Guide To Writing Thesis Statements
Guide To Writing Thesis Statements
Guide To Writing Thesis Statements
Your thesis statement is the central argument of your essay. It must be concise and
Your thesis goes in the introductory paragraph. Don't hide it; make it clearly
asserted at the beginning of your paper.
Your thesis must make an argument. It is the road map to the argument you will
subsequently develop in your paper.
The key difference between an opinion statement and thesis statement is that a
thesis conveys to the reader that the claim being offered has been thoroughly
explored and is defendable by evidence. It answers the "what" question (what is
the argument?) and it gives the reader a clue as to the "why" question (why is
this argument the most persuasive?).
"The ability to purchase television advertising is essential for any candidate's bid
for election to the Senate because television reaches millions of people and thus
has the ability to dramatically increase name recognition."
The organizational structure of the United Nations, namely consensus voting in
the security council, makes it incapable of preventing war between major
1. Thesis statements must make a claim or argument. They are not statements of
Statement of fact: "A candidates ability to afford television advertising can have an
impact on the outcome of Congressional elections." This is essentially an indisputable
point and therefore, not a thesis statement.
Similarly, the claim "The United Nations was established to promote diplomacy between
major powers." is not likely to inspire much debate.
Statement of opinion:"Congressional elections are simply the result of who has the most
money." This statement does make a claim, but in this format it is too much of an
opinion and not enough of an argument.
Similarly, "The United Nations is incapable of preventing war" is closer to a thesis
statement than the factual statement above because it raises a point that is debatable.
But in this format, it doesn't offer the reader much information; it sounds like the author
is simply stating a viewpoint that may or may not be substantiated by evidence.
In conclusion, your thesis should make clear what your argument is; it should
also provide the reader with some indication of why your argument is persuasive.
For example: In the congressional elections example, why is money important (and
whose money? The candidates'? Corporations'? Special interests'?), are other factors
irrelevant (the candidates' views on the issues?) and for which types of elections is this
true (is your argument equally true for Senatorial elections and elections for the House
of Representatives? Why or why not?)?
In the other example, you will need to think about why the United Nations is not capable
of preventing war. Your thesis should indicate that you have an understanding of the
relevant historical circumstances and that you are aware of alternative explanations.
Of course, one can re-work a thesis statement indefinitely and one can almost always
find something at fault with it. The point is that you must be sure that your thesis
statement is indicating to your reader that you have an argument to make.