Analytic Rubrrics
Analytic Rubrrics
Analytic Rubrrics
This rubric evaluates the learners' group dance performance. This analytic rubric focuses on the performance of the pupils as a group in their dance presentation. This rubric also aims to
quantify students' performance in terms of execution, rhythm/tempo, preparedness, and member participation.
5 4 3 2 1
The performers The performers The performers The performers
The performers did not
executed their dance executed their dance executed their dance executed their dance
EXECUTION execute their dance steps
steps properly and have steps properly, but few steps, but there are steps, but many errors
(50%) properly at all. The
no errors have seen errors have seen some errors have seen have seen throughout
execution is a mess.
throughout the dance. throughout the dance. throughout the dance. the dance.
5 4 3 2 1
Shows a basic
Shows a complete Attempts to keep up a
Accurate in beat, Generally, accurate in understanding of tempo
understanding of tempo rhythm but gets off beat
RHYTHM/TEMPO tempo, rhythm of dance beat, tempo, rhythm of and beat but falls
and beat and stays on and speeds up or falls
(30%) sequence throughout the dance sequence behind and/or speeds
rhythm throughout the behind often. Doesn’t
the dance. most of the time. up in places or makes
dance. follow beat in music.
errors in rhythm.
5 4 3 2 1
Group is somewhat
Group is completely Group seems prepared Group is not prepared
PREPAREDNESS prepared but could have Group did not prepare to
prepared and obviously but could have used a and clear that rehearsal
(10%) used a lot more perform at all.
rehearsed. couple more rehearsals. was lacking.
5 4 3 2 1
All members participate All members participate Most members Some members
MEMBER in the dance. The group in the dance. The group participate in the dance. participate in the dance. One member participates
PARTICIPATION is extremely well put is well put together. The group put together The group is not put in the dance. The group
(10%) together. Everyone is Good effort from ok, but not everyone is together at all. Effort is is a mess. No effort at all
focused and on task. everyone. trying. minimal.