Assignment: # Submitted To Prof - Muhammad Rizwan Submitted by Shabana Ali BS (H) Chem 1 Semester Roll # 1044

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Submitted To Prof.Muhammad Rizwan Submitted by Shabana Ali BS (H) Chem 1st semester Roll # 1044

Computer was invented because necessity is the mother of invention. Man always search for a fast calculating device. It took a long time to invent a digital computer. A brief history behind the invention of computer is as follows: ABACUS The 1st computer device was ABACUS. It was developed in 600B.C.It was used for simple addition & subtraction. It consists of wooden beads. The beads could move easily. Calculations were performed by moving beads properly.

John Napiers Bone

Another manual calculating device was John Napiers Bone. It was a cardboard multiplication calculation. It was designed in 17th century.

Blas Pascal
The first mechanical machine was invented by Blas Pascal in 1942. It could only add & subtract numbers. Division & multiplication was done by repeated addition & subtraction.

Gottifield Wilhem von Leibnitz

In 1694 a German scientist Leibnitz developed a calculating machine. It was a 1 calculator that could multiply & divide also.

Charles Xavier
A French scientist Charles Xavier developed a machine that could perform addition, subtraction, multiplication and division.

Punched Board
A French engineer Joseph developed punch board system for power was used to create specific weaving patern on clothes.Later on; the system was used in computing devices.

Charles Babbage
In 1822 a mathematician Charles Babbage invented a difference engines for mathematical calculation. In 1842 he developed Analytical Engine that was automatic. This Engine could perform 60 additions per minute.

Herman Hollerith
In 1889 Herman applied the idea of punched board in computers. He used punch cards in computers for input & output.

Attanasoff was a professor at Lawa University.He invented an electric computer. He applied Boolean algebra to computer circuitry.

George Boole
Gorge Boole simplified binery system of algebra. His rule states that any mathematical equation can be stated simply as either true or false.

The Mark one computer

I is also known as automatic sequence controlled calculator. It was 1st fully automatic machine. It was designed by Howard A. Aiken of Harvard University. It was very reliable but huge in size.

It stands for electric integrator & calculator. It was the 1st electronic computer. It was heavy & large in size.

It stands for electronic discrete variable automatic calculator .it could store instruction & data.

It stands for universal automatic computer .It was 1st digital computer.

Commercial Computer
The 1st commercial computer was 701. It was introduced by IBM (international business machine)

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