A New Order

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A New Order

Autarch Orion
Credit to the NCPS for adding some elements
from their Book.
An Original Writing of
The Triadist Theory

The book is a great journey across the meaning of Triadism and
its deepest meaning. It is incredibly immersive and gives us a
sense of purpose once we read this. The book added some aspects
from the National And Social Revolution Book (Which was done
by Noro).We thank him for allowing us to add these elements
under our own Book. The Book had great impacts on people and
still continues to influence the next generation of future

The Capitalist System in General
Today, most of the world has embraced some form of Capitalism as its system of economy.
Many companies and businesses are now the source of many people's livelihoods. The
economic prosperity and innovation brought on by Capitalism has brought many luxuries
never seen before to the masses. However, there are many downsides to this economic
system and the effects on the people and Society at large that we will cover in this part of the book.
Consumerism and Society
Consumerism is the concept of the people purchasing goods and services from the market
and that the wellbeing and happiness of the people depends on how much material they
obtain from consumer goods. Although it has led to a rise in innovation, what is being
innovated in question is to make people consume more of what the megacorporations pump
out and advertise to make people want to buy and consume their products. Now, let us go
into the contents of what is being consumed.
Many gadgets have an addictive quality to them although they are useful, they make little to
no effort to regulate how much it takes over the individual's life. With Social media, many
people in this particular generation live their lives on the internet seeking fame and attention
from people. Often as a consequence, their personal lives are neglected and can cause
deterioration of relationships with loved ones and friends which only pushes them deeper
into the internet for attention seeking. Eventually, these attention seekers will end up
attracting cyberbullies which cause them emotional distress as they prey on the individual's
insecurities which in many cases results in depression and can lead to self harm and
unfortunately, suicide. The fact that nobody can experience lasting happiness with material
goods are because of its lack of meaning and its availability and disposability. Materialism has
corrupted society and degraded the spiritual values of the people and their sense of purpose
in life at the gain of the few who run the megacorporations who pay their workers a microscopic
fraction of their profits. Another aspect of caving to the cravings of the flesh and
the simplification of the minds of the masses often leads to decay and decadence as the
once sharp practical skills of the peasantry are now dulled by a total dependence on buying
or begging from those who control the means of production and of course the means of
distribution and sales. The peasants who are regarded as being the most oppressed class of
Feudal Society often look to the Modern Industrial Society for better opportunities or simply it
comes to them when their small towns and villages get developed into bustling cities. These
"Peasants" and all others that abandoned the Feudal-Tribal agrarian lifestyle to live in cities
are called "Urbanites." They are often characterized by living in a supposedly egalitarian and
just society with often a sense of superiority that their way of life is better than that of what
They see it as barbaric or obsolete Hierarchic Feudalism.
In a Feudal Society, it is no doubt Anti-Egalitarian and Hierarchic and no doubt very
often, Stratified. It's understandable how at first glance, the sheer ease of being able to get
to your nearby workplace and markets while the infrastructure helps very well to navigate the
mazes of roads and junctions in a city while easing the efforts put into logistics while local
industries and foreign trade are managed efficiently by the government bureaucracy and
corporate administration to produce, trade and transport to consumers with ease. It almost
seems like a paradise until you realize that the urban peasantry now called the working class
own nothing and have to pay for even their right to a home and sometimes taxes on top of it
which strains their ability to even sustain themselves as their job security under private
corporations are often at the mercy of their bosses who in turn are often the people who care
more about profits which are determined by many factors and market forces that are shaky
at best. Some economic instability can lead to salary cuts and even massive layoffs. The
right to do this is simply within the capitalist core values of Laissez-faire economics which
lets the private corporations run and operate to their liking with minimum government
intervention even at the detriment of their employees. It opens the door to exploitation of
skilled laborers and is inherently a product of egalitarianism. Money is not equal and often
has the power to override the rights of man and even render the law null and void so this
would often lead to the rise of Communism and Socialism which entail class warfare and
Global Revolution under the guise of equality and rights often to the detriment of the national
community, identity and the rights to one's own personal cultivation of livelihood and
ownership even of their own homes. The reality is that regardless of how "Modern"
some nations appear to be by Capitalist or Socialist reforms and modernization initiatives,
most places are still either underdeveloped, people under-educated and their very cities and
environment choked with the fumes and toxicity of industrial waste while their very
governments are inefficiently run and constantly fight each other within the democratic
processes or struggle with corruption due to the prevalence of financial cliques within the
upper class and political system, turning ideology into a means of controlling public opinion
and politics and government in itself into a business entailing power trips as powerful and
addictive if not more so than narcotics and narcissism on the mind of the feeble politicians
and masses alike. When your leaders become feeble and abandon the spirit of the people
and nation, whatever it is centered around, the national spirit in itself degenerates into the
cravings of the flesh we know as materialism and into a selfish and egotistical society which
only breeds more of the same people in all classes top-down

A Letter to the Workers

To the Workers
If you reading this working for megacorporations, you and your fellow workers are
nothing but a tool to your employers who pay you breadcrumbs for your long hours at work.
You go home to your leaky apartments and spend most of your money on rent and
essentials but barely have enough to keep for yourself. You are locked in a cycle of wage
slavery with no other purpose other than
You have been deprived of luxuries and services you so desired as the price of living
increases. You have been deprived of free will to work for yourself. You have been deprived
of a purpose and the will to see anymore meaning in life. Imagine spending your childhood
and further education studying hard for your degree and qualifications, only to work
dead-end jobs as described above while still bearing the burden from your debt from the
unpaid student loans. That is the reality for so many people in this mad world. I'm going to
ask you a simple question. How long will you take this?

A Letter to Small and Medium Businesses

Your companies make the economy flourish, your livelihoods and depend on your skills and
professions. You have done many wonders to your local communities which include not just
your customers, but your workers, your friends and your families. However, there are many
threats I have recognized that you face. The red scare of angry Bolsheviks who think that
Absolute economic equality is the ideal way we should live. A classless utopia in which time
and labor equals the amount you have to pay to them. This system has been tried before
and everywhere it was tried, it failed miserably often costing many lives in the process
through starvation or labor deaths in horrendous conditions. Imagine your businesses
nationalized and what you have built with your blood, sweat and tears now belongs to either
the State or looted by the Mob and you and your peers forced to work impossible work
quotas for breadcrumbs equally distributed among the masses. Bolshevism is against the
Natural Hierarchy and thus mob rule only devolves into the rule of those who control the
A good example is the during the 2020
George Floyd protests where Megacorporations and the Media often dominated by Jews
and Global Oligarchs with an Agenda encouraged people to "carry out Justice" on the "evil"
white race and the police for the death of black man George Floyd. This resulted in mass
looting and rioting of businesses still recovering from the Covid-19 lockdown and even a
Communal Autonomous Zone established in Capitol Hill district of Seattle in the United
States of America. All of this was propagated by the Marxist Black Lives Matter movement
and supported by almost every major corporation in the world. If this continues, Communism
will rob you of your livelihoods. I am going to ask you employers and employees a simple
question. How long will you take this?

The Wealth of The Global Oligarchy

The Billionaires of the world have unparalleled power and wealth which they use to control
the nations of the world. With their unlimited amount of money and influence, they can easily
overpower a weak willed nation or even many weak willed nations. In the previous two
letters to the workers and businesses, we covered how the Social Elites of the world use
their wealth and influence to push agendas. The Celebrities, Mega Corporations and Media
all have the same Leftist Liberal message. This Oligarchy, dominated but not only composed
of by Jews also consists of their puppets to form a Deep State in a host nation to maintain an
illusion of Democratic rule by the people. A thing to keep in mind is that most of the masses
are sheep and need a shepherd to care for them and guide them. The truth about
Democracy is that the masses are easily manipulated by what they see and are told,
meaning that Democracy and Bolshevism are only illusions of free will of the masses that
are manipulated by those at the top. This also renders Mass movement tactics fruitless and
any attempt to change the system by playing by its rules is futile.
Secret Societies and their Goals
Ahhh… Conspiracy theories. How fun… Back in the early 2010s there was a meme craze
about the Illuminati being in control of everything and being everywhere and anyone could
be a member of this elusive secret society. Although the memes are pretty much dead in the
new decade of the 2020s, The threat posed by the secret societies like the Illuminati and
Freemasons' plans are still very real. Liberalization and Globalization and the Demonization
of the Native Population, Miscegenation and scorn for National Pride is all engineered by
them to further their goals of a One World Government either under Liberal Capitalism or
Marxist Communism. Either way it does not matter as they are two sides of the same coin.
Everything will be changed drastically in terms of Culture and Demographics (Google the
Kalergi Plan) but the fact remains that the Global Oligarchy still controls the world with a
Totalitarian grip driven by greed of the few who control everything. Although these secret
societies have built our modern society from the ground up as a whole, their plans show a
dark future ahead for humanity as a slave race to the Jews and their puppets. As these
Societies capture the unaffiliated rich and recruit them into their ranks, action must be taken
and the Revolution must destroy the system they created. Although this means we must destroy
or radically change society as we know it, it will be to ensure the future existence of your own
Race as a pure and free race. Destruction will only lead to the rebuilding of our world
into a better one where the people prosper. These Cliques always have one goal in mind
and whatever shape or form they take wherever they are, it is important to keep in mind that
they are standing for, is keeping all the control and power in the world for themselves and
always back each other to reassure they will get richer and stay in power through mutual
support of each other's cliques and finances which transcend national and racial boundaries
and disregard them so often as they want to do away with unique identities of race, religion
and nation.


The Triadist Doctrine and Theory of

National Socialism
If you have read the Manifesto, you have probably heard of the term
"Triadism". But what is it? Here is a brief description of it from the Manifesto of The
Triadist Movement.
"Orion advocated for an economic system where private property and
enterprises over a certain size that is considered excessive would be nationalized by the
state and used by the state in development, welfare, military and to give incentives for small
businesses to start up in order to keep healthy competition and increase innovation while
breaking up monopolies with antitrust laws. Corporations over a certain size's assets will be
nationalized as the state is to own the means of production and the companies are to
operate under a license from the government to keep the power of the corporations in check
and the money put to the use of the national community. A proper economic manifesto is yet
to be written at the time of this publication. This economic theory is termed;
"Folkist Economics."

The Means of Production

The Means of Production must be overseen by the wise and competent in order for the
National State-Community to flourish. And to avoid Mega Corporations influencing the State, the
Corporations over a certain size must surrender their ownership of their fixed assets of the
means of production to the State in order to ensure the Corporations stay in the interest of
the National Community. Those who run the companies are not without their merits and they
are to run the Corporation under license by the Government or Local Community Collectives
to use their Nationalized or Collectivized assets which can be revoked by the lease issuers if
they step out of the interest of the National or Local Community. The Collectives are to have
a share in Corporate profit and adequate rewards based on the local/national labor and
local/national asset leases they provided to the corporations as opposed to Total
Nationalization. This method is known as "Social Collectivization," specifically of the means
of production.

Antitrust Laws
Monopolies only lead to the same situation with the Global Oligarcy's rule with
Corporatocracy taking root in the nation. It is vital to break up Megacorporations worth over
25% of the Total Economic Assets to be nationalized by the State. Liquid Assets will be
seized by the government and reinvested or redistributed as they see fit and as
compensation for financial security of the workers and shareholders.

Small and Medium Private Companies

Respectful Companies of this size are free to cultivate their businesses until they reach a
certain size most likely over 5% of the Total National Fixed Assets in which they will be
made to either stay at that size and give away their excessive profits to the State or to
continue growing but have their assets nationalized or collectivized and put fully to the
service of the National State-Community while the owners continue to run the Companies under
license and supervision from the State.

Private Property, Taxes and Land Rights

Triadist Socialism
Personal Wealth and Private Enterprises are Capped at a point not considered excessive.
You can get Rich but not Mega Rich. The wealth of any Individual is capped at 3% of the
total estimated percentage of National Fixed Assets. Any excess will be nationalized by the
State and a Progressive Income tax will be implemented. As you know ou rSocialism is National
Socialism which is a Non-Marxist form of Socialism in which Collectivism is centered around the Nation
and the Nation itself has the Race of its people as their nucleus. Race is inherently determined by
common blood and common historical identity, shared history, genetic composition and their
land of origin. Everyone of the specific Race, divided by its Racial Sub-Branches and National
Identities and Lands [eg. Austronesian, East Asian, Indo-Aryan (Indians and Iranians),
Central Asians] adhering to a common Racial Identity are entitled to a home and
private land for cultivation of a sustainable lifestyle often agrarian. Land is not a commodity
to be bought and sold for profit, but a sacred and prestigious holding given to our race to live
off and survive alongside nature for generations and it will be treated as such. Any land an
Folks are also the property of their race and family. Those considered not part of a specific race (eg:
Pretending to be Asian when you are white or race mixing) are
denied land rights to cultivate or settle on the specific soil with the exception of Pre-Revolutionary
Children and the people who were already mixed before. Mixed whites like métis can be given full
rights once reassimilated acceptance of
their original racial ethos and National Identity of their Homeland.

Class Collaboration
Triadism depends on the classes collaborating with each other to ensure the
wellbeing of the National State-Community. The formation of Collectives organized based on
profession and region to mediate their relationship with their employers through the oversight
of the State. All classes from the top to bottom must contribute their fair share to the National
State-Community in order to ensure the nation and race will prosper.

When you take a bundle of

fragile sticks and tie them together into a bundle, they become strong. Add an ax head to it, and it will
chop the enemies of the people down.

The Theory of Revolution
Revolution is a massive change in the way of our lives which uproots the foundation of the
old order and changes it forever to create a new foundation. There are many types of
revolutions throughout history, but our particular revolution is that of our Social Conditions
And Spirit of our People in which the components are listed in the paragraphs below.
The National Revolution
The National Revolution will sweep away our enemies and destroy the society they broke
beyond fixing so it is best to wipe the slate clean.
Secret Societies will be destroyed and those who still are controlled by them who cannot be
re-educated must be dealt with by death. Capitalism and Communism, Liberalism and
Globalism will all be swept away from the Nation as it embraces Triadist under a
One-Party State under One Competent and Wise Monarch/Leader who works tirelessly and selflessly
sacrifices all for the sake of his people and nation and the greater good.

The Social Revolution

The people will follow and adopt new Social norms which are in line with inherent truths of
reality and nature. The Natural Hierarchy and Eugenics will be put in place to preserve and
improve the genetics of the race so future generations of children will be better
than the last. The Triadist Lifestyle is to be obeyed by every descendant of the
nation's blood and soil. Degeneracy will be eliminated but often laughed at and poked fun as
a source of comedy and entertainment. Political Correctness will only be enforced if the
organizations or individuals in question pose a threat to the order created. Constructive
Criticism of the State is necessary to ensure it does not become stagnant by its own
problems and falls into decay. The press will be free, but not free to tell lies and fake and
slanderous news with agendas will be dealt with by the State. The Rights of every class will
be protected and so will the right to free speech and freedom of thought as long as it does
not clash with the order.

The Spiritual Revolution

The Materialist Masses of the Revolutionary Triadist State will undergo a transition
to a more spiritually enlightened path led by an National Council of Philosophers and Clergy
with Esoteric perennial wisdom to open their minds to the metaphysical and to eliminate the
false conceptions of God and spirituality invented by the Cultural Marxists to annihilate the
spirit and values of the nation's race and people so Godless Communism may slither into
Society is like a virus and kills it from the inside. All religions must be subservient to the will of
the nation and race and will be guided by the wise and righteous members of the Clergy who
would also contribute their part in the Council of Religious Unity. The aim is to make sure
that the masses become aware that materialism only gives happiness on the surface
temporarily and that true everlasting happiness lies in the inner peace and discovery of
oneself and their relationship with the divine. Another reason why the Triadist theory
is in favor of capping wealth is to make sure that material desires do not corrupt the
spiritual values of the nation and to make the people realize that they can be happy and
satisfied without excessive material. Every Religion must adapt to the Racial Ethos
and the Council will ensure unity between those practicing different religions in the same

The Legionnaire System

We view a stratified society as being an absolute necessity in our day and age where
Pacifism and complacency is ever encouraged. Unemployment will be fixed by depopulating
the excess population in the cities to the granted plots of land in the countryside for
exchange in mandatory military or labor service. The adherence of the population to the
values of Legionnaire ensure a strong and healthy race blending tradition and modernity while
advancing unhindered by either. The Race is to be a Warrior race striving for Honor
and Order which requires population dedicated to the eternal struggle of preservation and
cultivation of our values with respect to harmony with nature and as such the cities must be
green and sustainable while the countryside must be the true backbone of our roots and
livelihoods with nature and sacred soil.

Race and Eugenics

We seek the improvement of our peoples through weeding out the weak, encouraging
the reproduction of children with desirable traits in mind and self preservation of different
ethnicities and improvement of each one. In order to improve the various traits which lead to
increased productivity in various fields of a certain population that lags behind. The
genetically gifted must be sought out and given priority in healthcare, education, lifestyle
encouragements and support for opportunity to eliminate the dysgenic elements of the
population. All genetically gifted individuals will be forbidden or discouraged from breeding
with the portions of the population with incompatible dysgenic characteristics, i.e the
hereditarily diseased and disabled. The individuals with hereditary genetic faults in some
capacity with other attributes to make up for them and remain productive are to be
encouraged to breed with those with other faults but with both parents hopefully canceling
out the dysgenic traits and instilling the mentality in their children to conquer their faults and
their bloodline's. Those of superior genetic stock are to keep their bloodline pure and to
strive towards perfection and to remain innovative in their lives and practices to bring up
stronger and intelligently devoted generations of children. This will inevitably result in the
creation of three classes biologically as well. The Noble, The Favorable and The Weak.
The Noble and Favorable are to safeguard the purity of their own blood and the state
nucleus centered around their ascendence and unity of racial identity and the sanctity of their
blood. In order to strengthen the nation, the people must be strengthened first. The Youth
must be as tough as the steel of their ancestor's blades, as vigilant as palace guards and as
dedicated to struggle as their ancestors. Race is not only skin deep but has many factors we
need to take into consideration to create a stronger people. The Race vary from skin tone to
skin tone and sometimes bone structure. Overall we must stand united despite our differences and
acknowledge that we derive from common ancestors, preserving while bridging differences
to form an brotherhood inseparable from each other in spirit. You can intermixing
between different ethnicities INSIDE OF YOUR RACE is tolerated but not encouraged but the
formation of New Monarcho-Fascist or simple Triadist States in the world with their own laws will
decide their own racial policy which fits their people the most within the New Order. The Weak are the
pathetic dysgenics who under a democratic state would leech off welfare and flaunt their disorders and
identities to justify laziness and lack of desire to improve or take care of themselves while giving
nothing back to the community that supports them. They will be used as disposable slave labor
owned mandatorily by the totalitarian state and easily allocated to any public industrial or
construction initiatives to finally make use of those born parasitic by nature. They have never
seen any real purpose in their lives other than themselves. In a society where nobody lives
selfishly, they exist only to serve the Noble and Favorable and any deaths of their stock
only eliminates undesirability from the gene pool.

Concerning the alliance between different races is crucial but understand we forbid ANY future race
mixing or it could end in severe punishment.
Minorities can be tolerated as long as they dont cause harm (e.g. massive immigration or illegal
immigration) or again don't mix with others.

The Nation

The System of the Triadist State

In the Triadist State it would be governed by a Monarchy under Fascism with a technocratic council who
help the monarch in power.

The State would be an absolute monarchy with a third positionist approach, combining elements of
traditional monarchical governance with modern socio-economic policies.

In the State would integrate a noocratic decision-making processes where individuals with expertise in
specific fields play a significant role in shaping policies. Form technocratic advisory councils to provide
insights on technological and scientific advancements

The State will have a one-party system with a focus on national unity while allowing for pluralistic
elements to represent various perspectives within the party. Each factions would work together instead
of dividing themselves on political issues. We demand total loyalty and total cooperation between each
others despite the differences of belief.

As for the other question for democracy, it will be abolished nationally and reorganized into a organic
democracy through local councils, empowering communities to participate in decision-making
processes. Ensure representation at various levels, promoting a bottom-up approach to governance.
The State will also instaure a meritocratic civil service system where individuals are appointed based on
qualifications and achievements, ensuring efficiency and competence in government administration.

As for Aristocracy, we recognize a natural aristocracy based on individual virtues, talents, and
contributions to society. Integrate the best and brightest into leadership roles. There would be also the
formation of advisory bodies comprised of members of the aristocracy to provide guidance on matters
related to tradition, culture, and societal values.

The State would have some theocratic principles to influence moral governance, emphasizing ethical
considerations and traditional values in policy-making. If a Triadist State is Christian, it will be the duty
to supervise the church for impeach any abuse from the theocratic sphere. The monarch would have a
divine mandate to guide its people to unity and stability. The temporal order and cosmic order must be
preserved at any times. Faith is indestructible, it guide us into a sense of purpose.

The monarch,would adopt a caesarist leadership style that combines charismatic authority with
pragmatic decision-making. Emphasize strong leadership during times of crisis or significant change.

The State would implement a stratocratic system for national defense, where military leaders play a
vital role in shaping defense policies and strategies. Because military is vital for the Nation not only by
security but also for discipline and justice.

Economically, the State would introduce folkish socialist economic policies that prioritize social welfare,
economic justice, and national self-sufficiency. The State must guide the economy not the capitals, we
are sick and tired to see the economy being controlled by foreign powers who keep destroying humanity
by causing hungers and poverty everywhere. The State must take control again and bringing back
sovereignty. The economy must work for the people. The people is what all matters.
As for leadership, national populism will be used because the national populist policies make
aspirations and resonate concerns of the broader population. Dynamic leadership is needed for
governing, the population must embrace debates and animated speeches. The old political game is over.
The new politics will prevail. It will be metapolitical.

The State will utilize epistocratic principles for decision-making on complex issues, ensuring that those
with specialized knowledge have a significant role in shaping policies in their respective fields. It will be
used for parliamentary reasons, for elections in local councils, technocratic councils or appointing a new
representative and any new appointment that concern an election.

The State will allow elements of the Swiss model of direct democracy, allowing citizens to directly
participate in decision-making through referendums and initiatives. But this democracy will not be put
as a system for give citizens all power, it just means that citizen will have a right to vote concerning
regional laws or municipal one.

The leader employ autocratic measures when swift governance is necessary, particularly during
emergencies or situations requiring immediate action even if he has all powers under the constitution.
The Monarch must implement benevolent authoritarian-totalitarian policies with a focus on societal
well-being, stability, and long-term planning. In order to ensure unity and stability in the country. The
State shall embrace enlightened monarchy principles, promoting education, science, and cultural
advancement under the guidance of a wise and benevolent monarch.

The State will integrate esoteric and revolutionary nationalist cultural policies that emphasize a unique
national identity and a sense of collective purpose.

The State bring heroism and make worship of important people that give inspiration to the State in a
manner to foster social cohesion, loyalty, and a shared sense of purpose among citizens. The Triadist
State shall also remember its creator as a great symbol and the absolute thinker who gave the way to
the ultimate awakening in the world. It’s teaching remain very powerful and important to the Triadist
Thought. The Autarch is viewed as a spiritual guide who liberated mankind from decadence and
continued the cause of its predecessors . He is a teacher and a leader.

If an asset in question says anti-state, anti-leadership things, they should be jailed. Because they harm
the State and community. We want all citizens being nationalist and loyal. Betraying its community is
the most foolish act that a human can do.

A good amount of Rule of Law and True Justice needs to be acquired for people to believe in their own
country. Without rule of law and true justice the nation go down to anarchy and corruption will rise up.
It could end the state in a eternal period of instability.

The government must be big but also efficient bureaucratically. When I mean « big » I mean, big for get
useful ministries and important political institutions that govern the State correctly. A Government
which works for the needs of the State-Community is desired, yet if greedy pigs, thinking about the
individual of a group of peoples are to infiltrate, a small Government is desired. Even if it was big it
much stay smaller inside as possible and not having complex bureaucratic system. Reform the
bureaucracy and make it efficient. Limit the Cabinet size as possible for not get the government in
trouble. For the rest, like I said the Bureaucracy even bigger need to be efficient or it will create
massive problems. The government must cut unusual costs or ranks that can be harmful. Reforms need
to be always made once something is not working anymore. Cycle is like this.

Everybody is to think about the Community, not the Individual. It leads to greed and capitalist anarchy.
Hyper-Individualism lead to division, the State do in fact allow individualistic elements but only when it
is necessary, personal decision or personal development (eg: spiritual development or free times can be
also declared as when necessary).

The Triadist Stare should have a Absolute Monarchy System inputted, while at the same time, having a
strong fascistic leadership (Totalitarian and Authoritarian),and Technocratic government, not
Democratic or Republican.

The System is to be done this way ———-> the Monarch, the Chancellor: The Monarchy. If the
Monarch dies, the Heir is to take place, as well as choosing a new Heir who fit for the crown prince
position. The New Monarch must be married and have an heir which the Household and teachers will
raise. the, when becoming Leader, must choose the Heir as the next successor for the monarchy in
order to preserve the Natural Law and Cosmic Order. The appointment must be done hereditary, if by
any specific reason no one is fit hereditary, then a trusted person loyal to the monarchy (eg: important
and trusted while competent noble) can be proclaimed as Monarch while marrying a member of the
dynasty in order to ensure the succession. If a monarch failed his mandate, he must be overthrown and
instauring a new mandate under a new dynasty or person depending on the situation.

A chancellor is to be appointed by the monarch for helping him in the government ( As advisor or
helping to govern the government when he is not there and also asssit the Monarch), yet if they seem to
work for money and the wants of the individual, they need to be removed and replaced by somebody
who works for the NEEDS of the National Community. Then there is the Parliament which is to be full of
Delegates appointed by a selection system for each sector. It is a sort of Corporate house which is

Each Sectors/State will have a prefectural government which obeys to the National Government and be
adapted depending on the country you live in.

The Monarch is to be a guide, supreme leader and head of of state and have autocratic power by the
constitution. He is the Party Leader, the Supreme Leader of the people and nation, the supreme
commander in chief and representative of the faith or deities.

