General Microbiology Reading Material
General Microbiology Reading Material
General Microbiology Reading Material
Disease has always left people surprised and terrified. The link between
microorganisms and disease was discovered by Pasteur and Koch. They followed an
explosion of research and discovery that lead to control of many diseases. A brief
history of microbiology will take you through the journey of microbiology from past to
future of microbiology.
Microbiology has had a long, rich history, initially centered in the cause on infectious
diseases but now including practical applications of the sciences. Many individuals have
made significant contribution to the development of microbiology.
Early History of Microbiology: Historians are unsure who made the first observation
of microorganism, but the microscope was available during the mid-1600s, and an
English scientist named Robert Hooke made key observation. He observed strands of
fungi. In the 1670s Dutch merchant named Antony van Leewnhoeke name careful
observation of microscopic organism which he called microscopic world to scientist and
is regarded as one of the first to provide accurate disruptions of protozoa, fungi, and
Koch’s Postulates:
The organism must be found in all animals suffering from the disease, but not in
healthy animals
The organism must be isolated from diseased animal and grown in pure culture.
The cultured organism should cause diseases when introduced into a healthy
The organism must be re isolated from the experimentally infected animal.
The microscope is the most commonly used and very important instruments in the
laboratory. It was invented by Von Leuwenhock in 18th century. It is an instrument by
which we can see small objects and their fine details. It is composed of a system of
different lenses (optical system) which enlarge the image many times. It combines the
principle of an optical system and illumination system to achieve illumination in the
bright field. Bacterial cells are not easy to see with bright field microscopy because:
These are problems are solved by good resolution power and staining procedures used
in laboratory.
4. Wave Length: Light travels in waves. The length of a wave of light is the wave
length. As light is composed of seven colors every color has its own wave length.
5. Numerical aperture: It is the ratio between the diameter of the lens its focal length.
If the capsule of bacterium can be seen separate for its cell wall, the resolution of
microscope is good.
The lens of the eye piece further magnifies the image. Then the rays of light pass
through the eye piece into the eye of the observer. The lens of the human eye focuses
the image on the retina. This is how the object on the slide is visualized after
It is part between the foot piece and the eye piece.
a. Nose piece
b. Stage
c. Sub stage
a. Objectives: The body has nose piece which consist of different objectives of
different power. Each objective is engraved with some numerical information and is
also coloured differently for example one objective may read:
Plan 40/0.65
This indicates that it has a x 40 magnification at a tube length of 160 mm and has a
numerical aperture of 0.65. A cover glass of 0.17mm thickness should be used. The
lowest power objective, called scanner, has a red line on it, dry low power (x10)
objective has a yellow line, dry high power (x40) objective has a blue line and oil
immersion objective (x100) has white line on it. These are fixed to a rotary dies.
b. Stage: The stage of a microscope is meant for keeping the slide to be examined. It is
provided with mechanism which not only holds the slide in place but can move it in
two planes by a pair of screws. In most of the microscope the stage has ruled
markings on both axes. These serves as grid reference. For examples while scanning
a slide for acid fast bacilli (AFB) note the reading o the ruled area on both axes if
these are found at a point. With the help of this reading same spot can be located
easily afterwards.
c. Sub-stage: Below the stage is the sub-stage which contains the condenser. This
focuses the light from the light source on the object 9slid). The condenser can be
adjusted up and down. In case of unstained slide e.g. while examining a urine
deposit, feces for ova/cysts or motility of an organism the condenser is adjusted at a
lower position to provide less light and more contrast. In stained slides, e.g.
peripherals blood films; it is adjusted at a higher position, 1-2mm below the stage.
The condenser can be titled form its horizontal position by centering screws. It is
important for laboratory worker to know the centering of the condenser with the
help of the screw.
In dark-field microscopy the background remains dark, and only the object is
illuminated. A special condenser mounted under the stage of the dark-field microscope
scatters the light and cause it hit the objective from different angles. Some light bounces
off the object into lens to make the object visible, but the surrounding areas appear dark
because it lacks back-ground light.
Use: Dark-field microscopy helps in the diagnosis of disease cause by spiral bacteria
(e.g. Treponema Palladium)
Use: Microbiologists can see organisms alive and unstained with the help of phase-
contrast microscope.
