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Similarities and

Dissimilarities between
Psychology and Sociology
Samip kirat
Relatedness (Psychology and Sociology)
Study of Human Behavior
Social Psychology
Interdisciplinary Collaboration
Complementary Perspectives
Individual and Societal Levels
Applied Settings
Impact on Policy and Interventions
Common Research Areas
Similarities between Psychology and
Aspect Sociology Psychology
Study of Human Examines collective behavior, social Focuses on individual behavior, thoughts,
Behavior structures emotions

Social Sciences Falls under the social sciences umbrella Also falls under the social sciences umbrella

Empirical Research Utilizes empirical research methods Relies on empirical research methods
Interdisciplinary Overlaps, especially in social
Connections psychology Interdisciplinary connections exist

Aims to improve individual well-being and

Impact on Society Aims to address societal issues contribute to societal understanding
Differences between Sociology and Psychology
Aspect Sociology Psychology

Broader focus on social structures and Primarily focused on individual

Scope of Study institutions thoughts and behaviors

Macro-level perspective, studying large groups Micro-level perspective, analyzing

Level of Analysis and societies individual behavior

Considers genetic, biological

Nature vs. Nurture Emphasizes societal factors and socialization factors, and individual experiences
Utilizes qualitative and Utilizes a wide range of methods,
Methods and quantitative methods, social including experiments and
Approaches theories observations

Focus on historical and long-term May focus on immediate or short-

Time Orientation social trends term individual experiences

Various subfields (e.g.,

criminology, sociology of Various branches (e.g., clinical
Specializations education) psychology, cognitive psychology)

Concerned with social structure, Focus on cognition, emotions, and

Research Questions inequality, and institutions psychological disorders
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