IoT 2M Answers

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IoT 2M Answers

1. Explain the Application of IOT in Health

Monitoring system

Remote Patient Monitoring (RPM): IoT devices such as wearable sensors,

smartwatches, and medical-grade wearables are equipped with various sensors to
continuously monitor vital signs such as heart rate, blood pressure, oxygen
saturation, temperature, and activity levels
Chronic Disease Management: IoT-enabled health monitoring systems play a
crucial role in managing chronic diseases such as diabetes, hypertension, and
heart disease.

2. Explain Communication technology IEEE

802.15.4 in detail.

• The MAC layer of IEEE 802.15.4 defines various protocols and mechanisms for
channel access, addressing, frame formatting, and error detection.
• It supports two main operation modes: beacon-enabled mode and non-
beacon-enabled mode.
• In beacon-enabled mode, the network coordinator periodically transmits
beacon frames to synchronize and schedule communication with other
devices in the network.

Power Management:

• IEEE 802.15.4 is designed for low-power operation, making it suitable for

battery-powered devices and energy-constrained applications.

3. Write Short note BLE

4. Write short note ZigBee

Low Power Consumption: Zigbee is optimized for energy efficiency, allowing devices to
operate on battery power for extended periods,

Mesh Networking: Zigbee supports mesh networking, where devices can relay data
through intermediate nodes.

Low Data Rate: Zigbee is designed for low-data-rate communication, typically ranging
from 20 to 250 kbps

5. Compare Bluetooth and ZigBee

No. Bluetooth Zigbee

The Bluetooth SIG (Special The Zigbee Alliance is responsible

Interest Group) is the for managing Zigbee and testing and
1. organization responsible for approving Zigbee-based devices.
managing Bluetooth standards IEEE standardizes all Zigbee-based
and devices. protocols.

The frequency range supported While the frequency range

2. in Bluetooth varies from 2.4 supported in Zigbee is mostly 2.4
GHz to 2.483 GHz. GHz worldwide.

There are seventy nine RF There are sixteen RF channels in

channels in Bluetooth. Zigbee.

Whereas it also uses BPSK and

It uses GFSK modulation
4. QPSK modulation techniques like
No. Bluetooth Zigbee

While there are more than sixty-five

There is a maximum of 8 cell
5. thousand (65000) cell nodes in
nodes in Bluetooth.

The radio signal range of While the radio signal range of

Bluetooth is ten meters. Zigbee is ten to hundred meters.

6. Explain LORA Communication

7. Explain What is Gateways.

Gateways in IoT serve as bridges between IoT devices and the cloud or central
server. They aggregate data from diverse devices, translate protocols for seamless
integration, and preprocess data at the edge of the network to reduce latency.
Advanced gateways support edge computing for real-time processing, enforce
security measures, and operate offline to ensure data continuity during
connectivity disruptions. In essence, gateways play a vital role in facilitating
communication, data processing, and management within IoT ecosystems.
Data Processing and Filtering: Gateways can perform data preprocessing tasks
such as filtering, aggregation, and basic analytics at the edge of the network
Communication Hub: Gateways act as communication hubs that aggregate data
from multiple IoT devices within a network
8. Diffrentiate Between IOT and M2M.

9. Write a short note -CoaP

10. Write short note- MQTT
MQTT (Message Queuing Telemetry Transport) is a lightweight, publish-subscribe messaging
protocol commonly used in IoT, M2M (Machine to Machine), and mobile applications.

1. Lightweight and Efficient: MQTT is designed to be lightweight and efficient,

making it ideal for constrained environments such as IoT devices with limited
processing power and bandwidth.