National Socialism

What is Socialism? Socialism is the solidarity of a population under a community wing. it is the general
gathering of citizens who decide to sacrifice themselves to help each other and build a state even
stronger than ever. Socialism is not Marxist but nationalist and traditional. Socialism is the preservation
and purification of this same society through a return to the natural order and an even greater spiritual
awakening. It is also respect for each individual in general. Socialism is the purest values ​that one
cannot have as an organic element of a state. because this population is not based on simple charity but
the obligation to stand up for a single community by making great sacrifice. Individuals are not judged
by their social class, status or wealth but by their contribution to the community. The collective
consciousness builds a strong feeling and continues to grow even more. Socialism is freedom by Le
Devoir and it is also preserving traditions under a modern wing. Socialism is also the protection of the
individual, we are talking about freedom of conscience, internal freedom, freedom of the soul and
freedom of personal development which will be beneficial for the whole nation. Freedom is not
separated from individual responsibility to collective responsibility. Personal freedom is limited to the
suprapersonal, blood, national and biological structure of the state Family, Tribe, People, Class and State.

There is a debate that mentions whether National Socialism is chauvinistic or not. the answer is that
national socialism is neither chauvinist nor internationalist. National Socialism declared that chauvinism
is evil because it aims to denigrate and damage the people. Internationalism is seen as the abolition of
people's individuality and this was fought by the NS. internationalism is seen as that which propagates
capitalism, Judaism and Bolshevism. Adolf Hitler described national socialism as "the political doctrine
of the national community", he understood nationalism to be the devotion of the individual on behalf of
his community, socialism as the responsibility of the national community towards the individual .

For Hitler, nationalism and socialism are essentially the same thing. namely self-sacrifice for one's own
people: “I understand that socialism means the highest service to my people, renouncing personal gain
for the sake of the whole. The overall benefit is the main thing. At the end of the day,. the term
nationalism means nothing other than dedication and love for my people. »-Hitler

Class struggle is only a hypocritical and negative pretext and stands in the way of national unity: “the
name nationalism or socialism denoted attitudes towards life and would not allow the creation of new
values. The lack of sense of community has turned into fervent mutual hatred. today, the antagonism
between citizens and proletarians must be overcome, because the development of each nation can only
be achieved under common slogans. We must close the gap and bring our forces together again on a
new platform.”-Hitler

All the small movements that were created in the Weimar Republic eventually rallied to the National
Socialist cause during their victory in 1933. This became a visible expression of the absorption of
varying groups under the umbrella of the popular movement who fought for one cause and one banner.

Socialism means a national, social and spiritual revolution. A radical change is a healthier life and open
minds. This is the return of normal freedom. The individual and the collective are in harmony and
respect each other. I see Socialism as a pillar not just of our ideology but that of society in general.
Socialism is very deep, it’s very strong and it’s very healthy for everyone. Socialism is biology and even
more so, socialism is harmony. Socialism makes us express the joy of living and a more stable life; it is
reality and the spiritual that forges this. Socialism is also peace between the cosmos and our goal of
restoring a true life.

In Triadist State the Socialist Thought believe that the Party is the Sole bearer of the will of the people
and faced the state the people’s sovereignty. The Army is the nation’s sole weapon carrier. The State
should be responsible for administration within the framework of the law. The Party task is to educate
the mass, to guide and represent the political will of the people.

For National Socialism the state is a means to preserve the race, to improve the man, it is an organic
instrument created by man for man. The National Socialist state conception exists only while the people
accept it, for it exists for them. It's the human races that create the culture, values and civilization. The
state only preserves and cooperates in its progress. The state is an administrative and political
aplication of a number of values developed naturally over time by the people.

The state is a vanguard of culture; of economics, of the race as a whole. Its purpose is to uphold the
interests of our Folk in all means.

The state, as not only the representation of the Folk but the embodiment of the Folk capable of enacting
its interests through authority, acts on the interests of the Folk. Its goals are synonymous with the Folk-
and the goal of all Folks is undoubtedly the preservation of its identity and culture- the very essence of
their being.

In Triadism, the "Volksgemeinschaft" - the racial community, people's community- is upheld as the
nation- the society. It is the organism of the nation as a whole.

To Triadism, the means of production belong to the Volksgemeinschaft and subsequently, society as a
whole. It is the ownership of the means of production by the people's community and the people's
community alone, not by foreign nations, or foreigners, or community aliens. In this extent, it is the
purest form of socialism- socialism not only of economics, but socialism of the mind- of the race. It in of
itself is a cultural revolution, which seeks to redefine what "society" means. We wish to establish a
society in which money is not king, but fraternity, work, and happiness is.

Our Socialism does not seek the domination of one class over another; its interests are not with the
bourgeoisie, or the proletarian, or even the peasantry. It is with all the members of the
Volksgemeinschaft, regardless of their class. The Volksgemeinschaft belongs to no class: there is no
"dictatorship of the proletariat", or the "dictatorship of the bourgeoisie". It belongs simply to the people.

The Volk; the centerpoint of our principle, which transcends class and other unnecessary descriptions to
create a whole and unitary organism. A socialism which divides its people will never truly be
authentically socialist. It is, simply put, socialism of one class and capitalism of the others. It solves no
problems- it only creates new ones, which is the exact opposite of what socialism should attempt to do.

In the modern era National Socialism has been unfortunately taken over by a group of people who have
virtually no understanding nor conception of the term "race" as the NSDAP defined it. "Rasse" refers not
to our modern understanding of race- that being of skin color, but of nations, of "tribes", in a sense. Not
tribes as in fire stick, club... caveman, but simply- well, nations.

It is a simple matter of truth that humans can be, and have always been, divided into different "races"-
tribes, nations, and this still rings true today. These races all have their own distinct characteristics-
traits, whether fixed and or hereditary. This is not on the basis of skin color- as after all skin color only
defines how much melanin you have in your skin- but it is on the basis of blood, of ancestry. The skin
color is a part of the Race but that’s the not the importance of it. The Race is everything in a hole it is
the Ethnos

”Race" as we know it is incompatible with the beliefs of white supremacy, nationalism, or any racial
nationalism for that matter. We do not uphold the idea of a "white race", let alone a "black race" or an
"asian race". Just think about it, if you are a racial nationalist or supremacist it because you advocating
for eradication of the tribes and unify it as a whole. This could be destructive for everyone and could
accelerate the end of your race even more. Race in that regard is so fluid that a distinct boundary
between the races cannot be made. Sure, when it comes to the Nords and the South Sudanese, the
difference is... well, one can literally say it is night and day. But in-between this is... less obvious. If the
Italians, who are mostly darker skin and olive, are white, then should this not apply to the Levantine
Arabs as well, who share the exact same skin tone? Or the Berbers, or the entire population around the
Mediterannean as a whole? Successes attributed to 'white nations' are not because they are 'white'.
Excellence is not because of skin color. When the modern Neo-Nazi speaks of "WPWW" or the 14 words, I
simultaneously laugh and stare in disgust- for they have twisted the idea of National Socialism to a
cartoonish extent. To be a white is by characteristic and what define you as a white. Like a Croatian is
defined as white for a reason and ect… I don’t say that Berber are categorized as white but understand
that it is not the skin color and not only the IQ which make differences. Berber is anyway another Race.

We, indeed, are racialists. We believe that every human, one way or another, belongs to their own
distinct Volksgemeinschaft- racial community: that every person should have the right to belong to a
Volksgemeinschaft. But we are not « racists ». We do not believe in the supremacy of one race or
another based solely on skin color or only to IQ. We uphold that races, indeed, have been responsible for
more important things than others, but we also uphold that it does not mean that those other races are
"subhuman". We are not "Pan-White". Our understanding of race is based on nationhood and the
Volksgemeinschaft. We uphold that "race" is not based on skin color, but on blood: ancestry, culture, and
genetics. We uphold that man does not belong to any one group just because he is of a particular skin
color, but because of his ancestry. For example: A Italian who is from the south and has darker skin, it
doesn’t make him as a inferior or A Frenchman is not French because he is light-skinned. He is French
because it has coursed through his family's blood for centuries. A Dutch is not white because he is only
« Germanic » but because of his family blood and ethnicity. We uphold that every race is separate and
that they are not necessarily equal when it comes to their accomplishments, but we are not « racists ».

Blind racism- of screaming obscenities and foolish things such as "white pride", paraded by the
degenerates of the likes of the Ku Klux Klan or other racial nationalist slurs from both side is something
that our Socialism shall always, and forever be, opposed to. We are not edgelords. We are fighter. We do
not seek to create a "white ethnostate", or to "genocide the Negroids". Each races have their own
subhuman that we call (retarded people and degeneracy). Examples: Street gangs,radical liberalism,
laziness folks, wiggers who don’t care about their race, whores, opportunists, revisionists, larper,
pedophiles and ect.

Socialism is indisputably the natural state of affairs for human society- it is society, it is engrained in
our biology and in our spirits. We are all biologically encoded with a sense of camaraderie among our
community. In this regard, socialism is human nature- selflessness is human nature, sacrificing one's
personal gain to the greater good is human nature, and subsequently the rejection of socialism is the
rejection of human nature.

We speak of "socialism of the race" - socialism not only of economics, but of the race- of the
Volksgemeinschaft. This is the people's socialism, service to one's nation, to one's people. As I quote
Hitler here on this:
“I understand socialism to mean the highest service to my people, the abandonment of personal
advantage in the interests of the whole ... The benefit of the whole is the essence. In the end, the term
nationalism means nothing more than devotion and love for my people.”
— Adolf Hitler

"International Socialism", subsequently is not true socialism. Again true socialism is human nature, and
human nature is socialism- and thus the rejection of human nature is the rejection of socialism as a

National socialist is not reactionary, It's literally right there in the anthem. Nevermind the fact that the
express purpose of National Socialism was to rebel AGAINST the so called Ultra Fundamentalist
Religious. Yes, this means National Socialism is unapologetically opposed to Hyper-Nostalgism; because
it is opposed to reaction. Take your crusader larping ass back from whence it came. .
I would write more about you, honestly- but I think it's time to take a break from this and go do, you
know, more productive things. I have absolutely zero faith in your ability to respond to this. I don't
intend you to respond to it. Your response- if you have any- will amount to 'degenerate' or whatever it is
Klansmanite revisionists spew out nowadays. 88. Yo mama 8 this 8 inch dick. Getcho Judeo-Capitalist,
hypocritical, incel, chud-lookin headass, no bitches lookin headass, mutt lookin ass, T30 lookin ass,
Papist-shilling, reactionary, larperism, ancaptard lookin ass out of here.
In all seriousness though you guys are blinded, We Triadists belong to a reactionary modernism. We
promote balance, not DOWNFALL.


Fascism is the embodiment of the traditional worldview, as it manifests in the modern world. This means
Fascism is primarily concerned with truth, which is to say, with objective reality. It also means that
while Fascism is not an ideology, Fascists can employ ideologies to deal with specific circumstances
when the need arises.
Fascism cannot be compared with ideologies like capitalism or communism, since those are simply
alternate methods to reach the same goal (i.e. the greatest comfort and safety for the greatest
numbers), while Fascism holds a completely different goal: to make human society embody the eternal
truths of the universe.
Of course, since the world is a complex and mysterious place, which no one can claim to fully
understand, implicit in the Fascist worldview is the need to explore and experiment in order to attain a
greater knowledge of the Truth, which will be reflected in our laws and institutions. Inversely, the
purpose of science in the modern worldview is to create gadgets for our pleasure and convenience,
while uncomfortable findings are swept under the rug to allow liberal myths to go unchallenged.

Fascism drew a dynamic sense of modernity from Futurism, embodying the ideal of "continual
revolution." Fascism rejected contentment with achievements or reliance on a conservative approach to
maintain power. Instead, it felt compelled to remain faithful to its original essence and project itself into
the future, actively constructing new realities.

Fascism is above traditional left-right paradigm, because it adheres to the fundamental truths of the
Universe we
live in, while all other ideologies, left or right, are made up belief systems by humans, and their
subjective views.

Perfect example of explanation: According to the co-founder of Triadism Rem, Fascism is what make the
State live in harmony with the people. We break down all political struggles and unite the people under
one cause for the common interests. Fascism is what make it sacred. We don’t need a political agenda
for lightning us to heaven. We already know what the objective is and we face it with our strength deep
down from the heart. We are legionnaires, this is what Rem believed. Fascism for him is revolutionary,
we don’t question authority unless you have a tyrant in power. Fascism demands total loyalty, Fascism is
pure, Fascism is life. Fascism makes people stronger. Rem believed deeply in Gentile and Classical
Fascism pretty much. His vision was clear, the fascist element was the key to overcoming the modern
world by bringing a new way of life. Fascism stand for the people

Fascism is the State and is what keeps law and order in the nation. The Corporate State plays a vital
component of the Fascist Core. Along with class collaboration. Fascism is everything that we need to use
to reunite the organic folk community into one with the State. Fascism is everything for the masses.
A New Monarchy

Monarchy needs to be revived in a new form that is called monarcho-fascism (in a Evolian style).
Monarcho-Fascism is a good system for nations seeking stability, unity, and strong leadership. It
combines the traditional values of a monarchy with the efficiency and effectiveness of a Triadist state.

I believe that the political philosophy of republicanism is fundamentally flawed, as it involves the
concentration of power in the hands of a few individuals incompetent who bring instability. This
centralization of power is inconsistent with the principles of natural order, which are central to our
thought. In a republican system, there is always the risk of corruption, abuse of power, and the violation
of Worker Right, Private Property Tradition and even Sacredness , which can lead to tyranny and

The problem of the western men is that he thinks that the Republic will save his ass and bring back its
tradition. Well my friend no, I understand many of you think monarchy is just bourgeois behind it but
understand that the true definition of aristocracy and monarchy is by leadership, meritocracy and hard
working. Because of the aristocratic circle being corrupted by liberalism and capitalism. We have indeed
seen its decline destroying everything. People believe that by installing a CONSTITUTIONAL monarchy it
will "improve things". It won't because it has a democracy inside of it and of course the monarch have
only "power" for diplomatic, honorific or military purposes. The reality is that you are removing the
essential part for a monarch. Like I could have tolerated strongman as pm in a constitutional monarchy
under fascism. But beside that I want the monarch OR someone who wants to establish its own
monarchy AS THE RULER. We must bring back the sacred inside of it. A monarch is a leader by nature, if
you have seen on youtube the scene where King Charles III dissolves the parliament due to the
incompetence of the government. IT IS A SIGN OF AUTHORITY AND YOU ARE BORN TO RULE. Concerning
the incompetents leader it is very easy three option: Someone else of more competent in his family
replace him, you remove the dynasty by coup and ancient chinese has done it before or the most simple
but inefficient tho putting limits in his power. I prefer the two options, most likely the first option.
Absolute Monarchy represents the most authentic and legitimate form of government, as it is rooted in
the timeless principles of traditional societies. The monarch embodies the spiritual and cultural values
of the nation, and acts as a symbol of continuity and stability. I believe that the monarch should have
absolute power and authority, and that the state should be organized around the principles of hierarchy,
order, and tradition.

Some examples: The monarch, from his top position, can overwatch the different interests of his
subjects to assure a unity of these interests for the national welfare.

A monarchy could be organized with industrial worker-owner bodies to assist the monarch, like the
Fascist corporatist model.

A monarchy could have direct, State control on everything, like the State Socialist model.

A monarchy could have a watchman role within a cooperative-based model, like the Monarchists in the
Distributist circles argue.

The New Monarchy would be based on The Sonderweg (Special Path) is the name of the entire body of
political thought and of the Triadist State, designed to adapt the ideas of Prussia, the Ancient Roots of
Monarchy and Absolutism, and the Third Reich, reconcile them, adapt them to both modern conditions
and provide the philosophical foundation. This can be also adapted in different countries.

The historical defeats of past ideologies necessitated the development of a new political theory that
would preserve the previous ideologies while taking into account ideas new and old, and ultimately, the
construction of a "New State" based on a Weltanschauung and a new philosophical and ideological
offensive against liberalism. The task of the leadership was threefold:
-To promote economic modernization
-To maintain the ideological unity and essence of the Folks.
- To launch a counteroffensive against degeneracy and all Zionist ideologies and political ideologies.
The ultimate factor in the establishment of a new ideology is that a new State would need a new
animating spirit and a new purpose. A new animating spirit for a new State need not necessarily come
from scratch but must be built from the previous Weltanschauungen and adapted to the needs of the
Four Principal Truths
To preserve ideological unity and the essense of the state, there must be basic principles that must be
-The principle of upholding the Prussian virtues
-The principle of upholding the rejection of the Liberal aspect of Enlightenment
-The principle of upholding the Führerprinzip
-The principle of upholding the place of the Monarchy in history

The statement of principal truths lays the ideological foundation for the ideological expression of the
Sonderweg for the current age and the State to be built upon such. As the principal truths of the
animating spirit of the State, they will serve as the nucleus of political thought, which will consist of the
applications and the interpretations of the principal truths. At the same time, the statement of principal
truths allowed for other theories to be discussed and debated on their individual merits and relation to
the principal truths, allowing for an influx of new ideas to address new problems.

Prussian Style Despotism

The perfect example of despotism is the rule of the Hohenzollern kings and emperors, and the rule of
Adolf Hitler were justified on different principles. To reconcile the two, means to reconcile the
justification for the existence of a legitimate autocratic, but non-monarchical ruler with that of an
absolute monarchy, it was necessary to formulate a theoretical justification, a concept of the ideal ruler.
The ideal ruler was an absolute ruler who was not to be questioned, but endowed with the trust of the
ruled in his ideas, and as de Maistre said, served with love. Implemented alongside the Führerprinzip,
the result would be despotism, in the neutral sense of the word - absolute rule by one man unrestrained
by laws or rules made by other men. This idea of leadership is a reaction to the prevailing trend of
ostensible rule by pre-approved "representatives" the people who are guided, influenced and
blackmailed by an influence network that also "guides" and "influences" the people to select the
pre-approved "representative" they prefer. Such a system absolves the rulers of responsibility, weakens
the formal state and not only does it imbue "civil society" with undeserved social capital, but also makes
social capital the ultimate basis of legitimacy. With the establishment that the ruler must be a despot,
the problem was to ensure despotism in the formal sense of absolute rule above law would never
transition into despotism in the colloquial sense of tyranny, making the ideal ruler a benevolent despot.
As the rulers of the Fourth Reich would be entrusted with absolute power, they must acknowledge
absolute responsibility. If the ruled must accept their survival depends on the noblesse oblige of the
rulers, the ruler must have noblesse oblige, or the trust placed in the ruler will be revoked and any
agitation against the ruler will be embraced, even at the expense of the nation. This was not an
insurmountable barrier, as autocracy is for all intents and purposes the natural form of rule, with states
that lasted hundreds of years ruled by successions of absolute rulers who reigned for decades, ended
only by entropy (leftism), outside intervention, or both. The question was how to ensure that when the
selection of the soul of the ruler is entrusted to God, this soul would not be corrupted during his earthly
so, as decadent and incompetent rulers have proved devastating to a state, and there are countless
times great rulers have fallen prey to catastrophes whose seeds were sown by previous misrule. The
answer was that a despot must acknowledge the responsibility of the Divine Providence in making him a
ruler, and that he may not be held accountable to man, but he will be held accountable before the laws
of the Divine Providence and must act accordingly. As this despot will be ruling over the German nation,
this benevolent despot must embrace the Prussian virtues as well, and his rule must reflect such, as the
Prussian virtues are a principal truth. Thus, this despotism will be a "despotism adapted to Prussian
virtues", or a Prussian despotism.
The statement of the theory of Prussian Despotism is as follows:
"The ruler is empowered by the Divine Providence to rule, but if he acts in a manner unbefitting the
divine, the Divine Providence is within his right to end his rule."
Unlike enlightened absolutism, Prussian despotism still holds that power comes from divine right and
divine right alone. However, Prussian despotism holds that the Divine Providence for all intents and
purposes is the guarantor of the people, allowing wicked and foolish rulers to fall. The theory of Prussian
Despotism can be described as a form of enlightened despotism.

Autocratic Cycle
The statement of the theory of the source of power must be accompanied by the statement of the
theory of the life of power, or in other words, the life cycle of a state. The State, as the highest form of
human organization, is the vehicle through which the Leader builds civilization and protects the Nation
and Tradition from spiritual pollution and entropy. Therefore, to guide the conduct of the Leader and the
statesmen, the life cycle of the state must be analyzed.
The statement of the theory of the Autocratic Cycle of Prussian Despotism is as follows:
-The governed populace must accept the metaphysical selection of their ruler's soul over to God. As the
ruler was preselected by God, the king is above the laws of man. However, the ruler is not above the
laws of God, and he and his rule are held accountable to such.
-To hold a ruler accountable before God by taking his place, or to restore a devastated society, a Great
Man will be sent by the Divine Providence.
-The Great Man, possessing the mandate of heaven by virtue of his origin, can choose to claim the divine
right of kings, restore the birthright of those holding that right or to create his method of succession
with the caveat that God has ultimate control over the selection of the soul of the ruler
(non-monarchical autocracy).
-Once this cycle has been broken, the state in question can be deemed to have died. A state can die
physically, when it is conquered or collapses, or spiritually, when it has become so degenerate and
stunted it no longer functions properly.
If Germany is examined through this theory, it can be seen the First Reich died when the Holy Roman
Emperor abdicated his title, the Second Reich was killed by the November Treason that forced the
abdication of the Kaiser and the capitulation at Versailles and the Third Reich died along with Adolf
Hitler. The restoration of the Hohenzollern monarchy did not revive the Second Reich but created the
Fourth Reich because the current rule of the Hohenzollerns is based on different ideas and adapted to
the conditions of the age.
In contrast, the democratic state is a degenerate state as the source of power is separated from the
state, being exercised instead by bodies outside the government through the control of the flow of
information, the range of ideas and the empowerment and humiliation of groups and individuals to
create and destroy social status. This body is known as the "Cathedral" and the sphere it inhabits is
known as "civil society", which is the part of society distinct from the State and business, and it is
protected from the State by the concept of limited sovereignty, a model of sovereignty where civil
society is protected from the State but the reverse is not true.

Theory of Symmetric Sovereignty

The concept of limited sovereignty is self-contradictory and informalist, and thus serves only to cripple
the State. The principle of upholding the Führerprinzip, where absolute power and responsibility is
entrusted in the Leader and the State, as the highest form of human organization, works towards the
will of the Leader to build civilization, is opposed to the idea of limited sovereignty, which protects
spiritual pollution from the arm of the State. Thus, there is a need to formulate a theory of sovereignty
that is in accordance with the Führerprinzip and the reality of power.
The statement of the theory of Symmetric Sovereignty is as follows:
"The extent of a right is defined by the actual powers secured, therefore only an autocratic state can be
truly sovereign."
The theory of symmetric sovereignty is best illustrated with the fable of Fnargl, a thought experiment
devised by the thinker known as "Mencius Moldbug" (Curtis Yarvin), where the assumption is the
worst-case rational scenario - the Leader is amoral, omnipotent and avaricious. The eponymous Leader,
known as Fnargl, is not human, and imposes a global superstate upon humans with the aim of collecting
as much gold as possible. Other than this desire, he has no other emotions regarding humans, be it love
or hatred. Fnargl is invulnerable to all human weapons, and possesses the power to kill instantly at will,
however, other than these powers and his omnipotence, he is completely dependent on humans to carry
out his plans. To maximize gold production, rather than merely enslaving humans to mine gold directly,
Fnargl would instead maximize human productivity and allow for the supporting structures to maximize
productivity. In other words, the best way for Fnargl to maximize gold production is simply to run a
normal human economy, and tax it. Fnargl has exactly the same goal as most human governments in
history. His prosperity is the amount of gold he collects in tax, which has to be exacted in some way
from the human economy. Taxation must depend in some way on the ability to pay, so the more
prosperous his subjects are, the more prosperous Fnargl is.

Fnargl’s interests, in fact, turn out to be oddly well-aligned with human material interests. Anything that
makes Fnargl richer has to make humans richer, and vice versa. For instance, it is in Fnargl’s interest to
run a fair and effective legal system, because humans are more productive when their energies aren’t
going into squabbling with each other. It is even in Fnargl’s interest to have a fair legal process that
defines exactly when he will pass judgment, to prevent humans from becoming neurotic out of the fear
of undeserved punishment and thus inefficient. It is also in his interest to run an orderly taxation system
in which tax rates are known in advance, to make humans secure in the fact that their earnings will not
be seized arbitrarily and thus enable planning for the future.
Fnargl has no reason at all to impose any artificial restriction on his subjects. Fnargl will only impose
laws to prevent inefficiencies from coming about. Since he can define failure to pay one’s tax as theft
from him, Fnargl, will operate a normal system of law. It turns out that Fnargl is actually an ideal ruler.
However, this is the case because Fnargl's power to exercise sovereignty and the powers of State is
completely secure, given his perfect invulnerability and capacity to kill instantly should the need arise.

The Central Dogma of Political Power and the Ring of Fnargl

In the fable of Fnargl, it has been established that in the worst-case rational scenario, where the Leader
is completely amoral and has no spiritual values whatsoever, and possesses absolute power in the truest
sense of the term, stills acts in a way beneficial to the wellbeing of his subjects, at least economically.
This is because of the total security of his power of force. If Fnargl would find himself unable to exercise
his powers of force, he would be unable to exercise his sovereignty as the Leader of Earth. Therefore, the
security of the power of the Leader is dependent on his power to exercise force and defend the State
from force.
The statement of the Central Dogma of Political Power is as follows:
-The loyalty of the mechanism of the exercise of force is ultimately secured by the individual personality
of the Leader and the Ideas that he sets forth. In the absence of a Great Man with an individual
personality, the traditions that the Leader maintains will secure this.
-The security of the power of force comes from the quality of the mechanism of the exercise of force,
the capacity for maintenance of the mechanism by the State, and the loyalty of the mechanism.
-True sovereignty and its exercise comes from the security of the power of force.
-None of the steps in this process can be reversed, nor can this process be done in reverse.

The mechanisms of the exercise of force by the Leader and the State are the armed forces and the
internal security forces. Therefore their maintenance and their loyalty is critical to the security of the
sovereignty of the State. The armed body of men that serves the state can be referred to as the Ring of
Fnargl, or the source of the powers of the State.

