ETCIO Annual Conclave
ETCIO Annual Conclave
ETCIO Annual Conclave
5:30 PM 6:30 PM
5:30 PM 6:30 PM
7:00 PM Onwards
Panel 1- Building the digitally immune enterprise: Staying secure, staying productive
A digitally immune enterprise encompasses various IT functions, processes, and
techniques. It includes software development, automation, business applications,
business analytics, and more. In 2023, building a digitally immune enterprise to protect it
from all anomalies while ensuring business continuity would be one of the foremost
priorities and trends for CIOs. Ensuring cyber
Session resilience
(Main Hall) and deploying advanced security
solutions has become critical matter to address. Besides, from migrating to 100% cloud
Beach Yoga
computing to creating virtual worlds, CIOs have been ambitious in benchmarking their
digital success.
Fireside Main&Breakfast
In 2023, the worldchat
has -already
keeping thedeveloping
breakthroughthe tech
of AItalent in 2023 Besides
with ChatGPT.
According to a McKinsey
the introduction to virtualsurvey, Editor's
digital Address
percent CXOs believe
industry 5.0,their
more, CIOsare not
industriesprepared to address
are advancing theirthe skill
digital gap. And
Keynote Address a huge
with portion
emerging of that gap comes
technologies andfrom
tech talent
ensuring successmanagement.
throughoutFrom hiring theInbest
development. thisintopical
class techies
understanding andthe
will talk about
providing the right Presenting
success stories of their digital advancement space, Partner
and - Kyndryl
roles to them has been a challenge
how they are coping with the competitive for
leaders across industries. In this discussion, we will talk about
market of technology evolution in their respective industries. successful ways to hire,
retain and re-skill tech talent. Besides, the focus will be on the leadership of fostering tech
professionals and gearing them Partner up with Session
relevant-andLenovobest-in-class technologies, training,
and growth opportunities.
CIO case study/standalone
Rahul Bose's session
Panel 2- Imagining & delivering IBM Partner Session
hyper-personalized customer experience
Brands that leverage cutting-edge technologies
Partner Sessionto understand their customers better and
deliver an enhanced personalized experience have a clear leg up over the competition.
Now CIO gonecase
are study/standalone
those analog days of managing the customer experience. Today, with data-
driven decision-making and insights-enabled Main Lunch tracking of a customer’s journey with any
brand, technology leaders are leaving no stone unturned in equipping their businesses
with the best possible CX tools and Lucky Draw/QuizIn this discussion, we will focus on
hyper-personalization and innovations
Celebrity Keynote- AshneerinGrover
the space of CX.
Partner Session
Partner Session
Evening Tea Networking Break
Thrilling 3/Elevator Pitch
Innovation Hub
Mega Lucky Draw
Closing Address
Agenda Ends
Cocktail Mixology
Evening Wine & Cheese
Evening Wine & Cheese Roundtable 2 Roundtable 3
From evaluating the right technology requirements, wisely choosing the
apt technology solutions, and partnering with the best technology
providers to successfully implementing technology, scaling up the existing
systems, and adding value to the business growth, a CIO has to ensure the
tech investments and KPIs are giving the best ROI to the organization. Now
Start Time End Time Session
ROI can be referred to asTrilouge differentchat- elements considering unique
6:30 AM 7:30 AM evaluations and Beach
The continuum of digital innovation in the Volleyball
While it is
of ChatGPT believed that
& Metaverse:
8:00 AM 8:45 AM CIO moderated
monetary discussion-
benefits Architecting
are the critical aspect
Hype Vs Real new
of revenue
evaluating streams
tech ROI, using
there data
otherWithelements such as of
the emergence intelligence
value of investments,
technologies efficiency,
such asproductivity,
8:15 AM 9:15 AM and change
Metaverse, management
and more, Mainthat
the world Breakfast
define the real
is re-imagining outcomes.
the way technologies
9:45 AM 9:50 AM Technological
Inimpact disruptions
this discussion, industry such
our lives and business. as
leaders omni
Editor's channels,
waveAddress their phygital ecosystem,
of digitization has hitand and
sauces to have
drive transformed
horizon and technology leaders ROIseveral
out ofbusiness
are Session models
technology while boosting
quite zealous about implementing the
9:50 AM 10:05 AM profitability.
right metrics Today,
to applytechnology
to for Partner
and ishow
theythe catalyst
it toasthe role for born-digital
business outcomes.
new-age technologies purposes boosting efficiency,
10:05 AM 10:50 AM businessesbusiness
gathering and even legacy enterprises
intelligence, delivering areexcellence,
prioritizingand technology
business stay this
While in the competitive markets.
sounds Thus, the nature and
10:50 AM 11:10 AM Lisa Raypromising
Session but is challenging the same
fundamentals of technology have propelled
hand. In this topical discussion, ETCIO will have top technology CIOs to supportdecision-
11:10 AM 11:25 AM Panel organizations
- The leap with
of unique
faith: The Partner
2024 of Session
makers across industries sharing their thoughts, and experiences the
road map business.
to This
business includes
11:25 AM 11:40 AM integration
Charting of cutting-edge
out new
brainstorming strategies
over the next technologies
and chapter ofand
developing digitaltechnology
technological systems tosolutions
are intelligence
the only way for to
take the leaddecision-making
in any industry. This and innovatively drive
year, as enterprises
11:40 AM 11:55 AM revenue Partner
streams Session
to the market.
advance with their digital developments, CIOs have to prioritize
11:55 AM 12:15 PM In this discussion,
sustainability, technology
carbon with CIOs
neutrality, leaders willelimination
and the share
Lisa Raytheirofsuccessful
IT waste.
Moreover, they havebusiness
to focus stories
on and ways
innovative to open new
technology revenue
solutions that
12:15 PM 12:30 PM Partner Session
their business requiresstreams to scalethrough
up and digitalization.
accelerate growth. This session will
12:30 PM 12:45 PM present an opportunity to hear from top IT decision-makers on driving IT
12:45 PM 1:45 PM sustainability, deploying future-readyMain Lunch technology solutions, and most
importantly supporting cross-functional business teams to ensure that
1:45 PM 2:00 PM together they level up theirEmcee business Fungrowth
Activityand take their enterprise to
2:00 PM 2:45 PM the next level.
2:45 PM 3:00 PM Partner Session
3:00 PM 3:20 PM Major Celebrity Keynote
3:20 PM 3:35 PM Partner Session
3:35 PM 3:50 PM CIO Standalone/Fireside chat
3:50 PM 4:05 PM Evening Tea Networking Break
128257 International
25286 Indian
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5774 Indian
30565 indian
129755 International
2635 Indian
16417 Indian
6285 Indian
13201 Indian
7135 Indian
123748 Indian
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13865 Indian
62246 International
17098 INdian
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104356 International
83812 International
10124 International
7575 Indian
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7730 International
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8322 International
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39459 International
3037 Indian
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3149 Indian
540 Indian
9396 Indian
52226 Indian
2568 Indian
39 International