2. Publish-Subscribe Model: MQTT follows a publish-subscribe messaging

pattern, where publishers send messages (known as "publish") to a central
broker, and subscribers receive messages (known as "subscribe") from the
broker based on topics of interest
11. Advantage of CoaP over HTTP
Constrained Application Protocol (CoAP) offers several advantages over HTTP (Hypertext
Transfer Protocol), particularly in constrained environments such as IoT (Internet of Things)
devices and networks. Here are some key advantages of CoAP over HTTP:

Efficient Communication: CoAP is designed to be lightweight and efficient, making it

suitable for constrained devices with limited processing power, memory, and bandwidth.
Unlike HTTP, which has a relatively high overhead

Low Power Consumption: CoAP is optimized for low-power communication, enabling

devices to conserve energy and prolong battery life

Built-in Support for UDP: CoAP operates over UDP (User Datagram Protocol) by default,
which is a connectionless and lightweight transport protocol. UDP's simplicity and low
overhead make it more suitable than TCP

Native Support for Resource Discovery: CoAP includes built-in support for resource
discovery, allowing clients to discover available resources on a CoAP server without relying
on external mechanisms

12. Explain XML Format

Extensible Markup Language (XML) is a markup language and file format for storing,
transmitting, and reconstructing arbitrary data. It defines a set of rules for encoding
documents in a format that is both human-readable and machine-readable
Syntax: XML documents consist of text-based data organized into a hierarchical
structure of elements. Each element is enclosed within angle brackets ("<" and ">") and
can contain attributes and data

Tags and Elements: XML documents are composed of tags, which represent elements in
the document's structure. Tags come in pairs: an opening tag ("<element>")

Hierarchy: XML documents have a hierarchical structure, with elements nested within
each other to represent relationships between data

Root Element: Every XML document has a single root element that serves as the top-
level container for all other elements in the document.
13. Explain CoaP and its advantages.

Efficiency: CoAP is designed to be lightweight and efficient, making it well-suited for

resource-constrained devices with limited processing power, memory, and bandwidth

Low Power Consumption: CoAP is optimized for low-power communication, enabling

devices to conserve energy and extend battery life.

Asynchronous Communication: CoAP supports asynchronous communication through its

non-blocking request-response model, allowing multiple transactions to occur concurrently
over a single connection.

Built-in Support for Resource Discovery: CoAP includes built-in support for resource
discovery, allowing clients to discover available resources on CoAP servers without relying on
external mechanisms

Proxying and Caching: CoAP supports proxying and caching mechanisms, allowing
intermediate nodes to cache frequently accessed resources and act as proxies for clients and

14. Explain MQTT protocols used in IOT.

MQTT is a standards-based messaging protocol, or set of rules, used for machine-to-
machine communication. Smart sensors, wearables, and other Internet of Things
(IoT) devices typically have to transmit and receive data over a resource-constrained
network with limited bandwidth. These IoT devices use MQTT for data transmission,
as it is easy to implement and can communicate IoT data efficiently. MQTT supports
messaging between devices to the cloud and the cloud to the device.

Lightweight and efficient

MQTT implementation on the IoT device requires minimal resources, so it can even be used on
small microcontrollers. For example, a minimal MQTT control message can be as little as two
data bytes. MQTT message headers are also small so that you can optimize network bandwidth.

MQTT implementation requires a minimal amount of code that consumes very little power in
operations. The protocol also has built-in features to support communication with a large number
of IoT devices. Hence, you can implement the MQTT protocol to connect with millions of these

Many IoT devices connect over unreliable cellular networks with low bandwidth and high latency.
MQTT has built-in features that reduce the time the IoT device takes to reconnect with the cloud.
It also defines three different quality-of-service levels to ensure reliability for IoT use cases— at
most once (0), at least once (1), and exactly once (2).

MQTT makes it easy for developers to encrypt messages and authenticate devices and users
using modern authentication protocols, such as OAuth, TLS1.3, Customer Managed Certificates,
and more.

Publish-Subscribe Model: MQTT follows a publish-subscribe messaging pattern,

where clients (devices or applications) can publish messages to topics or
subscribe to receive messages from specific topics.

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