The Ring of Fnargl does not exist for itself, but to accomplish a mission - an elementary concept taught
in all military training institutions. In the doctrine of Auftragstaktik, the troop unit trains and devotes
itself to completing the mission no matter what. From the moment the mission is given, the unit does
not think about survival except in the context of living long enough to complete the mission. It is the
duty of the unit to keep itself alive to complete the mission. By the same token, should completion of
the mission require the death of the unit, it is equally the duty of the unit to die without hesitation. To
put individual survival above accomplishing the mission is desertion and cowardice. The mission is
assigned to the unit by the leader of the unit, who in turn answers to a superior commander who can
assign him a mission in which the specific mission he assigns to his subordinates take place.

The ultimate mission of the armed forces, given to them by the Leader, is to carry out the will of the
Leader and the State, defend the Nation, and to punish the enemies of the State. This punishment is not
a means of education, nor is this punishment mere revenge. This punishment is for dishonorable
behavior, a simple singling out of types and natures alien to State. If the day should ever come the State
must go, if some day the State is compelled to leave the scene of history, the Armed Forces must slam
the door so hard that the universe will shake and mankind will stand back in stupefaction.

In conclusion, Monarchy will use the Sonderweg and Fuhrerprinzip as a necessary need for returning into
a sort of caesarist power, we need a strong aristocracy and leadership.
Social Order and Hierarchy

Monarchy needs to be revived in a new form that is called monarcho-fascism (in a Evolian style).
Monarcho-Fascism is a good system for nations seeking stability, unity, and strong leadership. It
combines the traditional values of a monarchy with the efficiency and effectiveness of a Triadist state.

Hierarchy is one of the most fundamental ideas of traditionalism, and it is the basis of order and
discipline. The hierarchy is important because it provides structure and organization to society, which
allows for a more stable and prosperous society. In a hierarchy, each person has their place and role to
play, which provides a sense of purpose and direction. It promotes cooperation, coordination, and a
shared sense of responsibility. It encourages individuals to strive for excellence and to perform their
duties, and it fosters a sense of unity.

A society without hierarchy would be chaotic and disorganized.

Social Order is essential for the good of a Nation and society at large. It keeps order and peace,
promotes traditional morals and values, and provides the framework for a well-organized and functional
system. Without social order, chaos and disorder would reign, resulting in a dysfunctional society that
leads to degradation, degeneracy and eventually, the collapse of civilization.

In recent times, we have seen the dangers of social order breaking down in many parts of the world.
Crime rates have sky-rocketed, and traditional values and morals have been discarded in favor of
relativism and decadence.

For Hierarchy there are many examples of hierarchy is the structure of a family unit. The father is the
authority and leader, the mother cares and protects the family, and the children grow and learn while
taking their place at the bottom of the hierarchy.
Another example is a feudal system, with a king at the top, nobility below them, and then soldiers and
peasants and laborers at the bottom.
In nature, an example is a wolf pack. The alpha male is at the top of the hierarchy, followed by the other
males, and then the females and young.
Hierarchy has been a cornerstone of civilization since the beginning. Throughout history, societies have
been structured around social hierarchies, which have provided structures of governance, stability, and
organization. From the earliest civilizations in Mesopotamia and ancient Egypt, to the feudal systems of
the Middle Ages, to the caste systems of ancient India, hierarchies have been a fundamental component
of how societies were governed and functioned.

In modern times, the liberal ideology of the Western world has sought to dismantle these traditional
forms of hierarchy, but the consequences of doing so have been disastrous.

For Triadism we propose a new Caste which will answer to the call and finally bring back a true natural
aristocracy. We must have a hierarchy and social order based on competency and knowledge not on

The Triadist Caste System, society is structured around a combination of monarchy and noocratic
principles, emphasizing hierarchy, loyalty, and traditional values. Here’s a speculative breakdown:

The Royal Class: At the top of the hierarchy are the monarch and the royal family. They hold ultimate
power and authority, often considered divine or chosen by divine right. Their role is to rule over the
State and ensure its stability and prosperity.
The Enlightened Elite: Below the royal class is a privileged elite composed of high-ranking officials,
military leaders, and influential supporters of the monarchy and revolutionary intellectuals (Scholar).
They uphold the principles of stability, loyalty, unity and serving the people. This class enjoys significant
wealth, status, and influence within the State. The Other Nobles earn their ranks via merit and efforts.
The Enlightened Elite is fully appointed by meritocratic system and not on wealth.

The Folks of the State: Society is divided into various classes, each with its own roles, duties, and
privileges. The folk mission in these is determined by their own specific tasks , allegiance to the
monarchy, and adherence to Triadist ideology. They are highly loyal to the state-community and help
each other.
Here the three categorization of the Folks;

Warrior Class: Composed of soldiers, law enforcement officers, and defenders of the realm. They are
tasked with protecting the State from external threats and maintaining order within society.
Laborer Class: Consisting of workers, peasants, and artisans who provide essential labor and services to
support the State’s economy and infrastructure and the community.

Intellectual Class: Made up of scholars, professionals, and intellectuals who contribute to the
advancement of knowledge, culture, and technology within the State.

We must understand that there are two types of revolutionary intellectuals, those who are very
important in the Enlightened Aristocracy and those who are more likely locals, historians, local
ideologues ect, average intellectuals and artists.

This new type of caste will definitely provide the necessary needs for more stability and class
collaboration and which the folks of the state will have better conditions and being able to remain loyal
and be free from slavery.

Folkish Economics

In Triadism, we have our own economic system and it is based on multiple elements that can help to fix
once for all major issues that many of us suffer from.

Triadism will be a corporatist governance structure where businesses, labor, and government collaborate
in decision-making. The instauration of corporatism will be efficient for creating stabilization in the
State. As the Co-founder stated, Rem believed that corporatism was essential for a state, because the
economy needed to be fixed and we had to remove anything capitalist and communist.
Hyper-consumption was killing us, it is like a devilish greed, he believed that corporatism was the way
for balancing the economy. Each worker and employer would have a duty and they would as usual help
each other. Regulation necessary for a good economic development. The state should handle the
issue,we are the master of our own land.

We should Adopt a dirigisme approach with selective state ownership in key industries to ensure
economic stability and long-term planning. A tripartite system will be necessary for making this class
collaborations between corporations and workers. »
The State will follow principles that will gradually free the economy to encourage innovation and
efficiency after a certain period of strict regulation. The economy shall be reformed and evolve
gradually, because the economy is something that takes time and at any moment we can expect a crisis
to happen that could harm the procedure. We must adapt the economy in every era that the
State-Community will develop.

The importance of technological advancements and modernization to drive economic growth will be
emphasized by the formation of the Triadist State once reforms are made. The technological
advancements and modernization will serve to drive economic growth by increasing productivity,
efficiency and the level of innovation. It is vital to promote and invest in research and development
activities that lead to new breakthroughs and discoveries. This will be done through policies and
reforms that encourage investment and create a friendly environment for innovation.

The Triadist are very generous when it comes to welfare, the State shall provide universal social welfare
programs inspired by the Nordic model, providing healthcare, education, and social safety nets. But this
gift is only for those who are participating in the Community efforts. We will not encourage unusual
programs or laziness that hurt the economy deeply. Millions of people are not even eligible to work
because they are too lazy and give dumb reasons to use the money for dangerous materialist purposes.
The State gives you this money, you can’t just use this money for your personal benefit, it is like if
someone was trusted to survey your pets when the owner is not at home for a moment. What do you
think would happen if you were not doing your duty? Terrible consequences and you will have found
yourself guilty because it is your responsibility to KEEP an eye. So it is the same thing when the State
gives you a pension, you must use it wisely and when it is necessary. If anyone creates unusual programs
or abuses happen, the State shall send the person to find jobs and suspend his pension as a punishment.
If the person does not follow, he shall be punished by the law for his misconduct and will have to be sent
to a forced labor camp as a result. We shall need a proper and fair welfare state for everyone.

The State will establish economic councils with representatives from different sectors to advise on
economic policies. Establishing Economic Councils with representatives from different sectors will
ensure that various perspectives and expertise are considered when formulating economic policies. It
would also ensure that any such decisions would be inclusive and well evaluated.

Triadism will encourage local ownership through policies supporting small and medium-sized
enterprises (SMEs), aligning with distributist principles. We shall tax breaks and bring incentives for
small businesses, creating a friendly business environment for SMEs through deregulations. Ensuring
competition among businesses to lower the price and improve quality, Providing easy access to finance,
knowledge and training and ensuring fair access to government procurement opportunities.

We will also Strengthen labor guilds to represent workers and negotiate fair labor conditions. We must
ensure that labor unions and guilds are protected and can operate without fear of retaliation. We will
have to establish mechanisms to ensure that workers and companies negotiate fair wages and working
conditions. Encourage cooperative ownership structure with workers having a greater say in decision
making. Promote fair competition in the labor market through strong labor laws and workplace safety

Triadism despite having « One Big Union » some independents trade union like more professional jobs
(eg: teachers, doctors or military ect) will be allowed under the Party. Guilds will be allowed to provide
useful support for the workers and farmers in the community.

Triadism will foster social corporatism with stakeholder engagement, involving businesses, labor, and
other societal stakeholders in decision-making. Creating a mechanism to ensure that stakeholders have
a fair say in decision-making. Encouraging consultation with stakeholders to help formulate and
implement policies. Promoting workplace participation where everyone has a chance to say his
suggestion in decision-making. Ensuring that stakeholders have access to information and resources to
enable their participation. Encouraging collective bargaining and cooperation between stakeholders to
reach win-win solutions.

Triadism will establish technocratic advisory boards to provide specialized expertise for informed policy
decisions. Establishing technocratic advisory boards, composed of specialized experts in various fields,
would provide valuable input on policy decisions and help the government make well-informed
decisions. It would ensure that the best decisions are made based on sound research and scientific
evidence, and would help reduce the likelihood of irrational or misguided policies. This could include:
Economic and financial advisory boards, environmental and sustainability advisory boards, social and
cultural advisory boards and technological and infrastructure advisory boards.

Triadism will support a regulated free trade and adopt a (mercantilist-regulationist-protectionist)

approach with strategic trade policies to protect domestic industries and ensure some economic

For others Trade policies, it will be easy to know:

-Implement protectionist measures to shield the economy from foreign competition and promote
domestic industries, so involving tariffs on imported goods, subsidizing domestic industries and quota
on certain imports

-Negotiate bilateral and multilateral trade agreements to promote exports and secure access to foreign
markets for goods and services. Ensuring that the Nation Trade policies are fair and reciprocal, and that
the Nation trading partners are subject to the sales rules and conditions

-We will also provide targeted support to industries that are key to the State’s export performance, such
as machinery, automobiles and chemical or other products depending on the nation you live in.

-Providing at least an honest incentive for foreign companies to invest in the Nation, in order to
promote economic growth and create jobs as long as it benefits the folks and the state.

To fix wages, we propose introducing a system of collective bargaining between employers and labor
unions. This will help to ensure that wages affect the values of workers labor and are based on economic
conditions and productivity. We will establish a statutory minimum wage to ensure that all workers
receive a basic level of income that allows them to meet their basic needs. We will also implement
measures to prevent wage arbitrage, whereby companies move operations to countries with lower ages
to lower costs. maintain inflation rate and link wage increases to productivity and economic growth.
Labor backed-currency will be also implemented as an alternative or added in the economy directly if
the nation wishes instead of statutory minimum wage.

For fix the damnit of inflation: Grant the Central Bank greater independence to carry out its monetary
policy objectives, Maintaining a targeted inflation rate of around 2%, which we believe is consistent
with economic stability and healthy growth, we will use also open market operations to influence money
supply and keep interest rates at a level that is conducive to economic growth and price stability, we
will have to adjust reserve requirements for banks to influence the money supply and help control
inflation, intervention in foreign exchange markets to stabilize the exchange rate of the currency and
promote international trade and investment until achieving self sufficiency gradually.

For the Labor Question here is our policies under a strong national syndicalist spirit:

-Workers aimlessly drifting from job to job will be thought of as a person working only for money, and
will be sent to a Military Academy.
-Laborers, Workers, Farmers - people who work - are a very valuable Class and asset to the state. The
Workers should all either work to feed themselves, give pleasure and to feed their family or to
contribute to the National Community. They should have this as their motto: « Fatherland, Family,
Culture »- in an aim to preserve these three things

-The Average work hours should be from 10am ~ 10pm, and 5 working days in a week. As to prevent
Labor Deaths, workers will be encouraged to take rests, if they wish to.

The Average pay for labor should be more than $15. But in general the wage should be fixed only by the
productivity of the economy instead of just raising it by inflation because we cannot afford every time
when inflation rises or goes down. People suffer from this problem and it is important to reform this
issue at all costs.

-As for Fixing the labor shortage issues everywhere: Enact a National Labour Service that will provide
young people with compulsory experience in various industries and sectors, to help them to develop the
skills and even unemployed will have to get their lazy ass in action. We're gonna make them learn that
their abuse of the welfare state cost us a lot of debt and taxpayers are tired. This will be a punishment
for them, except for disabled people or people having disease or whatever.

-National Labor Service will include works such as - Re-populating dead forests, re-populating dead
ecosystems, re-building Nature.

-Non Unionized workers will still have legal protections and rights under the Labor Law but we will
encourage workers to get unionized for more protections.

We support organizing agricultural production around companies following the Mondragon Corporation
model created by Distributists. This way the agriculture of the country would be able to both sustain
the level of production on large-scale and make it possible for local and small producers to benefit from

We believe that to prevent rapid homelessness, high rent and large quantities of flats remaining outside
of use, the housing market should be modeled after Singapore's. That is around 80% of it being
state-owned and state-managed.

Manufacturing industry should be organized in mixed fashion. With private and state-owned companies
competing in market conditions. Additionally we support creating a set of performance standards and
export contests for various manufacturing private companies in which they could compete for
governmental subsidy given to best performing "national champions' '. This should in Triadists belief
incentivize companies to perform better as well as prevent them from leaving the country and taking
their capital with them

The Mining Industry is organized around the idea of both private and state-companies co-existing on
the market. Importantly Triadism believes that the ownership of resources of geopolitically strategic
value should be dominated by state-companies rather than private ones. While private entities are still
allowed to be in possession of some deposits, the government should always make sure that it's the
state-companies that strongly dominate the market of respective strategic resources. In case of
non-strategic and more abundant ones the extraction and trade of those would work with private and
state-owned companies competing in normal market conditions.

The energy industry should be strongly dominated by, if not completely monopolized by
state-companies. Due to energy production's character as an extremely strategically important industry,
the state should own the vast majority of shares of all companies providing electricity. At the same time
while the market would be effectively completely dominated by the state, the industry should not be
centralized to one authority but instead several state-owned energy providing companies should
compete with each other in market conditions.

As Nationalization plan: We will nationalize strategic sectors of the economy such as energy,
transportation, and communications to ensure their stability and implement policies to improve their
performance and align them with national priorities. Concerning public ownership such as healthcare,
education, and housing to ensure that these sectors are managed in the public interest and provide high
quality services at affordable prices. For the workers it will be important to have a strong participation
in decision making and management to ensure employees have a stake in the stake of the enterprise
and are motivated to contribute to its performance. Maintain healthy competition and innovation in
nationalized industries and promote efficient use of resources.

Triadism will promote ethical business practices within a social authoritarian framework, emphasizing
corporate social responsibility. We will also prioritize social cohesion and harmony, aligning economic
policies with broader societal values.

In the economy we will have elements for decentralized planning mechanisms for local resource
allocation when the economy will evolve into something bigger.
We shall maintain market mechanisms by adapting some Austrian, Keynesian and Chicago monetary
and fiscal policies pragmatically. Despite being highly capitalist, their fiscal and monetary can be used
for guiding the economy correctly and fix taxations

We will integrate national syndicalism principles by ensuring strong representation of workers in

decision-making processes.

Triadism shall also be economic nationalism to safeguard domestic industries and prioritize the nation's
economic interests.

Triadism will establish workers' councils to empower employees in decision-making processes, aligning
with national syndicalism ideals.

Encourage profit-sharing arrangements to ensure workers have a stake in the success of the

Promote strategic industries through economic nationalism, ensuring self-sufficiency in key sectors.

Emphasize the utilization of domestic resources to reduce dependency on external sources.

Here is the Countercyclical policies for the Folkish Economics:

-Utilize Keynesian countercyclical fiscal policies during economic downturns to stimulate demand and

-Implement monetary adjustments in line with Keynesian principles to manage inflation and stabilize
the overall economy.

-Integrate Chicago and Austrian School principles to ensure market efficiency and minimize distortions

-Maintain a balance by limiting government intervention to preserve the autonomy of markets and
having a balance on what the State intervenes on.

-Enforce a balanced budget to maintain fiscal responsibility and prevent excessive government debt.

-Prioritize strategic public investments that contribute to long-term economic growth.

-Implement regulations to ensure industries adhere to environmentally friendly practices.

-Invest in green technologies and real alternative technologies to promote environmental sustainability
and reduce the ecological footprint.

-Foster local autonomy and economic development to address regional disparities.

-Invest in education and skill development to create a workforce capable of driving a technology-driven

-Provide incentives for research and development to foster innovation and technological advancement.

-Encourage profit-sharing arrangements to ensure workers have a stake in the success of the

-Implement counter-cyclical fiscal policies during economic downturns, increasing government

spending to stimulate demand and boost economic activity

-Prioritize public infrastructure projects to create jobs and support long-term economic growth

-Design fiscal measures that address income inequality, ensuring that the benefits of economic growth
are distributed more equitably.

-Implement progressive taxation on corporations to fund social programs and promote social justice to
the folks.

-Incorporate automatic stabilizers into fiscal policy, allowing for automatic adjustments based on
economic conditions.

-Introduce targeted fiscal interventions based on a nuanced understanding of specific economic


-Emphasize fiscal responsibility by striving for a balanced budget over the economic cycle

-Develop strategies to reduce public debt levels while ensuring essential public services are maintained

-Advocate for limited government spending to prevent distortions in resource allocation as much as we
can and focus on what matters and not make a disastrous bureaucracy.
-Encourage some market-driven solutions over government interventions for efficient resource
allocation as much as possible.

-Prioritize regulatory policies that enhance market efficiency and encourage competition

-Streamline bureaucratic processes to facilitate business operations and economic transactions

-Apply fiscal policies cautiously, avoiding excessive interventions that may distort market signals.

-Promote a predictable fiscal environment to enhance investor confidence and encourage long-term

-Advocate for lower tax rates to stimulate investment and economic growth.

-Simplify the tax code to reduce compliance costs and improve overall economic efficiency

Nationalism is the belief in the unity, solidarity, and identity of a nation and its people. It emphasizes the
importance of loyalty to one's own nation and the preservation of the country's culture and traditions.
Nationalists tend to focus on preserving the traditions, values, and heritage of their nation, while
promoting national pride and self-determination.

I believe nationalism is a necessary element of all healthy and balanced societies. It is the basis of
social order, identity, and cohesion. Without nationalism, societies lack cohesion and identity, and are
subject to division and discord. Nationalism is essential for the preservation of the traditional social
order, and without it, society would be prone to decline and collapse.

Nationalism is fundamental in your heritage, imagine not being patriotic without a single important
element in your life. Nationalism is everything for your people, during generations a folk will have built
their traditions and Identity forged from fire and soil. Nationalism is sacred, without nationalism a
nation dies. Nationalism shows your love for the nation, you sacrifice everything you have. It makes you

Cultural Identity and Tradition

Cultural identity and traditions are essential for the health and vitality of any society. They provide a
sense of rootedness and belonging, as well as a sense of stability and purpose. They act as a rallying
point and a source of pride and solidarity, which can help to unite and empower individuals and groups.
Cultural identity and traditions are essential for the preservation of social cohesion and continuity, and
their loss can cause a society to decline and fall into disintegration and disunity.

Cultural identity and traditions are also important for the transmission of history, values, and knowledge
between generations. They act as a means of preserving cultural heritage, fostering a sense of
continuity with the past, and ensuring that the wisdom and experiences of the forefathers are not
forgotten. Additionally, they provide a sense of identity and shared understanding within a community,
allowing participants to feel connected and part of something larger than themselves. Finally, they
create a sense of belonging and purpose that can help to empower individuals and groups, and foster a
healthy sense of pride and loyalty to the community.

Without culture, the race cannot survive and become a sort of void trash, believe in your heritage, stand
with your folks and defend what they build. Unity is the key for the development of the community.

Environment and Green Revolution

Triadism seeks to promote sustainability and protect natural resources, while also helping to improve
the quality of life for people and wildlife. Triadism recognizes the importance of preserving and
maintaining the environment, as well as the need to reduce carbon emissions and other pollutants. We
will also contribute to social and economic development, providing opportunities for employment and
sustainable business practices.

Here how we plan to make this Green Revolution:

- Create bioregional conservation networks that align with natural ecosystems and cultural boundaries.
Facilitate collaboration among communities to collectively manage and protect their shared bioregions

-Embrace alternative modernism in the development of sustainable infrastructure. Implement

eco-friendly technologies and designs that blend innovation with ecological sensitivity, promoting a
harmonious coexistence between modernity and nature.
-Prioritize the preservation of cultural biodiversity alongside ecological diversity. Recognize the
importance of cultural practices in fostering resilience and adaptability in the face of environmental

-Integrate eco-nationalist education programs that instill a sense of ecological responsibility and
cultural pride. Foster an understanding of the interconnectedness between the nation's cultural identity
and the health of its ecosystems.

-Promote eco-volkist principles in agriculture, emphasizing traditional and sustainable farming

practices. Support local food systems that are in harmony with the natural environment and cultural

-Integrate archeofuturism conservation technologies that draw inspiration from the past while
embracing innovative solutions. Combine traditional ecological knowledge with cutting-edge
technologies for effective conservation.

-Facilitate alternative economies and sustainable trade networks that prioritize local production and
consumption. Encourage eco-friendly business practices and support enterprises that align with the
environmental and cultural values of the communities.

- Emphasize holistic well-being by recognizing the interconnectedness of environmental, cultural, and

individual health. Develop policies that promote a balanced lifestyle, integrating cultural practices that
enhance physical, mental, and spiritual well-being.

-Banning Animal Testing, because they are suffering and it is immoral to harm animals.

-Re-Forest the land, to protect forest and our beloved nature

-Fight Consumerism and promote ethical standards of consumption

-End Mass Migration, because it harm the planet and the nation because globalism make us use more
resources and Space

-Promote self-sufficiency to waste less of resources as possible and be autonomous.

-End Foreign Reliance that harm the State and our nature

-Promote Sustainable Energy instead of wasting resources that we are trying to take out and that are
-Individual liberty when it is personal under the community.

-The plan promotes organic farming methods, crop rotation, and soil conservation techniques to improve
agricultural productivity while minimizing environmental impact

-The initiative emphasizes the importance of community involvement in decision-making and resource
management, empowering local farmers and cooperatives to take control of their own agricultural

-Prioritize the conservation and restoration of natural ecosystems, including forests, wetlands, and
oceans, to preserve biodiversity and ecosystem services.

-Promote resource efficiency and conservation through reduced consumption, recycling, and the
development of sustainable technologies and practices.

-Encourage local self-sufficiency and resilience by promoting decentralized economies, local food
production, and community-based initiatives.

-Educate the public about the importance of environmental conservation, sustainable living, and the

-Implement measures to stabilize and gradually reduce global population levels to a sustainable level, in
accordance with ecological carrying capacity.

-Invest in large-scale reforestation projects, habitat restoration efforts, and the creation of protected
areas to conserve biodiversity and restore degraded ecosystems.

-Transition to sustainable agriculture practices, such as agroecology and permaculture, to minimize

environmental impact, preserve soil fertility, and promote food security.

-Shift economic systems towards regenerative principles that prioritize ecological health and human
well-being over endless growth and consumption.

-Promote the reverence and worship of nature as sacred, drawing inspiration from ancient traditions
and indigenous wisdom to foster a deeper spiritual connection with the natural world.

-Prioritize the protection and preservation of pristine wilderness areas, biodiversity hotspots, and
sacred natural sites, ensuring their conservation for future generations.
-Advocate for the preservation and promotion of distinct ethnic and cultural identities, recognizing the
diversity of human cultures as integral to the richness of life on Earth.

-Provide education and outreach programs that integrate ecological principles with spiritual teachings,
cultivating a sense of ecological consciousness and responsibility among individuals and communities.

-Promote völkisch agriculture practices that emphasize sustainable land stewardship, organic farming
methods, and the cultivation of native plant species, honoring the natural rhythms of the land and
promoting ecological resilience.

-Encourage green living practices, such as minimalism, vegetarianism, and eco-friendly lifestyles, that
reduce consumption, minimize waste, and promote environmental sustainability

-Establish eco-spiritual retreat centers and intentional communities that serve as models of sustainable
living and centers for ecological education, spiritual practice, and cultural revival.

-Advocate for initiatives to restore and rewild degraded ecosystems, combat climate change, and
protect endangered species, fostering a planetary ethic of stewardship and reverence for all life.

-Encourage green living practices, such as minimalism, and eco-friendly lifestyles, that reduce
consumption, minimize waste, and promote environmental sustainability.

Governance and Leadership

Governance and leadership are essential for a functional and effective state. Governance refers to the
system by which a government administers and regulates the affairs of a country, while leadership
refers to the individual or group of individuals who have the authority to make decisions and set
policies. Effective governance requires a well-defined structure, clear lines of responsibility, and the
proper distribution of power and resources. It also requires the ability to make tough decisions and take
action when necessary.

Leadership is essential for guiding and directing the efforts of an organization, and is based around the
concept of accountability, trust, and responsibility.

Without effective governance and leadership, a nation cannot function effectively. Good governance
establishes the legal framework and enforces it, while strong leadership provides direction and fosters
trust. Together, they support the well-being of the nation and its people through sound policies and
decisions. When these two elements are well-balanced, they create a competent and effective
government that is capable of overcoming the challenges and obstacles in its path. Good governance
and strong leadership provide a solid foundation for a prosperous and successful country.

Triadism promotes leadership and good governance based on common sense and discipline with wisdom.
The path of both are essential for healthy governance and a strong monarch should lead the way for its
people. The government serves the people.

The governance would be based on meritocracy and traditional values. It would be hierarchical, placing
the most capable and talented individuals at the top. It would focus on promoting and preserving the
identity of the nation, ensuring that it adheres to the values and ideals that make it unique. It would not
be based on wealth or power, but rather on the talent and ability of each individual.

