Assignment 2-Support-05-08-2021
Assignment 2-Support-05-08-2021
Assignment 2-Support-05-08-2021
Put it in WRITING....!!
75% of the solution to a problem
is within the problem itself
• You will investigate a real and current issue within the field of
macroeconomics and must demonstrate that you can structure a
study on a macroeconomics subject, identify information needs,
draw from the body of existing knowledge on a particular subject,
compare theory with practice, construct reasoned arguments
supported by evidence, and make logical conclusions, all within a
context of an individual written report, and strict deadlines
• 2. Interventionist SSP
• Privatization: Selling state owned assets to
the private sector.
• Deregulation: Reducing barriers to entry to
allow new firms to enter the market.
• Tax cuts: Increase spending
• Deregulate Labor Markets: Flexible rules
• Deregulate Financial Markets: low borrowing
• Reducing the power of trade unions: Increase
efficiency, reduce real-wage unemployment
• Reducing unemployment benefits:
Encouraging employment
• Increase free-trade: Frictionless trade deals
can lead to lower cost for business and
improve productivity.
• Interventionist Supply-Side policies: