###Review of Porous Media
###Review of Porous Media
###Review of Porous Media
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: Turbulent fluid flow, heat transfer and entropy generation through isotropic porous media were investi-
Received 31 July 2018 gated utilizing two RANS models, i.e., RNG k-e and SST k-x. Circular, longitudinal elliptical and transverse
Received in revised form 30 November 2018 elliptical cross-sectional configurations were analyzed with symmetrical boundary conditions for the
Accepted 3 December 2018
upper and lower lines and periodic boundary conditions for the back and front lines. Evaluation of the
Available online 10 December 2018
temperature contours indicated two low-temperature regions behind the solid rods of the transverse
elliptical cross-sectional configuration exist. For a given specific normalized pressure gradient, dimen-
sionless turbulence kinetic energy, Nusselt number, and heat transfer efficiency, the RNG k-e model
Porous media
resulted in more reliable results for the dimensionless turbulence kinetic energy at low Reynolds num-
Entropy generation bers when compared with the SST k-x model. Using the thermal analysis of the three cross-sectional con-
Heat transfer figurations investigated, the longitudinal elliptical resulted in higher heat transfer efficiencies when
Cross-sectional configuration compared with the circular and transverse elliptical cross-sectional configurations. When the influence
of the turbulence effects were included in the entropy generation rate, a second law of thermodynamics
analysis indicated that the longitudinal elliptical cross-sectional configuration resulted in a lower entropy
generation rate when compared with the circular and transverse elliptical cross-sectional configurations.
Combining the results of the first and second law analyses for the three cross-sectional configurations, it
is apparent that isotropic porous media consisting of the longitudinal elliptical cross-sectional configura-
tion can simultaneously result in a high heat transfer efficiency and low entropy generation rate.
Ó 2018 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
0017-9310/Ó 2018 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
444 M. Torabi et al. / International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 132 (2019) 443–461
require for this type of analysis [10], the PSM analysis of turbulent tor were developed. Galuppo and de Lemos [17] numerically ana-
fluid flow and heat transfer has only been performed for relatively lyzed turbulent fluid flow and heat transfer in backward-facing
simplified porous structures, such as packed beds [11] and metal steps utilizing porous inserts. The effects of porosity, the Darcy
foams [12]. number, and the thickness of the porous insert on the streamlines,
The numerical analysis of turbulent fluid flow and heat transfer dimensionless turbulence kinetic energy contours, skin friction
through porous media using the VAT approach has been previously coefficient, and Nu were examined and discussed. The conven-
discussed [13–15]. In an interesting investigation by Möbner and tional VAT approach utilizing a high Reynolds k-e turbulence
Radespiel [14], a new turbulence model for fluid flow and heat model was employed. Thermal boundary conditions for the top
transfer through porous media was presented. The generated and bottom walls of the channel were assumed to be adiabatic
parameters in this new turbulence model revealed good agreement and constant heat flux, respectively. It was found that the turbu-
when compared with direct numerical simulation (DNS) results. lence characteristics of flow is damped with the insertion of the
The results included the effects of the turbulent jump coefficient porous material and the thickness of the porous insert was shown
and the jump coefficient of turbulent dissipation rates, on the tur- to have a significant impact on the overall thermophysical proper-
bulence dissipation rate and modified Reynolds stresses [14]. A ties of the system.
numerical investigation of turbulent fluid flow and heat transfer Alternatively, some investigations have utilized the PSM
in heat exchangers filled with porous materials was performed approach in order to simulate turbulent fluid flow and heat trans-
by Shirvan et al. [15]. The response surface methodology procedure fer through isotropic porous media [18–20]. Yang et al. [19] inves-
was utilized in order to calculate correlations of the heat exchanger tigated three-dimensional turbulent flow and thermal fields for
effectiveness and Nusselt number (Nu). Conclusions revealed that packed beds consisting of spheres and ellipsoids in different pack-
the Reynolds number (Re) and thickness of the dimensionless por- ing arrangements. In order to include the turbulence effects in gov-
ous substrate had a significant influence on the Nu and the heat erning equations, the renormalization group (RNG) k-e model was
exchanger effectiveness [15]. In an interesting investigation by utilized. For similar physical conditions, the sphere packing and
Saberinejad and Keshavarz [16], oscillating turbulent fluid flow flat ellipsoidal packing arrangements demonstrated the highest
and heat transfer through porous media embedded in a circular and lowest overall heat transfer efficiencies, respectively. In a com-
tube were analyzed. Utilizing the VAT approach and assuming a bined numerical and experimental investigation, turbulent fluid
local thermal equilibrium (LTE) model for temperature distribution flow and heat transfer through flat and slotted tube bundles using
in the porous media, the unsteady momentum and energy govern- a low Reynolds turbulence model was analyzed by Kong et al. [20].