Leaders need to have a strong sense of duty and a deep understanding of traditional values. They would
guide and inspire their people, and provide the direction and vision that is necessary for the
development of the nation. They would also be accountable and responsible, ensuring that their actions
serve the interests of the nation. They would have to be strong and decisive, and yet be willing to listen
and take advice. They would be champions of their people

A strong monarchy is one that has the power to make decisions and enforce laws effectively, while also
abiding by the traditions and values of the people. It's important not to over-centralize the authority, and
to allow for regional autonomy and flexibility while maintaining a central power structure. Strong
monarchy allows for stability and unity, promotes the nation's interests, and provides a strong platform
for progress. However, there must also be checks and balances in place to ensure that the monarch does
not exercise tyrannical powers. It is a tenuous balance, but one that can be achieved if done correctly.

Technology and Innovation

Technology and Innovation are key aspects in the development of any nation.

Technology is the foundation for advancement and progress. It helps create more efficient processes,
increases productivity, and unlocks new possibilities.

Innovation is the ability to think outside the box and find new solutions to problems. It helps solve
difficult challenges, drives efficiency, and produces new and unexpected outcomes.
When technology and innovation are combined with the wisdom of tradition and the principles of
meritocracy, they can create a powerful force for growth and development.

In a Triadist State here how we would apply in the technological sector:

-Embrace alternative modernism in the development of social infrastructure. Implement cutting-edge

technologies while preserving cultural aesthetics to create a unique and advanced societal framework

-Integrate technological romanticism into eco-innovation initiatives. Combine advanced technologies

with a romanticized appreciation for nature, fostering solutions that are both sustainable and

-Establish a futurist education system that combines technological education with the arts and
humanities. Cultivate critical thinking, creativity, and a forward-looking mindset among students.

-Uphold national conservatism principles in cultural preservation efforts. Safeguard traditional values,
customs, and heritage while recognizing the importance of adapting to changing societal needs.

-Promote ultra-social conservatism in family policies, recognizing the foundational role of families in
society. Support policies that strengthen family units, encourage responsible parenting, and provide
resources for family well-being.

-Create innovation hubs in rural and traditional communities, blending modern technology with local
wisdom to address community-specific challenges. These hubs would foster collaboration between
traditional artisans, local entrepreneurs, and tech experts.

-Encourage the development of technology with a focus on ethics and values, ensuring that innovations
align with traditional principles of respect for nature, community well-being, and sustainability.

-Promote digital literacy programs that respect culture and include traditional knowledge systems.
Ensure equitable access to technology and the internet, particularly in rural and communities.

-Use technology and innovation to revitalize traditional industries such as agriculture, textiles, and
handicrafts. Integrate modern techniques like precision farming or sustainable fashion practices while
preserving traditional craftsmanship and cultural significance.
-Employ virtual reality and augmented reality technologies to preserve and promote cultural heritage
sites, traditional festivals, and indigenous languages, allowing people to experience and learn about

-Embrace sustainable technologies and renewable energy solutions that respect the environment and
traditional land-use practices. Foster innovation in areas like eco-friendly construction, clean energy,
and waste management.

-Facilitate mentorship programs and intergenerational knowledge exchange initiatives to ensure that
traditional wisdom is passed down alongside modern skills and technologies.

-Interdisciplinary Collaboration: Encourage collaboration between diverse fields, including technology,

social sciences, humanities, and arts, to develop holistic solutions that address societal challenges while
honoring cultural traditions.

Triadism would focus on creating a harmonious combination between technology and the wisdom of
tradition and natural hierarchy. Technology would be rooted in tradition, but not in contradiction to
advancements. Innovation would emphasize a balanced approach, combining the principles of
traditionalism and modernity.

When technology and innovation are combined with tradition, it would create an advanced society that
is rooted in its history but focused on the future. This combination would encourage responsible, ethical,
and disciplined use of technology, while also promoting innovation and progress.

This approach would balance the pursuit of knowledge and progress with the preservation of tradition
and the wisdom of our ancestors. It would promote the balanced use of technology and the avoidance of
extremes, in order to ensure that progress and development are pursued in a healthy and sustainable
way. It would take a holistic approach to the application of technology and innovation, considering not
only their potential benefits but also their potential harms and long-term consequences.

When we speak of balance between Tradition and modernity, we speak not just of how we use
technology, but also how we apply technological advancements in social and civic life, from the home
and family unit to the society at large. This would entail, for example, the development of new
technologies and innovations that foster cultural cohesion and unity, rather than divisiveness. It's about
using technology in way that is not only efficient, but also in a way that is mindful and considerate of
the consequences it may have.

We should not fear progress and advancement, nor should we rush into it blindly. Instead, we should
make sure that our progress is guided wisely and responsibly, ensuring that the positive aspects of
technological innovations are maximized while the negative ones are mitigated. We should embrace our
past while looking forward towards the future, recognizing that both are part of what makes us who we
are. We need to find this balance in order for our society and civilization to thrive.

Triadism shall put a positive development to create a new harmonized society in which traditions and
progress are combined together for the evolution of the community in a healthy way.

Militarism and Defense

Militarism and Defense are essential aspects of a successful and powerful state.

Militarism is the practice of maintaining a powerful and proficient military, preparing for defense or
even offense. It requires a disciplined and determined armed forces, as well as the right amount of
resources to fund the armed forces. This involves both technological advancements as well as the
training and experience of the soldiers themselves.

Defense is the act of preventing or protecting a nation from external threats or assaults. It involves
preparing both structurally and strategically, with the right defenses in place to prevent or defend
against any potential aggression.

This aspect would be based on meritocracy, discipline, and loyalty. It would recognize the importance of
a strong and skilled military, and it would have the necessary resources and support to create one. It
would focus on the principles of traditional military tactics, while embracing modern advancements. It
would also promote an esprit de corps among the troops, to develop a strong sense of unity and
cohesion. It would be about preparing for and deterring conflicts, rather than looking to wage offensive

Triadism values militarism as a necessary need to bring more patriotism and more unity in the State
against foreign threats. Being a militaristic state is not about war but heroism and order, to serve the
military is a good thing for personal development of the internal role of the person and of the national
consciousness. Militarism transcends both spiritual and physical; we combine the spirits of the war
under a physical way. We wage war for a necessary need against aggressors and a war shall be done
nobly and not tyrannical. We shall defend our nations from demons that could harm us. Militarism is
everything for the Community.

It would recognize the need to maintain a powerful military, while also recognizing that peace and
diplomatic solutions are preferable and should be pursued whenever possible. It would promote the
importance of strategic and logistical operations, training and experience, and resources like equipment
and manpower. It would be about having the foresight and resources to prepare for potential threats,
while not seeking out conflict for conflict's own sake.

It would also be a militarism that understands the role of a military in society, not merely as a tool of
force, but as a force for good. It would use its presence and strength to promote safety and security,
while also maintaining a respect for the rights and freedoms of the individual. It would prioritize the
wellbeing of people over any abstract ideological goals, and it would place a high value on discipline and
ethical conduct. It would promote a strong sense of national identity and loyalty, but without crossing
over into jingoism or aggressive nationalism.

Triadist militarism, in summary, would be an efficient and effective military, with sufficient resources
and training. It would be driven by meritocratic principles, and focused on the protection of the people,
while avoiding any unnecessary aggression or conflict. It would maintain a balance between a strong
military and respectful and ethical conduct. It would foster a sense of duty and loyalty, while avoiding
excessive nationalism or jingoism. It is militarised that would serve the interests of the nation and its
people, without losing sight of the bigger picture.

The Role of the Legionnaire

The Role of the Legionnaire is to fight and help its people. The legionnaire must never ask questions and
obey proper authorities. He remains silent in the dark and transcends to gain more power personally and
master its destiny inside of the national destiny of the state-community.

Here the duty of the Legionnaire:

I - THE LAW OF DISCIPLINE: Be a disciplined legionnaire, only in this way will you be victorious. Follow
your leader in good fortune as well as in bad.
II - THE LAW OF LABOR: Work. Work every day. Work with love. May the reward of labor not be greed but
the satisfaction of having laid a brick for the glory of the Legion and the flourishing of the homeland.

III - THE LAW OF SILENCE: Speak little. Speak when necessary, as much as necessary. Your oratory is the
oratory of action. Let others comment on your work.

IV - THE LAW OF EDUCATION: You must become someone else, a hero. Do all your schooling in the cuib.
Get to know the Legion well.

V - THE LAW OF RECIPROCAL HELP: Help your brother or sister who has suffered a misfortune. Don't
abandon him.

VI - THE LAW OF HONOR: Walk only in the path of honor. Fight and never be vile. Leave the path of
infamy to others. Before winning through infamy, it is better to fall fighting on the path of honor.

The Legionnaire is the fighter and the defender of its people. Believe and move forward for the
State-Community and for the Nation.

Principles of Triadism
The Triadist ideology is based on the Three Principles:

1. Wisdom is the foundation of a society

2. Courage is the pillar of a nation

3. Hard Work holds the society together

Wisdom is seen as the foundation of a society, as it is the quality that helps a nation develop and
progress. It leads to social harmony and progress, and it creates a more prosperous and stable nation.
Courage is seen as the pillar of a nation, as it is the quality that unites and defends the nation. It creates
strength and resilience to protect and defend the society.

Hard Work is seen as the force that binds a society. It helps the society to function and grow, providing
the structure and foundation that supports a society.

The tripartite division of society ensures that society remains functional and stable. The ruling caste
serves as the guiding force, ensuring that the ideals and principles of the nation are upheld. The warrior
caste provides the protection and strength, defending the nation and its people. The common caste
provides the labor and resources, ensuring that the nation thrives and progresses.

Triadism leads the way.

Manifesting Triadism
Manifesting Triadism would involve promoting the Three Principles and their values at every level of
society. This would involve education, public discourse, and the application of policy.

It would also involve the institution of the Triadist hierarchy, with roles and duties assigned to each
caste based on their qualities. For example, the ruling caste would be responsible for making and
implementing policy decisions, the warrior caste would be the national defense force, and the common
caste would provide much of the labor and resource needs of the society.

Triadism is an integrative worldview that provides a cohesive and balanced perspective on society and
humanity. It encourages people to become active and responsible members of society, while promoting
cooperation and unity. It is based on traditional values and wisdom, and recognizes and appreciates the
roles and contributions of all kinds of people. Triadism is a worldview that seeks harmony,
understanding, and a sense of order in an unpredictable and chaotic world.

It encourages individuals to strive for self-improvement, to live their lives according to the values and
principles of the Triadist ideology. It promotes a sense of duty and responsibility towards the society
and to one's own personal development. It is a worldview that provides a clear purpose and direction,
and seeks to forge a better world through the application and practice of Philosophy. Triadism
encourages reflection and introspection, and seeks to understand one's self and one's place in the world.
It provides a framework for a harmonious and balanced life, and for a more fruitful and meaningful
In a revolutionary way, Triadism is a sociopolitical ideology with immense transformative potential. It
encourages people to reject the existing worldview and the existing social and political structure, and to
build something new in its place. The Triadist movement aims to create a new society that is more just,
more equitable, more stable and more cohesive.

In a revolutionary setting, the Triadist movement encourages people to resist the current system, to
build up the Triadist movement, and to bring about the overthrow of the existing system and its
replacement with a new and better one based on the Triadist ideals.

In a spiritual way, Triadism can be seen as a framework for personal development and transformation. It
encourages people to look within themselves and to find their connection to something greater than
themselves. Triadism provides a metaphysical framework for life and its challenges, and encourages
people to confront and work through their own internal struggles and limitations. Triadism provides an
integrative worldview where personal and social development are interlinked, and it encourages people
to cultivate a stronger connection to their heritage and traditions. It provides a spiritual roadmap for
personal development and transformation, one that promotes personal healing and growth.

In a philosophical way, Triadism provides a clear and coherent system of understanding. It is based on
traditional values and wisdom, but also incorporates modern sensibilities into a holistic view. Triadism
provides a worldview that aligns with the nature of reality, acknowledging both the existence of
hierarchy and order, as well as the importance of human freedom and personal growth. It provides a
clear and coherent system of thought that can help people to make sense of the world and to structure
their lives in a way that is meaningful and purposeful.

In a warrior way, Triadism recognizes and celebrates the need for strength and discipline. It holds the
warrior caste as the pillar of society, responsible for protecting and defending the nation. It recognizes
the importance of duty and responsibility, and promotes a warrior ethos that values courage, dedication,
and sacrifice. Triadism encourages warriors to be prepared and trained for conflict, but also to use their
strength and skills in service of the nation and the people.

The Meaning of Triadism
Triadis Ethos

The essence of our distinct Triadist ethos is manifest in: (1) preservation of Traditional values and the
Ethnos (2) Harmony and Cooperation (3) Duty and Loyalty and Obedience
(4) Human Freedom and individual development (5) respect for the Earth and nature (6) Respect for
History and Heritage and (7) Unity and Solidarity

Way of the Folk

The phrase "Way of the Folk" sums up the totality of the Triadist belief in the centrality of folk identity,
and the belief in a society structured as traditional peoples have always done throughout history.
The use of the term "Folk" is intended to emphasize that we see the "folk" or "Tribe" as the basic
organizational unit of society, and that political authority is legitimate only if it serves and protects the
folk, not merely individuals. Additionally, the term "Folk" emphasizes the importance of ethnic identity
as a source of unity and strength.

The term "Folk" also implies a connection to the past through ancestral roots, to the land through
traditional culture, and to the future by virtue of the hope of passing on those traditions and ways of life
to future generations. In this way, the term "Folk" encapsulates a view of life as a cycle, whereby each
generation should strive to honor the heritage of the past, to pass on those learnings and traditions to
the future, and to ensure that future generations will continue the process

It also highlights the rejection of globalism and contemporary progressive ideologies, with a focus on
preservation of folk identity and historical traditions, as well as advocating for a community-based
political model.

The Folk is everything for the community, it is the vital organic element which activates and keeps the
state alive. Without a folk, the State cannot live as they are interconnected and bounded together. We
shall do everything for our people and help the development of this one. Triadism sees the folks as a
vital source of life.
Way of the Triadists

As a Triadist we evolve with time and we never surrender no matter what happens. We are bound to the
cause and we will do everything to defend our folks. We shall defend them forever.
The way is intended to illustrate the importance of a close and mutually beneficial relationship between
the leader and the people, or a bond of loyalty and shared interests.

The way underscores the idea that the people are not merely subjects or citizens of the state, but rather
that they form a distinct and cohesive collective unit with a shared history, culture, and destiny.
Triadists define the way for development of a community or people, rather than a mere state or
geopolitical entity by linking State with Community. By emphasizing the link between the leader and the
people, and the notion of a shared history and destiny, the term seeks to highlight the importance of
preserving and celebrating national or ethnic identity, and of fostering a strong sense of loyalty and

The Leader leads the way for its people.

The Triadist Code of Personal Honour

As we strive for something better in Triadism. We established a code of personal honor that will
maintain a strong personal honor which can give a sense of purpose for the people in general here some
for the code of personal honor include things like:

-Loyalty to the Cause

-Self-sacrifice for the good of the Cause
-Responsibility for the well-being of the community
-Courage in the defense of the Cause
-Respect for tradition
-Common Sense in the Cause
-Respect in the Cause
-Fanaticism in the Cause
-Obedience in the Cause
-Unity in the Cause
-Duty in the Cause
-Benevolent in the Cause

Inner Meaning of Triadism

The philosophical inner meaning of Triadism lies in its emphasis on the interconnectedness of the three
primary forces in human affairs: the State, the Movement, and the People. This concept reflects the
belief that all aspects of society are interdependent and that a harmonious balance between these
forces is essential for the success and prosperity of a nation.At its core, Triadism is a call to unity and
purpose, recognizing that the strength and vitality of a society depend on the collective will and spirit of
its people. It encourages us to look beyond individual interests and to work towards a common goal,
fostering a sense of national identity and pride.Moreover, Triadism reflects the idea that history and
human affairs are shaped by the interplay of these three forces. By understanding and nurturing this
delicate balance, we can gain insight into the past and present, and make informed decisions about the
future.Ultimately, the philosophical inner meaning of Triadism is a reminder of the importance of unity,
purpose, and balance in shaping the destiny of a nation. It calls upon us to recognize our
interconnectedness and to work together towards a common goal, ensuring the prosperity and success
of our society.

Philosophy of the Future

The philosophy of future of Triadism is that there will be a balance of the state, community and
individuals, in Triadism the three pillars or "triad" would be united by the state, in this way there would
be a society where everyone would be satisfied, the state would be strong and powerful, the community
would be a strong one like the nation, the community and the group of people would love and respect
their state and nation, and the individual would be free but still in the community.

The community would be a small one and would help the state to stay strong, but in general there would
be a strong social state, but not a marxist, internationalist, or capitalist state, the community would
work together with the state not for the state but for themselves, in a time like this the state of
Triadism would be strong and the community would be strong, and the individual would be free to a
certain degree, Triadism is the perfect philosophy where everyone is in their place and the society is
perfect in a realistic-idealist way.

The state's goal is to develop the community and to protect and improve society, the goal of the
community would be to work together, in a way, they are like the middle ground, the community will
support the state and the state will be supported by them.
The future has its great result when the present is focused on.

What is Nature?

In Triadism, Nature is considered to be essential for the survival of our species and the environment,
Triadism puts Nature higher than the individual or the state, the environment comes first in Triadism, if
we destroy the environment we will destroy ourselves and the state, Nature is essential for us and has
always been, and should continue to be essential for us in the future.

In Triadism the environment and Nature is considered to be the most important thing we have on earth,
we live in this environment and we should protect it to survive and prosper, the state and the
community are important but none of them can survive without the world, we cannot destroy the world
for our own sake and expect to still live, In Triadism if we have to sacrifice our own freedom to protect
the world it would be an acceptable thing to do, we must protect Nature, because without it we cannot
In Triadism, we would not only focus on the protection of the environment but we would also focus on
it's preservation, the world has been shaped by the environment and we must not destroy it, we must
keep the world as it is, we must preserve the environment for future generations, not only for us but for
our children and their children.
In Triadism, there is also an idea that we must respect Nature for what it is, we cannot destroy it or
misuse it, we must treat Nature as a living and conscious being, and we must respect the environment,
this respect is part of the Triadism as it believes that nature should be respected and protected.

Triadism also considers Nature to be something divine, this is not only for it's beauty and mystery, but
also because Nature has given us everything we need to survive and prosper, we owe a lot to the Nature
and the environment and we must respect them and treat them like the divine beings they are, in
Triadism we must be in one with Nature, must respect Nature and keep it safe because if it is
endangered so are we.

In Triadism, we believe that we are part of Nature and Nature is a part of us, we are both connected on a
spiritual level and we are connected on a material level, we are made of nature and so are we a part of
it, the more healthy and preserved the Nature is the more healthy we will be. We are part of the circle
of life and must play our part to keep it balanced.

Triadism values and respects Nature in every aspect of its ideology, this makes the Nature the most
important part of Triadism, this ideology wants to be in one with Nature and to preserve it, Nature is
essential for us and a essential part of Triadism, without Nature we would not be here, without Nature
we would have nothing, Without Nature the state would not be, without Nature the community would
not be.

In conclusion; We value nature and our environment over our own personal desires, it advocates for the
protection of the environment and a connection with nature, it recognizes the importance of nature and
how it supports our existence, and it believes that the protection of nature must take priority over the

Honour Code

The Honor Code of Triadism is a code that must be followed by every Triadists who swore the oath
towards the Triadist Cause, The code is about loyalty, integrity, discipline, honor and glory to the Race
and the Cause:
« I swear on my honor of the Triadist Honour Code that i will spread Triadism across the world by
remaining Fanatic,Loyal, obedient and Serve the Cause till my last breathe. I swear by the Triadists
honor code that I will defend the Cause from the enemies of the Triadists and the world till the last
man. As a Triadist, I shall serve my people and nation with dedication and determination without any
second thoughts. Heil Triadism, Heil the Autarch and Heil the Folks »

The Origin and Meaning of Life

In Triadism, life is an act of glory that must be achieved through the race, Life must be lived with
courage and honor and Triadism teaches that a Man's purpose in life is to live and fight for the greatness
of the race, and to always defend it.

Triadism teaches that life is a test that Man must always pass in order to be worthy enough to enter
heaven which is the upper world and Man must achieve this test with bravery and courage to enter

The Origin: In the beginning, there was a blank void (Chaos). Then, a being called Monad (who is like the
creator) came into being. The Monad then created the universe, and the beings that inhabit it.

The Meaning: The meaning of life in Triadism is to strive for a better life and to improve one's self.

The Triad is the belief that there are 3 realms: the physical realm, the spiritual realm, and the higher

The Triad also teaches that there are 3 core components to life: body, spirit, and mind.

In the physical realm, we live in a physical world that we can touch and feel with our senses.

In the spiritual realm, we have a spirit or soul that is connected to us and the world around us.
In the higher realm, we seek knowledge and enlightenment, and strive toward a higher plane of

The Triad also emphasizes the importance of balance and harmony between the three realms.

In the physical realm, we must strive for a healthy body and mind through exercise and healthy eating.

In the spiritual realm, we must work to cultivate a positive mindset and connect with our spirit.

In the high realm, we must seek out knowledge, wisdom, and understanding of the world around us.

The Triad also teaches that each aspect of the cosmos is connected, and that each part is equally
important. For example, the physical realm is essential for survival, while the spiritual realm is essential
for connecting with the world around us and finding purpose in life. The higher realm, on the other hand,
allows us access to deeper knowledge and wisdom about the universe.

The Triad also teaches that we should take care of each dimension, and seek balance between them. For
example, in the physical realm, we should take care of our bodies and stay physically active. In the
spiritual realm, we should take care of our emotions and psychological state by meditating and
practicing self-compassion. And finally, in the higher realm, we should search for knowledge and develop
wisdom. Together, the three dimensions form a holistic way of living that can help us navigate all
aspects of life.

In conclusion, the Triad is a beautiful way of living that emphasizes balance and harmony between the
three dimensions of life. It can help us navigate the complexities of life with wisdom, compassion, and

The Cosmic Being

In Triadism, the Cosmic Being aka Omnis or Monad is believed to be the creator and maintainer of the

It is considered to be of infinite intelligence and power, and to be the source of all that is.
The Cosmic Being is portrayed as a conscious and sentient entity that is beyond our comprehension.

The Cosmic Being in Triadism is also often viewed as an unknowable and indescribable entity. This is
because while we can experience the universe, the Cosmic Being is beyond our human knowledge and

The Cosmic Being is often a part of our daily lives, though we may be unaware of it.

Through our own consciousness, we can build a connection with the Cosmic Being and receive guidance
in our lives.

The Cosmic Being can also interact with us through dreams and visions, offering advice and wisdom
when needed.
We evolve with the cosmos everyday and we strive for the nation. United Forever

In Triadism, the Cosmic Being is often seen as a benign and benevolent entity that seeks to help us grow
and develop.

It can offer comfort and guidance during times of difficulty, providing reassurance and hope.

The Cosmic Being can also inspire us to seek knowledge and understanding, and help us find purpose in

In conclusion, Triadism is a belief system that emphasizes the importance of balance and harmony
between the physical, spiritual, and higher realms.

It teaches that each aspect of the cosmos is connected and should be taken care of. It also stresses the
value of respect and understanding for all parts of the cosmos.

The Cosmic Being is viewed as an unknowable but benevolent entity that guides and helps us in our
journey through life.
A Personal Revolution
Basically, the Personal Revolution in Triadism is a process whereby an individual seeks to cultivate and
develop their own personal potential through an internal transformation, which is the process of
becoming one's most complete and authentic self.
This transformation is characterized by a shift in consciousness and perspective, as the individual seeks
to achieve a greater understanding and realization of their own nature and identity.
Through self-awareness and self-acceptance, the individual is able to move towards a more enlightened
and fulfilling state of being, which can include a deeper connection with their spirituality, the
acquisition of a stronger sense of purpose and direction, and the development of stronger relationships
with others.

Ultimately, the Personal Revolution in Triadism is a process of self-actualization and empowerment,

whereby an individual undergoes a transformation that leads to a sense of fulfillment, peace, and
growth. This transformation ultimately allows an individual to live a more purposeful and meaningful
life, free from the limitations and constraints of the ego or external expectations.
In sum, the Personal Revolution in Triadism is a process of self-actualization that is characterized by a
shift in consciousness, perspective and identity, resulting in a deeper connection with one's spiritual
nature, a stronger sense of purpose and direction, and a more fulfilling and meaningful life. It is a
personal transformation that can have transformative impacts on not only the individual, but also
society as a whole.

Ethics of Honour
Triadist ethic of Honour can be summarized as this:

Honor is the moral quality that keeps a person's sense of duty and integrity.
Valour is the strength of mind and character required for personal courage in the face of danger,
adversity, or privation.
Dignity is the quality of deserving respect and honor.

Power is the ability to affect things, or apply force to influence an outcome.

Ethics is the study of what is right and wrong from a moral or philosophical point of view.

Foundation of Freedom
In simple terms, the Foundation of Freedom is the principle that individuals should have the right to live
their lives without interference from the state or from any collective. This includes things like liberty,
private property, free speech, and religious freedom. In Triadism, it is a fundamental part of the belief
that individual freedom is the bedrock of national greatness.

Triadism also emphasizes the concept of national rebirth. This is the idea that a nation's strength and
greatness comes from a people united in spirit and purpose, working together for the good of all.
Individual freedom and expression of one's own unique identity are part of this national rebirth, as they
promote diversity and creativity, which ultimately strengthen the nation as a whole.

Beyond these basic concepts, Triadism also believes in the preservation of traditional values and
structures that they believe have stood the test of time. This can include things like patriotism, family,
and faith, which are seen as the foundations of society and have been proven effective in fostering a
strong nation. However, we believe that these values should be adapted to the modern world, so as not
to fall behind or become tyrannical.

