Crit C Development01 en
Crit C Development01 en
Crit C Development01 en
The relational database below consists of 6 linked tables shown below. This has been done to ensure
that when data is updated Nicole will not have redundant or inaccurate (where data has been updated
in one table, but not in another) data within the database
The LOANS table is a link / transaction table linking STUDENTS and COPIES
The COPIES table is necessary as Mme Martin has more than one copy of some DVDs. This table
has been created as it is not possible in MS Access to model a many-many table and the relationship
has been decomposed into two one-many relationships using a linked table (COPIES).
Litwin, Paul. "FundamentalsOfRelationalDatabaseDesign." FundamentalsOfRelationalDatabaseDesign.
/, 1994. Web. 13 Apr 2010.
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The RATINGS table has been incorporated to eliminate repetition of data which would occur if each
DVD record included a rating description.
POSTCODES is a look-up table which will save Mme Martin time looking up the postcode each time
she enters a new student‟s address.
Key fields uniquely identify one record in a table and are used for linking tables.
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Prevents the
DVD being
returned before it
is loaned out
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Complex queries / calculated fields including concatenation of text, derived fields and the
expression builder to generate user friendly output
1. List of all DVDs using complex queries, derived fields and concatenation
Mme Martin requires a list of all her DVDs. A report has been generated which includes the Copy_ID
and totals the number of copies of each video.
The report is based on the complex query below which uses the links between three tables.
A formula has been added to count the number of copies. Concatenation links number of copies with
the word „copies‟ so Mme Martin can immediately see the number of copies of each video.
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2. List of overdue DVDs using complex queries, derived fields, additional criteria and
Mme Martin wants a list of overdue videos and needs the name and phone number of the borrowers.
By linking tables this query provides details of DVDs and borrowers‟ names and phone numbers.
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This parameter query allows Mme Martin to search on any genre. The allvideosabout report produced
provides a list of titles with their ratings and copy ID.
When the report is run the box below appears and this lets Mme Martin type in her chosen genre.
To make the report (allDVDsabout) even more user-friendly in the design of the report a text box has
been added with input from the control source [genre]. This displays the heading with Mme Martin‟s
input text.
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4. A user-friendly interface – Student details - using complex queries, expression builder and
Many features have been added to make the database easy for Mme Martin to use
The student data entry form (frmMemberEdit) includes the student‟s photo.
A search button allows Mme Martin to search for a student by typing in last name and uses
the expression builder facility to create the parameter query.
By clicking the LOANS button she can easily see outstanding loans for this student.
The HELP button provides assistance on using this screen
The exit button closes the form
The search facility has been developed by creating the macro mcrFindMember
The onclick property of the search button will run a macro called mcrFindMember
txtFamilySearch is unbound as it is
not linked to a field in any table in
the database
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5. A user-friendly interface – Student loans - using complex queries and the expression builder
The LOANS button on frmMemberEdit runs a macro to open the openmakeloans form. This enables
Mme Martin to quickly see the DVDs the current student has on loan. In order to locate the relevant
student this macro has a condition where [Student_ID]=[Forms]![frmMemberEdit]![Student_ID].
This expression opens the Loans form (frmMakeLoans) for the same student as shown on the data
entry screen.
When the macro is run from the objects list not from frmMemberEdit, the user will be asked to enter a
studentID. See below:
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The subform is based on a complex query and relationship between the tables ensures that the form
and subform are linked on Student_ID to ensure that the loans shown relate to the student.
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5. A user-friendly interface – Loan details - using complex queries, the expression builder and
The Loan Information button runs a macro similar to the one above which opens the frmLookupList
and subform.
The drop down list is generated using the Combo box function and uses the unique StudentID
(hidden from the user) as the bound value so that when the full student name is selected (using
concatenation), the correct record is identified.
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A macro has been created to open the form called Main Menu. By saving this macro as autoexec it
automatically launches the Main Menu on startup.
Buttons open forms and reports making the database simple to use.
A user guide is available via a button.
The STUDENTS table contains person information about the students which should not be available
to unauthorised users. The database will be loaded onto Mme Martin‟s home computer. Her computer
is not shared with other users and she has a password to log on. A password will also be set on the
database for extra security.
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The photo has been incorporated into the design of the STUDENTS table (below) as an OLE object.
Required is set to NO as not all students may provide a photo.
This database was based on a video store database in Developing databases with Access by
Graeme Summers.
His Website is
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