ing equations were numerically solved. In order to investigate heat Comprehensive results including the pressure drop, heat flow rate,
transfer coefficient and pressure loss in thermal-fluid systems with Nu, performance evaluation criterion, and system performance cri-
porous media, such as the cooling processes in porous heat terion were all evaluated and discussed. With respect to the perfor-
exchangers, two correlations for the Nu and maximum friction fac- mance evaluation and system performance criterion investigated,
M. Torabi et al. / International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 132 (2019) 443–461 445
equal longitudinal and transverse tube pitches revealed superior lence modeling, heat transfer discussion, and boundary conditions
results from both the theoretical and practical engineering per- for the isotropic porous media are all provided. Section 3 discusses
spectives. Further, in some investigations more advanced turbu- the entropy generation formulation in turbulent fluid flow and
lence simulation approaches have been utilized [21]. Recently, heat transfer. Section 4 addresses the use of an applied numerical
Kundu et al. [22] examined various turbulence models for isotropic method and the resulting grid independence. In Section 5 the code
porous media consisting of circular and square rods. The standard validation investigation and results such as dimensionless pressure
k-e model, the low Reynolds k-e model and large eddy simulation gradient, dimensionless turbulence kinetic energy, heat transfer
(LES) model, were all considered. In order to model the porous efficiency and dimensionless surface averaged entropy generation
structures accurately, the periodic boundary conditions for three- rate are explored and evaluated. Finally, Section 6 presents some
dimensional circular and square cylinders were utilized. The low concluding remarks regarding the results obtained.
Reynolds k-e model revealed results that were much closer to the
results of the LES model when compared with the standard k-e 2. Problem statement
model [22].
In a comprehensive investigation by Uth et al. [23], the DNS If forced convection of air at 300 K with constant thermophysi-
method was utilized to explore the possibility of macroscopic tur- W
cal properties, i.e., kf ¼ 0:0242 mK , l ¼ 1:7894 105 ms
bulence in isotropic porous media that consisted of two-
dimensional and three-dimensional matrices. Two different cp ¼ 1004:63 kgK , q ¼ 1:225 m3 , flowing through a heat exchan-
J kg
@k @k @2k @2k
q u þ v ¼ P-e þ ak leff : þ ð5Þ
@x @y @x2 @y2
@e @e e e2 @2e @2e
q u þ v ¼ C 1e P C 2e þ ae leff : þ ð6Þ
@x @y k k @x2 @y2
In the RNG k-e model the effective dynamic viscosity (leff : ) can
be described as:
leff : ¼ l þ lturb: ð7Þ
Table 2 convert the standard k-x model to the standard k-e model, a blend-
Grid independence study for the circular cross-sectional configuration in / ¼ 0:6 and ing function (F 1 ) can be used. The turbulence kinetic energy and
Re ¼ 200 from the RNG k-e model.
specific dissipation rate governing equations for the SST k-x model
Grid hki f Error are written as [37]:
" #
7000 0.190148 %0.37 @k @k lturb: @ 2 k @ 2 k
q u þv
¼ P b kx þ l þ
þ ð14Þ
@x @y rk @x2 @y2
17,000 0.19129 %0.0099
19,000 0.191271
Table 3
Meshes used for three cross-sectional configurations.
φ = 0 .8
k −ε
φ = 0 .6
φ = 0 .8
k −ω
φ = 0 .6
Fig. 3. Pressure (mN2 ) contours from the RNG k-e and SST k-x models for the circular cross-sectional configuration.
448 M. Torabi et al. / International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 132 (2019) 443–461
@x @x qa The a in Eq. (15) can be expressed as [37]:
q u þ v ¼ P qbi x2 !
@x @y lturb:
" # a a0 þ Re t
lturb: @ 2 x @ 2 x a ¼ 1 Rx
þ lþ þ 2 þ 2ð1 F 1 Þ a 1 þ Rxt
rx @x2 @y
1 @k @ x @k @ x a0 þ ReRkt
þ ð15Þ a ¼ ð20Þ
xrx;2 @x @x @y @y 1 þ Ret
R k
The turbulence kinetic energy production for the SST k-x model (P)
in Eqs. (14) and (15) can be described as: a1 ¼ F 1 a1;1 þ ð1 F 1 Þa1;2 ð21Þ
¼ min ðP; 10qb kxÞ ð16Þ
P bi;1 j2
a1;1 ¼ pffiffiffiffiffiffiffi ð22Þ
2 4 3 b1 rx;1 b1
615 þ Rb 7
4 Ret
φ = 0 .85
k −ε
φ = 0 .7
φ = 0 .85
k −ω
φ = 0 .7
Fig. 4. Pressure (mN2 ) contours from the RNG k-e and SST k-x models for the longitudinal elliptical cross-sectional configuration.
