a second frame moving with velocity v in the x direction
relative to the first frame. Then we have new inertial co-ordinates
t′ = γ(v)(t − vx)
x′ = γ(v)(x − vt)
y′ = y
z ′ = z,
where γ(v) = √1−v 2
. This can be written x′µ = Λµ ν xν , where Λµ ν is the matrix
form of the Lorentz transformation, in this case:
γ −γv 0 0
−γv γ 0 0
0 0 1 0
0 0 0 1
To find the Lorentz transformation of arbitrary motion described by a unit vector
n then we consider R−1 (n)ΛR(n), where R(n) is a rotation to move n into the x
1 0 0 0
with R3 an ordinary spatial rotation. We can make Lorentz transformations look like
rotations — if we put γ(v) = cosh φ, then vγv = sinh φ, which implies that v =
tanh φ. This is sometimes called a hyperbolic rotation.
We define a distance ds2 = −dt2 + dx2 + dy 2 + dz 2 between two infinitesimally
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We also have the inverse metric η µν defined by η µν ηνρ = δρµ . The matrix form of
η µν is (obviously?)
1 0 0 0
0 −1 0 0
0 0 −1 0 .
0 0 0 −1
Given two vectors xµ and y µ we want a scalar product that should be invariant
under Lorentz transformations, and S = ηµν xµ y ν will do the trick. This gives us the
idea of defining covectors by xν = ηνµ xµ and then S = xν y ν . Then there is the
inverse operation η µν xν = η µν ηνρ xρ = xµ .
We ask ourselves how a covector transforms, and we obtain xν 7→ x′ν = Λν µ xµ ,
where Λν µ = ηνρ Λρ σ η σµ , or in matrix form
γ γv 0 0
γ 0 0
0 0 1 0
0 0 0 1
for the transform we looked at earlier. We see that (Λµ ν )−1 = Λν µ and
xµ y µ 7→ x′µ y ′µ = Λµ ρ xρ Λµ σ y σ
= Λµ ρ Λµ σ xρ y σ
= δσρ xρ y σ
= xσ y σ ,
which is, on the whole, a good thing. This is analogous to rotations in R3 preserv-
ing the metric, the rotations being classified by RT R = 1 and Rij δjk Rkl = δil ex-
cluding reflections. A Lorentz transform preserves the Minkowski space metric and
Λσ µ Λτ ν ηµν = ηστ . To see the equivalence multiply both sides by η τ λ to get (eventu-
ally) δσλ = δσλ .
The Lorentz transforms are defined by Λµ ν Λσ τ ηντ = ηµσ (the group SO(3, 1))
with no spatial reflections and preservation of time, giving the Lorentz group.
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Chapter 2
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We start with the Lorentz force law, F = eE + ev ∧ B and seek to generalise it.
Non-relativistically we have
d2 xi i
m = e (E + v ∧ B) ,
and we already know the equation of motion for a free relativistic particle,
d2 xµ
m = 0.
dτ 2
We also recall the non-relativistic velocity 4-vector,
= uµ = (1, u),
and we know that dτ 2 is Lorentz invariant and hence −1 = uµ uν ηµν . We guess a force
d2 xµ µ dx
m = eF ν .
dτ 2 dτ
We see immediately that by the quotient theorem, F µ ν must be a tensor. We also
know that this equation must be true in any inertial frame, and so is always true. We
d d
take the non-relativistic case, where dτ = dt to find what F µ ν must be.
dt dx dy dz
eEx + e(vy Bz − vz By ) = eF 1 0 + eF 1 1 + eF 1 2 + eF 1 3
dτ dτ dτ dτ
We note that the spatial part of this is antisymmetric, and since we treat space and time
equivalently, we can finally define
0 −Ex −Ey −Ez
Ex 0 Bz −By
Fµν = Ey −Bz
0 Bx
Ez By −Bx 0
This is the electromagnetic field (strength) tensor, or Maxwell tensor. The only puzzle
d2 t
is what the time component of the relativistic Lorentz equation represents. It is m dτ 2 =
Copyright © 2004 University of Cambridge. Not to be quoted or reproduced without permission.
0 dxi µ
eF i dτ . We note that u = γ(1, v) and that γ is a kind of relativistic energy, giving
dτ (mγ) = ev.E, which we know as “the rate of change of energy equals the rate of
doing work by the electric field”.