Microorganism are coated with a fluorescent dye (such as fluorescin) the illuminated
with ultraviolet light energy. The coated micro-organism appear to fluoresce
A microscopy in which a beam if electrons substitutes for the light energy used in other
microscope are called electron microscopy an electron is a type of microscope that uses
electron to illuminated a specimen and create an enlarged image electron microscopes
has much greater resolving power than high microscopes and cane obtain much higher
Two types of electron microscopes are currently in wide use
A) Transmission Electron Microscope (TEM):
One in which an electron beam passes through an ultra-thin slice of an object. It
is used to photography detailed structures within cells.
One salient feature is that bacteria, fungi, protozoa and helminthes are cellular whereas
viruses are not. This distinction is based primarily on three criteria.
1. Structure. Cells have a nucleus or nucleus or nucleoid, which contains DNA; this
is surrounded by cytoplasm, within which proteins are synthesized and energy is
generated. Viruses have an inner core of genetic material (either DNA or RNA)
but not cytoplasm, and so they depend on host cells to provide the machinery for
protein synthesis and energy generation.
2. Method of Replications. Cell replicate either by binary fissions or by mitosis,
during which one parent cell divides to make two progeny cells while retaining
its cellular structure. Prokaryotic cells, e.g. bacteria, replicate by binary fission,
whereas eukaryotic cells replicate by mitosis. In contrast, viruses disassemble,
produce many copies of their nucleic acid and protein, and then reassemble into
multiple progeny viruses. Furthermore viruses must replicate within host cells
because, as mentioned above, they lack protein synthesizing and energy
Protozoa and
Characteristic Viruses Bacteria Fungi
Most protozoa and some bacteria are motile, whereas fungi and viruses are nonmetric
The protozoa are a heterogeneous group that possess three different organs of
locomotion, flagella, cilia and pseudopodia
Examples of Organism
1) Bacteria : Salmonella typhi
Klebsiella pneumoniae
4) Protozoa : Entamoebahistolytica
Giardia Lambila
Bacteria are microscopic (very tiny) organisms that are unicellular (made up of a
single cell). Bacterium is the term for single bacteria.
Evolution of Bacteria: The primitive organism was among the first to appear on
Earth, Bacteria evolved roughly 3.5 billion years ago.
Discovery of Bacteria: Bacteria were unknown people until the 1600s, when
Antony Van Leeuwenhock first observes them in his newly-made microscope.
Cells of Bacteria: The cells of bacteria are different from those of plant and animals
in many ways, the most obvious of which is that bacteria lack on nucleus and other
membrane bound organelles (except ribosome’s). Unlike animals and plant, bacteria
have Pilli, flagella and most have a cell capsule.
Structure of Bacteria Cells: Typical structure of a bacterium is illustrated in figure
and the important features of each component are presented in Table 2-1
In order to identify and study bacterial specie it is necessary to grow the organism
under Laboratory Condition and it is therefore, essential to know its growth
Nitrogen Source:
Ammonia is the main nitrogen source used in Biosynthesis of micro-organism. It can be
provided directly in the environment or it can be produce indirectly by the organic
nitrogenous nutrients such as amino acids or by the nitrates A few bacteria can use
gaseous nitrogen as a nitrogen source.
Organic Compounds:
Certain organic compounds such as amino acids, nucleotide, monosaccharide, lipid and
co-enzymes, lipid are synthesized by the microorganism of provided by environment
they cannot be synthesized by all micro-organisms. Certain bacteria requires growth
factor or microbial vitamin e.g. thiamine, riboflaxin, nicotine acid, pyridoxine, P-
aminobenzoic acid, folic acid, brotin, cobamideetc
Bacteria reproduce by binary fission, a process by which one parent cell divides to
form two progeny cells. Because on cell gives rise to two progeny cells. Bacteria are
said to undergo exponential growth(logarithmic growth). The concept of
exponential growth can be illustrated by the following relationship
Number of Cells 1 2 4 8 16
Exponential 20 21 22 23 24
Thus, I bacterium will procedure 16 bacteria after 4 generations.
The doubling (generation) time of bacteria ranges form as title as 20 minutes for
Escherichia coli to more than 24 hours for Mycobacterium tuberculosis.
