NOTES-FromTrade To Territory
NOTES-FromTrade To Territory
NOTES-FromTrade To Territory
Class VIII
Fine quality of cotton and silk Indian spices such as pepper, cloves, cardamom and cinnamon
attracted European trading companies to India.
Under Lord Hastings (Governor General from 1813 to 1823) a new policy of “paramountcy”
was initiated. Now the Company claimed that its authority was paramount or supreme, hence
its power was greater than that of Indian states. In order to protect its interests it was justified
in annexing or threatening to annex any Indian kingdom.
The Doctrine of Lapse: Lord Dalhousie who was the Governor-General from 1848 to 1856.
He devised a policy that came to be known as the Doctrine of Lapse. The doctrine declared
that if an Indian ruler died without a male heir his kingdom would “lapse”, that is, become part
of Company territory.
A New Administration:
Warren Hastings (Governor-General from 1773 to 1785) played a significant role in the
expansion of Company power.
British territories were broadly divided into administrative units called Presidencies. There
were three Presidencies: Bengal, Madras and Bombay.
Each was ruled by a Governor. The supreme head of the administration was the Governor-
New Judicial System: Each district was to have two courts – a criminal court (faujdari adalat)
and a civil court (diwani adalat).
The criminal courts were still under a qazi and a mufti but under the supervision of the
Under the Regulating Act of 1773, a new Supreme Court was established.
District Collector:
The principal figure in an Indian district was the Collector. His main job was to collect revenue
and taxes and maintain law and order in his district with the help of judges, police officers and
His office was known as Collectorate.