NEP IV Sem Financial Education & Inv - Awareness 401

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Fleg. No.

ililffiiltffi lllil ffi iltfl il|ililil!illllilffi lli ilil ffit COMFISN 401
lV Semester Common to All UG Courses Examination, July/August 2023
(NEP 2020) (2A22-23 Batch Onwards)

Time:2 Hours Max. Marks :30


Answer any two of the following questions. (2x2=4\

1. What is Income

2. Write any one of the differences between Revenue Expenses and Capital

3. Write any two functions of Reserve Bank of lndia.

4. What is Trend Analysis ?

Answer the following Multiple Choice Questions. (6x1=6)

5. lf you invest, Rs.'!,00,000 at an interest rate of 9% pa cornpounded annually,

how many years it willtake to double ?
A\7 B) B C)e D) 10

6. Which of the following is considered as technological factor under

microe-nvironment factors ?
A) Wireless charging B) Engine etficiency
C) Security in cryptography D) All of the above

7. Name the Flatio that is used to assess a firm's ability to meet its current liability.

A) CurnentRatio B) Liquid Ratio

C) Debt Equity Ratio D) Return on Equity Ratio


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coMFlsN 401

8. Accident lnsurance cover avaitable for PMJDY account after 28-08-2018

A) { 1,00,000 B) t 2,oo,0oo

c) t 2,50,000 D) t 5,00,000

g. The percentage of a bank's total deposits that it needs to maintain as liquid

cash is known as
A) Cash Reserve Ratio B) Statutory LiquiditY Ratio
C) Marginal Standing FacilitY D) Base Flate

10. Which of the following is factors of production ?

A) Land B) Labour
C) Capital D) Allof these

Answer any two of the following questions'

11. What a?e the two famous stock exchanges in lndia ?

12. Expand PPF and APY-

13. What is Asset Allocation ?

14. What are ihe types of investors according to'Risk-Return Perception' ?

Answer the following Multiple Choice Questions. (6x1=6)

15. ln lnvestments, ELSS stands for

A) Equity Linked Savings Scheme
B) Equity Liquid Saving Scheme
C) Exceptional Liquid and Safe Scheme
D) Enterprise Linked Sociat Security
16. When you invest in equity shares through lPO, which of these market are
dealing with ?
A) Primary Market B) Secondary Market
C) Teftiary Market D) Commodity Market
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-3- COMFISN 401

17. Risk aPPetite generallY when the number of earning familY

members increases.
A) lncreases
B) Decreases
earning family
c) There is no correlation between risk appetite and number of
D) Does not change
which include
1g. who facilitates capital raising activities for their clients
corporations, government and institutions etc' ?
A) Merchant Bankers
B) Brokers
C) Clearing House
D) Custodian

19. T-Bills are an examPle of

A) MoneY Market Securities
'B) CaPital Market Securities
C) Conservative Market Securities
D) Aggressive Market Securities


C) Candle Stick D) All of the above

Answer any two of the following questions'
the formula to calculate NAV'
21. what do you mean by Net Asset value ? write

22. Expand AMFI and ETF,

calculate the Treynor Ratio'
23. what is Treynor Ratio ? write the formula to

24. Write any two sources of gathering client data'

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Answer the foilowing Multipte
Choice Questions'

B) Sponsor
A) Promoters
D) Fund Manager
C) Trustee

referring to ?
B) Ctosed ended scheme
A) OPen ended scherne
D) None of the above
C) Both of the above

investmenis in various types of
A) Promoters
B) Sponsor
C) Asset Management ComPanY
D) Fln''d Manager
Eives liquidlty, capital appreciation,
za' wnicn of the following investmentavenue risk free returns ?
affordability, tr*-n*nJtits and
B) Gold Bonds
A) Real Estate
D) Fixed DePosits
C) Mutual
with standard deviation of 0'5 earned
29. lf risk free return is 5%, and a scheme
- would be
a return ofTo/o, its Sharpe Ratio
A) 4.5 B)4 c) 5 D) 5'5

Regulations, 2015
Regulations, 2009
Regulations' 2013
C) SEBI lnvestment Advisers
D) None of these'

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