M. Torabi et al. / International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 132 (2019) 443–461 449
"pffiffiffi ! #
k 500l 4qk qk
U1 ¼ min max ; ; ð25Þ lturb: ¼ h i ð30Þ
0:09xy qy2 x rx;2 Dþx y2 x max a1 ; aSF1 x2
1 1 @k @ x @k @ x
Dþx ¼ max 2q þ ; 1010 ð26Þ F 2 ¼ tanh U22 ð31Þ
rx;2 x @x @x @y @y
pffiffiffi " #
The bi in Eq. (15) can be expressed as: k 500l
U2 ¼ max 2 ; ð32Þ
bi ¼ F 1 bi;1 þ ð1 F 1 Þbi;2 ð27Þ 0:09xy qy2 x
The rk and rx in Eqs. (14) and (15) are defined respectively as: Values of constants for the RNG k-e model and the SST k-x model
1 are shown in Table 1.
rk ¼ F1 ð1F 1 Þ
ð28Þ Given the dimensionless analysis of thermophysical parameters
rk;1 þ rk;2 in the current investigation, the dimensionless turbulence kinetic
energy (hki ) is discussed. The surface averaged turbulence kinetic
1 u2
rx ¼ ð29Þ
þ ð1F 1Þ energy (hki f ) can be expressed as:
rx;1 rx;2
Moreover, the lturb: in the SST k-x model can be defined as: hki f ¼ kdA ð33Þ
φ = 0 .8
k −ε
φ = 0 .7
φ = 0 .8
k −ω
φ = 0 .7
Fig. 5. Pressure (mN2 ) contours from the RNG k-e and SST k-x models for the transverse elliptical cross-sectional configuration.
450 M. Torabi et al. / International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 132 (2019) 443–461
uD ¼ /u ð37Þ The turbulence kinetic energy on the solid rods can be expressed as:
Z @k
1 ¼0 ð44Þ
B ¼
u dA
u ð38Þ @n
Standard wall functions were implemented for the RNG k-e model
T u
dy [1] and the wall boundary condition for the specific dissipation rate
T B ¼ R ð39Þ is expressed as:
ðu Þ2
T w T Bx¼H T w T Bx¼H xw ¼ xþ ð45Þ
DT ml ¼ ð40Þ m
T w T B
ln T w T x¼H The xþ for laminar sublayer and logarithmic region is defined as,
The exposed surface area (Aexp: ) in Eq. (35) was obtained using 1
the perimeter of the solid rods, as illustrated in Figs. 1b and 2. Also, xþ ¼ ð46Þ
bi ðyþ Þ2
the exposed surface diameter (D) in Eq. (36) was defined as D ¼ 2a
and D ¼ 2b for the longitudinal elliptical and transverse elliptical þ
1 duturb:
cross-sectional configurations, respectively. xþ ¼ pffiffiffiffiffiffi
ffi þ ð47Þ
Even though thermal analysis of the isotropic porous media can b1 dy
be performed using the Nu, utilization of a pressure gradient More details regarding Eqs. (46) and (47) can be found in Ref. [37].