The exponential growth and the shot doubling time of some organisms result in
rapid production of very large numbers of bacteria. For example, 1E coli.Organism
will produced over 1000 progeny in about 3 hours and over 1 million in about 7
The doubling time varies not only with the species but also with the amount of
nutrients, the temperature the pH, and other environment factors.
The growth cycle of bacteria has four major phases
If a small number of bacteria are inoculated into a liquid nutrient medium and the
bacteria are counted at frequent intervals, the typical phases of a standard growth
curve can be demonstrated.
The first is the lag phase, during which vigorous metabolic activity occurs but cells
do not divide. This can last for a few minutes up to many hours.
The log (logarithm) phase is when rapid cell division occurs.
The stationary phase occurs when nutrient depletion or toxic products cause growth
to slow until the number of new cells produced balance the number of cells that die
resulting in a steady state.
The final phase is the death phase, which is marked by a decline in the number of
viable bacteria.
The response to oxygen is an important criterion for classifying bacteria and has great
practical significance because specimens from patients must be incubated in the proper
atmosphere for the bacteria to grow.
1. Some bacteria, such as M. tuberculosis are obligate aerobes that is they require
oxygen to grow because their ATP- generating system is dependent on oxygen as
the hydrogen acceptor
2. Other bacteria such as E.coil are facultative anaerobes:they utilize oxygen to
generate energy by respiration if it is present, but they can use fermentation
pathway to synthesize ATP in the absence of sufficient oxygen.
3. The third group of bacteria consists of the obligate anaerobes, such as
Clostridium tetani, which cannot grow in the presence of oxygen because they
lack either superoxide dismutase some, can survive but are not able to grow,
whereas other are killed rapidly.
Simple criteria for the purpose of bacterial Classification include many properties for
Gram stain reactions combined with basic morphology of bacteria under light
microscope are simple and effective methods of classifying many medically important
bacteria. It helps a microbiologist to identify microorganism quickly.
Christian Gram, a histologist in 1884 develops the procedure of staining the bacteria.
Bacteria are classified as Gram positive and Gram negative according to their response
to Gram staining
It is the term used to describe various Micro-organisms living as permanent resident of
the human body various bacteria and fungi are members of normal flora. (Normal
microbiota). Viruses and Parasites are usually not considered members of normal flora.
Normal flora is usually beneficial. When the micro-organisms are found at other site i.e.
other than usual places they are called pathogen. Norma floras are usually beneficial.
When they change the sire and are found at other places they are termed Pathogenic.
For example, when bacteroides bacteria, which normally reside in the intestine, may
produce abscesses if they penetrate into deeper tissue.E.coli. a normal inhabitant of the
gastrointestinal tract is the most common cause or urinary tract infections. An
opportunistic pathogen causes disease in a host that is physically weak or debilitated.
The members of the normal flora are the permanent resident and the transient
microbiota are the members of the normal flora are not always present or a are present
for only a few days, weeks, or months before disappearing. There is also a disinfection
to be made between members of the normal flora and the colonization of the individual
with a new organism. The term “Colonization” typically refers to the acquisition of a
new organism which colonize (i.e. attaches and grows, usually on a mucosal
membrane), it may cause an infectious disease or it may be eliminated by our host
defenses. The person colonized by a new organism can transmit that organism to other,
i.e. act as a reservoir or infection for others.
1) They may prove beneficial to human e.g. The intestinal bacteria (e.g. bacteroides)
produce vitamins (such as vit B and K). They may break down food stuffs that are
normally ingested by the host into components.
2) The normal flora helps us by competing with pathogens and therefore protecting
the host.
Substance produced by micro-organism that inhibit the growth or life of other in high
concentration is called “Antibiotics”
The most famous antimicrobial penicillin was discovered by Sir Alexander Fleming in
Antimicrobial drugs are used for the treatment of infectious diseases because of their
selective toxicity, i.e. the ability to kill an invading micro-organism without damaging
the cells of the host.
Inhibit: the growth of bacteria & their Multiplication
Kill bacteria
Antimicrobial agents acting only on a single or a limited group of microorganisms.
e.g. Isoniazid is active only against Mycobacteria
Antimicrobials that affect a wide variety of microorganism
e.g. Tetracycline and Chloramphenicol
Summary of Proteins Synthesis Inhibitors
Antibiotics that inhibit Nucleic acid (DNA, RNA) or Precursors of RNA and DNA