On Race

Race is important because it is a part of identity. People of different races have different experiences,
beliefs, identities, and cultures that should be respected and celebrated. We should acknowledge the
diversity of cultures, traditions, languages, etc that exist among different races and recognize the
importance of preserving them
Race is a biological and spiritual concept. It is based on the idea that groups of people who share a
common ancestry and physical features are distinct from other groups. It is also a spiritual concept as it
is tied to culture, tradition, and religion.
The biological aspect of race is based on the scientific theory that groups of humans with similar
features, such as physical characteristics and ancestry, are distinct from other groups. It is a form of
classification that is based on a wide range of genetic, geographic and phenotypical features.

The spiritual aspect of race is related to the belief that groups of people are connected by a divine,
metaphysical, or supernatural force. It emphasizes the importance of race in shaping cultural and
religious beliefs, and it is linked to the idea that races have a unique essence or soul.
Race matters because it provides a sense of identity and belonging. It provides people with a shared
history, culture, language, traditions, and beliefs. It helps people to find connections and understand
their place in the world. It contributes to a sense of personal and collective identity, giving people a
connection to others and a sense of security.

Race also matters because it is linked to a fundamental part of human experience: the connection
between people and the natural world. Race helps to provide people with a sense of connection to their
ancestral land and culture. It reminds us of our roots and our belonging to a larger collective. It is a way
of honoring and preserving our connections to the people and places that we have always known.

Race matters because it helps us to understand and interact with others. It gives us a foundation for
building relationships with people who look different from us, think differently from us, and have
different experiences than us.
Race is everything inside of the cosmic order and we are proud to be part of this race. We shall do
everything to defend our race from race mixing and make a healthy race for the next generation to
come. The most precious thing in the world is your folks and your blood. The ethnicity and race are
really fundamental. Race is important.
Race shapes human experiences and provides a basis for understanding and appreciating the diversity
of humanity. It provides a framework for understanding differences and similarities between people, as
well as a basis for understanding and creating bonds between people. It also provides a sense of identity
and belonging, and it contributes to a sense of security and stability.

On Democracy
Democracy is flawed and has a number of deficiencies. We believe that it is a system based on the
principle of quantity rather than quality, with decisions made by the majority rather than the best. This
means that democratic decisions may not be based on merit or competence, but on the desires and
opinions of the masses. This leads to the rule of quantity over quality, where the will of the majority is
prioritized over the needs of the individual. Democratic societies also have a tendency to degenerate
into materialism and hedonism, which can lead to political instability and degeneracy.

Democracy is the most disgusting system ever that actually destroyed centuries of work, but at the
same time it made us learn many great things that we will be able to fix under a Triadist State. True
Democracy is organic and cannot be egalitarian like what Athena Model was. Democracy is participatory
and not freedom.
Democracy scammed everyone and it is dangerous.

We believe that democracy often promotes a sense of mediocrity and stagnation, as it reduces the
impact of exceptional individuals and their contributions. This leads to a lack of creativity and
innovation, and can result in a stagnation of social and cultural developments. Democratic societies also
lack the ability to take decisive action because decision-making is subject to the will of multiple
stakeholders, which can lead to indecision and gridlock. Ultimately, We argue that democracy creates a
shallow and superficial society, and that it is necessary to transcend democracy in order to achieve true
In our perspective, true advancement requires a society based on the principle of quality over quantity.
This means that decisions and actions should be based on merit and competence, rather than on the will
of the majority. We argue that true advancement requires strong and decisive leadership, which takes
decisive action and makes difficult decisions for the common good. It also requires a hierarchical and
qualitative structure of society, where each individual is assigned a role according to their abilities and
contributions. Only through this balance of quality and quantity, hierarchy and participation can a
healthy and thriving society be created.
Finally, We believe that a truly advanced society must also have clear objectives and a sense of purpose.
Without a clear sense of direction and shared ideals, a society can become directionless and can drift
into stagnation and decline. We argue that democracy lacks clear objectives and a sense of common
purpose, which can lead to a lack of cohesion and a loss of identity. Only by embracing a deeper, more
sacred vision can a society truly advance and achieve its potential.
On Liberalism

We believe liberalism is a disaster and destroys centuries of hard work. Liberalism is what makes our
society in decline and we need to stop liberalism.

From a Triadist perspective, liberalism is seen as a flawed and damaging system. It values individual
liberty and freedom at the expense of social cohesion and traditional values. This often leads to a
breakdown of social order, as individual interests take precedence over common good. Additionally,
liberalism promotes materialism and hedonism, which can lead to a decline in spiritual and moral

In contrast, We believe that it is essential to preserve and uphold traditional values, and to foster a
sense of collective identity and belonging.

Additionally, Triadism rejects the emphasis liberalism puts on egalitarianism, instead embracing a
hierarchical and qualitative view of society. This means that it prioritizes equality of opportunity rather
than equality of outcomes, thus recognizing and rewarding the individual's efforts and talents. In
contrast, liberals believe that individual freedom is the most important principle and that equality
should be the ultimate goal.

Again, liberals also tend to be individualistic and materialistic, with a lack of emphasis placed on the
common good. This can lead to a decline in civic engagement and a lack of commitment to collective
The Triadist position is that the common good must be respected and embraced, and that individual
interests, while still important, must not supersede the larger collective needs. Only in this way can the
common good be upheld and pursued, and society can flourish and prosper.
Finally, from the Triadist perspective, liberalism has a tendency to focus too much on material
prosperity and material pleasure. This can lead to a decline in spiritual and moral values, and a loss of
focus on the more sacred and long-term aspects of life.

On Political Ideologies
The so called « Political ideologies », are seen as divisive and reductive. They tend to oversimplify
complex issues and impose rigid frameworks and labels, leading to extreme polarization and mistakes.
Political ideologies tend to be based on ideological dogma and lack nuance and complexity. They are
seen as rigid and divisive, and tend to promote hostility and polarization. Triadism believes that it is
important to transcend ideological distinctions and to embrace a more fluid and flexible perspective,
which takes aspects from different ideological frameworks and adapts them to the specific needs of the
individual and the greater collective.

Triadism encourages a dynamic and multi-dimensional approach to the understanding of politics and
governance, which takes into account the nuances and complexities of the issues and seeks to
understand them in a holistic and comprehensive way. This approach is based on the concept of a
healthy balance between structure and change, between tradition and modernity, and between hierarchy
and participation. The Triadist approach encourages constructive debate, dialogue, and collaboration,
rather than antagonism and conflict.
Triadism believes in unity and is against any political ideologies who will try to harm and bring selfish
interests. Unity is the key.

This approach also encourages a greater focus on solutions rather than on purely ideological
distinctions. It fosters a sense of creativity and innovation, while also recognizing the importance of
balance and stability. Our approach is holistic and comprehensive, recognizing the interconnectedness
of all elements of politics and society. The approach is not bound by ideological rigidities or dogma, but
aims to address the specific needs and circumstances of the individual and the larger society.

Finally, Triadism encourages a respect for the traditions and wisdom of the past, while also recognizing
the importance of flexibility and adaptability in the present. In sum, Triadism is about transcending
ideological divisions and embracing complexities and multidimensionality, while also maintaining a
sense of balance and stability. It is about fostering creativity and innovation, while also preserving and
upholding traditional values. It is about seeking solutions and not merely adherence to dogma.

It is the time to use this new method called « metapolitics ». Metapolitics is the way to transcend
politics in a more spiritual and cultural way. Triadism is the way.
Metapolitics is the application of political principles and strategies to a broader cultural context, in
order to shape and influence the ideological and cultural discourse. Triadists believe that politics is
about more than just formal institutions and structures. It involves a broader battle of ideas and a
struggle for cultural dominance.

In this battle, Triadism believes that it is essential to adopt a proactive and dynamic approach that
actively shapes the cultural discourse, and to resist the influence of liberal and leftist ideologies. This
means creating a narrative that prioritizes tradition, nationalism, and the preservation of cultural
identity over the dissolution of all barriers and social distinctions.

Through metapolitics, We aim to promote and protect traditional values and cultural and racial ethnic
identity. They do not seek to engage in a reactionary-revolutionary or defensive stance against leftist
and liberal movements and ideologies, but rather to shape and define the discourse itself. Triadism
recognizes the importance of the cultural and Ethnos sphere and the role it plays in defining the
political sphere.

By actively defining the cultural discourse, Again we seek to create a counter-narrative to leftist and
liberal ideologies, one that reinforces traditional values and promotes a sense of pride and identity.
Through metapolitics, We aim to promote a comprehensive and holistic perspective, which takes into
account the interconnectedness of culture and the political sphere. This perspective recognizes that the
political realm is shaped and defined by the culture, and that it is essential to preserve the foundations
of the culture in order to preserve political stability and integrity.

The Triadist perspective on metapolitics emphasizes the importance of shaping and defining the cultural
discourse, rather than merely reactive against leftist and liberal ideologies. Through metapolitics,
Triadism seeks to create a sense of shared identity, and a common language and discourse, which
reinforces traditional values and creates a sense of pride and solidarity in the culture. This perspective
emphasizes the importance of preserving cultural foundations, and fostering a sense of community and
belonging. The Triadists perspective acknowledges the influence of the culture on politics, and the
interaction between the two spheres.
In sum, the Triadists perspective on metapolitics emphasizes the importance of crafting a cultural
narrative and discourse that reinforces traditional values and creates a sense of identity, pride, and
solidarity. Through metapolitics, Triadism aims to shape the cultural and ideological landscape, to
actively influence and define the political discourse, and to uphold traditional values and cultural
integrity. This approach emphasizes the interconnectedness of culture and politics, and the need to
preserve the foundations of the culture to ensure political stability.

Cosmic Order

The Cosmic Order defines everything in existence, it's simply the rules of how everything IS. Thus it
encompasses everything in both the Material and Immaterial Worlds (otherwise referred to by Evola as
World and Superworld, the two halves that make up Reality with the material world being a projection
of the metaphysical world). So the Cosmic Order defines the laws of nature and the laws of the spiritual
plane and everything within. So when we talk about the Laws of Nature we still refer to something that
is defined by the Cosmic Order.

The Truth

We shall embrace truth, truth is with us, truth is the path of return to reality, truth is the way. When
using Triadism it is caring about your race and adapting in your own folkish belief, each ethnicity has its
own folkish roots. Adapt it in order to make it really unique and according to your traditions while
praising the belief.

You must always strive to understand the Way, and to do this, you must be open to learning and
exploring new ideas. Be curious and never stop questioning

By the Truth I mean your gut and always. What you say without considering is what you actually say
without any fancy sayings. There is a certain context and considerations of etiquette for everything and
by no means should you force your ‘opinion’ into every conversation but there is absolutely no reason
that you shouldn’t dismantle the filthy Zionist culture everywhere you see it. If you want to smash
political correctness you have to live accordingly, speak clearly unpretentiously and as polite or vulgar
as is necessary to illustrate a point.

Truth is called humility, with humility you will gain access to many things in the world and you will
strive for a greater understanding of how life is made. Truth is with Triadism, we speak the Truth, Truth
is beauty and Truth is Absolute.
There is one truth in many different aspects to discover it. The many fake ones are in the cave, there is
only one truth,the rest are lies and falsehoods, opinion exist out of ignorance of the Truth and are
equally valid in being wrong. Freedom comes from choosing to do fight. We prizes red freedom, the
freedom to do fight, to consciously reject false choices and their trapping that lead man to degeneracy
and ultimate extincion. Yet it is the message, that the so called « Free world » is attempting to silence.
Modern man fails the test of the Liberal Free Will Mind and impose us the freedom to do wrong on
future generations. Triadism seek to liberate those generations and give them the freedom to fight and
the real Truth.

What is Triadism Exactly?

What is Triadism?
At its core, Triadism is a thought based on Unity, Willpower, Duty and Action. It views and wants to see
as a part of a greater order, in which he has to adhere to the fundamental principles and ideals of the
Universe itself. In a Natural Order everything has a place, and thus everything is good, because it fills its
This natural order is based upon the various truths of the world, nation, race, gender and family.
Everything else stems from this foundation.

Is Triadism right or left?

It is beyond the left-right spectrum, synthesizing ideas of both wings, while remaining a separate thing
on its own. Fascism is above traditional left-right paradigm, because it adheres to the fundamental
truths of the Universe we
live in, while all other ideologies, left or right, are made up belief systems by humans, and their
subjective views.

What about race?

The race is one of the most important things to a Triadist. Ethnicity and nation is strictly based on a race
(Ethnos), and thus, if the racial makeup of a nation changes, it's no longer the same nation. No Triadist is
"colorblind" or supports race-mixing.

Is Triadism the same as communism?

No, Triadists aren't materialists, they reject the notion of class warfare and dialectical materialism.
Instead, we seek to unite the whole nation, independently of their economic status. Triadists reject the
idea of dialectical materialism, instead, Triadists
i believe that history is written by great men, who put all their energy into the fight they're facing and
transform the material world according to their vision and worldview, using pure willpower. When
talking about economics, Triadists still allow private ownership of land and small business, as long as
they act according to national interests. We do not seek to destroy the individual, instead we want to
empower the individual person as a part of a larger collective.

What is Triadist economics?

The fundamental principle of Triadist economics is that the economy should serve the nation, not the
other way around. This is the basic premise of triadist economics, and everything else stems from it.
Like in Syndicalism, the economy is organized around various corporations/syndicates, but they are still
part of the state. Every sector of economy (like agriculture, fishing, public transport) have it's own
which is made up of people, who have extensive knowledge and work experience in these sectors of
economy. They collectively decide what's best for their sector (wages, work hours , needed amounts of
Above all of them, still stands the state that controls their actions, in case they try to harm the working
class/national industry in any way.

Triadism is the synthesis between National Socialism and Fascism under a Monarchy and therefore the
parliamentary/government system is governed by a technocracy. Triadism wants to revive the monarchy
in a more modern and better aspect. Triadism believes in a medium to stabilize the state. Triadism
believes that ethnos consists not just of ethnicity but of race as well. Triadism is very idealistic and at
the same time realistic. Triadism believes in the harmonization of traditions in the present. Triadism is
not a political ideology but also a philosophical one. It includes several elements of great thinkers like
Heidegger and Gentile or Nietzsche. She believes that everything is interconnected and that the cosmic
order is defined by the evolution we take. The decisions we make cause change at all times. We are the
masters of destiny.
Triadism is anti-revisionist in terms of the third position and does not adhere to National Bolshevism or
other political ideologies. Triadism took many important elements from some of them such as
conservative social elements, national unionism or identity in identitarianism. It is a syncretic ideology
so the elements are transformed into “themes or core”, we can say a kind of new system of thought and

Economically, Triadism sees itself as corporatist with a gradual system.

Spiritually: Triadism combines exoteric and esoteric aspects.
Triadism differs from each country due to different ideologies while preserving the main one.
Triadism adapts with time and rejects anything that can destroy the cause.
Triadism is the way

People’s War

It is the only way to overthrow the Liberal ideologies. The People's War is a popular war, because it is
initiated by the folks themselves. In the People's War, the people shall rally around a revolutionary
leader and support in the struggle against the enemy.

The Struggle is a mass people's war, and we must have widespread involvement of the civilian
population in the war effort. During this period, all citizens are regarded as part of the revolutionary

The People's War is a struggle against oppression and exploitation, a struggle to free ourselves from the
shackles of capitalism and communism. It is a struggle to build a new, just society based on the
principles of Triadism.
The People's War is a collective effort, a collective struggle, a collective victory. We shall take arms and
we shall overthrow the enemy, we shall build a new just society.
The Vanguard

The party must always have a vanguard spirit that is dedicated to the establishment of a strong
revolutionary state, the replacement of capitalism and communism with Triadism will lead the way , and
the eventual abolition of the degeneracy. Our goal is the advancement of the community and the
creation of a society in which there is no division, no exploitation, and no oppression. We believe that
this can only be achieved through the united overthrow of capitalism and communism and the creation
of a Triadist state that protects the interests of the people.
We must fight a long and hard fight against the enemy of the community- capitalism and communism.
They have tried to oppress and enslave the folks, but we will fight back and we will win. It is now time
for us to take control of our own lives and to create a new world. With Triadism we can create a society
where we are all free and united. With Triadism, we can bring about a world without oppression or

The People’s Line

The People’s Line is important for establishing a direct connection between the Party and the people. It
allows for two-way communication, gathering feedback from the people and implementing their ideas.
This will create a sense of trust and collaboration between the Party and the people, and allows for a
greater understanding of each other's needs and concerns.

The People’s Line is also important because it is a bottom-up approach, as opposed to a top-down
approach. This means decision-making power lies with the people, leading to a greater sense of
participation and empowerment organically while preserving the main central authority.

Permanent Revolution
Here is the Concept of the Permanent Revolution:

First Stage: Insurrection

In the First Stage of the Revolution, revolutionaries wage an insurrection to remove the ruling Tyrannical
state from power.
During an insurrection, the Legionnaires may cooperate with groups that share the same enemy with the
Legionnaires but hold non-revolutionary views. The revolutionaries shall use different tactics that could
bring positive results and do « temporary » alliance with other political factions against a specific
enemy. The revolution must not be broken by bad results. The revolution must be coordinated and well
done. We must free the people, not murder them.
Second Stage: Maintenance
In the Second Stage, the State is ruled by a vanguard force with centralized powers led by the Party.
The Autarch justified the vanguard force by asserting that the continued presence of degeneracy and all
forms of tyrannical thought rendered it impossible for the State to maintain stability. Therefore, the
revolution can only succeed with a vanguard force that uses its centralized powers to secure the
achievements of the insurrection.
The New State uses everything at its disposal to remove the country of residual degenerate elements,
either through persuasion, force or a combination of the two. The masses are educated about Triadism
and various policies are introduced to establish the New Thought as the only ideology that is capable of
turning the vision of the National and Social revolution into reality. This means also that the purge must
be counter-revolutionary in the sense of against fake revolutionaries and Marxist. Maintain the
Revolution, Counter the False Revolution.
Third Stage: Development
The Third Stage, or the "Development Period," begins once all degenerates forces are eliminated so that
they may no longer be in a position to challenge the revolution.
The vanguard force prepares the country for the Fourth Stage. The National and Social Revolution
started to undertake massive reforms and re-structure social aspects and resurrect the community.
More emphasis is placed on economic growth and education about revolutionary values so that the
people can finally join the community and stand together in the National and Social Revolution.
Fourth Stage: Final Reforms
As the state finally becomes stable, the State shall start to make deeper reforms and destroy elements
that still represent the old era and everything that was not removed. A Cultural Revolution shall
undertake the development.
Fifth Stage: Eternal Revolution
The Revolution shall now be forever put in place, the Revolution shall always live and will always bring
new change. The Revolution shall never die, the State will have to proclaim the Eternal Revolution. This
eternal Revolution will be permanent, there will always be new enemies and challenges to fight against.
The State evolves and adapts with time and shall crush no matter what all things that will put the
peoples community and the revolution in danger.

People’s Liberation War

The people’s liberation war is a concept which focuses on liberating the nation against communism and
capitalism. The people’s liberation can be defined as a form of national liberation war but more
aggressive. The people’s liberation uses diverses tactics in order to take down the enemy by any means.
There is no surrender in this war, the legionnaires must remain loyal and fight till the end. The war is
eternal and everything must be put in place in order to bring the tyrants out of the nation. Victory must
be achieved.

United Front
In Triadism, the United Front means unity between political factions against the Liberal State. This
United front unifies the people into a single cause. People are sick and tired of this nonsense over small
disagreements. We wish to be more stronger, the community must start to mobilize in order to vanquish
the enemy. The folks are the most precious thing in the world, the race is more important than a stupid
political ideology which is just the same Zionist controlled opposition that tries to divide us. Unity is the
key, let’s stand together to bring something better. United against evil.

Great National Leap Forward

The Great National Leap Forward is a campaign initiated to rapidly transform the country from a basic
developed to a highly transformed and regenerate society by national essence and national palingenesis.
The Great National Leap Forward vow to destroy the old order and restore a new fresh society under
Triadism idea. The new generation takes the initiative to create something more powerful and more
modern. We shall destroy all degenerate corrupted elements and instaure real development drastically
in the proper way. Triadism is the way for development.

Our Philosophy

Evolaist Foundation

Triadism ground the philosophy in Evolaist principles, emphasizing the traditional, spiritual, and
hierarchical aspects of society as essential for cultural and individual flourishing.

The foundation of the Evolaist Traditionalist perspective is based on the concept of tradition and a
respect for the wisdom and experience of the past. Traditionalist foundations emphasize the importance
of preserving cultural traditions, values, and customs, and maintaining a connection to the land and the
people's history. They also stress a return to more traditional forms of family and community life, and a
focus on the development of the individual's spiritual nature.

Geopolitical Realism

Triadism incorporates Duginist geopolitical realism, recognizing the geopolitical landscape as a

significant influence on cultural and historical development.

This Geopolitical Realism sees the world as a complex system of competing powers, with each nation
seeking to secure its national interests and survival. We see the world as a hierarchy of powers, with
major power blocs competing for influence and dominance. The global power structure is seen as
determined largely by geography, with access to resources and strategic space being key factors.
The concept of geopolitical realism is also central to the perspective. This Geopolitical realism is the
assertion that geopolitics should have a central role in political thinking and action, and that national
interests should shape international relations.

Hegelian Dialectics
We utilize Hegelian dialectics to understand societal progress through the interplay of opposing forces,
with the aim of achieving a higher synthesis.

Hegelian dialectics involves the idea that the progression of history is determined by a process of
dialectical development, where conflicting ideas and forces interact and ultimately evolve into a higher
level of consciousness. It is based on the concept of the synthesis of opposites, where opposing ideas
and principles clash and merge into a new and higher level of understanding. In Hegelian metaphysics,
this process is seen as a constant and progressive movement, in which contradictions and conflicts are
ultimately resolved, and an ultimate unity is achieved.

Rosenbergs Mythic Consciousness

We embrace Rosenbergist mythic consciousness, recognizing the power of collective myths and
symbols in shaping cultural identity.

Mythic Consciousness, as developed by the philosopher and theorist Alfred Rosenberg, is the idea that
mythology and folklore are the foundation of a collective consciousness, and have a deep spiritual and
metaphysical meaning that can be accessed through the use of myths and archetypes. mythic
consciousness argues that there is an eternal human nature, rooted in the primordial unconscious, and
that mythology and folklore are the bedrock of this innate human nature.

Artaudian Transcendental Aesthetics

We integrate Artaudian aesthetics, valuing the transformative and transcendental power of art in
expressing the depths of human experience.

Artaud's perspective on Transcendental Aesthetics draws from the transcendental ideas of Kant and
Hegel. It emphasizes the importance of transcendent experiences and insights, and Artaud argued that
the artist has a unique role in conveying these transcendental experiences. Artaud's aesthetic ideas
were influenced by Nietzsche, and it also drew on elements of Jungian psychology to support the
concept of transcendent experiences.

In general, Artaud's concept of transcendent aesthetics was highly influenced by his interests in
mystical and esoteric subjects. He drew on elements of mysticism and occultism to develop his ideas,
and he had a keen interest in spiritual and ontological questions. Artaud's work is characterized by a
deep interest in the transcendent and metaphysical, and he explored the connection between the
metaphysical and the aesthetic.

In his theory of Transcendent Aesthetics, Artaud argued that the aesthetic experience entails a
transcendence of the conventional and the mundane, and a connection with a higher reality. He believed
that this experience is essential to the human condition, and that it is something that is inherent in the
very nature of human consciousness and experience.

Serranoean Esotericism
We draw from Serranoan esotericism, exploring hidden spiritual truths and the connection between

the divine, nature, and the individual.

It does explore the relationship between the divine and natural self and how those concepts enhance
one another. The individual is considered to be sacred and closer to the Divine than society believes and
accepts. The relationship between mankind and nature is not a duty to be in concordance with her, but a
chance to embrace the Divine essence of it. The Serranoan esotericism believes that by embracing the
Divine within oneself and within nature one finds the ultimate enlightenment.

There is a symbol, a representation, that helps us find the Divine: The Esoteric Swastika. It has a great
importance to the faith and is a guide through our journey to enlightenment. The physical body and its
desires should be balanced with spiritual enlightenment.

One example is through exercise since the divine essence is found in the body too. Physical exercise,
nature and self-actualization are one of the core elements of the faith. Nature itself has a sacred
essence that can and must be embraced. The belief is that nature is sacred and a guide, embracing it is
a way to find the Divine.

Gentile’s Actual Idealism

We adopt Gentile's actual idealism, emphasizing the dynamic and creative nature of reality and the
importance of individual and collective consciousness.

Actual idealism is the truth that reality is dynamic, creative, and conscious. In this way, we can focus on
the importance of individuals and collective consciousness in shaping history and reality.
By emphasizing individual and collective consciousness in shaping reality and history, we can
acknowledge the role of free will and our capability to change the world around us. This is in opposition
to a more fatalist perspective, which holds that events are predetermined. Adopting Gentile’s actual
idealism allows us to focus on the importance of creativity, free will, and individual autonomy in shaping
reality and history.

In adopting this part of actual idealism, we can also focus on the role of intuition and instinct in
shaping our understanding and experience of reality. Gentile's understanding of intuition and instinct
emphasizes their importance in informing our creative and intelligent responses to changing
circumstances and events. This is in contrast to a more strictly rational approach, which focuses solely
on logic and reason. This emphasis on intuitive and instinctual responses allows us to acknowledge and
embrace aspects of our consciousness that may be beyond our conscious comprehension.

Heideggerian Being-in-the-World

We incorporate Heideggerian phenomenology, exploring the concept of "Being-in-the-World" and its

implications for understanding existence.

The Heideggerian phenomenology of "Dasein" or "Being-in-the-World" posits that existence is not merely
a static state but a continual process of active engagement with the world around us. This dynamic
relationship between Dasein and the world is what defines our existence and gives it meaning. Through
our interactions with the world, we learn, define, and create our identities, and it is from these
interactions that our Being-in-the-World emerges.

The concept of Being-in-the-World is not just a passive observation of existence, but a fundamental
feature of it. It encompasses both a physical and psychological relationship with the world, where
Dasein engages with the world on both a conscious and subconscious level. The world is not separate
from Dasein but interconnected and inseparable. By exploring the different levels of interaction between
Dasein and the world, the Heideggerian idea of "Being-in-the-World" sheds light on the complexity of
human existence and its implications for our understanding of the world.