results in a more comprehensive thermal assessment. Thus, in Following fundamental investigations of laminar flow [34] and
order to include the effects of both the heat transfer and pressure turbulent flow [29,38] through isotropic porous media, periodic
gradient, simultaneously, the heat transfer efficiency can be boundary conditions for the back and front lines of the unit cells
defined as [19]: can be expressed as:
Fig. 6. The dimensionless pressure gradient from the RNG k-e and SST k-x models for the circular, longitudinal elliptical and transverse elliptical cross-sectional
M. Torabi et al. / International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 132 (2019) 443–461 451
x¼H ¼ u
u x¼H v x¼H ¼ v x¼H x¼H ¼ p
x¼H þ Dp analyses of turbulent fluid flow and heat transfer, the local entropy
kx¼H ¼ kx¼H ex¼H ¼ ex¼H xx¼H ¼ xx¼H generation rate in the current study can be expressed as [40,41]:
" 2 2 # " 2 #
kf @ T @ T l @u 2 @ v @u @ v 2
Alternatively, in order to establish a periodic temperature profile in S_ gen ¼ 2 þ þ 2 þ2 þ þ
the back and front lines of the unit cell, a dimensionless tempera- T @x @y T @x @y @y @x
|fflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflffl{zfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflffl} |fflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflffl{zfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflffl}
ture boundary condition can be defined as [34,39]: time v eraged HTI time av eraged FFI
2 3 "
2 0 2 0 2 0 2 #
T x¼H T w T x¼H T w kf 4 @T 0 @T 5 l @u0
@v @u @ v 0
¼ ð49Þ þ 2 þ þ 2 þ2 þ þ
T Bx¼H T w T Bx¼H T w T @x @y T @x @y @y @x
|fflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflffl{zfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflffl} |fflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflffl{zfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflffl}
fluctuating HTI fluctuating FFI
The time averaged HTI and time averaged FFI can be obtained using
For the turbulent fluid flow and heat transfer under investiga- the governing equations and boundary conditions discussed in Sec-
tion the entropy generation is due to a combination of heat transfer tion 2. Alternatively, the fluctuating HTI and FFI can be written,
irreversibility (HTI) and fluid friction irreversibility (FFI). Consider- respectively as [41]:
ing the effects of laminar and turbulent thermophysical parame- 2 3 " 2 2 #
2 0 2
ters on the irreversibility, the contributions of the time averaged/ kf 4 @T 0 @T 5 lturb: C p @ T @ T
þ ¼ þ ð51Þ
fluctuating HTI and time averaged/fluctuating FFI should be taken T 2 @x @y Prturb: T 2 @x @y
into account. Using an approach similar to previous second law
RNG k − ε SST k − ω
Fig. 7. Velocity magnitude (ms) vectors from the RNG k-e and SST k-x models for the circular ð/ ¼ 0:8Þ, the longitudinal elliptical (/ ¼ 0:85) and the transverse elliptical
(/ ¼ 0:8) cross-sectional configurations at Re ¼ 200.
452 M. Torabi et al. / International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 132 (2019) 443–461
" 0 2 0 2 #
l @v @u @ v 0 qe second order upwind scheme for momentum, energy, turbulence
2 þ2 þ þ ¼ ð52Þ kinetic energy, turbulence dissipation rate, and specific dissipation
T @x @y @y @x T
rate along with the SIMPLE algorithm to solve the pressure-
Considering the utilization of the dimensionless parameters in the velocity coupling were implemented. The convergence criteria for
investigation of the thermal porous systems from a second law of residuals of the continuity, momentum, turbulence kinetic energy,
thermodynamics perspective, the dimensionless local entropy gen- turbulence dissipation rate, and specific dissipation rate governing
eration rate can be expressed as [42]: equations were set to 106 and to 109 for the energy equation
residuals. Numerical simulations were performed using a com-
S_ gen H2
Ns ¼ ð53Þ puter with 2 GB of RAM and a 1.6 GHz CPU, which avoids investi-
kf gation of several unit cells. In the grid independence study, Nu
Further, the dimensionless surface averaged entropy generation and dimensionless pressure gradient in different meshes were
rate can be defined as [42]: examined and revealed insignificant variations. Alternatively, due
Z to the variation in the turbulence kinetic energy observed in the
1 different meshes, the dimensionless turbulence kinetic energy
Nt ¼ Ns dA ð54Þ
A A was selected as a suitable parameter to evaluate and achieve grid
independent results. The values of the dimensionless turbulence
kinetic energy for the circular cross-sectional configuration when
4. Numerical method
Re ¼ 200 and / ¼ 0:6 are illustrated in Table 2. The error between
the third and fourth grid is lower than 1%. Thus, it is apparent that
In order to solve the governing equations, the finite volume
a grid, consisting of 17,000 nodes is sufficient to provide grid
method is utilized. To discretize the governing equations, the
φ = 0 .8
k −ε
φ = 0 .6
φ = 0 .8
k −ω
φ = 0 .6
Fig. 8. Turbulence kinetic energy (ms2 ) contours from the RNG k-e and SST k-x models for the circular cross-sectional configuration.
M. Torabi et al. / International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 132 (2019) 443–461 453
independent results. More information regarding the meshes used heat transfer through the isotropic porous media were considered.
for different cross-sectional configurations is illustrated in Table 3. Code validation investigations for the Nu showed good agreement
with analytical, numerical and experimental data available in Ref.
[31]. Further, to ensure accuracy of the applied numerical proce-
5. Results and discussion dure, the dimensionless pressure gradient for the circular, longitu-
dinal elliptical and transverse elliptical cross-sectional
5.1. Validation configurations was compared with results provided by Pedras
and de Lemos [28,29].