Ex′ = Ex
Ey′ = γ(Ey − vBz )
Ez′ = γ(Ez + vBy )
Copyright © 2004 University of Cambridge. Not to be quoted or reproduced without permission.
Bx′ = Bx
By′ = γ(By + vEz )
Bz′ = γ(Bz − vEy ).
These are radically different from what we would expect if there were two electric
and magnetic 4-vectors.
1 µνρσ
We can now define the dual field strength tensor, Gµν = 2ε Fρσ . We can
evaluate this
0 −Bx −By −Bz
Bx 0 −Ez Ey
Gµν = .
By Ez 0 −Ex
Bz −Ey Ex 0
We note that Ei = Fi0 = −F 0i and Bi = jk
2 ǫijk F . The divergence equation
becomes ∂i Fi0 = µ0 ρ. The curl equation is
1 1
ǫijk ∂j ǫklm F lm = (∂j Fij − ∂j Fji )
2 2
= ∂j Fij = µ0 ji + ∂0 Fi0 .
∂µ F µν = −µ0 j ν .
where j µ = (ρ, j) is the 4-vector (electric) current. This illustrates that a moving
charge and a current are just the same thing as j ν is a four-vector and so is consistent
with Lorentz transforms.
Incidentally, we have not lost conservation of charge as 0 ≡ ∂ν ∂µ F µν = −µ0 ∂ν j ν .
We now go after the next two Maxwell equations, div B = 0 and curl E = −Ḃ.
The first is easy; it gives ∂i ǫijk Fjk = 0. We guess that this is a component of
εµνρσ ∂ν Fρσ = 0, and indeed if we evaluate the spatial components we reproduce
the last Maxwell equation.
We can rewrite this in terms of the dual field-strength tensor to get ∂µ Gµν = 0 —
this says that there is no magnetic current. It turns out to be more useful to explicitly
antisymmetrize our equation to get
2.3.1 Potentials
In the non-relativistic case we know that E and B can be derived from potentials:
E = − grad φ − Ȧ
B = curl A.
¡ ∂L ¢ ∂L
The usual Euler-Lagrange equations dτ ∂ ẋµ − ∂xµ = 0 give −mẍµ = 0.
For a particle with charge e in a potential A we can generalise this to
I = dτ m −ẋµ ẋν ηµν − eAµ ẋµ .
But can this possibly be gauge invariant — the quantity Aµ appears explicitly? But
we see a current resulting from the motion of j µ = eẋµ . So suppose we make a small
gauge transformation such that δAµ = ∂µ Λ. Then
δ dτ j µ Aµ = dτ j µ ∂µ Λ and integrating by parts we get
= − dτ ∂µ j µ Λ = 0 by conservation of charge.
This is all somewhat academic if varying xµ does not give us the Lorentz force law.
Using the Euler-Lagrange equations we get
à !
d −mẋν ηµν d
0= p − (eAµ ) + eẋν ∂µ Aν
dτ µ ν
−ẋ ẋ ηµν dτ
= (−mẋµ ) − eẋν ∂ν Aµ + eẋν ∂µ Aν
= −mẍν + eẋν Fµν .
This is the Lorentz force law. One can use the action as a quick way of finding the
motion of a particle. For a constant electric field in the x direction we get Ax = −Et
and all other components of Aµ are zero. To get the motion of the particle we vary the
action Z p
I = dτ m ṫ2 − ẋ2 + eEtẋ.
The Euler-Lagrange equations give the same differential equations for the motion
of the particle as before, but more easily.
µ ¶
4 µν µ
I=− d x Fµν F − jµ A and
µ ¶
4 µν µν µ
δI = − d x (δFµν F + Fµν δF ) − j δAµ
µ ¶
4 µν ν
=− d x δFµν F − j δAν
µ ¶
4 µν ν
=− d x (∂µ δAν − ∂ν δAµ ) F − j δAν
µ ¶
4 µν ν
=− d x (∂µ δAν ) F − δAν j
Z ³ ´
= d4 x δAν µ10 ∂µ F µν + j ν .
We perform the last line by integrating by parts and assuming that boundary condi-
tions are all zero. As we can arbitrarily vary Aµ we must have µ10 ∂µ F µν = −j ν . The
other Maxwell equation is automatic as we have assumed that Fµν is derived from a
potential Aµ . This least action principle requires that there is no magnetic current.
Chapter 3
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3.1 Definition
We seek a relativistic form of the field energy. We define the (stress-)energy tensor
1 ¡ µσ ν
T µν = F F σ − 41 η µν F ρσ Fρσ .