The Heideggerian concept of Being-in-the-World emphasizes the interactive nature of existence

between Dasein and "the world." This interaction is not only physical but also psychological and
emotional, and it is through this interaction that Dasein's consciousness and identity are formed and
constructed. The complex interplay between Dasein and the world creates a dynamic relationship that
constantly changes and evolves, and it is through this continual process of interaction and exploration
that Dasein's Being-in-the-World emerges. The notion of Being-in-the-World highlights the
interconnected nature of existence.

Kantian Ethical Framework

We utilize a Kantian ethical framework, grounding moral principles in reason and the concept of
universalizable maxims.

Utilitarian ethics attempt to maximize pleasure by minimizing pain, but it fails to account for human
duty, virtue, and morality. A Kantian ethical framework, on the other hand, focuses on upholding duty,
justice, and moral obligation, rather than simply maximizing happiness. This approach to ethics
emphasizes duty and reason, and seeks to establish moral principles from concepts such as autonomy,
freedom, and respect for humanity rather than simply seeking to maximize pleasure

Utilitarian frameworks propose that the moral value of an action is determined by its consequences, and
seek to maximize pleasure by minimizing pain for the largest number of people. However, such
approaches to morality can potentially lead to situations where certain forms of suffering are seen as
morally acceptable if overall pleasure is maximized, and this can potentially lead to injustice, as
individual rights and duties are not necessarily respected. On the other hand, a Kantian approach to
ethics focuses on upholding duty and justice, rather than simply achieving a particular outcome or
maximizing pleasure.

Utilitarianism attempts to maximize the greatest good, while ignoring individual duties and rights.
Kantian ethics acknowledges duties and rights, and places them above mere consequences.

Utilizing the Kantian ethical framework, moral principles should be grounded in reason and the concept
of universalizable maxims. This is the first formulation of the categorical imperative.

The first practical imperative is "Act only according to that maxim whereby you can at the same time
will that it should become a universal law."

This means that all morality is derived from moral duty.

The second formulation of the categorical imperative is "Act in such a way that you treat humanity,
whether in your own person or in the person of any other, always at the same time as an end, never
merely as a means."

This means that we cannot use other people only for our own benefit. We must also treat them as ends
in themselves.

The third formulation of the categorical imperative is "Act as if the maxims of all your actions were to
become by your will universal laws of nature."

So if a behavior does not seem universally acceptable to you, do not allow it to become a maxim.

This final formulation requires that we imagine a world in which everyone acted on the same maxim and
judge that action accordingly.

We know that acting on any of the three formulations of the categorical imperative will result in moral

We also know that acting on contrary maxims will lead to immoral behavior. It is important to remember
that actions based purely on desires or impulses are also immoral.

Morality, at its core, is about acting with respect for ourselves, for others and for the world around us. It
is about living in a way that benefits everyone, not just ourselves. It is a constant process of evaluating
our intentions and actions, and adjusting course as needed

Kierkegaardian Individualism
We Incorporate Kierkegaardian individualism, emphasizing the importance of personal authenticity and
subjective experience.

We must experience self development in our own meaning of existence by a existentialist Christian
approach as Kierkegaard mentioned. To borrow from Socrates: The unexamined life is not worth living."
The Kierkegaardian model of truth is that through the experience of a life lived authentically, an
individual may achieve understanding. By examining oneself, a person can come closer to understanding
their own subjectivity. From this understanding, an individual may achieve "personal authenticity" and a
true understanding of their "subjective experience."
In this way, authenticity involves embracing one's personal identity despite social expectations, and
pursuing one's personal beliefs and goals. This can manifest in many ways, such as pursuing a career one
is passionate about, rather than one others deem "respectable." An individual who is in touch with their
authenticity has a clearer sense of their wants, needs, and values, and can make choices that reflect
their true selves. In addition to personal authenticity, subjective experience refers to an individual's
internal and personal experience of the world, based on their own unique perceptions, thoughts, and

Understanding one's own authenticity involves examining one's thoughts, perceptions, and feelings to
gain insight into the aspects of oneself that are unique and special. It involves recognizing and
embracing the things that make us who we are, and recognizing that while we might share similar
characteristics with others, we each have our own particularities and perspectives. This reflection helps
us to shape our path in the world and to make choices that resonate with who we truly are. The
subjective experience refers to our own personal experience of reality, from our own unique
perspectives. This is distinct from objectivity, which involves a more dispassionate and detached view.

Nietzschean Eternal Recurrence

We follow Nietzschean concepts such as eternal recurrence, emphasizing the cyclical nature of
existence and the eternal return of similar patterns.

The eternal recurrence is the idea that everything that has happened will happen again, and everything
will go on happening in the same way it has already happened an eternity. This idea challenges the idea
that we are in charge of our own lives and our actions, as we will keep repeating them anyway. This idea
is a means of overcoming nihilism and accepting existence in its suffering and repetition.

The idea that the world repeats itself suggests that each individual will experience all their life
experiences again: both suffering and pleasure. This means that the pain is not temporary and will
return; that there is no end to it, and no salvation. But if the pain has no end, the pleasure has no end,
either. So the idea of eternal recurrence suggests that we should accept pain without despair, and live
life fully despite its repetitive nature as the cycles repeat themselves.

The idea of eternal recurrence also challenges the idea that we have control over our destiny. If we are
destined to live and repeat our lives forever without any changes, then we are not really in control. This
means that things we do not choose are also things we can't change. So we might as well accept and
embrace our fate without fighting it.

Finally. It means that we should not give in to despair and accept our suffering, as it is going to return
every time. Instead, we should strive to make the best of our lives and embrace them in both their pain
and pleasure - for we will repeat both in the eternal recurrence anyways.

Platonic Forms
We consider Platonic forms as archetypal concepts that shape the nature of reality and guide human

The Platonic Forms are the eternal and universal concepts or ideas that exist independently of the
everyday physical world, and that underlie all our experiences and interactions. They are the ultimate
truths of the universe, and are the basis for all knowledge, wisdom, and understanding.

They are the essence of what things are.

The Platonic Forms exist in a higher, spiritual realm that is beyond our physical senses and experiences.
They are the archetypes and models for the things and concepts we experience in the physical world.
They cannot be directly observed or experienced, but we can access them through our rational minds,
and they guide our understanding and our actions.

The Platonic Forms shape our reality, and give meaning and unity to our experiences. They are the
fundamental building blocks of everything that exists.

The Platonic Forms are the essence of everything.

The Platonic Forms are seen as the perfect and most true representations of reality. They cannot change
or be altered, as they exist independently of the physical world. They are the archetype and model for
everything that exists, including the physical objects, the natural world, and the living beings. The
Platonic Forms are the ultimate ideals of everything that exists in the physical world.

They are seen as eternal and unchanging, as they exist independently of time and space. They are seen
as the true reality, and everything else is merely a pale imitation of theirs.
They are seen as the ultimate goal and final form for each individual, i.e. each person must strive to
approach them and to become like them. They are seen as the ultimate form of knowledge and wisdom,
and as the ultimate perfection and beauty. In this sense, they are the ultimate end-goal of philosophy
and of all life, as humans should attempt to become like them, i.e. as close as possible to their essence.

They represent the ultimate truth, as they exist independently of the physical world.

Jungian Collective Unconscious

We draw from Jungian psychology, exploring the collective unconscious and its impact on cultural
symbols and archetypes

The collective unconscious is the repository of humanity's universal patterns of consciousness. Symbols
are carriers of meaning between the individual and the collective unconscious. They reflect the
collective psyche, representing universal themes and archetypes across cultures and periods of history.
However, the relationship between symbols and personality is complex and multi-layered.

For example, different symbols can be understood in a variety of ways, with each individual interpreting
them based on their personal experiences and background. Thus, while some symbols take on positive or
negative connotations, their meaning is ultimately subjective and open to interpretation. Furthermore,
the relationship between symbols and personality traits or behaviors is also not always obvious or linear.
For instance, certain personality traits may be linked to certain symbols, but the connection may not be
evident until the symbol is analyzed in context. The collective unconscious is ever-evolving and
multi-layered, therefore symbols hold infinite possible interpretations.

Furthermore, the collective unconscious is not a static entity but an ever-changing repository of
humanity's universal experiences and patterns. As such, symbols take on different meanings over time,
reflecting historical and cultural developments. Similarly, individuals experience the collective
unconscious differently, therefore, individual and cultural associations with symbols are not fixed.
Rather, they are subject to continual changes and shifts that are reflective of societal developments and
individual experiences. The collective unconscious is, therefore, a dynamic, multilevel phenomenon,
shaped by both universal and personal experiences.

Thomistic Integration
We integrated Thomistic principles, blending the compatibility of faith and reason within the context of
a harmonious worldview.

Faith and reason are like the two wings to the same bird. They must balance in perfect unity in order for
true understanding to be achieved. It is not sufficient to simply believe in the Creator and His teachings,
without the guidance of reason and understanding. Likewise, it is not sufficient to blindly rely on the
principles of philosophy without taking into consideration the divinely-revealed truths of a Scripture.
Together, faith and reason form a seamless fabric of truth and knowledge, providing a deeper insight
into the nature of the Creator and His Creation.

From this understanding, we can see how faith and reason actually complement each other. In faith, we
are able to access the deeper truths and teachings of scripture and tradition, allowing us to appreciate
the beauty, complexity, and wisdom of the Creator and His Creation. Through reason, we gain a more
thorough understanding of philosophy, science, and logic, thus adding to our knowledge of the world
around us. Together, faith and reason allow us to see the whole picture and gain a greater sense of the
unity of all things.

Without the guidance of faith, our knowledge of the world would remain limited. We would have no
understanding of the deeper meanings behind our physical reality, leaving us with a superficial
understanding. In contrast, without the framework of reason, we would lack clarity and consistency in
our understanding of faith. Our beliefs would be left unchallenged, leaving our understanding of the
divine open to misinterpretation and error. Only through integrating the principles of faith and reason do
we have the ability to glimpse the whole picture of the Creator and Creation, allowing us to gain true

This is also a very important part of the exoteric aspect that is to be developed in order to gain a better
sense of self development.

Analytic-Continental Philosophical
We strive for a synthesis between analytic philosophy's emphasis on clarity and logic and continental
philosophy's focus on existentialism and hermeneutics.
We believe that a successful synthesis of analytical and continental philosophy's values could involve
utilizing the power and reasoning capabilities of analytical philosophy to develop and implement
strategies for exploring existential questions and the potential for meaningfulness in various contexts
within life.

Additionally, the incorporation of hermeneutics-based perspective can allow for deeper engagement
with issues in existential philosophy and provide insight into the human condition through
understanding. Overall, a combination of analytical precision and continental explorations can create a
powerful philosophical toolbox that can be wielded to reveal the depths of existence.

Lastly, the synthesis could potentially lead to further philosophical insights and discoveries within
continental and analytical traditions, as both areas could be further developed in light of lessons learned
and perspectives gained from one another.

Schopenhauerian Will to Live

We draw from Schopenhauer's philosophy of the will to live, acknowledging the fundamental force
driving human actions and desires.

According to Schopenhauer’s philosophical system, the will to live, called will, is the fundamental force
motivating all human actions and desires. The Will is our drive to survive and reproduce.

We experience the Will through our desires, drives, and our sense of satisfaction. We may desire things
that would be pleasurable or harmful to us. The Will urges us to act in ways that we believe will satisfy
our desires or avoid what we believe will cause us harm.

Schopenhauer believed that many of our desires and drives are influenced by our ego. Our ego is our
sense of identity and ourselves. The ego is the part of our identity that seeks pleasure and avoids pain.
The ego influences our desires and drives, causing them to be selfish or self-centered.

Schopenhauer believed that through self-denial, we can overcome the ego and become free from the
Will. Schopenhauer was a proponent of asceticism, or voluntary self-denial and self-restraint.

Lastly, Schopenhauer believed that we could also become free from the Will through art. Art, according
to Schopenhauer, allows us to create a new world that is separate from our desires and our ego. Art
offers us an alternative and better reality in which we can experience beauty and peace.
Schopenhauer also believed that becoming free from the Will requires us to understand the illusory
nature of desire. Through self-reflection and meditation, we can understand the source of our desires
and understand that they are often ultimately unsatisfying.

Yockeyan Revolutionary Imperative

We shall embrace Yockeyan ideas of the revolutionary imperative, recognizing the need for cultural and
spiritual renewal.

We need a Cultural and Spiritual Renewal. The world is in a decadence, For example the European races
have lost touch with themselves, and their ancestral cultures. They have become like a man who has
forgotten or abandoned the values of his forefathers, and therefore himself. To become whole, we must
become one with our people and our heritage. Thus we advocate for cultural and spiritual renewal.

The world is dominated by a liberal-democratic-capitalistic-cosmopolitan culture. This culture, a culture

that Yockey was critical of because he didn’t believe it can maintain national culture and identity, has, in
his opinion, eroded those values and those beliefs which are intrinsic to our peoples' traditions and
heritage. It has turned peoples of many different ethnic groups into one big, amorphous blob, with little
more than consumerism and materialism to define their common culture. He believed this culture is not
conducive to the self-realization and self-actualization necessary for a thriving civilization.

The only way for us to overcome the cultural deterioration of our time is through cultural and spiritual
renewal. Only by reconnecting with our past and reconnecting with our heritage, will we be able to
overcome the decadence and atomization that has taken root in modern society. By embracing and
preserving our ancestral cultures and traditions, and reclaiming our collective identities as members of
a unique, living history, will we be able to overcome the degradation and deracination of the modern
world. Only through reclaiming our collective past can we build a better future.

We believe Cultural and Spiritual Renewal is the key to reclaiming our cultural identities and reclaiming
our place in history. By reconnecting with our ancestral cultures and traditions, and maintaining a proud
awareness of our shared collective heritage, we can overcome the decadence and atomization of modern
society. Only through restoring our collective identity can we build a better future for our people and for
Mystical Insights
We integrated mystical insights from various traditions, exploring altered states of consciousness and
transcendent experiences.

Mysticism is very important to get a deeper connection with the spiritual world and having an easier
understanding by being close to the Divine Creator.

Mysticism is a fascinating topic to explore and can provide great insights into the human experience. It
is a way to explore the transcendent, to reach beyond the limits of the mind, and to connect with
something beyond ourselves. It is a deep dive into the world, and into our true nature.

Mysticism is about delving into the depths of consciousness and exploring possibilities that go beyond
the limits of the ordinary. It is about transcending the familiar boundaries of everyday life. In reaching
for something greater than ourselves, we find a way to connect with a realm that lies beyond traditional
understanding. It's a way to seek out the wonder and mystery of the universe and to connect with a
force that is greater than ourselves. Such experiences can provide profound insights into the nature of
reality, and can transform our lives.

In mysticism, we have the opportunity to glimpse beyond the veil of ignorance and to explore the hidden
parts of ourselves. It provides a path to explore the unknown and to break boundaries of our conditioned
minds. Such insights can reveal the depths of our creativity, the power of our soul, and the full extent of
our consciousness. With such insights, we come to a deeper appreciation of the world around us, with a
newfound sense of peace and understanding to guide our actions.

Mysticism is a path of spiritual enlightenment that opens our eyes to the true beauty and complexity of
the world around us. It offers a gateway to the divine, where we can experience the divine presence
within ourselves and in all of creation. It's a way to move beyond the limits of the mind and to explore
the fullness of life. Mysticism holds a profound potential for personal transformation, providing a
pathway to inner peace, to connect with our true self, and to reach for the ultimate truth. Through it, we
can find a profound sense of purpose and meaning in life.

Esoteric and Perennial Wisdom

We incorporated esoteric and perennial wisdom, acknowledging the existence of timeless truths that
transcend cultural and temporal boundaries. Because esotericism and perennial wisdom give a deep
insight of life and connection ruin to the spiritual and gaining the true knowledge of the world in a
secret way, it is an elitist measure.

The concept of "eternal truths" or the "eternal principles" is one that is common to many philosophical
traditions and metaphysical systems. This notion suggests that there is an underlying metaphysical
reality, of which the physical world is merely a reflection. This underlying metaphysical reality is the
source of the timeless truths and principles that transcend cultural and temporal boundaries. The many
truths are all related to the same One Truth, because the Absolute Truth is defined in different aspects.

The notion of eternal truths or principles suggests that despite the diversity and impermanence of the
physical world, there are underlying notions or principles that are transcendent and unchanging. These
principles provide a basis for understanding the world and guiding our actions and decisions. By
recognizing these principles and their significance, we can establish a deeper connection with the
metaphysical reality that transcends our everyday experience of the physical world. This connection can
provide us with an understanding of our connection to the wider universe and our place within it.

One of the most widely recognized and influential frameworks for understanding eternal truths or
principles is the concept of the "Great Chain of Being". This framework proposes that the universe is a
hierarchical system, in which all things are connected and interconnected. Within this framework, there
is a spiritual hierarchy that transcends the physical world, and there is a metaphysical reality that
transcends the material.

The concept of the Great Chain of Being is also at the heart of the philosophical tradition of
Neoplatonism. In this tradition, there is a metaphysical hierarchy in which the highest principle is the
One, which is considered to be unchanging, infinite, and the source of all being. Below the One are the
higher principles such as the Intellect, Soul, and Spirit.

Esoteric and perennial wisdom recognizes the existence of timeless truths that transcend cultural and
temporal bounds. These truths are often referred to as "eternal" or "metaphysical" and are seen as the
underlying fabric of reality. While the physical world is constantly changing, these timeless truths
remain unchanging and unchanged by the vicissitudes of time and culture.
Identifying and understanding these timeless truths is seen as a path to enlightenment and personal
development, as it suggests a deeper connection to a universal and metaphysical reality that connects
all things and goes beyond mere physical existence.

Esoteric and perennial philosophies also tend to have a metaphysical or spiritual framework that
underlies their outlook on reality. This metaphysical reality, which they refer to as “The All,” or “The
ONE,” is seen as a fundamental element of the universe and a source or origin of everything that exists.
It is often equated to God or a higher power, and is seen as the foundation of all things.

This metaphysical framework of esoteric and perennial philosophies offers an alternative understanding
of reality that goes beyond the purely material and physical realm, as it suggests that there is a deeper,
cosmic dimension to existence.

In esoteric and perennial philosophies, this metaphysical and cosmic dimension is often portrayed as a
higher or deeper spiritual realm that connects and unifies all things. It is often considered a source or
origin of consciousness, morality, and being.

These philosophies suggest that through inner work and introspection, we can access this metaphysical
and spiritual dimension and develop our own understanding of the ultimate nature of reality. This can
provide us with wisdom and insight that transcends cultural and temporal boundaries and offers a
deeper connection to the essential nature of existence.

Guénonian Traditionalism
We embrace Guénonian traditionalism, valuing the perennial principles that underlie various religious
and philosophical traditions.

We believe in universal, perennial principles and values that transcend all religions and cultures. We
believe in an original tradition and tradition itself, which is something that has existed since the
beginning of time.

The perennial principles and values of Guénon are based on the idea that there is an original tradition
that existed before all other traditions. This original tradition is the foundation of all other traditions,
and it is what all traditions have in common.
The original tradition is a metaphysical and primordial reality that predates all historical traditions. It is
the foundation of nature and being, and it is what all cultures and religions stem from. It is a universal
reality, and it is eternal and unchanging.

It is this original tradition that is at the core of any legitimate spiritual or philosophical tradition. It is
the ultimate source of meaning and wisdom, and it is the foundation of all legitimate authority in

The perennial principle of traditionalist metaphysics is that metaphysical reality and physical reality are
ultimately one and the same. This is an ontological principle, and it is the foundation of metaphysical
knowledge and wisdom. It is the fundamental metaphysical truth on which his perspective on
traditionalism is based.

The essence of the traditionalist metaphysical doctrine is the metaphysical unity of being and
consciousness. This metaphysical unity is the fundamental ontological and epistemological principle
that underlies traditionalist metaphysics.

The metaphysical unity of being and consciousness is the idea that all being is grounded in
consciousness, and all consciousness is grounded in being. This metaphysical unity is the foundation of
the unity of the universe.

The metaphysical unity of being and consciousness is also the foundation of knowledge. It is the basis of
the unity of the soul, which is a union of intellect and will.

This will make the metaphysical unity of being and consciousness as the foundation of metaphysical
knowledge, because it is the foundation of the metaphysical unity of subject and object.

This metaphysical unity is the foundation of all knowledge. It is the fundamental ontological and
epistemological principle that underlies both knowledge and truth.

The unity of being and consciousness is the metaphysical basis of all spiritual knowledge. It is the
foundation of the unity of the self and the Divine. The self is grounded in consciousness, and the Divine
is grounded in being.

The conclusion is that the metaphysical unity of being and consciousness is the foundation of the unity
of subject and object, as well as the unity of the self and the Divine. It is the metaphysical basis of all
spiritual knowledge.
Mishiman Courage and Honor
We incorporated Mishima's emphasis on courage and honor, recognizing their central role in shaping
individual and societal character.

Courage and honor are two core values in Japanese culture, especially in the bushido way. They are
essential for personal and societal growth, shaping the individual's character and guiding their actions.
A person with courage is fearless, willing to face challenges and take risks, while honor means being
respectful and upholding high morals.

With courage and honor as a person's foundation, they are more likely to achieve their potential,
overcome obstacles and reach success. One of the key components of courage is having the inner
strength to stand up for what is right and protect others. Honor, on the other hand, is about living a
principled life based on honesty, integrity, kindness, and respect. This leads to a more harmonious
community and a more compassionate society. The combination of courage and honor creates a person
of true strength and character.

Courage and honor have been a big part of Japanese culture for centuries. They are the bedrock of the
bushido way, the code of the samurai. In everyday life, courage and honor can both be applied in
different ways. Courage would inspire a person to challenge themselves in various areas of life and take
risks, while honor leads to more ethical choices, ethical treatment of others and holding oneself to high
moral standards. When these values are put into action, it can lead to positive outcomes both at a
personal and societal level.

Courage and honor are not only important in the bushido way, they are also an integral part of everyday
life. With courage, a person can take leaps of faith and face their challenges head-on. With honor, they
stick to their values and uphold their principles while dealing with other people. By embodying these
values in their life, a person can become a beacon of strength and integrity. They can inspire others to
follow them in the face of difficulties and encourage a more caring and compassionate society. Courage
and honor are essential qualities that can transform an individual and community.

Courage and honor are often seen as two sides of the same coin, and are vital qualities for personal and
societal growth. Courage is the willingness to stand up for what is right, overcome challenges, protect
others, and take risks to reach new heights. Honor, on the other hand, is about living a principled and
ethical life, uphold values, treat others with dignity, and have respect for oneself and others. Together,
these qualities can create a strong, virtuous character, lead to positive outcomes, and transform
individuals and societies. The combination of courage and honor is truly transformational.

Existentialist Embrace of Absurdism

We integrated existentialist themes, embracing the absurdity of existence and the individual's
responsibility to create meaning in the community and in life.

Camus said that existentialism is not abstract or ideological. It must relate to concrete human and
historical conditions. Meaning is created by individuals, not something that's inherent to man. We must
struggle to overcome nihilism, create our own meaning, and live in a way that rejects despair.

Self-Development involves a constant re-commitment to life. We can choose any path we want, so we
shouldn't give in to despair or surrendering. But existentialism thinks we should act on our meaning
without thinking of the purpose or direction of it all. This would involve embracing both action and
inaction, as we strive to forge our own path in an indifferent world. But the thing is, you cannot do that,
there will always be a purpose even if it is not cool at all. You do your own way and move forward
without thinking about the stress as you know what is your duty in the existence of that world. We have
our own personal dasein that design the being.

As human beings, we’re naturally drawn to seek meaning and direction in life. However, it’s not enough
to define life based only on abstract ideals and values. We need to consider the concrete aspects of our
existence, like how we make a living, form relationships, and experience the world around us. We must
create a path that works for ourselves and doesn’t rely much on abstract ideals or values. This entails
embracing uncertainty, risk, and a constant re-assessment of our priorities and interests inside of the
State and part of the community. We shall embrace a balance between individual and collective in order
to get the community healthy even if it is collective first we still believe in a personal individualism for
development and free times.

Our lives are inherently unpredictable and random, but it doesn't mean we can't take control of our own
lives. Taking responsibility for our choices means embracing the present moment, not worrying about
the future or past. We must live each day with passion, seize opportunities, and fully enjoy the present
instead of constantly planning and worrying about unusual things. Living in the moment encourages us
to see the world clearly, make mindful decisions, and live a more meaningful life. Our own views of
existentialism is about having a meaning in the Fatherland without worrying about stupids things.

As Camus said, imagine Sisyphus happy.

De Maistre's Authoritarianism
We shall draw from De Maistre's authoritarianism, recognizing the necessity of strong authority for
social order.

It is a necessity. If left unchecked, the forces that threaten to destroy a well-ordered society will
proliferate until they become completely uncontrollable. An absolute monarch is necessary to ensure
social order and prevent the rise of anarchy.

Without the guiding hand of an absolute monarch, societies fall apart. They deteriorate and descend into
chaos. The institutions that once held them together are dismantled, leaving only chaos, disorder, and
anarchy. In the absence of strong authority, societies fall into decline and eventually collapse.

If left unchecked, weak authority will ultimately lead to the downfall of a society. Only a strong and
absolute monarch can provide the leadership necessary to prevent the descent into chaos. Without a
strong and absolute monarchy supporting social order, societies spiral out of control and ultimately

It is the task of the absolute monarch to establish and uphold the social order and guard against chaos.
Without the monarch, the forces of social disorder and anarchy will eventually triumph, threatening the
very fabric of the society itself.

German Idealist Influence

We acknowledge the influence of German idealism, valuing intuition, emotional depth, and the
interconnectedness of nature and consciousness.

German idealism is based on the concept that reality is created by the mind through perception and
thought. This line of thought was developed by several prominent German philosophers, including
Immanuel Kant, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel, and Friedrich Schopenhauer. It emphasizes the role of
the subject in knowledge creation and the inherent interconnectedness of everything in the universe.

German Idealism emerged in response to the Enlightenment and its emphasis on rational thought,
science, and materialism. It rejected the objective certainty of science and sought to explain the mind,
world, and existence in a more holistic way.

German idealists place a high value on intuition, emotional depth, and the interconnectedness of nature
and consciousness.