A literature review on turbulent fluid flow and heat transfer
through isotropic porous media revealed that relatively few exper-
imental investigations have addressed the thermophysical condi- 5.2. Pressure and velocity
tions considered in the current investigation. Most recently,
Nazari et al. [43] conducted an experimental analysis of turbulent Figs. 3–5 illustrate the pressure contours simulated by the RNG
fluid flow and heat transfer through channels filled with stainless k-e and SST k-x models for the circular, longitudinal elliptical and
steel spheres. Entropy generation, the Nu and pressure drop were transverse elliptical cross-sectional configurations, respectively. As
discussed for different values of internal heat generation, sphere the Re increases, variation of pressure in the unit cells increases for
diameters, the Re, and volumetric flow rates. It was found that all three cross-sectional configurations. A careful comparison
the entropy generation number increases with sphere diameter between the low and high porosity media reveals an inverse rela-
for Reynolds numbers more than 1800. With respect to the lack tionship between the porosity and pressure gradient for the three
of experimental analyses in the investigated thermophysical con- cross-sectional configurations examined. Considering the pressure
ditions, the experimental results related to laminar fluid flow and contours illustrated from two turbulence models, an unstable
φ = 0 .85
k −ε
φ = 0 .7
φ = 0 .85
k −ω
φ = 0 .7
Fig. 9. Turbulence kinetic energy (ms2 ) contours from the RNG k-e and SST k-x models for the longitudinal elliptical cross-sectional configuration.
454 M. Torabi et al. / International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 132 (2019) 443–461
trend for the SST k-x model was observed. It should be noted that when compared with the circular and transverse elliptical cross-
the symmetric pressure contours for three cross-sectional configu- sectional configurations. It could be argued that the longitudinal
rations were illustrated in Ref. [29]. Given the symmetric physical elliptical cross-sectional configuration looks like a wing-shaped
conditions, the pressure contours provided by the RNG k-e and SST cross-section [38], which can be considered as a reason for the
k-x models in Figs. 3 and 5 were compared. As shown, the SST k-x low dimensionless pressure gradient. The dimensionless pressure
model illustrates asymmetric pressure contours when compared gradient of the transverse elliptical cross-sectional configuration
with the RNG k-e model. from Ref. [29] falls between the presented results for the trans-
Fig. 6 illustrates the dimensionless pressure gradients for the verse elliptical cross-sectional configuration with / ¼ 0:8 and
circular, longitudinal elliptical and transverse elliptical cross- / ¼ 0:7.
sectional configurations. As expected, the dimensionless pressure Fig. 7 illustrates the velocity magnitude vectors for the circular,
gradient increases with Re and decreases with porosity. The RNG longitudinal elliptical and transverse elliptical cross-sectional con-
k-e and SST k-x models under-predict the dimensionless pressure figurations at Re ¼ 200. With respect to the Re defined in Section 2,
gradient for the circular cross-sectional configuration when com- the velocity may be more or less than values of the Darcy velocity.
pared with Refs. [28,29], and show monotonically increasing trend As there is less surface area for fluid to flow around solid rods com-
with Re. It should be noted that the low Rek-emodel utilized in pared with regions before the solid rods, higher velocity values are
Refs. [28,29] over-predicts the dimensionless pressure gradient observed around the solid rods which maintains constant mass
[44]. Fig. 6 provides a good agreement for the longitudinal elliptical flow rate in the unit cells. A common feature between three
cross-sectional configuration when compared with Ref. [29]. A cross-sectional configurations is high-velocity regions at the inlet
comparison between different cross-sectional configurations indi- and outlet, and separation regions on the surface of the solid rods.
cates that the longitudinal elliptical cross-sectional configuration Given the steady-state assumption used in the current investiga-
with / ¼ 0:8 results in the lowest dimensionless pressure gradient tion, a wake flow is produced at the back of the central solid rods
φ = 0 .8
k −ε
φ = 0 .7
φ = 0 .8
k −ω
φ = 0 .7
Fig. 10. Turbulence kinetic energy (ms2 ) contours from the RNG k-e and SST k-x models for the transverse elliptical cross-sectional configuration.
M. Torabi et al. / International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 132 (2019) 443–461 455
Fig. 11. The dimensionless turbulence kinetic energy from the RNG k-e and SST k-x models for the circular, longitudinal elliptical and transverse elliptical cross-sectional
φ = 0 .8
k −ε
φ = 0 .6
φ = 0 .8
k −ω
φ = 0 .6
Fig. 12. Temperature (K) contours from the RNG k-e and SST k-x models for the circular cross-sectional configuration.
