In Ca s e of Errors or Ques tions About Your Ca rd Account ca ll us , write us , or ema il us a t the Cus tomer Service conta ct informa tion a bove a s s oon a s you ca n, if you think a n error ha s occurred in your Ca rd Account. We mus t a llow you to report a n error until 60 da ys a fter the ea rlier of the da te you electronica lly a cces s your a ccount, if the error could be viewed in your electronic his tory, or the da te we s ent the FIRST written his tory on which the error a ppea red. You will need to tell us : 1. Your na me a nd the Ca rd Account number. 2. Why you believe there is a n error, a nd the dolla r a mount involved. 3. Approxima tely when the error took pla ce. If you tell us ora lly, we ma y require tha t you s end us your compla int or ques tion in writing within 10 bus ines s da ys . We will determine whether a n error occurred within 10 bus ines s da ys a fter we hea r from you a nd will correct a ny error promptly. If we need more time, however, we ma y ta ke up to 45 da ys to inves tiga te your compla int or ques tion. If we decide to do this , we will credit your a ccount within 10 bus ines s da ys for the a mount you think is in error, s o tha t you will ha ve the money during the time it ta kes us to complete our inves tiga tion. If we a s k you to put your compla int or ques tion in writing a nd we do not receive it within 10 bus ines s da ys , we ma y not credit your a ccount. For errors involving new a ccounts , point-of-s a le, or foreign-initia ted tra ns a ctions , we ma y ta ke up to 90 da ys to inves tiga te your compla int or ques tion. For new a ccounts , we ma y ta ke up to 20 bus ines s da ys to credit your a ccount for the a mount you think is in error. We will tell you the res ults within three bus ines s da ys a fter completing our inves tiga tion. If we decide tha t there wa s no error, we will s end you a written expla na tion. You ma y a s k for copies of the documents tha t we us ed in our inves tiga tion.
Relative Effects of Parents' Occupation, Qualification and Academic Motivation of Wards On Students' Achievement in Senior Secondary School Mathematics in Ogun State