7 in 1 Soil Composite Sensor Manual
7 in 1 Soil Composite Sensor Manual
7 in 1 Soil Composite Sensor Manual
NBL-S-TMC-7/7-in-1 Soil Integrated Sensor
Changsha Zoko Link Technology Co., Ltd
connect the sensor with the corresponding soil are in precise contact. After stabilizing for a
interface on the weather station. period of time, it can be tested and recorded
(2) If the sensor is purchased separately, the continuously for several days, months or even
wiring sequence of the sensor is as follows: longer.
Wire Color Definition
If the measurement is made on a hard surface,
Red Power +
Black Power - the hole should be drilled (the hole diameter
Yellow RS485 + should be smaller than the diameter of the
Blue RS485 -
probe), then inserted into the soil and compacted
Installation & Measurement
before measurement. The sensor should be
(1) Rapid measurement method: select a
protected from violent vibration and shock, and
suitable measurement site, avoid stones, ensure
should not be struck with hard objects.
that the electrode will not touch stones and other
MODBUS communication protocol
hard objects, according to the required
Communication parameters: baud rate 9600,
measurement depth planing the surface soil, to data bit 8, no parity bit.
The interval between two communications
maintain the original degree of tightness of the
should be at least 1000ms.
soil underneath, hold the sensor vertically [1] Write device address
inserted into the soil to ensure that the probe is Send: 00 10 Adress CRC16 (5 bytes)
Return: 00 10 CRC16 (4 bytes)
completely inserted into the insertion of the Note: 1. The address bit of the read/write
probe can not be swayed back and forth to address command must be 00.
2. Adress is 1 byte, the range is 0-255.
ensure that it is in close contact with the soil. A Example:
small range of measurement points are Send: 00 10 01 BD C0
Return: 00 10 00 7C
recommended to measure a number of times for [2] Read device address
the average value. Send: 00 20 CRC16 (4 bytes)
Return: 00 20 Adress CRC16 (5 bytes)
(2) Buried measurement method: according to
Description:Adress is 1 byte, the range is 0-255.
the required depth, vertically dig a pit with a Example: Send: 00 20 00 68
Return: 00 20 01 A9 C0
diameter of more than 20 cm, the depth
A. Read real-time data:
according to the measurement needs, and then Assume the device address is: 0x01, valid range
0~254, 0 is broadcast address.
insert the sensor probe horizontally into the wall
For example, send: 01 03 00 00 00 07 CRC16
of the pit at the established depth, fill the pit with
compaction to ensure that the electrodes and the
NBL-S-TMC-7/7-in-1 Soil Integrated Sensor
Changsha Zoko Link Technology Co., Ltd
No. Define Offset Bytes Description indicates the first register number to be read.
B. The device returns the data frame:
Device Example of communication (getting data from
Device sensor):
1 0 1 Unique
address Send: 01 03 00 00 00 07 44 0C
Return: 01 03 10 01 14 01 46 00 4B 02 D2 00 08
Opcode Fixed value 00 08 00 15 F8 0E
2 1 1 Temperature is 01 14 (276 i.e. 27.6°C),
(Read) 0x03
Humidity is 01 46 (326 i.e. 32.6%),
Register Conductivity is 00 4B (75 i.e. 75us/cm),
First register
3 start 2 3 PH is 02 D2 (722 i.e. 7.22pH),
number read
number N is 00 08 (8 i.e. 8mg/Kg),
Number P is 00 08 (8 i.e. 8mg/Kg),
of Sensor K is 00 15 (21 i.e. 21mg/ Kg),
4 5 1
registers parameters To read a parameter individually, change the
to read start bit of the register.
CRC16 Low before Parameter Register Parameter Register
5 6 2 location location
checksum high after
Device Returns: Temperature 00 00 N 00 04
01 03 10 xx xx xx xx xx xx xx xx xx xx xx xx xx xx Humidity 00 01 P 00 05
CRC16 Conductivity 00 02 K 00 06
No. Define Offset Bytes Description PH value 00 03
Addres Address If the PH value is read separately:
1 0 1
s field (0x01) Send 01 03 00 03 00 01 74 0A
Return 01 03 02 02 AC B9 59
Operan Read only C. Changes in nitrogen, phosphorus and
2 1 1
d (0x03) potassium coefficients
The coefficients are in the form of ax+b, multiples
of a and constants of b. For nitrogen,
3 Length 2 1 Data Length
phosphorus, and potassium, a all defaults to
0064 (100 which is 1.00 times) and b all defaults
PH value:
to 0000 (which is 0)
Data 0x7FFF
Read coefficient command: 00 60 02 crc
4 3 16 means
field Change coefficient command: 00 60 01 0064
0000 0064 0000 0064 0000 crc
For example, the value of nitrogen x 2.00+100,
Checks Low before phosphorus x 1.00+100, potassium x 3.00+100.
5 19 2
um field high after Send: 00 60 01 00C8 0064 0064 0064 012C
0064 FB 2F
Operation code: fixed to 0x03, i.e. read operation,
Return: 00 60 01 98 00
no other operation is supported.
D. Calculation of CRC16 check digit
Register address start number: range 0-15,
NBL-S-TMC-7/7-in-1 Soil Integrated Sensor
Changsha Zoko Link Technology Co., Ltd
1) Preset one 16-bit register to hex FFFF (i.e., all 2, do not be wired with electricity, wiring is
ones); call this register the CRC register;
2) Isolate the first 8-bit binary data (i.e., the first completed to check that there is no error before
byte of the communication information frame) energizing;
with the lower 8 bits of the 16-bit CRC register,
3, the sensor line length will affect the product
and place the result in the CRC register;
3)Shift the contents of the CRC register right one output signal, do not change the use of the
bit (toward the lower bit) to fill the highest bit with
product has been welded at the factory
0, and check the shifted out bit after the right
shift; components or wires, if there is a need to change,
4) If the shifted out bit is 0: repeat step 3 (right
please contact the manufacturer;
shift one bit again);
If the shifted out bit is 1: the CRC register is 4, the sensor is a precision device, the user in
iso-or with the polynomial A001 (1010 0000 0000 the use of the user should not disassemble, with
5) Repeat steps 3 and 4 until it is shifted right 8 sharp objects or corrosive liquids in contact with
times so that the entire 8-bit data is all the sensor surface, in order to avoid damage to
6) repeating steps 2 through 5 for the next byte the product;
of the communication information frame; 5 、 Please keep the calibration certificate and
7) exchanging the high and low bytes of the
16-bit CRC register obtained after all bytes of certificate of conformity, and return with the
this communication information frame have been product when maintenance.
calculated according to the above steps;
Contact Us
8) The content of the CRC register obtained at
last is the CRC16 code. (The CRC code is in the Pre-sales consultation: +8618073152920
order of low before high)
After-sales service: +8615367865107
Instructions for use
Postcode: 421000
Wire the sensor according to the instructions
in the wiring method, then insert the sensor
Website: http://www.niubol.com
probe pin into the soil you want to measure, turn
Address: Room 103, Zone D, Houhu Industrial
on the power supply and collector switch, you Park, Yuelu District, Changsha City, Hunan
can get the value of the soil parameter at the Province,China
measurement point.
1, please check whether the packaging is intact,
and check whether the product model is
consistent with the selection;