456 M. Torabi et al. / International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 132 (2019) 443–461
in the different cross-sectional configurations. The wake flow at increases, more turbulence kinetic energy is produced for three
the back of the central solid rod in the longitudinal elliptical cross-sectional configurations. Fig. 9 shows higher turbulence
cross-sectional configuration is smaller than that observed in the kinetic energy at higher Reynolds numbers for the longitudinal
circular and transverse elliptical cross-sectional configurations. elliptical cross-sectional configuration illustrated by both turbu-
The latter expression could provide an explanation for the low lence models. It is shown that a low turbulence kinetic energy
dimensionless pressure gradient observed in the longitudinal ellip- region behind the central rod decreases for high Reynolds numbers
tical cross-sectional configuration illustrated in Fig. 6. To verify such as Re ¼ 20; 000. A similar explanation can be applied for the
periodic boundary conditions applied for velocity vectors, the circular and transverse elliptical cross-sectional configurations in
velocity magnitude vectors were examined at the right and left Figs. 8 and 10, respectively. Considering symmetric turbulence
lines. It was revealed that this parameter shows similar values at kinetic energy contours obtained by different turbulence modeling
the left and right lines of the unit cells. approaches [22,29,44], performance of the RNG k-e and SST k-x
models can be compared. The RNG k-e model illustrates the sym-
5.3. Turbulence kinetic energy metric turbulence kinetic energy contours for the circular cross-
sectional configuration. Alternatively, the SST k-x model shows
Figs. 8–10 illustrate the turbulence kinetic energy contours for asymmetric turbulence kinetic energy contours with / ¼ 0:8 in
the circular, longitudinal elliptical and transverse elliptical cross- Fig. 8. For the longitudinal elliptical cross-sectional configuration
sectional configurations, respectively. Similar to previous investi- in Fig. 9 both the RNG k-e and SST k-x models provide the sym-
gations [22,28,45], as porosity for all three cross-sectional configu- metric turbulence kinetic energy contours [29]. Fig. 10 illustrates
rations decreases, i.e., the space for fluid to flow through the the asymmetric turbulence kinetic energy contours obtained from
isotropic porous media is reduced, the RNG k-e and SST k-x models the SST k-x model for the transverse elliptical cross-sectional
show higher turbulence kinetic energy. Alternatively, as the Re configuration with / ¼ 0:7. Again, while the RNG k-e model is
φ = 0 .85
k −ε
φ = 0 .7
φ = 0 .85
k −ω
φ = 0 .7
Fig. 13. Temperature (K) contours from the RNG k-e and SST k-x models for the longitudinal elliptical cross-sectional configuration.
M. Torabi et al. / International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 132 (2019) 443–461 457
recommended for highly strained flows, the SST k-x model was model provides more stable results for different Reynolds numbers
developed to improve the performance of the k-x model in bound- for the longitudinal elliptical and circular cross-sectional configu-
ary layer problems [37]. rations. Again, the SST k-x model reveals lower dimensionless tur-
Fig. 11 illustrates the dimensionless turbulence kinetic energy bulence kinetic energy than the RNG k-e model for the transverse
for the circular, longitudinal elliptical and transverse elliptical elliptical cross-sectional configuration at Re ¼ 200, except for the
cross-sectional configurations. As expected, decreasing porosity, transverse elliptical in / ¼ 0:7. While the RNG k-e turbulence
i.e., larger solid rods in the isotropic porous media, increases the model takes both high and low Re effects into account, due to
dimensionless turbulence kinetic energy. This can be explained the lack of low Re effects in the turbulence kinetic energy and
as follows. As the porosity decreases, the turbulence kinetic energy specific dissipation rate governing equations in the SST k-x model,
productions defined in Eqs. (10) and (16) increase [44]. Also, the the dimensionless turbulence kinetic energy at the low Reynolds
turbulence kinetic energy increases the lturb: , see Eqs. (8) and numbers was under-predicted.
(30). Considering the turbulence kinetic energy production terms
given by the product of the velocity gradient and the lturb: , the tur- 5.4. Temperature and Nusselt number
bulence kinetic energy subsequently increases. Fig. 11 compares
the performance of the RNG k-e and SST k-x models to predict Fig. 12 illustrates the temperature contours for the circular
the dimensionless turbulence kinetic energy for the three cross- cross-sectional configuration. Enhancement of thermal field
sectional configurations under investigation. For the circular and around the exposed surface of the central cylinders and lower tem-
longitudinal elliptical cross-sectional configurations at Re ¼ 200, perature behind the central cylinders are apparent. Two low-
the SST k-x model under-predicts the dimensionless turbulence temperature regions are formed behind the central cylinder at
kinetic energy compared with the RNG k-e model. The RNG k-e Re ¼ 200. As the Re increases, the low-temperature regions
φ = 0 .8
k −ε
φ = 0 .7
φ = 0 .8
k −ω
φ = 0 .7
Fig. 14. Temperature (K) contours from the RNG k-e and SST k-x models for the transverse elliptical cross-sectional configuration.
