Systems Ap Storage Tape ts3400 TSD03010USEN

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Compact high performance tape automation supports

information availability, retention, compliance and security

IBM System Storage TS3400 Tape


The IBM System Storage™ TS3400

Tape Library offers the high capacity
and performance advantage of the
IBM System Storage TS1130 or
TS1120 Tape Drives in a smaller
automation footprint for IBM Power™
Systems, System x™, System z™1 and
other open systems environments. The
TS3400 tape library is an external 5U
standalone or rack-mountable unit sup-
Highlights porting one or two TS1130 tape drives
with a data transfer rate of up to
■ Control path and data path ■ Satisfies regulatory compliance 160 MBps per drive or one to two
automatic failover features are requirements with support for TS1120 tape drives with a data transfer
designed to keep data available non-erasable, non-rewritable rate of up to 104 MBps per drive.
■ Supports information retention The TS3400 tape library is an excellent
using the high capacity and ■ Provides information security tape storage solution for organizations
attractive performance of with support for encryption already using IBM enterprise tape
TS1130 or TS1120 tape drives in drives in their data centers who want to
a smaller automation footprint use the same technology in remote
locations. The TS3400 is also designed
for organizations that have limited phys- Remote management via a Web The TS1130 and TS1120 tape drives
ical space in their IT environments. The browser allows you to communicate include data encryption capabilities
TS3400 can be installed in a standard directly with the library and perform a within the drives themselves, helping to
19" rack, providing up to 54 TB of wide range of end user, operator and avoid the need for host-based encryp-
compressed tape storage in a 5U administrator tasks without being at the tion of data—and the concurrent drain
space. operator panel. To take further advan- on host performance and resources—
tage of your investment, you can parti- or the additional expense of specialized
The TS3400 tape library has two tion the library into two logical partitions encryption appliances.
removable cartridge magazines, provid- to share the library between different
ing 18 data cartridge slots. Up to three applications. To support continued pro- The IBM Encryption Key Manager
slots can be used for I/O slots, and up cessing, the TS3400 tape library is component for the Java™ platform can
to two slots can be used as cleaning equipped with control path and data help generate and manage encryption
cartridge slots. The TS3400 tape library path failover. keys for IBM tape drives across the
provides a media capacity of up to enterprise.
18 cartridges, allowing for up to 18 TB Encryption Support
of storage (54 TB with 3:1 compres- To help keep information confidential, in
sion) when using 1 TB extended capac- the event of loss or theft of backup
ity cartridges. tapes, the TS3400 tape library supports
IBM tape drive-based encryption.
IBM System Storage TS3400 Tape Library at a glance

Tape Drive TS1130 or TS1120 tape drives

Number of Drives Up to 2, no intermix of TS1130 and TS1120

Number of tape Up to 18

Number of Up to 3
Input/Output slots

Number of Logical Up to 2

Capacity2 Up to 18 TB native capacity (54 TB with 3:1 compression)

Data transfer rate Up to 320 MBps

Media type IBM 3592 JA/JB/JJ and JW/JR/JX Write Once Read Many (WORM) cartridges

Dimensions 17.5" (445 mm) x 8.71" (221.45 mm) x 35.23" (895 mm)

Max. weight 67 lb. (30.39 kg) without drives, 92 lb. (41.73 kg) with 2 drives

Warranty 1 year on site repair

Operating Environment
Temperature 16° to 32° C (61° to 90° F)

Relative Humidity 20% to 80% (non-condensing)

Wet bulb maximum 23.0° C (73.4° F)

Electrical power 117.85W (including two drives)

Platform Operating System

IBM System i IBM i5/OS®, IBM i
System p AIX® and Linux®
System x See open systems support
System z1 IBM z/OS®, IBM VSE and Linux
Power™ Systems AIX, IBM i, Linux

Open Systems Hewlett-Packard HP-UX

Sun Microsystems Solaris
Servers with Intel® or AMD processors Linux; Microsoft® Windows Server® 2003
For more information © International Business Machines Corporation
Contact your IBM representative or
IBM Systems and Technology Group
IBM Business Partner or visit: Route 100
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Produced in the United States July 2008
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Actual storage capacity will vary based upon own compliance with legal requirements. It is Other company, product and service names
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FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE OR change or withdrawal without notice, and
System z support may require IBM System represent goals and objectives only. The
warranted according to the terms and Storage TS1120 Tape Controller. information contained in this document is
conditions of the agreements (e.g., 2
Capacity depends on drives installed, number current as of the initial date of publication only
IBM Customer Agreement, Statement of Limited and type of cartridges used, and compression and is subject to change without notice.
Warranty, International Program License ratio achieved. Listed capacity is physical. IBM shall have no responsibility to update such
Agreement, etc.) under which they are provided. Usable capacity may be less. information.


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