¡ 2note in2 ¢passing that this is a symmetric tensor. Note that the T component is
2µ0 E + B , which reproduces the non-relativistic energy density. To interpret the
rest of the components of T µν we recall Poynting’s theorem.
Poynting’s Theorem. Let D be a region in space. Then the rate of change of
energy in D is
1 ∂ 1
E2 + B2 dV = E.Ė + B.Ḃ dV
2µ0 ∂t D µ0 D
= E. (curl B − µ0 j) − B. curl E dV
µ0 D
=− j.E dV + E. curl B − B. curl E dV
D µ0 D
=− j.E dV − N.dS,
D ∂D
where we have introduced the Poynting vector N = µ10 E ∧ B. The Poynting vector is
the energy flux.
By performing the sum we find that T 0k = N k . We find that
Energy Energy flux
T µν = .
flux “Stress”
Fiµ Fj µ − 41 ηij F ρσ Fρσ
¡ ¢
Tij = µ0
Fi0 Fj 0 + Fik Fj k − 41 δij −2E 2 + 2B 2
¡ ¡ ¢¢
= µ0
−Ei Ej + ǫikl Bl ǫjkm Bm + 12 δij E 2 − 21 δij B 2
¡ ¢
= µ0
−Ei Ej + 21 δij E 2 − Bi Bj + 21 δij B 2 .
¡ ¢
= µ0
This is the Maxwell stress tensor, and can be thought of as the pressure of the
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electromagnetic field.
∂ν T µν = F σ − 14 η µν F ρσ Fρσ
µσ ν
¡ ¢
µ0 ∂ν F
1 µσ
) F ν σ + F µσ (∂ν F ν σ ) − 21 (∂ µ F ρσ ) Fρσ
¡ ¢
= µ0 (∂ν F
−F µσ jσ + µ10 Fρσ − 12 ∂ µ F ρσ + ∂ρ F µσ
¡ ¢
= −F µσ jσ − 2µ1 0 Fρσ (∂ µ F ρσ + ∂ σ F µρ + ∂ ρ F σµ )
= −F µσ jσ by Maxwell’s equations.
∂ν T µν = (−j.E, ρE + j ∧ B) .
The time component of this is the work done by the electromagnetic field and the
spatial components give the electric force on a current j due to B and on a charge
density ρ due to E.
Note that this is a complex solution, so when we work with E and B we must take
the real part of the field, which corresponds to the imaginary part of Aµ .
ǫµ is the polarisation vector, and kσ = (−ω, k) is the wave 4-vector. ω is the
angular frequency, k is the wave vector and |k| = ω. A is the amplitude. Imposing the
gauge condition requires ǫµ k µ = 0, so we have the transversality of the wave.
This does not completely specify the gauge. If we let δAµ = ∂µ Λ with Λ =
−ıCeık.x then ǫµ 7→ ǫµ + Ckµ . Since kµ k µ = 0 this preserves the gauge condition.
This freedom is usually exploited to put A0 = 0. In this case,
Bi = 21 ǫijk Fjk = ǫijk ∂j Ak = −ık ∧ A.
The physical fields correspond to the real parts of these quantities.
Suppose that we have a situation as drawn above, with a plane wave propagating in
the z direction. Then the electric and magnetic fields are in the y and x directions
respectively, with Ey = ωA sin ω(t − z) and Bx = ωA cos ω(t − z).
The rate of flow of momentum per unit area is |N|, where N is the Poynting vector
and this has a time average 2µ1 0 ω 2 A2 . This is coincidentally the same as the energy
density. We also evaluate the stress-energy tensor
This is clearly diagonal, and evaluating the diagonal components we get hTxx i = 0,
hTyy i = 0 and hTzz i = 2µ1 0 ω 2 A2 . There is a pressure due to the wave, but importantly
it is not isotropic.
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Chapter 4
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The minus sign in the exponential is not arbitrary. If f is a plane wave f (x) ∼ eıp.x
then fˆ(k) = (2π)4 δ (4) (p − k), which is what we want.
We will solve 2G(x, x′ ) = δ (4) (x, x′ ) using the Fourier transform. Ĝ(k, x′ ) =
−2 −ık.x
−k e and so defining zµ = xµ − x′µ = (z 0 , z) we find
0 0
1 eık.z e−ık z
′ 3 0
G(x, x ) = d kdk
(2π)4 k 02 − k2
and note that if we perform the k0 integral we see that the integrand is singular at
k0 = ± |k|. We thus need to choose on which contour to perform the integral.