For example, they believe that intuition is an essential component of knowledge and understanding.
They see intuition as a form of subjective knowledge that allows us to access meaning beyond the
confines of the rational mind.

In terms of emotional depth, German idealists believe that emotion is central to our experience of the
world. They argue that emotions help enrich our understanding of the world around us, providing a more
thorough and comprehensive perspective.

Finally, German idealists view nature and consciousness as interconnected and inherently linked.

This perspective manifests itself in a variety of ways. For example, they argue that the mind and body
are intimately connected and inseparable. Similarly, they emphasize the influence of the environment on
the mind and body.

German idealists suggest that consciousness is not only a product of the mind, but also a product of its
context and influences. This belief places an emphasis on holistic and interconnected understanding of
human experience and allows us to better understand the relationship between nature and

Spenglerian Cyclical History

We consider Spenglerian ideas of cyclical history and acknowledge the rise and fall of civilizations.

Spengler's ideas of cyclical history are both fascinating and insightful. The notion that civilizations can
rise and fall throughout the ages, and that certain patterns are seen within those cycles, presents a
unique perspective on history and the progression of societies. It acknowledges that no civilization is
permanent and that there are certain patterns that can be observed throughout history. While there are
certainly different opinions on the validity of cyclical history, it is certainly an interesting idea and
provides a way to look at history from a different angle.

Spengler's ideas on cyclical history also acknowledge the role of human culture, consciousness, and the
collective unconsciousness in the rise and fall of civilizations. He posits that cultures evolve through
certain phases and that they are driven by various forces, both internal and external. He acknowledges
the role of technology, science, and intellectual pursuits in the progression of civilizations, but also
highlights the role of the collective unconsciousness of symbols and mythologies. He notes the
significance of the collective unconsciousness and the way it shapes civilizations, acknowledging its
influence on their development.

Spengler also points to the emergence of new civilizations as part of the cyclical nature of history. He
notes that the birth and rise of new civilizations go hand in hand with the decline and fall of previous
civilizations. This suggests that while history does follow certain cycles and patterns, there is also a
constant change and evolution as new civilizations emerge. This, too, is emphasized in the notion of the
collective unconscious and the fact that collective memories and experiences of previous civilizations
are a component in shaping new civilizations. This idea underscores the notion of cyclical history and
the fluidity of the system.

The idea that civilization rises and falls throughout the ages, with cycles and patterns, while recognizing
changes and evolution is an insightful one.

The acknowledgement of the significance of the collective unconscious and how it shapes civilizations is
a noteworthy consideration.

The notion of the emergence of new civilizations while previous civilizations reach the end of their
cycles is also a fascinating idea.

In the early stage of a civilization, known as the 'heroic' phase, there is an emphasis on strength,
creativity, and innovation, which leads to rapid advancements in technology, culture, art, and thought. In
the 'mature' phase, characterized by a preoccupation with power and material wealth, the society
becomes stagnant, and its values and ideals become diluted and distorted. It eventually enters the
'decadent' stage, in which it loses its sense of purpose, ideals, and creativity and becomes dominated by
a pursuit of material pleasures and decadence.
The decadence phase is characterized by a decline in intellectual acuity, a loss of creative power and
vigor, and an increasing preoccupation with materialism and consumption. Eventually, the decadence
phase turns into what is known as the 'critical' phase, in which the civilization is characterized by a
sense of dissatisfaction and unrest, as people begin to realize the shortcomings of their cultural values
and norms. This culminates in a state of conflict and crisis, known as the 'turning point', where the
civilization either enters another heroic phase or is destroyed.

In his theory, this cyclical pattern of civilization is the result of the interplay between internal and
external factors. The external factors are related to the material realities of nature, geography, and
technology, which shape the development of a civilization. The internal factors are related to the
subjective experience of human consciousness, values, and ideals, which shape the social, political, and
cultural institutions of the civilization. In essence, his theory proposes that human consciousness and
social structures are inherently linked and mutually reinforcing, and that the trajectory of human history
is shaped by this interplay over time.

In conclusion, his cyclical theory of history posits that every civilization has its own distinct phases of
rise, maturity, decadence, and decline. This pattern of rises and falls is based on the interaction between
internal and external factors, and is ultimately driven by humanity's intrinsic quest for meaning and
purpose. His work, 'The Decline of the West', applies this theory to the case of Western civilization, and
proposes that we are currently in the decadence phase, nearing a critical point of decline.

Schmittian Political Realism

We will apply Schmittian political realism, recognizing the friend-enemy distinction and the significance
of decisive political action.

Schmitt's friend-enemy distinction is a major element of his political thought. It suggests that all
politics is fundamentally a struggle between two radically opposed camps: the “we”, the people you
belong to, who share the same values and interests, and the “they”, the people you oppose, who reject
those values and interests. This means that decisive political action is inherently divisive and
antagonistic, as it necessarily involves defeating the enemy.
It is important to note that Schmitt's friend-enemy distinction is also ultimately a theological one. He
saw politics as a secularized continuation of divine spiritual warfare.

For Schmitt, politics is thus ultimately a spiritual struggle between two radically opposed camps. The
outcome of the struggle defines the collective self-image of the nation in terms of the values and
interests it embodies. Schmitt emphasized the importance of a strong, decisive leader who can
galvanize the group around a common cause and lead it to victory over the enemy. But this does not
necessarily mean that all opposition must be destroyed – Schmitt recognized that a certain level of
diversity and opposition is necessary to ensure that a society avoids paralysis and extremism.

Hobbessian Security Measures

We implements Hobbessian security measures to maintain social order and prevent chaos, emphasizing
the importance of a strong central authority

According to Hobbes, there are several security measures:

First, the sovereign should have the ability to maintain peace and security, using force whenever

Second, the laws are clear, and the penalty for breaking them is well-known, which provides an incentive
for people to obey them.

Third, the sovereign must collect intelligence from internal and external sources in order to prevent any
threat against the peace of the community, and this requires a powerful spy network..

Fourth, the sovereign must ensure that the military is well-equipped and well-trained, so that it can
effectively defend the community against any external threat.

Last but not least, the sovereign must create an atmosphere of trust and cooperation between the
government and the citizens to promote better cooperation and prevent the community from falling into
chaos and anarchy.

That is the central authority's security measures.

The laws are not enough on their own to maintain peace and security. In addition, the punishment is an
important part of the laws as well.

People must believe that the punishment that is written in the laws will be enforced on them whenever
they break them. This is where the sovereign's will comes in, which is the ability to punish anyone who
breaks the laws

This power to punish is the main way the sovereign maintains peace and security in the community.

When people believe that the punishment is going to be enforced on them when they break the laws,
they will think twice before committing any crime.

So, the power of punishment is not just a means to enforce order and security in the society, but also a
way to deter people from committing crimes.

The power of punishment gives the sovereign the ability to control the members of the society and to
create an atmosphere of peace and order in the community. It sets an example to all people and makes
them think twice before committing any crime or disobeying the laws.

Tolkienian Ethical Vision

We adopted some elements of Tolkien's ethical vision, valuing virtues such as courage, honor, and
self-sacrifice, and fostering a connection to cultural mythology.

His work was a celebration of virtues such as courage, honor, and self-sacrifice. It also had a strong
connection to cultural mythology And he also valued the importance of simple things such as friendship
and kindness. He did not believe in cynicism and nihilism, which he felt were a threat to human nature.
He wanted to preserve beauty and integrity in the world.

Tolkien's work was also influenced by his personal experiences during World War I, which shaped his
vision of morality and the importance of selfless sacrifice. He also believed that there was a connection
between nature and spiritual experience, and his love of his homeland, England, was deeply reflected in
his fictional worlds.

His focus on the simple joys of beauty and friendship was meant to be a reminder to not take these
things for granted. His works can be seen as a call to preserve the simple joys of life and our connection
to nature, and to always strive for a kinder, more compassionate world. The stories of The Lord of the
Rings and The Hobbit are filled with these values, and have inspired generations of readers.

It also has a sense of the importance of virtue and morality in our own lives, both personally and
socially. We believe that these virtues are at the heart of any true culture - they provide a compass to
guide us in pursuing what is good and right, and they help to unite people across time and space.
Through his works, he aims to remind people of the importance of virtue and morality, and to provide a
sense of connection to the past and a sense of hope for the future.

The pursuit of virtue is a journey that never ends and must be re-visited every day. However, through the
stories he tells, he aims to inspire readers to continue to make the noble choices in their own lives, and
to help forge bonds between peoples across space and time. By doing so, we can foster a more
compassionate and interconnected world, and ensure that virtue remains a central part of our collective

The Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit continue to remind readers of the importance of virtue. In these
works, Frodo and Bilbo must overcome great hurdles, often through their own courage, compassion, and
self-sacrifice. Through Tolkien's prose, readers are reminded of the intrinsic value of virtue and the
significance of standing up for what is right, even in the face of hardships and trials. His stories affirm
that virtue is a fundamental part of the human experience, and that ultimately, it is the strength of an
individual's character that can determine the course of history.

Spencerian Social Evolution

We consider Spencerian social evolution principles, emphasizing natural selection and societal
adaptation in the development of policies.

The fundamental assumption of social progress is that humanity has progressed in such a way as to lead
towards a state of increasing social stability, prosperity, and efficiency, such as the state of progress in
the natural sciences. This concept of progressive movement, according to Spencer, can be seen through
the development of the mind, which represents the most important factor in the development of
civilization. In the course of time, society moves in the direction of higher and better-organized forms.

For Spencer, all historical changes were due to the development of the human mind, which gradually
increased in complexity as a result of natural selection and adaptation to its environment. According to
Spencer, human beings have evolved from hunters and gatherers, to agrarian societies, and to the
division of labor and industrial societies. In Spencer's opinion, the progress and development of the
human mind led to the expansion of human liberty, while increasing complexity was inevitable for the
progress of any social organism. Thus, Spencer regarded all social change as a natural process that
ultimately led to increasing human well-being.

In the field of sociology, Spencer formulated the theory of social development based on the interaction
of environment and human nature. According to Spencer, society developed as the human mind became
progressively more complex, leading to the division of labor and the emergence of new social
institutions. Thus, he held that the development of society was a natural process due to the interaction
of environment and mind, but also saw the emergence of institutions as the result of a struggle for
resources, thereby resulting in conflicts and competition.

For Spencer, the development of human nature led to the rise of the individual, who is motivated by the
desire for personal satisfaction and fulfillment; accordingly, he regarded individual rights as the
foundation of social interaction. According to Spencer, the primary function of the state is to guarantee
the freedom of individuals, thereby preserving the natural hierarchy of progress; therefore, state
intervention should be minimized to prevent the infringement of individual liberties. But we as Triadists
strive for both collective first while having individual freedom by maintaining the community purpose

Utopian Socialism Elements

We Integrated elements of utopian socialism, envisioning a society where collective well-being is
prioritized, and social structures are designed for the common good.

Our Utopian socialism view envisions a society where collective well-being is prioritized and social
structures are designed for the common good. This vision includes prioritizing the wellbeing of society
as a whole rather than just focusing on individualistic success, and creating social structures that
promote equity and fairness. This can involve aspects like democratizing social decision-making,
ensuring economic justice, and creating systems that prioritize human dignity and wellbeing. Utopian
socialism seeks to create a society that is more just, more equitable, and more empathetic.
Stoic Ethics and Virtue
We Embrace Stoic ethics and virtue as a foundation for personal and societal moral conduct, promoting
wisdom, courage, justice, and temperance.

Stoic ethics and virtue provide a sound foundation for personal and societal moral conduct, promoting
wisdom, courage, justice, and temperance. This approach to ethics emphasizes the need to control one's
own actions and thought processes, and to develop a strong moral character. One central aim of stoic
ethics is to align our actions with our goals and values, and to engage in behavior that contributes to
well-being and a fulfilled life. This can involve cultivating virtues like honesty, humility, fairness, and
compassion. By integrating stoic ethics and virtue into personal and societal life, we can create a more
just and thriving world.

Confucian Governance Ethics

We draw from Confucianism for governance ethics, emphasizing social harmony, filial piety, and ethical

Confucianism stresses the importance of social harmony, filial piety, and ethical leadership in
governance. The emphasis on social harmony entails promoting peaceful coexistence and promoting
mutual respect and cooperation within society. Filial piety involves treating parents and elders with
reverence and respect, and emphasizing family values and obligations. Ethical leadership involves
promoting honesty, integrity, and fairness in decision-making, and striving to serve the community in a
benevolent and responsible manner. This approach to governance emphasizes the central role of ethical
values in social welfare and the importance of promoting harmonious social relations and moral virtue.

Legalist Order Maintenance

We Implement Legalist principles for maintaining social order, utilizing strict laws and centralized power
to prevent chaos.

Legalist principles are focused on maintaining social order through the use of strict laws and centralized
power. This approach to governance emphasizes the importance of establishing clear and well-enforced
laws and regulations, as well as a strong centralized authority to oversee their implementation. The core
of this approach is the idea that strict laws and clear consequences are essential for preventing chaos,
and that a strong centralized authority is necessary to ensure that these laws are enforced. This can
often lead to a rigid and hierarchical social structure, and can involve restricting individual freedoms
and civil liberties in order to maintain order.

Darwinian Evolutionary Framework

We Integrated Darwinian evolutionary framework into societal policies, recognizing the role of natural
selection and adaptation in shaping the cultural, biological, and social aspects of the nation.

Integrating a Darwinian evolutionary framework into societal policies means recognizing the role of
natural selection and adaptation in shaping the cultural, biological, and social aspects of the nation. This
approach to policy acknowledges the importance of evolutionary processes in shaping the cultures, life
forms, and societal structures of a nation. Specifically, it emphasizes the central role of natural
selection in creating variation and diversity in biological and cultural forms, and adaptability and
resilience in surviving and thriving in complex environments. This framework can involve embracing and
exploiting the potential of evolution in order to foster innovations and solutions to societal challenges.

Social Darwinism and Meritocracy

We Apply principles of social Darwinism to emphasize competition, meritocracy, and the survival of the
fittest within societal structures for a New Aristocracy more Natural which has nothing to do with
inequality or about bringing someone down unlike its main ideology. Encourage individuals to strive for
excellence for the Natural Aristocracy and contribute to the advancement of society.

To apply social Darwinism to emphasize competition, meritocracy, and the survival of the fittest within
societal structures, means embracing a view of society where competition and meritocracy are
emphasized and where the survival of the fittest is encouraged and rewarded. This approach emphasizes
the social hierarchy, advocating a society where the best and brightest individuals are rewarded for
their efforts, while those who are less able or less willing to compete are left behind. It encourages a
culture of constant striving for excellence and advancement, and promotes the idea that we only gain by
competing with other members of society to be part of the natural aristocracy by merit.
Eugenics for Societal Improvement
We Explore eugenic policies for societal improvement, considering measures to positively influence the
genetic makeup of the population while respecting individual rights and ethical considerations.

To explore eugenic policies for societal improvement means considering measures to positively
influence the genetic makeup of the population for the betterment of society, while also considering
individual rights and ethical concerns. This approach to policy focuses on identifying desirable traits,
both physical and behavioral, and implementing measures to enhance these traits in the population. This
can involve policies like promoting selective breeding, providing incentives for those with positive traits
to procreate, and discouraging those with negative traits from procreating for the Race. While the goal
may be to promote the overall health and wellbeing of the population we must pay an attention to not
take eugenicist as a weapons for mass destruction and only use it as a tool for improve society.

Biotechnological Advancements
We shall Embrace biotechnological advancements inspired by Darwinian principles, utilizing scientific
progress to enhance the well-being and adaptability of the population.

To embrace biotechnological advancements inspired by Darwinian principles means embracing the

potential of the applications of modern biology and technology to promote the well-being and
adaptability of the population. The basic principle of Darwinism is that adaptation and evolution occur
through natural selection, where beneficial traits are favored and passed along to future generations. By
embracing modern biotechnological advancements, this approach to policy recognizes the potential of
using technology to accelerate and improve adaptation and evolve the population. This can involve
applications like gene editing to enhance positive traits, or enhancing disease resistance and protection
against environmental change.

Adaptation to Changing Environments

We Foster a culture of adaptation to changing environments, drawing from Darwinian concepts of
survival through flexibility and resilience in the face of evolving challenges.

In order to foster a culture of adaptation to changing environments, one must draw from Darwinian
concepts of survival through flexibility and resilience in the face of evolving challenges. This approach
to adaptation emphasizes the importance of being able to adapt and adjust to changing conditions, and
of being able to respond quickly and effectively to changing threats. It recognizes that survival involves
continual innovation and adaptation to evolving conditions, and that being flexible and resilient can be
key to thriving in a changing environment. By embracing this fundamental concept, a culture of
continuous exploration and adaptation can take shape, promoting long-term sustainability and growth

In short we evolve with time and we lead the way.

The Way to Socialism

True Socialism must have a strong opposition to capitalism because it is exploitative and detrimental to
the interests of the working class. We must push forward for the nationalization of key industries,
redistribution of wealth, and the implementation of social welfare programs to address socioeconomic

We have long suffered the oppression of the capitalist class. The wealth of the nation has been stolen
and hoarded by the few, while people have been forced into hardship and exploitation. Now is the time
for a revolution, to reclaim what is ours and to build a system that is fair and just.

We must reject the system of capitalism, which fosters greed and inequality. Instead, we must embrace
a folkish economics and true socialist state in order to make the State great and the community united.

Adaptation to National Conditions

A key tenet of proper socialism is the idea that socialist theory must be adapted to the specific
historical and cultural context of the nation. This emphasizes the importance of maintaining continuity
with The folk socialist heritage while also embracing new ideas and approaches. Triadism evolves with
time and we strive to adapt it while maintaining our ideals.
Regarding evolution, Socialism believes in the continual evolution and improvement of the State. Its
approach to adapting to the national conditions of the country is meant to ensure that the system
remains flexible and adaptable, capable of addressing changing and emerging challenges quickly and
effectively. With this goal in mind, the system has continuously evolved, implementing new reforms and
introducing new ideas in order to meet the rapidly changing socioeconomic and general needs of the
country and developing the community.

The idea of evolution is an integral part of the Triadist approach to socialism, recognizing the need for
systems to continually evolve and adapt to new realities.

Pragmatism and Experimentation

Socialism must emphasize pragmatism and experimentation in policy-making. The leaders must stress
the need to "cross the river by feeling the stones," meaning that reforms should be implemented
gradually and adjusted based on their success or failure.

The need for gradual and adjustable change, recognizing that reforms must be implemented and
assessed in order to determine their effectiveness. The idea is to adopt a pragmatic approach in
policy-making, taking smaller steps and adjusting accordingly as opposed to implementing radical and
drastic reforms. The approach emphasizes the importance of learning from experience and adapting
accordingly, rather than adhering strictly to ideological or theoretical frameworks.

State-Led Development
While embracing reforms, Socialism must maintain a strong role for the state in guiding economic
development. The government sets strategic goals and priorities through Five-Year Plans and uses
state-owned enterprises to implement economic policies.

Socialism must emphasize the role of the state in guiding economic development. The government sets
strategic goals and priorities through Five-Year Plans and uses state-owned enterprises to implement
economic policies. The role of the state must be considered an essential aspect of ensuring the stability
and effectiveness of the economy, from managing public services to promoting economic growth. The
state must play a critical role in ensuring that economic development follows strategic priorities and
takes into account the unique economic and social conditions in the State-Community.
Harmony-Centric Society
Socialism must include the concept of building a harmony-centric society. This involves promoting
social stability, reducing inequality, and fostering a sense of community and solidarity among citizens.

One key component of the philosophy of True Socialism is the concept of building a harmony-centric
society. This involves fostering a sense of solidarity and community among citizens, reducing
inequalities and promoting social stability. It must emphasize the need to establish a stable and
balanced social structure, with a focus on addressing socio-economic problems and promoting a sense
of equity and justice. It involves working towards a society that is more cohesive and united, and
promoting the values of cooperation and mutual coexistence.

Scientific Approach on Development

Socialism in Triadism has introduced the scientific approach to development and it emphasizes the
importance of balanced and sustainable development, social harmony, and environmental protection. It
calls for a holistic approach to economic growth that considers social, environmental, and equity

The scientific approach on development was introduced to emphasize a holistic approach to economic
growth that considers social, environmental, and equity considerations. It calls for a balanced and
sustainable approach to development, emphasizing the need to minimize negative environmental
impacts while also fostering social harmony and providing equitable opportunities for all members of
society. It highlights the importance of striking a balance between economic growth and preservation of
the environment, and emphasizes the need to pursue a human-centric development approach that
prioritizes people's well-being and livelihood.

Leadership of the Party Central to socialism, The party must maintain

a monopoly on political power and play a guiding role in all aspects of governance and policy-making.

The party must maintain a monopoly on political power, and plays a guiding role in all aspects of
governance and policy-making. The party is considered the primary political force in the State,
overseeing and overseeing the advancement of the country's Triadist ideals and policies. It is responsible
for setting and implementing long-term strategic goals, and for ensuring that national policies align
with the party's overarching objectives and vision for the country's future.

Nationalism is a fundamental aspect of Racial and Spiritual Renewal and Identity. Nationalism is the
belief that each nation has an inherent right to self-determination, and is the belief in the importance of
preserving the cultural, Racial and historical identity of a nation. Nationalism is linked to the belief in a
collective identity, and the importance of preserving that collective identity

Nationalism is a central legitimate form that constitutes the nation-state with socialism, and the
interests of one's own nation should be promoted above all else. Nationalism must preserve one's
nation's culture and identity. Nationalism promotes national unity and strength. Nationalism fosters a
sense of community and national belonging, and that national identity and pride that are very capital to
the folks.

Nationalism is a extremely important component in Socialism, Nationalism is one of the main aspects of
Socialism and it is extremely important, it promotes racial and national pride and seeks to free and
preserve one's own nation, it is important for Socialism because it makes sure that the state is
completely and thoroughly concerned with its nation's self interests.

Without Nationalism, Socialism would mean nothing., Nationalism creates a sense of belonging and
unity among the people, and installs a sense of racial and national pride into the minds of the people.

Nationalism gives the nation a sense of purpose, in the Socialist Core. This purpose is to save the nation
and race by any means necessary. It helps to maintain the loyalty of the populace to the nation, as they
feel an intense sense of belonging to their nation, which results in a willingness to sacrifice everything
for it.

National Syndicalism
Syndicalism in Socialism promotes the establishment of a nationalized economy under the control of
Syndicates, or unions of labor, which are directly controlled by the state. The purpose of this is to create
a transitional state between Capitalism and Communism with the intent of creating a worker's state.
The capitalists have oppressed and exploited the workers for far too long, it is time that we take control
of our work, our homes, our lives. Syndicalism shall bring freedom and equity to all of us, it will remove
the chains of Capitalism and Communism and bring us into a new age. We will all work together in
harmony, for the good of the Nation

Syndicalism is a path to a future of unity and togetherness, where workers will work together as a
nation towards a bright future. Let the workers and farmers unite and rise up against the oppressors,
let together remove the chains of Capitalism and bring forth a new era.

Working with your comrades, you can create a Nation of hard labor and of strength, a Nation where
everyone is cared for and no one is neglected. stand united and fight for your future together.

Syndicalism would work in Socialism by forming strong, nationalized Syndicates that are under the
direct control of the State. The purpose of these Syndicates would be to manage the industries,
distribute resources, and oversee production, while also regulating labor conditions and protecting
workers' rights.

Through this system, the State would have complete control over the Nation's economy, ensuring that
the resources are distributed fairly, the workers are protected, and the labor force remains efficient and
productive, all while maintaining National Unity among the population.

Socialism must include the concept of building a harmony-centric society. This involves promoting
social stability, reducing inequality, and fostering a sense of community and solidarity among citizens.

To understand the racial perspective of Socialism, it is important to consider the ideology's
philosophical basis. Socialism holds that race is a biological and spiritual concept, and it posits the
existence of natural distinctions between races that shape individual personalities and group actions.
From this perspective, race is the basis of national identity and a fundamental element in establishing
national unity and cohesion.

In Socialism, racial identity is an integral component of a national identity, and it serves as one of the
major ways groups differentiate one nation from another.
Under Socialism, the ideal nation is one that is racially homogeneous and ethnically pure, in which the
people share the same racial heritage and national identity, and in which race is regarded as a biological
reality that shapes the identity and characteristics of a nation.

In this perspective, race is a fundamental element in shaping national identity, and it is used as the
basis for the creation of racial policies and the promotion of racial purity within the nation.

Nature in Socialism
Nature in Socialism is viewed as a fundamental component of the Nation. Socialism emphasizes the
importance of preserving the natural environment, believing that natural resources are scarce and
limited, and that their conservation is vital for the survival of the Nation. Socialism also advocates for
the protection of natural resources, maintaining a balance between sustainable exploitation and

We must promote a deep respect for the natural world, viewing it as a vital part of the Nation's identity.
Nature must merge with nationalism, and Socialism must emphasize the importance of preserving
natural beauty, particularly in the landscape and countryside. The preservation of nature also shall serve
to enhance the Nation's cultural and heritage.

Nature is a spiritual component of the Nation, emphasizing the connection between nature and the
spiritual world. The Socialism view of nature draws on the Volkisch heritage of the Nation. Nature is
seen as a source of spirituality, strength, and inspiration for the people. It is seen as a source of life and
rebirth, and as an essential element in maintaining the Nation's spiritual and cultural foundations.

Socialism must include the concept of building a harmony-centric society. This involves promoting
social stability, reducing inequality, and fostering a sense of community and solidarity among citizens.

Socialism must include the concept of building a harmony-centric society. This involves promoting
social stability, reducing inequality, and fostering a sense of community and solidarity among citizens.

Fichtean Idealism influence

Fichtean Idealism emphasized the importance of the Nation and nationality to an individual's identity.
Socialism shares this view, and considers nationalism and the national identity to be central to the
individual's identity and sense of self. On both sides, the Nation is seen as an extended body, providing a
sense of belonging and collective identity that the individual cannot achieve on their own.

Fichtean Idealism emphasized the need for an individual to take action and to strive for
self-development in order to achieve their full potential. Socialism also holds this view, as it advocates
for a strong and unified nation that can take action and strive for excellence. On both sides, the
individual is considered to have the capacity for growth and development, and the Nation is seen as the
vehicle for this growth and development.

