Plphys v179 3 907
Plphys v179 3 907
Plphys v179 3 907
Plant PhysiologyÒ, March 2019, Vol. 179, pp. 907–917, Ó 2019 American Society of Plant Biologists. All Rights Reserved. 907
Engqvist et al.
Arnold, 1998). The conceptual approach recognizes that Arnold, 2003; Wong et al., 2006; Labrou, 2010; Packer
we have a limited capability to predict the impact of and Liu, 2015). In this update article, we only deal with
individual amino acid substitutions on protein prop- the first three methods, since they enable the targeting
erties, but measuring the effect of those same substitu- of mutations to a specific locus. Regardless of the
tions can be readily achieved. The methodological method used, the goal is to generate a sequence library,
approach involves generating a large set of diverse i.e. a large collection of diverse sequences, which in-
protein sequences, with some representing a potential clude potential solutions to the engineering goal.
solution to the engineering goal, and then experimen-
tally screening the resulting proteins for desirable Error-Prone PCR
properties and functions. In a striking parallel to
mathematics, the problem in protein engineering re- Error-prone PCR (Fig. 1A) relies on the introduction
sembles the P Þ NP problem; whereby finding a solu- of random mutations throughout the amplified DNA
sites (Zheng et al., 2004). This method is typically PCR combining desirable properties from two or more parent
based (Aiyar et al., 1996), but instead of relying on proteins, but also for generating proteins with properties
polymerase errors, the mutations are introduced using not found in either parent (Hiraga and Arnold, 2003).
primers containing nucleotide mismatches at the tar- Chimeragenesis implies a predefined reassembly of the
geted sites. Typically, pools of primers with the same genetic information and builds on the earlier approach of
binding site are used, with each individual primer en- DNA shuffling (Stemmer, 1994a, 1994b). Chimeragenesis
coding one specific amino acid substitution. has been further developed to encompass computational
The advantage of using site saturation mutagenesis is methods for designing chimeric protein libraries through
that a small number of sites within a gene can be pre- SCHEMA (Meyer et al., 2003; Silberg et al., 2004) and
cisely targeted, and for these sites, all possible amino novel methods for recombination (Coco et al., 2001; Sun
acid substitutions can be sampled. Hence, this method et al., 2003; Smith et al., 2013).
is suitable if one knows which positions in the amino
alternatively in vitro translation, to produce protein We have considered literature relating to the engi-
products from the sequence library (Fig. 2A). The pro- neering and use of plant proteins in nonplant orga-
tein products are assayed for improvement in the target nisms or for in vitro use and have selected different,
property using colorimetric assays, analytical mea- prominent use cases. In addition to this, we have sur-
surements of substrate consumption or product for- veyed the literature relating to the engineering of pro-
mation, target affinity assays, or a range of other teins either derived from plant or nonplant organisms
methods (Aharoni et al., 2005). In addition to providing for the use in plants, algae, or cyanobacteria. Finally, we
accurate readouts of the engineered protein property, briefly explore recent methodological developments for
such screens must ensure a link between data obtained performing protein engineering and directed evolution
from the screen and a genotype, allowing the identifi- in planta.
cation of beneficial mutations. When performed in a To limit the scope of this review, we have chosen not
multiwell format, the connection between phenotype to cover the introduction of a small number of targeted
genes for crop pest and herbicide resistance, two of the promising protein variants in a plant system. A recent
most prominent blockbuster traits. In addition, we re- example of this was performed by Das et al. (2017). The
view the use of heterologous hosts to engineer Rubisco. authors found that feeding chickpea (Cicer arietinum)
leaves expressing the Cry1Aabc protein, which had
Engineering of Bacterial Toxins and Their Applications been generated by chimeragenesis, to larvae of the
in Plants gram pod borer (Helicoverpa armigera Hubner) led to
significantly increased mortality when compared to
Optimization of Bacillus thuringiensis toxin has been a control leaves not expressing the protein. In this study,
focus of insect-specific pest control strategies. This op- transformation efficiencies of 0.076% were reported,
timization has been carried out in a variety of ways, for underscoring the benefit of initial studies outside of the
example, through truncation, domain swapping, pep- plant to find promising protein candidates. This argu-
tide addition, and amino acid mutation (Deist et al., ment is further strengthened by the fact that not all
saturation and site-directed mutagenesis to show that proof of principle was achieved using an improved non-
transgenic alfalfa (Medicago sativa) plants do indeed photosynthetic Rubisco from Methanococcoides burtonii
show an increased tolerance to glyphosate when (Wilson et al., 2016).
expressing optimized Gly oxidase variants.
Difficulties and Recent Developments in Using
Engineering Rubisco for Improved Carboxylation Properties Heterologous Hosts
Rubisco catalyzes the incorporation of CO2 into ri- There are several challenges when expressing plant
bulose-1,5-bisphosphate (RuBP), a key reaction in car- proteins in heterologous hosts. Some of these chal-
bon fixation in plants. In a competing reaction, Rubisco lenges relate to problems with the RNA transcript se-
also catalyzes the incorporation of O2 into RuBP. The quence, such as poor codon usage (Chaney and Clark,
metabolites produced in this competing reaction are 2015) and the formation of hairpin structures (Cambray
currently advisable only for a small set of use cases In a similar approach, petD—the gene which encodes
where specific circumstances make it necessary. Such the core protein subunit of the cytochrome b6f com-
circumstances typically involve plants having some plex—was engineered through the in vivo screening of
property that is required to evaluate the engineered an in vitro-generated error-prone PCR library. The li-
proteins’ performance—a property that is difficult to brary was integrated directly at the petD locus inside
replicate in vitro or in a heterologous host. Examples for chloroplasts of a petD-deficient C. reinhardtii strain,
use cases where engineering in plants is preferable in- followed by a screen for photoautotrophic growth
clude engineering of plant signaling pathways, engi- (Dumas et al., 2018). In this study, the goal was not to
neering enzymes acting on plant metabolites that are engineer a more efficient protein but rather to probe the
difficult to obtain, and engineering plant-microbe in- robustness and plasticity of this transmembrane com-
teractions. The use of in planta screening of variants of a plex subunit through mutagenesis and screening. In
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