If we consider the retarded Green’s function Gret , which we get by integrating along
Γ1 , we see that for z 0 < 0, G(x, x′ ) = 0 as we can close the contour in the upper half
plane and apply Cauchy’s theorem. For z 0 > 0 we have to close the contour in the
lower half plane. In doing this we pick up two poles at ± |k| and can apply the residue
The advanced Green’s function Gadv is obtained by integrating along Γ2 . In this
case G is only non-zero for z 0 > 0.
The retarded Green’s function agrees with intuitive ideas of causality so we use
that. All we have to do now is evaluate it.
0 0
1 eık.z e−ık z
′ 0 3 0
Gret (x, x ) = θ(z ) d kdk
(2π)4 k 02 − k2
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We close the contour clockwise so we get {−2πı residues} for the k 0 integral, thus
à 0 0
2πıθ(z 0 ) e−ı|k|z − eı|k|z
′ 3 ık.z
Gret (x, x ) = − d ke .
(2π)4 2 |k|
We convert this into spherical polars in k-space: kx = k sin θ cos φ, ky = k sin θ sin φ
and kz = k cos θ and so
θ(z 0 )
Gret (x, x′ ) = − δ(z − z 0 ).
θ(−z 0 ) 0
For the record, Gadv = 4πz δ(z + z ). We can make our result for Gret look more
covariant by recalling that
X δ(x − ai )
δ(f (x)) =
|f ′ (ai )|
2 2
where f (ai ) = 0. Then as δ (3) (z 2 ) = δ(|z| − z 0 ) (z is a four-vector) we have
1 ³ (3) ´
δ (3) (z 2 ) = δ (|z| − z 0 ) + δ (3) (|z| + z 0 )
2 |z|
and as the step function removes one of these delta functions we get
Gret (x, x′ ) = − θ(z 0 )δ (3) (z 2 ), z µ = xµ − x′µ .
Now suppose we wish to evaluate Aµ (x) for some current distribution j µ as shown.
We get
Aµ (x) = d4 x′ j µ (x′ )δ (3) (x − x′ )2 θ(x0 − x′0 ).
¡ ¢
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This comes about because we chose Gret . The advanced Green’s function gives the
reverse. Thus Gret is consistent with our ideas of causality. Other choices of G are
not. This choice goes beyond local physics. It is presumably solved by appealing to
cosmology or quantum theory.
We also note that the only contributions to Aµ (x) come from points x′ such that
(x − x′ )2 = 0 — that is only when x and x′ can be joined by a light ray pointing
towards the future of x′ .
dy µ 4 ν
Aµ = d4 x′ dτ δ (x − x′ )2 θ(x0 − x′0 ) δ (x − y ν (τ )),
¡ ¢
2π dτ
which has the effect of integrating over the backward light cone. This can be evaluated
by carrying out the x′ integral first. Note that
¢ δ |x − y| − (x0 − y 0 ) + δ |x − y| + (x0 − y 0 )
¡ ¢ ¡ ¢
δ (x − y) = ν
−2(x − y)ν dy
The second delta function does not contribute (because we are using the retarded
Green’s function) and so
dy µ δ |x − y| − (x0 − y 0 )
Z ¡ ¢
µ eµ0
A = dτ
2π dτ −2(x − y)ν dy
dy µ
eµ0 dτ
4π dy (x − y)ν ¯
dτ τ =τ0
where τ0 is the value of τ on the world-line where the past light cone of x intersects
the world line of the particle. This is usually referred to as evaluating at some instant
of retarded time. These are the Lienard-Wiechert potentials, and are painful to use in
arbitrary relativistic motion.
The result
dy µ
dτ δ (x − y)2 θ(x0 − y 0 )
¡ ¢
A =
2π dτ
is useful for relativistic motion. To evaluate the fields we need to calculate terms of the
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dy µ ν ¡
∂ ν Aµ = dτ θ(x0 − y 0 ) ∂ δ (x − y)2
2π dτ
dy µ xν − y ν (τ ) d ¡
dτ θ(x0 − y 0 (τ )) δ (x − y)2
= dy ρ
2π dτ dτ (x − y)ρ dτ
The first term in the expression for E is just the Coulomb field (put v = 0 to
see this). The second term only appears if v̇ 6= 0 — it depends on the acceleration.