458 M. Torabi et al. / International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 132 (2019) 443–461
decrease and thermal boundary layer is limited to the central kinetic energy from the SST k-x model is higher than the RNG
cylinder. Both turbulence models indicate that as the porosity k-e model for high Reynolds numbers, see Fig. 9. The higher turbu-
decreases, the temperature variation in the unit cells increases. lence kinetic energy produces higher lturb: in Eq. (30) and according
Fig. 12 compares the performance of the RNG k-e and the SST to Eq. (4), brings about higher temperatures. Fig. 13 also indicates
k-x models in order to simulate temperature contours in the iso- that the RNG k-e and SST k-x models reveal the symmetric tem-
tropic porous media. As discussed in previous investigations perature contours of the longitudinal elliptical cross-sectional con-
[1,34], symmetric temperature contours should be observed in figuration. Fig. 14 illustrates the temperature contours for the
the unit cells of the isotropic porous media. Fig. 12 illustrates sym- transverse elliptical cross-sectional configuration. The low-
metric temperature contours for the circular cross-sectional con- temperature regions behind the central rod in the transverse ellip-
figurations and indicates that the SST k-x model results in a tical cross-sectional configuration are larger when compared with
discrepancy between the top and bottom parts of temperature con- the circular and longitudinal elliptical cross-sectional configura-
tours. Temperature contours for the longitudinal elliptical cross- tions. Regarding the performance of the RNG k-e and SST k-x mod-
sectional configuration are illustrated in Fig. 13. The low- els utilized, Fig. 14 indicates that temperature contours in the
temperature regions are apparent behind the central solid rod of isotropic porous media consisting of the transverse elliptical
the longitudinal elliptical cross-sectional configuration. As the Re cross-sectional configuration with / ¼ 0:7 may not be simulated
increases, the low-temperature region separates into two parts, using the SST k-x model.
which is clearly apparent for the SST k-x model. For Re ¼ 20; 000 Fig. 15 illustrates the effect of the Re on the Nu using the RNG
the SST k-x model reveals higher temperature values compared k-e and SST k-x models. According to the RNG k-e model for the
with the RNG k-e model. It is also apparent that the turbulence circular cross-sectional configuration in Re ¼ 200; 000 and
Fig. 15. The Nu from the RNG k-e and SST k-x models for the circular, longitudinal elliptical and transverse elliptical cross-sectional configurations.
Fig. 16. The heat transfer efficiency from the RNG k-e and SST k-x models for the circular, longitudinal elliptical and transverse elliptical cross-sectional configurations.
M. Torabi et al. / International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 132 (2019) 443–461 459
/ ¼ 0:6, the Nu ¼ 780. Considering the same turbulence model and configurations, a higher porosity provides more exposed surface
the Re for the longitudinal elliptical and transverse elliptical cross- area for the thermal interaction between the fluid flow and solid
sectional configurations with / ¼ 0:7, the Nu ¼ 628 and rods. Alternatively, as the porosity decreases for the transverse
Nu ¼ 1183, respectively. It is apparent that the transverse elliptical elliptical cross-sectional configuration, the exposed surface area
cross-sectional configuration results in the highest Nu when com- increases. This results in more thermal interaction between the
pared with the circular and longitudinal elliptical cross-sectional fluid flow and solid rods. Fig. 15 reveals that the RNG k-e model
configurations. Fig. 15 shows the effects of the porosity on the provides higher Nu compared with the SST k-x model for the
Nu. As the porosity decreases, two different effects on the Nu are circular cross-sectional configuration in Re ¼ 200; 000 and the lon-
observed. For the transverse elliptical cross-sectional configuration gitudinal elliptical cross-sectional configuration in Re ¼ 2; 000 and
the Nu increases as the porosity decreases. Alternatively, for the Re ¼ 20; 000. Fig. 15 indicates that the RNG k-e model calculates
circular and longitudinal elliptical cross-sectional configurations, lower Nu compared with the SST k-x model for the transverse
the Nu increases with increasing the porosity. It should be noted elliptical cross-sectional configuration with / ¼ 0:7 and in
that for the circular and longitudinal elliptical cross-sectional different Reynolds numbers, except Re ¼ 20; 000.
Re = 20000 φ = 0 .6 φ = 0 .7 φ = 0 .7
φ = 0 .8 φ = 0 .85 φ = 0 .8
Re = 200000
φ = 0 .6 φ = 0 .7 φ = 0 .7
3 :K ) contours from the RNG k-e model for the circular, longitudinal elliptical and transverse elliptical cross-sectional
Fig. 17. The local entropy generation rate (mW
460 M. Torabi et al. / International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 132 (2019) 443–461
5.5. Heat transfer efficiency and the FFI of the system. This consequently decreases the local
entropy generation rate as the porosity increases.
