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Drive Defender
Security Package
Siemens new cybersecurity technology protects your assets from
cyberattacks, data theft, and unexpected downtime.

Harden Existing Controls AES-256 Encryption & NERC

CIP-012-1 Compliance
Improved security for NXGII, NXG Pro, and
other control systems
256-bit encryption & NERC CIP-rated security
for optimum protection

Enhanced Protection Minimize Downtime

Protect assets from data theft, hackers, and Reduce downtime from shutdowns or take-
cyber attacks overs caused by cyberattacks
In the last year, 76% of U.S. businesses
have experienced a cyberattack
- ZDnet

Cybersecurity has become a growing topic and

challenge for many industries in the world.
A well-developed cybersecurity system is
A cyberattack cost companies on
necessary for companies to protect their
sensitive data and assets.
average $200,000 per incident

Harden Existing Controls Defender Package equips your control system Benefits at a Glance:
The Drive Defender Security Package makes with AES-256 Encryption. 256-bit encryption
improving your existing control systems easy. makes the system virtually impenetrable to
Hardening your existing controls equips your cyberattacks and threats. Advanced Encryption
system with robust cybersecurity technology Standard (AES) is the first and only publicly Enhanced Security
made to withstand threatening cyberattacks. trusted standard for protecting top secret level
This new cybersecurity technology provides information by the US National Security
improved security for NXGII, NXGPro, and Agency. The Drive Defender Security Package
High Reliability
other control systems upon consultation. also complies with NERC CIP-012-1 which
defines the standard for communications
Enhanced Protection
between control centers.
A drive lacking device-level necessary
cybersecurity measures is highly exposed to Minimize Downtime Minimize Downtime
serious cyber threats, data theft, hacking, Hackers can effectively shut down or takeover
and malware. Increased complexity with drives that are inadequately secured. Shut-
cyberattacks and hacks have left many downs or takeovers of your drive caused by
unprotected plants extremely vulnerable to cyberattacks can cause major downtime and
compromising their security and networks. result in lost revenue. Minimize the downtime
The Drive Defender Security Package offers an of your drive with the Drive Defender Security
Legal Manufacturer
additional layer of protection to your plant- Package. Siemens Industry, Inc.
100 Technology Drive
wide security system at the device-level. This Alpharetta, GA 30005
Siemens Solution United States of America
provides protection from serious cyberattacks
The Drive Defender Security Package is a new Telephone: +1 (800) 333-7421
that can devastate plant operations. Protecting www.siemens.com/lda-services
cybersecurity offering that provides protection Order No. CSFL-01900-0122
assets from these malicious threats will give © 01.2022, Siemens Industry, Inc.
of your Siemens drive. Professional installation
you peace of mind that your drive is safe and This document contains a general
ensures minimal downtime and seamless description of available technical options
secure. only, and its effectiveness will be subject to
integration with your existing plant security specific variables including field conditions
and project parameters. Siemens does not
AES-256 Encryption & NERC CIP-012-1 system. For further information, please make representations, warranties, or
assurances as to the accuracy or
Compliance contact your local Siemens representative for a completeness of the content contained
herein. Siemens reserves the right to
Security is important but do you know how tailored solution to fit your specific needs. modify the technology and product
specifications in its sole discretion
secure your control system is? The Drive without advance notice.

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