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Dob: 15 Apr 1998
EpiPens are used in case of anaphylactic reaction. One needs to use it
immediately at the first sign of a symptom, after exposure to the trigger of severe allergic reaction to the patients who have been prescribed the EpiPens. EpiPens are available in 2 formats: 1. EPIPEN JR.- For children weighing less than 30kgs, 2. EPIPEN- For adults and children weighing more than 30 kgs. It is a single use injectable device, that delivers a fixed dose of epinephrine intra-muscularly. BLUE : SAFETY CAP remove only when injecting the drug BODY OF THE PEN: carries the drug, which has a fixed dose ORANGE : NEEDLE PROTECTION COVER , prevents accidental jabbing Firstly, take off the blue safety cap straight, without bending or twisting. Then make a 90-degree angle with your hand to the body, swing the hand towards the body (adduction) and push firmly the orange tip to the outer thigh (you will hear a click). Hold on steadily for 3 seconds after the click to deliver the drug. After administering the drug, wait for any improvement in the condition, if there is no improvement then give another shot of EpiPen within 5-15 minutes of the first dose. Hence it is always recommended that patients should carry 2 EpiPens. After giving the patient an EpiPen, call 911 or let the patient seek medical attention by any means. STORAGE The EpiPens should neither be exposed to sunlight directly nor it must be refrigerated, hence not recommended to be kept in the car during extreme weather conditions. If the patient has any further questions or query regarding its use, he/she is free to call or visit the pharmacy anytime. DO YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS OR YOU’RE CONFIDENT ENOUGH ABOUT HOW TO USE AN EPIPEN?
NOVORAPID (Insulin pen with cartridges)
Insulin pens are used by the patients having diabetes. It is a chronic medication that someone needs to use on daily basis Remove the cap and rub alcohol swab on the rubber stopper Attach the needle Remove protective tab from needle
Screw the needle to the pen
Pull off the inner needle cap and save it for later. Then pull off the outer needle cap and throw it away Clear liquid inside cartridge Prime the pen 2 units , after air is removed insulin drop will be there on the needle , good to go Clean site with alcohol swab, thigh, abdomen or upper arm Keep changing the sites `inject dose subcutaneously pinch the skin and inject the needle Dose pointer will be back to zero once full dose has been administered Storage DO NOT SHARE