Then E ∼ accelerationR and B ∼ accelerationR and are perpendicular. Thus the
Poynting vector is N ∼ acceleration
R2 . Thus the energy flux out of a large radius sphere
∼ acceleration — accelerating particles radiate energy.
For a non-relativistic particle it is somewhat easier. We use the Lienard-Wiechert
dy µ
µ eµ0 dτ
A =
4π dy (x − y)ν ¯
dτ retarded time
µ µ ′
and put x = (t, x), y = (t , y) with x − y = Rn where n is a unit vector. For
non-relativistic motion dy
dτ = (1, v) and
µ eµ0 (1, v) ¯¯
A = .
4π |x − y| ¯at t′ = t − R
e2 µ0 2
The Poynting vector N = 1
µ0 E ∧ B evaluates as N = 16π 2 R2 (ÿ) sin2 θ n.
e2 µ0 e2 µ0
2 2
flux of radiation = (ÿ) sin3 θ dθdφ = (ÿ) .
16π 2 6π
e2 µ0 ...
µ ¶
m ÿ − y = Fext .
This is very odd and leads to embarrassing difficulties. To solve such an equation
three initial conditions are needed, position, velocity and acceleration. But if we take
t 2
Fext = 0 we see that the solutions are A + Bt + Ce τ , where τ is the timescale e6πµ µ0
This exponential runaway solution is presumed to be unphysical.
If Fext is a delta function and we assume the initial conditions x = ẋ = 0 we
have to adjust ẍ to suppress the runaway solution. We see that the particle (if charged)
must start accelerating before the force is applied. This acausal behaviour is called pre-
acceleration and is governed by the timescale τ , which for an electron is approximately
6 × 10−24 s, into the realm of quantum mechanical effects.
µ0 ıωt
e−ıω|x−x | .
Aµ (x, t) = e d3 x′ j µ (x′ ) ′
4π |x − x |
If R ≫ d we can expand |x−x′ | in the usual way as
! 1
2 −2
1 1 2x.x′ |x′ |
= 1− + 2
|x − x | R R2 R
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à !
2 2
1 x.x′ 1 |x′ | 3 (x.x′ )
= 1+ 2 − + ... .
R R 2 R2 2 R4
The O(R−2 ) and lower terms do not contribute to the radiation and will be omitted.
We get Z
µ0 ıωt
d3 x′ j µ (x′ )e−ıω|x−x | .
Aµ (x, t) = e
µ0 ıω(t−R) x.x′
A (x, t) = e d3 x′ j µ (x′ )eıω R
provided R ≫ λ, the wavelength. Thus the expansion we have derived is valid when
R ≫ d, λ. This is called the radiation zone.
Thus at large distances the system appears to be a source of spherical waves. To
proceed further we can expand out the phase factor in powers of ω. We get
" #
′ 2
x.x′ 2 (x.x )
µ µ0 ıω(t−R) 3 ′ µ ′
A (x, t) = e d x j (x ) 1 + ıω −ω + ... .
4πR R 2R2
and applying the continuity equation, which in this case is ıωρ + div j = 0. Thus
d3 x′ ji (x′ ) = ıωp
and we get
ıωµ0 ıω(t−R) p.x ıωµ0 ıω(t−R)
A0 = e and A= e p.
4πR2 R 4πR
We can now calculate E and B as
ω 2 µ0 ıω(t−R) ¡ 2 ¢
E= 3
e R p − (x.p)x
ω 2 µ0 ıω(t−R)
= e x ∧ (x ∧ p) and
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ω 2 µ0 ıω(t−R)
B= e x ∧ p.
The time averaged Poynting vector thus points radially outwards and has magnitude
4 2
0 ω |p| µ0 ω 4 |p|2
N = µ32π 2
2 R2 sin θ and the average power radiated is therefore 12π .
The scattered light has ω 4 dependence times the spectrum of the light. Thus blue
light is scattered preferentially to red and the sky appears blue. This also explains the
red sun at sunset; since there is more scattering when the angle of the sun is low and
the blue light is scattered more.
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Chapter 5
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where the minus sign is inessential; it just normalizes things nicely. The momentum
π µ conjugate to xµ is ∂∂L µ µ
ẋµ = mẋ +eA , consisting of the mechanical momentum and
a modification due to the electromagnetic field. The Hamiltonian H(x, π) = π µ ẋµ −
L = (π−eA)
m .
