Chapter 5 & 6
Chapter 5 & 6
Chapter 5 & 6
5.2.1Total Utility:This refers to the total satisfaction gained from consuming different quantities
of same commodity for a given period of time. It could be regarded as the overall satisfaction
obtained from consuming different units of a given commodity. Initially, TU rises faster as the
quantity consumed increases to a certain point of saturation where it begins to decline gradually
due to the law of diminishing Marginal utility.
Fig. 15
5.2.2Average Utility (AU): This is the satisfaction derived per unit of a commodity consumed
by a consumer. It is the amount of satisfaction that an individual or household will gain from
consuming a unit of a given commodity, say X. The AU rises falls as the quantity consumed
increases but does not fall below the origin, due to the law of diminishing Marginal utility.
AU = Total Utility
Quantity consumed
5.2.3Marginal Utility (MU): This refers to the additional satisfaction derived by the individual
or household from additional units of a given commodity consumed. Technically, MUrefers to
the change in total utility, resulting from a little more or a less of the commodity consumed.
MU = Change in Total Utility __ ORdTU
Change in Quantity consumed dq
Ceteris paribus, it follows that as quantity consumed increases, the MU initially rises slowly and
then begins to falls faster to the extent that it declines below the origin, thus giving negative
values of utility (i.e. dissatisfaction). This is due to the law of diminishing marginal utility.
Given the Utility Schedule of a consumer as below:
This equilibrium analysis has been attributed to Alfred Marshal, hence the Marshallian
Approach, because he looked at the analysis in partial equilibrium state. This is a type of
equilibrium in a particular market situation. This analysis bolds a number of assumptions as
in the above assumptions of cardinal analysis of utility maximisation and holds other
conditions in ceteris paribus state. The opposite of the partial equilibrium analysis is the
general equilibrium analysis which is credited to Walrus. It ignores the partial assumptions
and looks at all the markets collectively.
Mathematical expression:
From the table, the budget line is as below
PxQx + PyQy = Y (income)
Possible combinations are:
Given that income is N9.
Explanation to the Table
• MUx = Optimal consumption of X
• MUy = Optimal consumption of Y
(3) From the assumption of utility, the price a consumer will be willing to pay upon the
consumption of every successive unit of a commodity reduces over time, hence the Pxand Py
schedules in the above table.
Thus, CS tells us that the utility or welfare a consumer derives from consuming a product over a
period of time may outweigh the total utility of its monetary sacrifice or the price paid for it. It is
computed in terms of the difference between total welfare or total utility and the total
expenditure made over time.
While the total welfare is determined by the summation of the various marginal prices of the
product over time, the total expenditure is obtained by adding up the corresponding multiples of
the price and quantity consumed. Thus, the difference between the total welfare and the total
expenditure gives the CS.
Consumer surplus is based on the economic theory of marginal utility, which is the additional
satisfaction a person derives by consuming one more unit of a commodity. The satisfaction
varies by consumer, due to differences in personal preferences. According to the theory, the
more of a product a consumer buys, the less willing he/she is to pay more for each additional unit
due to the diminishing marginal utility derived from the product.
Consumer surplus for a product is zero when the demand for the product is
perfectly elastic. This is because consumers are willing to match the price of
the product. When demand is perfectly inelastic, consumer surplus is infinite
because a change in the price of the product does not affect its demand. This
includes products that are basic necessities such as milk, water, etc.
Demand curves are usually downward sloping because the demand for a
product is usually affected by its price. With inelastic demand, consumer
surplus is high because the demand is not affected by a change in the price,
and consumers are willing to pay more for a product.
In such an instance, sellers will increase their prices to convert the consumer
surplus to a producer surplus. Alternatively, with elastic demand, a small
change in price will result in a large change in demand. It will result in a low
consumer surplus as customers are no longer willing to buy as much of the
product or service with a change in price.
Shifts in the demand curve are directly related to producer surplus. If demand increases,
producer surplus increases. If demand decreases, producer surplus decreases.
Shifts in the supply curve are directly related to producer surplus. If supply increases,
producer surplus increases. If supply decreases, producer surplus decreases.
(4) IC is convex to the origin. This follows the inverse or negative relationship between the
combinations of the two commodities under consideration.
Fig.26:Analysis of Graph:
MRSx, y = X
MRSx, y at point B = Y2 - Y1= Y2,1
X2 X1 X2,1
= Y1,Y2 = MUY
X1, X2 = MUX
Note: The amount lost in, say X, is gained in Y i.e., 1 unit.
AB in the above graph for utility maximization under ordinary approach is "the budget line. It is
the fixed income of the consumer, which gives him different levels of combination of X and -Y
in which he is indifferent based on Px and Py respectively.