Fig. 16 illustrates the heat transfer efficiency for the different Fig. 18 illustrates the variation of the N t versus the Re for the
cross-sectional configurations. According to the RNG k-e and SST circular, longitudinal elliptical and transverse elliptical cross-
k-x models, the longitudinal elliptical cross-sectional configura- sectional configurations. As discussed previously, the N t increases
tion with / ¼ 0:85 demonstrates the highest heat transfer effi- with Re for the three cross-sectional configurations. Considering
ciency. The circular cross-sectional configuration with / ¼ 0:8 is low pressure gradient and high Nu resulted from exposed surface
second, followed by the longitudinal elliptical cross-sectional con- of the solid rods, the longitudinal elliptical cross-sectional configu-
figuration with / ¼ 0:7. Although the heat transfer efficiency ration with / ¼ 0:85 reveals the lowest N t when compared with
decreases with the Re for most of the cases investigated, the lowest other cross-sectional configurations. The transverse elliptical
rate of reduction was observed for the transverse elliptical cross- cross-sectional configuration with / ¼ 0:7 demonstrates the high-
sectional configuration with / ¼ 0:7 and / ¼ 0:8. The high porosity est N t , i.e., the highest exergy destruction. Thus, the longitudinal
media brings about a higher heat transfer efficiency for all three elliptical cross-sectional configuration with / ¼ 0:85 reveals the
cross-sectional configurations. Considering the high Nu for the superior performance from the second law of thermodynamics
transverse elliptical cross-sectional configuration discussed in Sec- perspective within all of the cross-sectional configurations
tion 5.4, the high dimensionless pressure gradient of the transverse investigated.
elliptical reduces the heat transfer efficiency. Again, it should be
noted that inclusion of the pressure gradient in the investigation
6. Conclusions
of heat transfer in the porous thermal systems results in more
comprehensive results.
The current numerical investigation applied the RNG k-e and
SST k-x models to turbulent fluid flow, heat transfer and entropy
5.6. Local and total entropy generation generation through isotropic porous media composed of circular,
longitudinal elliptical and transverse elliptical cross-sectional con-
Fig. 17 illustrates the local entropy generation rate contours for figurations. Fundamental parameters such as dimensionless pres-
the three cross-sectional configurations using the RNG k-e model sure gradient, dimensionless turbulence kinetic energy, the Nu,
in Re ¼ 20; 000 and Re ¼ 200; 000. As expected, the local entropy and heat transfer efficiency, have all been investigated for different
generation rate is higher in the Re ¼ 200; 000 compared with the Reynolds numbers and porosities. The second law analysis was dis-
Re ¼ 20; 000 for all three cross-sectional configurations investi- cussed for all three cross-sectional configurations. Considering
gated. This is due to the fact that, as the Re increases, the HTI symmetric contours of thermophysical properties achieved in
and FFI both increase, and consequently the local entropy genera- other investigations, the RNG k-e model revealed a more successful
tion rate, which has direct relation with these two features of the illustration of contours when compared with the SST k-x model.
system (see Eq. (50)) increases. The inlet fluid surrounds the low The RNG k-e model revealed a more stable trend compared with
temperature solid rods and the high local entropy generation rates, the SST k-x model in order to provide the dimensionless turbu-
due to the significant heat transfer from the exposed surface of the lence kinetic energy in low Reynolds numbers. Investigation of
solid rods are observed. Alternatively, the local entropy generation the thermal characteristics of the isotropic porous media revealed
rate is lower at the back of the solid rods, where the low- a direct relationship between the Nu and porosity for the circular
temperature regions, and low heat transfer from the fluid to solid, and longitudinal elliptical cross-sectional configurations and a
were found for the three cross-sectional configurations in Figs. 12– reverse relation between the Nu and porosity for the transverse
14. A reverse relationship between the porosity and the local elliptical cross-sectional configuration. It was shown that the
entropy generation rate is revealed. It could be argued that an longitudinal elliptical cross-sectional configuration results in a
increase in the value of the porosity of the system, shifts the porous higher heat transfer efficiency when compared with the circular
media to that of the clear one, and hence it reduces both the HTI and transverse elliptical cross-sectional configurations. The
Fig. 18. The N t from the RNG k-e model for the circular, longitudinal elliptical and transverse elliptical cross-sectional configurations.
M. Torabi et al. / International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 132 (2019) 443–461 461
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