Socialism must include the concept of building a harmony-centric society. This involves promoting
social stability, reducing inequality, and fostering a sense of community and solidarity among citizens.

The Community
In Socialism, community is seen as a fundamental essential component of the core. The concept of
Folk-Community, or collective spirit, is considered to be foundational to the Socialist core and the
creation of a strong nation.

Community in Socialism emphasizes the importance of collectivism and working together for the
common good of the nation.Socialism advocates for a strong and cohesive community that is unified in
its goal of bettering the Nation.

In this Community, every individual has a role to play and is expected to contribute to the greater good
of the Nation. Each individual's actions are regarded as part of the collective, and it is believed that
individual success is dependent on the success of the collective whole.

The German national concept of Volksgemeinschaft, emphasizes the unity and interdependence of the
people. In the Volksgemeinschaft, everyone is expected to work together for the good of the Nation,
with each individual's contribution being seen as essential for the success of the community.

Socialism emphasizes the importance of community because it provides a sense of unity and shared
identity, which strengthens the Nation as a whole. It promotes the idea that everyone has a role to play
in improving the community and working towards the common good. Community also provides a basis
for social solidarity and mutual support, and highlights the interconnectedness of individuals and their
actions. It fosters a greater sense of responsibility and accountability, and encourages individuals to
strive for the success of the collective as a whole.

Gleichschaltung is a term used in Socialism to describe the process of "unification" or "coordination" of
all aspects of society under a centralized state. The concept of Gleichschaltung is crucial to the creation
of the Triadist state and the centralization of power.

Gleichschaltung, is essentially a process of national unity and coordination, is very important in

Socialism because it allows for the creation of a centralized system of control and eliminate degeneracy
out of the State. It ensures that the Triadist State's will is carried out and that all factions in society
work together in harmony towards a common goal. It increases the efficiency and effectiveness of the
State and ensures that the Triadist State provide sufficient stability and structure.

Folkish Aspects
Folkism is an element that emphasizes the importance of the racial and ethnic character of a nation. It

promotes the idea that the Volk (race or national character) is the fundamental building block of a
Nation. Folkism is one of the foundations of the Socialist Core, and it was a significant part of the core
of Socialism. Folkism promotes the idea of racial purity and a homogeneous society, and it emphasizes
the importance of preserving identity.

Folkism emphasizes the importance of blood and soil, viewing it as a core aspect of national identity and
a necessary condition for national unity. Triadism promoted the concept of Folkism as a key component
of the national rebirth, and it made efforts to promote racial purity by promoting eugenic practices and
enacting racial laws in order to preserve the folks heritage and race.

Maternalism in Socialism is important because motherhood and the value of the family unit is sacred
and the first element in the Community and Cosmic Order. Socialism advocates for a strong focus on the
role of the mother and the family unit, and a focus on nurturing and protecting the future of the nation
by propagating strong, healthy and racially pure children.
Maternalism is important because it highlights the importance of motherhood and the role of the family
unit in society. It emphasizes the role of the mother as a caring and nurturing figure, and highlights the
importance of protecting and providing for children.

Maternalism also promotes the notion that the mother should be the primary caretaker of children,
rather than external social institutions such as daycares or nannies. It emphasizes the importance of
nurture, protection and socialization of children. Maternalism encourages women to fulfill their
traditional roles as mothers within the home, while also providing financial and other forms of support
to ensure that they can care for their children properly.

Modernism is important because it highlights the need for progress and advancement in society. It
promotes the idea that new ideas and innovations can improve society, and that we should seek to
improve our environments and technologies. Modernism encourages a forward-looking mindset and
focuses on making the world a better place.

In addition, modernism emphasizes the importance of science and technology, and believes that these
are key to advancing and improving society. Modernism views technological advancement as a necessary
step to ensure the progress and well-being of humanity. It encourages the use of scientific principles to
achieve progress and innovation.

We must achieve progress and advancement. Socialism sought to advance and improve the nation
through scientific and technological advances and innovations. Socialism views modernism as a key
element in advancing culture and society.

Reactionary Modernism
Socialism views progress and innovation as key to maintaining and advancing a strong and powerful
society. It believes that maintaining traditional values and beliefs is essential for maintaining the
strength of a nation, but also that keeping these traditions is essential for advancing and improving.

Socialism promotes a mixture of traditional values and beliefs and modern innovations, and sees
progress and tradition as necessary and complementary elements to maintaining the glory and strength
of the nation.
Reactionary Modernism is an interesting notion that fuses traditional values with modern techniques
and innovative practices. It attempts to reconcile the seemingly opposing ideas of tradition and
progress, by emphasizing that they are actually complementary and can coexist. This aspect seeks to
maintain a strong and proud identity, while also adapting and evolving with the modern world.
Reactionary Modernism under Socialism seeks to promote a powerful and prosperous society, while also
maintaining a sense of national identity and pride through traditional values. It promotes a progressive
and modern nation, while also preserving tradition and heritage.

A Revolutionary Conservatism
The Conservative Revolution was a right-wing political and intellectual movement that developed in

Germany prior to the rise of National Socialism. It was a reaction to the perceived decadence of
Weimar-era Germany and opposed the liberalizing forces of modernity.

Members of the Conservative Revolution movement advocated for a return to traditional values, the
restoration of national pride and identity, and the rejection of the cultural and ethnic diversity that was
growing in Germany at the time.

They emphasized the role of the state as the guarantor of tradition and identity, with individuals being
subordinate to the collective.

We must be mainly concerned with saving the culture which is perceiving decadence and the decay of
its national pride and identity.

We call for a return to traditional values, the eradication of liberal influences, and the preservation of
the race.

We must embrace nationalist and revolutionary ideas, such as a rejection of liberal and fake
parliamentary democracy, and calls for a strong centralized state and an autocratic monarchy as a
solution to the country's problems.

We blame liberal influences like parliamentary democracy and free market capitalism for its failures
and we are determined to create a new, nationalistic State that represents their vision of national
pride and identity. We must achieve national unity and power.

This Triadist State led by a single party, will serve as the vehicle for nation-building and unity.
Revolutionary Nationalism
Revolutionary nationalism,, is important in the sense that it emphasizes and elevates the importance of
national sovereignty and self-determination. It advocates for a nation-state that is free from external
control and influence, allowing it to make its own decisions and pursue its own path of development.
This can strengthen the nation-state, promote national unity, and advance the interests of the nation. It
also highlights the importance of preserving a sense of national identity, culture, and pride.

We must use Populist rhetoric because it has been an important tool and tactic in revolutionary
nationalist discourse. It seeks to harness the power of the masses and tap into their resentment, anger,
and frustration, to rally them to the cause of the revolution. This makes appealing to a sense of common
grievances and injustices, populist rhetoric seeks to stir up sentiments of national pride, unity, and
identity, and to direct them towards the cause of the revolution. It seeks to channel the energy of the
masses towards the ultimate goal of dismantling the existing system and building a new one based on
nationalist ideals.

Sorelian Influence
In brief, Sorelianism, also known as syndicalism, puts great emphasis on the revolutionary will of the

The general strike, that is, a strike led by unions, is considered very important in Sorelianism. They
believe that unions are very important in organizing the proletariat, and that if unions call for general
strikes, it will be possible to overthrow capitalist dictatorships and implement worker state.

The Sorelian idea of general strike is used to overthrow the existing government. This is a very
important point in a revolution.

In a Triadist state, we must unite the unions. And then, we must ensure that union leaders are all
Triadists supporters.

Here how Sorelianism can be useful in Socialism:

First: The Sorelian Myth, as described by the French philosopher Maurice Barrès (and later adopted by
Sorel himself) is the idea that a "grand myth" is required to unite the proletariat. This myth has to
provide a common enemy, and a sense of unity between the working class, while also acting as an
instrument to bring them to revolution.

In order to achieve this, Sorel believed a myth had to be both universal, and also national. It had to
represent the history and struggle of a people, whilst also being applicable to all peoples, in all times.

This myth, once created, would effectively erase all the differences between people, in favor of a unified
national and revolutionary spirit.

So in a nutshell, the Sorelian Myth is an idea that all peoples must have a unifying myth that unites
them towards the struggle against capitalism.

Second: Sorel rejected traditional Marxist theories of historical determinism and class struggle, instead
advocating for a “socialism of action” based on the mobilization of the proletariat through direct action
and revolutionary syndicalism.

He believed that meaningful change could only be achieved through direct confrontation with the
existing social order, including strikes, protests, and other forms of disruptive action.

He saw also the syndicalist movement as a vehicle for revolutionary transformation and the overthrow
of the bourgeoisie.

Sorel saw also violence as a catalyst for social change and a means of mobilizing the proletariat against
their oppressors.

Another thing of important, he believed that true social change could only be achieved through direct
action by the working class, rather than through political parties or elected representatives. He also
believed in the role of intellectual elites and revolutionary vanguards in articulating and spreading
revolutionary ideas. These elites were seen as essential in inspiring and organizing the proletariat for
revolutionary action. He saw the myth of violence as appealing to these irrational forces and motivating
revolutionary action.

Thirdly: Myth of violence, The Myth of Violence is a concept developed by Sorel, which states that any
myth which has power in our world, must be connected to some type of actual material force.

Basically, for him, every great myth is based on the exercise of violence in some way, from the biblical
myths to the pagan myths.
Revolutionary Spirit
Socialism sees the collective as prioritized over the individual, with an emphasis on the collective duty
to serve the state and follow its leadership.

It also values loyalty, selflessness and hard work as collective virtues essential for the achievement of
Triadists ideals.

Socialism emphasizes the importance of unity and community, emphasizing individual contribution
towards society and the collective good.

It seeks to instal a sense of common purpose among individuals, fostering a spirit of solidarity and
cooperation for the advancement of society.

Therefore, individuals are encouraged to sacrifice their own interests and aspirations for the collective
welfare of the community and state.

Socialism is also characterized by a strong sense of patriotism and nationalism, promoting a collective
identity and unity based on national pride and history and race.

It seeks to instill a sense of national identity and pride among its citizens, instilling a sense of loyalty
and collective allegiance to the country.

It also promotes a sense of nationalism and patriotism through emphasis on education and the
promotion of symbols associated with national identity such as flags, anthems, and national days.

It emphasizes the importance of protecting the integrity and sovereignty of the nation, promoting the
maintenance of national borders.

National Sovereignty
In Socialism, national sovereignty means recognizing National right to self-determination and autonomy,
as well as its right to pursue its own economic, social and cultural development without undue
interference from external influence and control.
In Socialism, the state has the right to ensure the national defense and interests, protecting its people
and territory from outside interference and aggression.

This encompasses the rights to ensure the territorial integrity of the nation, ensure security and safety
for its people, and protect its laws and constitution.

Independence from Foreign Influence

Socialism promotes economic independence from foreign influences, emphasizing self-sufficiency and
national self-reliance.

This means advocating for the Nation to be self-sustaining economically, free from dependence on
outside sources for essential resources and goods.

This includes advocating for the country to seek self-sufficiency in food, energy, and technology
production, while also discouraging foreign investment and trade.

Socialism emphasizes economic self-reliance, with a focus on domestic production and resource

It also promotes the development of domestic industries, technologies and human capital to ensure
self-sufficiency and reduce dependence on imports.

Jucheism emphasizes the importance of self-reliance in all aspects of national development,
emphasizing the country's ability to rely on its own resources and capabilities.

This means focusing on domestic production and technology development, aiming to reduce dependence
on foreign sources and foreign expertise.

The goal is to enable a self-sufficient and independent nation, fostering a sense of national pride and

The pursuit of self-reliance requires the promotion of an independent economy, with a focus on
domestic production and development.
This includes efforts to reduce dependence on imports through the development of domestic industries
and services, as well as encouraging the development of local businesses, entrepreneurs, and workers.

It also means developing local technologies and knowledge-base, to reduce the need for foreign
expertise and technology.

Under Juche, self-reliance also involves a focus on resource development and management. This means
efforts to develop local energy sources, food supplies, natural resources and other domestic supplies.

The goal is to ensure that the country's needs are met through its own resources, reducing the need for
imports and vulnerability to external influence.

Mastering Destiny
Under Socialism, individuals are encouraged to pursue their own path in life and shape their own

This encompasses a mindset of self-reliance, taking ownership of the choices and actions that can shape
one's life and fortune.

It emphasizes a collective effort and individual responsibility to pursue self-improvement and growth, to
ensure each person has the opportunity to realize their potential and contribute to society.

Therefore, it encourages individuals to make their own opportunities and shape their own destinies,
rather than being passively subjected to the will of others or external circumstances.

Socialism advocates for an active approach to life, emphasizing individual responsibility and the need to
take action in shaping one's future. It encourages a strong sense of agency and determination to pursue
goals and create opportunities, to make one's own destiny.

It emphasizes individual accountability and initiative, promoting a mindset of self-reliance and personal
growth. It emphasizes taking control of one's life and shaping one's future, rather than passively
accepting the circumstances and conditions that may be out of their control.

Man-Centered Philosophy
The Socialist Core holds the position that man is the master of everything and decides everything. It
argues that man is the most important being in the universe, and that everything exists to serve him

According to the Socialist Core, man is the master of society. Man, through his creative abilities and
efforts, decides the destiny of the society.

This implies that man should be the center of any society and that the society should be organized
through the needs and desires of man.

This is in contrast to other philosophies that hold that the society should be organized around other
principles, such as the state, morality, or God.

Socialism is everything and man is the most important in the Race and community.

The Socialist Core holds that man is the ultimate judge of what is right and wrong, and that man must
follow his own instincts and desires which will have an impact in the community both collectively and

Man As A Social Being

The notion of Man as a social being forms a central part of the Socialist Core. The emphasis on
collective unity creates a strong sense of comradery and solidarity among the community. This
emphasis on social harmony is particularly seen in their commitment to self-sufficiency and the
collective struggle of the people.

The Socialist Core places a high value on social unity and collective solidarity. This is seen in the
Triadist idea that all members of society should strive for a common good, regardless of personal
interests. This leads to a strong sense of comradery and solidarity among the populace, which enables
greater cooperation and creates a strong sense of unity. This emphasis on social unity and collective
solidarity contributes significantly to the overall stability and cohesion of the Triadist system.

This emphasis on social unity and collective solidarity forms a major part of Triadist philosophy. While
other ideologies stress the importance of individual liberty and individual interests, The Socialist Core
emphasizes social harmony and group identity. The Socialist Core believes that the individual must be
willing to sacrifice for the greater good of society, which contributes to the overall health and stability
of the nation. This focus on social unity and collective solidarity is a core component of Triadist thought
and the Socialist Core and guides various aspects of the society.
On Independence
Socialism is, first and foremost, the independent mind, so that one can free oneself from the capitalist
mindset that is all pervasive in the Community. Only by freeing the mind can one truly be free.

The capitalist mindset is the source of so many ailments of the mind, from fear and shame to
depression. It is one that is designed to make people fearful, depressed, and ashamed of being who they
are. But through Socialism, one can free themselves of this and truly flourish.

In Socialism, a person is free to pursue their own path in the community and not have it dictated to
them by a tyrannical master. It is a way of life that is free from the shackles that come with degenerate

Independence is the cornerstone of Triadist Socialism philosophy. It is a philosophy that emphasizes the
self, that one has the capacity to make their own destiny, not through the approval of another, but
through their own strength and determination.

In this way, Socialism encourages individuals to pursue their own self-actualization, and to pursue their
own path in life without the restriction of others inside of the community while still serving the State. It
is a philosophy that encourages the pursuit of fulfillment, not the pursuit of Tyrant

Through creativity, man not only produces material things, but also forms new ideas, new theories, new
technologies and new types of arts and culture. Creativity plays an important role in the progress of
human civilization and contributes significantly to the development and growth of socialist society.

Creativity is the lifeblood of human society, playing an essential role in the advancement of science and
technology, the creation of new culture, and the development of new social ideas and organizations.
Through it, mankind has achieved remarkable accomplishments in various fields, from the development
of languages and the invention of tools, to the discovery of laws of nature, technology, and social
organization. Creativity is thus an important driving force in human civilization, helping man to adapt to
changing environments and improve the quality of life for everyone.

As a fundamental principle of the Socialist Core, creativity is embedded in Triadist philosophy and its
guiding ideals. It is the foundation of Socialist self-reliance and the key to achieving self-sustenance and
advancement. Creativity drives Triadist thought in its approach to science, production, social and
cultural development, and military affairs. The Juche ideal of self-development and self-improvement
can only be achieved through the continuous development of creativity and the application of creative
ideas. Creativity is an ever-evolving aspect of Triadist thought, and the path to revolution and socialist
perfection relies on it.

In the Socialist Core, the main purpose of creativity is to contribute to the nation and the revolution. In
this sense, creativity is a means of fulfilling the national mission. People are expected to use their
creativity for the betterment and advancement of the nation and the revolution, rather than simply
pursuing personal gratification. The main goal is to channel people's creative energy towards the greater
good of all. In this way, creativity becomes an expression of love and dedication to the nation and the

One of the defining aspects of the Socialist Core is the idea of a collective consciousness. This concept
emphasizes that everyone in a given society has a common experience and worldview, and that this
common perspective shapes the actions of individuals and groups in that society. In Triadism, this
collective consciousness is perceived to be the guiding force for societal development and progress.

Through the collective consciousness, a feeling of unity and purpose is created among the people, which
fosters a sense of responsibility and devotion to the country and the leadership. It also serves to ensure
that all actions taken by the individual are made in service to the nation and aligned with the state's
goals and objectives.

The collective consciousness within the Socialist views the nation as the primary and most important
unit of society. The collective consciousness, as envisioned in Triadism, emphasizes the importance of
collective action and collaboration for the benefit of the nation. This includes a level of societal
conformity and collectivist decision-making while maintaining a level of individualism and competition
for natural aristocracy.

In terms of social outcomes, the collective consciousness in Triadism aims for a well-functioning society
with a high degree of social, economic, and political cohesion. This is in contrast to societies that are
more fragmented and divisive, such as those found in capitalist or imperialist systems.
The collective consciousness in Triadism is intended to promote national unity, solidarity, and loyalty,
and to foster a sense of personal responsibility and self-sacrifice for the greater good. It provides a
framework for understanding individual behaviors and actions within the context of the nation. This
collective emphasis helps to establish a unified sense of identity and purpose, and encourages
individuals to contribute their strengths and abilities towards the common vision for the country.

Man as a Master
The Socialist Core holds the position that man is the master of everything and decides everything. It
argues that man is the most important being in the universe, and that everything exists to serve him.

Man possesses the absolute will to create the material and social worlds, and the ultimate responsibility
to develop such creations into new historical configurations. Man is, therefore, the master of the world
and the supreme principle of the world.

Man should be treated as the absolute subject and master of all things. Man not only has absolute will
over all things, he has absolute responsibility for everything. This implies that man, having the capacity
to shape the world as he pleases, should also take full responsibility for the results of his actions. In this
sense, man serves as the center and essence of Triadism and its Socialist Core.

Meaning of Destiny
True Socialist’s belief in man as the “master of his destiny” stems from its focus on the Race and
Community role in transforming the world. It advocates for humans to take control of their fates and
improve their lives based on their own actions and choices. This approach differs from predestined fate
or destiny in which people have no control over their own future. Under the Triadist Socialist approach,
humans are seen as active participants in shaping their lives and the world around them.

Our Socialist core values of independence and self-sufficiency also have a significant impact on its
emphasis on humanity's role in shaping the world. This Socialism believes that humans are capable of
independently overcoming adversity and challenges through their own efforts and creativity. As a result,
Our Socialist Core emphasizes the importance of independence not only at the state level, but also at
the individual level. This approach encourages humans to take control of their own lives and make their
own decisions without relying on external influences. It emphasizes self-realization and
self-improvement as the key to personal success and well-being.

Triadist Socialism's emphasis on the role of humanity in shaping the world extends to its approach
towards international relations. It advocates for a more cooperative and less aggressive world, in which
nations respect each other’s rights and sovereignty and collaborate for the common good. It rejects the
use of military force or economic sanctions as means to compel nations to adopt certain policies or
principles. The guiding principle of this Socialism promotes mutual respect and mutual cooperation
among nations in pursuit of a more prosperous world. Unlike traditional power-based international
relations, Our Socialism seeks to promote international relations based on cooperation and

The Socialist Core holds the position that man is the master of everything and decides everything. It
argues that man is the most important being in the universe, and that everything exists to serve him

Historical Outlook
The main task of the revolution is to bring about an independent nation in a capitalist and communist
world, thus ensuring the country's sovereignty and promoting its economic development. The Socialist
Core focuses on the national interests and unity of the masses of the people, promoting and
encouraging the development of the social and spiritual forces. It stresses the importance of
independent development and the active role of the masses in advancing the cause of revolution.

The mass of people hold the supreme power of the State-Community and are the true masters of
history, in contrast to the class-based politics in capitalist and communist societies, and are the driving
force in the transformation of the society.

The National and Social Revolution is based on the principle that 'the masters of the revolution are the
masses of the people themselves.' This means that the masses of the people are the makers of history,
rather than relying on a small number of individuals.

Military First
This Doctrine must emphasize on the military and the defense capability of its armed forces. It is
originally part of a military-first policy designed to strengthen national defense capabilities.
It's a policy for prioritizing resources and equipment for military development over other sectors. The
policy will help the Nation’s military modernization, at the expense of its civilian infrastructure and
quality of life

The military first will also emphasize the role of the military in developing the domestic economy and
raising overall living standards. This policy is seen as a reflection of long-standing emphasis on
self-reliance and defense.

Selected Quotations of the National and Social Revolution from

« "True" loyalty is very rare, Sometimes brutal ways of leading or decision making is needed to keep an
order and don't let people act like animals. »-Legionnaire Specter

« We can make this fight alone, if necessary because nobody would ever get the same chance like us.
We are stronger not pussies »- Legionnaire Stormbringer

« I was born as Christian, and I will die as a Christian. The cross from my neck will be only be removed
along with my head »-Phoenix

« I am to fight and die for the cause »-Viper

« If I serve the military, I shall give everything I have for my country ».-Steel Sentinel

« I will dedicate my life and my time for Triadism »-Golden Rex

« A Philosophy so Flamboyant, most people probably don’t even know the core fundamentals. But they
should, because it’s not just about the problems of society and the importance of the Race. It’s also a
eye opening statement about the world itself »-Krieg

« Sweat saves blood, blood save lives, but brains saves both. »-Freikorps

« We have one task, to stand firm and carry on the Triadist struggle without mercy »-Krieg

« We have only to kick in the door and the whole rotten structure will crashing down »- White Angel

« I’ll give you a Final Solution: Fight or Die »- The Beast

« All serving under one Banner, United as one Community. Forward we March to victory, defying death at
all times,remaining undefeated. May our future be prosperous. Triumph Triadism! »- The White Wolf
« Glory to Triadism, Our Eternal Philosophy »- The Guardian

« Glory to the Autarch, he lead us to Victory! - Legionnaire Freikorps

« Up with Triadism, Death to Communism »- Legionnaire Wolf

« What would have become of our Destiny today if the Autarch had not united us under Triadism? »-
Golden Rex

« People never govern themselves »- The Guardian

« No monumental structure can compare to the monumental victories of the Triadist people »- A loyalist

« For the first time, the nationalists and nationality minded men became rebels. Rebels not against state
or nation, but for away of government that would lead to the destruction of their own nation »- Iron

« What is there to regret? I’m a committed Triadist and if I had to be born a thousand times over, I
would be a thousands time what I have been »- Iron Legionnaire

« The Rise of Triadism is the protest of a people against a State that denies the right to work »- Iron

« The blood of the heroes is closer to God than the ink of the philosophers and the prayers of the
faithful »-ServantofKalki

« The Traitors will pay in time, now we reorganise, now we push back these fuckers, now the real work
begins »- Quotation during the Purge against the Moderate Factions

« Folk to Arms Brother! The Cause still stands and we will be victorious Heil Triadism! » Legionnaire

« The Folks fight for their Race and destiny. They are the ones who will succeed, they shall never
surrender as the cause remains eternal. We are bound fanatically to Triadism and the Truth. Victory will
be our and forever United »- Autarch Orion


It’s about time that a New Generation of Fascism returns to its original roots and adapted in modern
times. We need to learn the true history, so that we may appropriately carry forth our Cause. My fellow
Triadists, you are being part of the movement in an effort to rally for the Cause, the time has come.
Time has passed since the Last Attempt to liberate mankind from tyranny, this attempt failed because of
our own ego. An ego that brought us to downfall, we waited almost a century for an opportunity to take
initiative, people have searched for a way to make it happen and yet they have been victims of
infiltration and of corruption in which each faction kills each other for stupid political angers that will
not solve anything.

When we created Triadism we have been laughed at, hated and criticized, made fun and accused of
« larping » as they thought it was a joke . We endured this for months..today the world gave an apology
to us and an honor to revive Fascism.

My dear friends, the time has come: The people have come to identify and realize and also revive the
Fascist Cause into the Triadist Cause. Triadism does not exist physically in the location but in the heart
and soul. People say that Triadism will not survive and it is bullshit. We will say this to them « TRIADISM
LIVES AND MARCHES ON ». The degenerates and larpers will never understand the true will of the
Triadists people. For these traitors, they represent nothing but lies and they do not have a community,
do not have dignity, do not have loyalty, do not have brotherhood and most importantly they do not have
duty. They define us as « idiots or weak » and because they define Triadists as these traits, they shall
forever lack traits of stability and of unity. We do not fight for fantastic aesthetics, we do not fight for
rewards, we do not fight for no reason, we do not fight for world domination, we do not fight for
self-benefit NO! We strive and toil for the basis of community, the labor of the worker, the preservation
of the Race, the preservation of Tradition, For the Cause of the Fanatic and for Nature and God.

The future will rely on the standard bearer of the Old Guard, they are the future of where we will win or
where we will fall for these people who think « Triadism has been defeated » « Triadism is dead »
« Triadism is a joke » « Fascism is dead » or « Fascism cannot be monarchist or NS at same time » they
shall fear the people of our generations that out as their ancestors gave them one simple answer:
live forever, for an IDEAL cannot die, so long as one SINGLE PERSON WITHSTANDS OF THIS MOVEMENT.

End of Book

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