The replacement of p with π = p + eA is usually termed “minimal coupling” and
corresponds to classical electrodynamics.
In quantum mechanics the momentum p is replaced with a momentum operator p̂,
and we assume that the momentum operator for charged particles is modified “like the
classical momentum”, that is p 7→ π = p̂ + eA 7→ −ı~∇ + eA.
The Schrödinger equation for a static field (0, A) is 2m ψ = Eψ, which according
to minimal coupling, and turning p into an operator, is 2m ψ = Eψ.
Since gauge transformations are not supposed to have any physical effect solu-
tions of the Schrödinger equation in one gauge must be solutions in another gauge. If
we start with the universal combination (−ı~∇ + eA) ψ, on sending A 7→ A + ∇Λ
the universal combination becomes (−ı~∇ + eA + e∇Λ) ψ ′ . This must be invariant
(up to a phase factor), and so if ψ ′ = ψe− ~ we get (−ı~∇ + eA + e∇Λ) ψ ′ =
− ıeΛ
e ~ (−ı~∇ − e∇Λ + eA + e∇Λ) ψ and the universal combination is invariant (up
to a phase factor). Phase should not be too disturbing; the matrix element
ıeΛ ıeΛ
d3 x ψ1∗ Ôψ2 7→ d3 x ψ1∗ e ~ Ôψ2 e− ~
and under all normal circumstances the phase factors cancel; the matrix element is
This minimal coupling means that the vector potential can give rise to observable
physical effects. One which you may have met before is the Aharonov - Bohm effect.
Consider the long, thin solenoid shown, with B 6= 0 inside and B = 0 outside.
In classical mechanics, charged particles with be unaffected since B = 0 outside the
In quantum mechanics; consider eigenstates of π; states ψ with (−ı~∇ + eA) ψ =
πψ. If the phases of the waves on the two paths differ then there will be destructive
Now suppose that a neutral particle has a wavefunction ³ψ0 (x). For a charged
´ par-
ıe x
ticle the corresponding wavefunction is ψ(x) = ψ0 (x) exp − ~ x0 A.dl . Thus the
phase factor (the difference in phase) between the two paths is
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ıe ıe
e− ~ A.dl
= e− ~ curl A.dS
= e− ~ B.dS
= e− ~ (flux) .
5.2 Conduction
An ordinary conductor looks something like a regular lattice of atoms, with the valence
electrons forming an electron gas throughout the material.
An applied E field moves the gas, but electrons collide with atoms and stop. Sup-
pose they move with an average velocity v. Then the current density is the charge on an
electron × the number density ×v. The mean free path only depends on the geometry,
so the current density is σE, with σ the conductivity.
Superconductivity is very different. It was first discovered by Kammerlingh-Onnes
in 1905; he noticed that when some metals are cooled to ≈ 4K the electric conductivity
became infinite. Nowadays superconductivity is observed in certain materials up to
about liquid nitrogen temperatures, ≈ 100K.
The fundamental description of superconductivity is due to Bardeen, Cooper and
Schreiffer and is in detail beyond this course. The result is that the current is an inher-
ently quantum mechanical effect in which bound states of pairs of electrons behave as
bosons rather than as fermions. They have a charge −2e and an effective mass of m
We will examine the Landau-Ginzburg theory. Suppose the charge carriers have a
wavefunction χ = Reıφ . We can then interpret the probability current as the flux of
these particles. We can evaluate
~ ¡ ∗ ∗ ¢ ~
jprob = χ ∇χ − (∇χ) χ = R2 ∇φ.
2ım m
We interpret R2 as a number density ns and so we guess an electric current j =
m ∇φ. However this is not gauge invariant and as the electric current must stay the
same under gauge transformations we fix up the equation to get the result (which can
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q~ns ³ q ´
js = ∇φ − A .
m ~
We are led to guess that B = 0 inside a superconductor. The ªabove expression for
js and the Maxwell equations give curl B = µ0 q~n q
∇φ − ~ A . Taking the curl of
this we get a differential equation for B:
µ0 q 2 ns
∇2 B = B.
2 2
µ0 q ns
In the region shown this simplifies to ∂∂zB
2 = m B and so we find that B =
µ0 q ns
B0 exp − m z, taking the negative root since the energy must be bounded.
