The Body & Blood of Christ 31.05.2024

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FRIDAY 7:00 PM DATED 31-05-2024 (The Body & Blood of Christ)

GATHER THE PEOPLE Sing to the Lord and make music ABBA FATHER
Chorus: unto Him Chorus:
Gather the people! Enter the For he has made me glad Abba Father, let us be yours and
feast! yours alone
All are invited the greatest and Worship, bend low while Set our hearts, our spirits free
least, proclaiming He is God, Make us, Lord your own.
The banquet is ready, now to be Praise to the Lord most high
shared Worship, bend low while Through your goodness, Lord, we
Join in the heavenly feast that proclaiming He is God, bring
God has prepared. For he has made me glad Bread of our labour, and wine to
He has made me glad, he has cheer the heart
Around this table we dine as kin, made me glad, Which will soon be filled for us
beloved fam’ly of God. Jesus has made me glad. With the life of your Son.
We share the body of Christ, the Worship, bend low while Chorus:
Lord. proclaiming He is God,
Here we become what we eat. For he has made me glad. Take this drop of water, too
Chorus: Sign of our weakness, yet symbol
of our love
Around this table God’s bounty LORD HAVE MERCY By its mingling may we share
falls Lord have mercy (x3) Your divinity.
On all who hunger and thirst. Christ have mercy (x3) Chorus:
We drink the fulness of Christ, the Lord have mercy (x3)
So we become what we eat. GLORIA Holy, Holy, Holy Lord God of hosts
Chorus: Glory to God in the highest Heaven and earth are full
And on earth peace to people are full of your Glory
Around this table our hearts Of good will Hosanna, Hosanna,
rejoice We praise you, we bless you, Hosanna in the highest
In love that’s stronger than death. We adore you, we glorify you, Blessed is he who comes
We’ll rise in glory with Christ, the We give you thanks for your great Who comes in the name of the Lord
Lord, glory Hosanna in the highest (x3)
Then we become what we eat.
Lord God heavenly king
We proclaim your death O Lord
O God almighty father
Lord Jesus Christ, only begotten son
And profess your resurrection
ENTER HIS GATES Lord God Lamb of God Until you come again
Enter his gates with thanksgiving Son of the father Until you come again.
in your hearts You take away the sins of the
Enter his courts with praise world, LAMB OF GOD
Enter his gates with thanksgiving Have mercy on us. Lamb of God, you take away the
in your hearts You take away the sins of the sins of the world (2)
For he has made me glad world,
He has made me glad, he has Receive our prayer. Have mercy, have mercy
made me glad, You are seated at the right hand on us and all mankind.
Jesus has made me glad. of the Father, Lamb of God, grant us your
Enter his courts with thanksgiving have mercy on us. peace.(x2)
in your hearts,
For he has made me glad. For you alone are the holy one TO BE THE BODY
You alone are the Lord Chorus:
Sing to the Lord and make music You alone are the most high To be the body of the Lord in this
unto Him Jesus Christ, with the Holy Spirit world,
Sing to the Lord with joy… In the glory of God the Father. To have his Spirit coursing
Sing to the Lord and make music Amen. through my soul,
unto Him To know the passion of my Jesus
He has made me glad, he has GOSPEL ACCLAMATION in his love for every one,
made me glad, Allelluia, Allelluia, Allelluia. To show his mercy in the
Jesus has made me glad. shadows of this land:
Allelluia, Allelluia, Allelluia.
Come, walk with me, come,
share my life.
You must know the shadows,
If you would know the light.
No eyes have I, no ears to
You must be my body
And show my Father’s care.
I am the vine, branches are
Life from me eternal
To make your world anew.
One bread, one cup; one heart
and mind
One great human people
In fellowship divine.

Let us mingle together
Voices joyful and gay
Singing hymns to our Mother
Tis her own month of May

Bring the choicest of flowers

Search the woodland and groove
Wreathe a crown for our Lady
As a pledge of our love..
Chorus :

What are fast fading roses

Search the woodland and groove
Wreathe a crown for our Lady
As a pledge of our love…
Chorus :

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