Jss2 Ee Second Term Exam 24

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1. One of the following is not a common 6. Every piece of a magnet has both…………
source of power in Nigeria and ……. Poles?
A. Solar power A. South and West
B. Hydro power B. North and East
C. Nuclear power C. East and West
D. Wind power D. North and South
2. After power generation, what is the 7. One of the following is not a type of
next line of action? magnet
A. Transmission A. Permanent magnet
B. Step-up B. Iron magnet
C. Distribution C. Temporary magnet
D. disbursement D. Electro magnet
3. The formula of electric field is given as? 8. The region of a magnet at which the
A. E=F/Q magnetic field is stronger is called?
B. E=F*Q A. Field pole
C. F=Q/E B. Electric pole
D. Q=E/F C. Magnetic pole
4. From the formula above, F and Q stand D. Electromagnetic pole
for ……. And ………., respectively? 9. A material or object that produces a
A. Field and Quality magnetic field that can affect materials
B. Field and Quantity around it.
C. Force and charge A. Conductor
D. Force and Quench B. Magnetor
5. The tendency of an electrical conductor C. Magnet
to oppose a charge in the electrical D. Magnetized iron
current flowing through it is called ….? 10. One of the following is not a way of de-
A. Inductor magnetizing a magnet
B. Conductor A. Hammering the magnet
C. Inductance B. Watering the magnet
D. conductance C. Exposure to extreme temperature
D. Stroking one magnet against another
11. One of the following is not a type of B. Step-down
permanent magnet. C. Up and Down
A. Ceramic/ferrite D. All of the above
B. Samarium cobalt 18. The rate at which electric energy is
C. Neodymium transferred to other forms is
D. Carbon called……..?
12. When a conductor cuts across two A. Wattage
stationed magnets, what happens? B. Power
A. The magnets get induced of an EMF C. Current
B. An EMF is induced on the conductor D. Kinetic
C. The magnets starts rotating 19. The number of turns in the primary coil
D. The conductor starts rotating b to the number of turns in the secondary
13. An electro-static device changes the coil is called……..?
voltage of electrical power either A. Transformation
increment or decrement is called? B. Transformer ratio
A. Transistor C. Primary turns
B. Inductor D. Secondary turns
C. Magnet Np Vp
20. The equation = is for…….?
D. Transformer Ns Vs
14. One of the following is not a type of A. Primary winding
transformer core? B. Secondary winding
A. Copper core C. Turns ratio
B. Iron core D. None of the above
C. Paper core 21. In electric power formula, the letter “E”
D. Air core stands for……..?
15. A step-up transformer has more turns A. Energy
in the ……? B. Current
A. Primary winding C. Voltage
B. Secondary winding D. Resistance
C. Main winding 22. ……… is the process of connecting one
D. Core winding than one generator to form one
16. If a voltage transformer has 3000 turns output?
of wire on its primary coil, 1000 turns of A. Merging
wire on its secondary coil. What is the B. Synchronization
turn ratio (TR)? C. Polarization
A. 3:1 D. Optimization
B. 6:2 V
23. P= means that…….?
C. 3:3 R
D. 1:3 A. Power is directly proportional to square
17. The transformer above can be referred of voltage
to as ………….. Transformer? B. Power is directly proportional to square
A. Step-up of resistance
C. Power is directly proportional to square 30. In transmission line, a single circuit is
of watt made up of …….. Conductors?
D. Power is directly proportional to square A. 1/2
of current B. 3/4
24. P=IV means that ……? C. 5/6
A. Power is directly proportional to the D. 7/8
product of current and voltage 31. Which of the following options below is
B. Power is directly proportional to the correct label sequence of the live
product of voltage conductors?
C. Power is directly proportional to square A. B.Y.R
of voltage and current B. B.R.Y
D. None of the above C. R.Y.B
25. In Nigeria power system, the generating D. Y.B.R
voltage is……..? 32. The distribution line is made up of …….
A. 220v Conductors?
B. 11kv A. 5
C. 22kv B. 3
D. 123kv C. 4
26. What is the total power Nigeria D. 7
generates? 33. In an area where the transformer is
A. 220kw over loaded and the power supply is
B. 11mgw below the standard rating. Such
C. 220mgw situation is referred to as?
D. 400mgw A. Low current
27. The giant structure bearing the B. Low power
transmission lines is called? C. High current
A. Steel D. Low voltage
B. Nylon 34. In an AC circuit, the …………. And ………
C. Pylon vary sinusoidally with time?
D. Wight carrier A. North and South
28. In Nigeria power system, the B. Voltage and power
distribution voltage is …..? C. Current and voltage
A. 100v D. Transformer and electromagnet
B. 50v 35. Which is an example of a magnetic
C. 240v substance?
D. 120 A. Iron
29. In transmission lines, double circuit is B. Nickel
made up of ……. Conductors? C. Cobalt
A. 6/7 D. All of these
B. 2/3 36. Magnets have a shape
C. 7/5 A. Cylindrical
D. 3/4 B. Ball ended
C. Horse shoe 43. Which of the following is a non-
D. All of these magnetic material?
37. A freely suspended bar magnet rests in A. Iron
A. North-south directions B. Cobalt
B. East-west directions C. Glass
C. Upside down D. Nickel
D. Any direction by chance 44. The two ends of the magnet are called
38. Attraction is seen between the poles of A. Poles
two bar magnets in the case of B. Strength
A. N-pole of one magnet with N-pole of C. North
other D. South
B. N-pole of one magnet with S-pole of 45. The point where electrical power is
other generated is called
C. S-pole of one magnet with S-pole of A. Power point
other B. Power house
D. All of these cases will show attraction C. Power station
39. Choose the wrong statement D. Kainji dam
A. Heat can destroy magnetic properties 46. Which body is responsible for the
of a magnet generation and transmission of
B. Magnets are made up of different electrical power in Nigeria?
materials and different shapes A. TUC
C. There is a maximum attraction in B. NLC
middle of a magnet C. NIN
D. Magnetite does not show magnetic D. TCN
properties 47. 240√ 3 =
40. The magnetic properties of a magnet A. 720
cannot be destroyed by B. 415
A. Hammering C. 80
B. Heating D. 243
C. dropping on a hard surface 48. What type of current does solar power
D. boiling plant generate?
41. Which two ends of a magnet are called A. Ac
magnetic poles? B. Dc
A. North pole C. None of the above
B. South pole D. All of the above
C. North and south pole 49. What will happen if you touch a naked
D. Self demagnetization unenergized conductor?
42. Magnets attract A. You will get buns and zobo
A. Wood B. Electric shock
B. Plastic C. Nothing
C. Paper D. I don’t know
D. iron
50. What type of current does a generator B. AC
produce? C. APC
A. DC D. AC and DC

SECTION B: (answer any 3 Questions)

1. State faraday’s second law of electromagnetism(7mrk)

A. Mention 3 methods by which magnetic field can be varied(3mrk)
2. State LENZ’s law of electromagnetism(7mrk)
A. Mention any 3 generating stations(3mrk)
3. Draw a detailed block (not picture)diagram of a power system(10mrk)
4. Explain transformer with some sketch and mathematics expression(10mrk)

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