B decays exponentially away from the surface on a distance scale ns qm2 µ0 , which
is of the order of atomic size. Thus in practice we have B = 0 inside a supercon-
ductor and this is a better definition of a superconductor than saying that it has infinite
A is not necessarily 0, but in order to get a superconducting current we must have
ns 6= 0. Landau and Ginzburg tried to construct an analog of the Schrödinger equation
which gave this result.
It is easier (as always) to start from an action:
I= d3 x [kinetic energy − potential energy]
~2 ∗ 2
Z · ¸
= d3 x − ψ ∇ ψ − V ψ∗ ψ
· ¸
= d3 x (−ı~∇ψ) (−ı~∇ψ) + V ψ ∗ ψ
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~2 ¯¯³ ıq ´ ¯¯2 1
2 4
I= d3 x ¯ ∇ − A ψ ¯ + V |ψ| + b |ψ| .
4m ~ 2
This action can be derived from BCS theory and gives a nonlinear analog of the
Schrödinger equation:
1 2 2
− (−ı~ − qA) ψ + V ψ + b |ψ| ψ = 0.
∗¢ 2 2
ψ ∇ψ − ψ (∇ψ) − 2q
¡ ∗
The current js = 2ım m A |ψ| .
We get a non-vanishing spatially independent solution of this “Schrödinger equa-
tion” when V < 0 and b > 0. This occurs when the temperature T is less than some
critical temperature Tc ; normal matter has V > 0.
BCS theory gives b > 0 and V = V0 (T − Tc ).
Evaluating this inside the superconductor we get ~q [φ]. As the wavefunction must
be single valued this must be n 2π~q and since the charge carriers are electron pairs then
the flux is quantised in units of π~
|e| .
If we make a current I flow on the surface of the superconductor then as the flux
through the loop is the inductance times the current, and so the flux is quantised we see
that the current is quantised.
Suppose that a B field 4π P rr̂2 is possible, by analogy with the Coulomb field in elec-
Using Gauss’ Law we have
1 1
P = B.dS = div B dV.
µ0 closed surface µ0
Chapter 6
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Born-Infeld Theory
This material is starred and
Recall that Maxwell’s theory is (in the absence of currents) governed by an action was included as a fill-in lec-
1 ture.
I= d4 x − Fµν F µν ,
µ0 4
we can see that det ηµν + bF̃µν = det ηµν + bFµν and so we can evaluate the action as
( r )
1 1 1
4 2
d x 1− 1 − b2 Fµν F µν − b4 (εµνρσ Fµν Fρσ ) .
µ0 b2 2 16
The limit b → 0 (clearly) gives the Maxwell action. Since we are assuming that
Fµν is derived from a potential we still have the equation ∂µ Fνρ + ∂ν Fρµ + ∂ρ Fµν = 0
and the other equation is ∂µ G µν = 0, the difference being that the equation for G µν is
a horrible mess:
b2 λτ
µν F µν − 4 F εµνλτ Fαβ Fγδ εαβγδ
G =q
b2 ξζ b4 2
1− 2 Fξζ F − 16 (εξζχ̟ F ξζ F χ̟ )
(you have no idea how difficult it was to find that many different Greek letters).
We obtain ½ ¾
1 1
Tµν = Gµ λ Fνλ + ηµν L
µ0 4
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n o
where L is the Lagrangian; L = b12 1 − |det ηµν + bFµν | .
which is singular (but integrably so) at r = 0. Performing the integral to find the
total energy in the electric field we obtain
µ ¶ 23
4π 1 Q 1
√ ,
3 b 34 )2
Γ( 4 ǫ02
which is noticably finite.
This theory also has magnetic monopoles; an easy way is to see that the theory is
invariant under swapping E and B. The energy in a magnetic monopole field is
µ ¶ 32
4π 1 P √
√ µ0
3 b Γ( 34 )2 4
µ0 P
if Br ∼ 4πr 2 as r → ∞.
µ0 P
In fact Br = 4πr 2 which although it looks singular is perfectly reasonable.
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◦ Landau and Lifschitz, The Classical Theory of Fields, Fourth ed., Butterworth-
Heinemann, 1975.
This is a good reference but isn’t so good to learn by. It also uses CGS units.
The sign conventions for the tensor Fµν are variable and it is
essential to check which convention any given book is using.
There appears to be a gap in the market at about the level of this course. Most books
on electromagnetism seem to be written either for a first course or for a postgraduate
course. If you find a good one I haven’t mentioned please send me a brief review and
I will append it to this bibliography if I think it is suitable.