The quantities of X and Y bought at this point C vary according to preference of the consumer.
We emphasize here that at this point of utility maximization, MUx/MUy =Px/Py
Note: With the above given Px>Py, and the budget line, the amount consumed of X and Y in their
combination in the consumption basket can be obtained as follows. The initial formulation is as
AB (Budget Line) = PXX+ PyY, With the given Figures for Px = M5, Py = N4, and AB =
U100; substituting into the AB equation, 100 = 5(X) + 4(Y)
100 - 5X = 4Y. If, say, 10 units of X is bought, then we have 100- 5(10) = 4Y
50 = 4Y; Y= 12.5 units,
Example: Practice the determination of the amount of X consumed by giving a value to Y and
substitute into the AB equation and then solve for the unit of X that would be consumed.
If 5 units of Y is bought, then I have
AB = Py x + PyY
N100 = 5X + 4 x 5
100 = 5x + 20
80 = 5x
80/5 = x
x = 16 units
I - X = Py ……………… (9)
Y Px
Let us assume that all the income (I) is spent, i.e. I - 0; hence from equation (9),
0 -X =Py - X =PY.
Y Px Y P
Since we cannot have negative commodities, then we have X = - Py,
Y Px
Thus, Py/ Pxis the slope of the budget line; and it is negatively (-ve) signed showing that it
is negatively sloped, hence a case of inverse relationship between the consumption of
commodity X to Y and vice versa.
Fig. 29: The Case of Changes in the Price of X (Rotation of the BL)
From the above graph, it is assumed that the income of the consumer is held constant but the price
of one of the commodities changes. The price can fall or rise. Let us take the case of changes in
the price of X. If there is increase in price, it follows that fewer of it will be bought, hence, since
the price of Y is constant, this fewer X will be represented by the BL rotating downward or
leftward from AB to AC. The point A is retained in both cases because the same quantity of Y will
still be bought since its price does not change. On the other hand, if the price of X falls, more of it
will be bought, hence a new BL from AB to AD; a case of upward or rightward rotation of the
BL.In a general case, we say that the BL rotates around the X axis when there are changes in the
price of X, Also, the slope of the BL AC is steeper or higher than that of AB and thatof AB is
higher than that of AD.
In summary, if income (I) and Price of Y (PY) are held constant (fixed) and Px falls, the slope of the
BL becomes smaller (i.e., the curve becomes flatter and the quantity of X bought expands). On the
other hand, when Px rises, the slope of the BL becomes larger (i.e. the curve becomes steeper, and
quantity of X bought contrasts).
From the graph above, if the market price (MP) = N50, the consumer is willing to purchase the
first bottle at N80 and N60 for the second bottle because he derives greater utility from earlier
consumption. As illustrated, he would be ready to offer less for further bottles he consumes. But
he actually paid N50per bottle as market price, however, he is ready to pay as high as N80 for
the first consumption. So, the difference between what he pays and what he would be willing to
pay, rather than go without is his consumer’s surplus, marked by KLM while the Producer’s
Surplus is measured by LMO.
The theory of consumer behaviour demonstrates the rational human conduct of a consumer on
his decision in his consumption basket with his given level of scarce or limited income. He
behaves in such a way as to maximise his utility; and thus have a higher standard of living by
consuming as much product as possible from the same level of income instead of less at the
same income.
Both measurable (cardinal approach) and ordinal approach (indifference curve analysis) were
used to demonstrate this consumer behaviour. The topic also discussed how a consumer may
have surplus by actually paying lesser amount on the product consumed than his expected or
projected market demand price. This surplus brings about a greater utility/welfare for the
6.1 Introduction
6.2 Basic production concepts
6.2.1 Production function
6.2.2 Fixed and Variable inputs
6.2.3 Short run Vs Long run
6.2.4 Product Concepts Total Product Average Product
6.24.3 Marginal Product
6.3 Law of Diminishing Returns
6.4 Production Possibility Frontier
6.5 Production Analysis in the short run
6.6 Production Analysis in the Long run
6.6.1 Assumptions of short run production process
6.6.2 Isoquants
6.6.3 Characteristics of Isoquants
6.6.4 Marginal Rate of Technical Substitution (MRTS)
6.6.5 MRTS, MPk& MPL
6.6.6 Diminishing MRTS
6.6.7 Returns to scale (RTS) A tabular display of Returns to scale Diagrammatic illustration of RTS
6.7 Isocost
6.8 Equilibrium Long Run Analysis
6.1 Introduction
Production, in economics, involves the creation of utility for the satisfaction, of wants that can
be paid for. Production is the process by which raw materials are converted by a combination of
factors of production into a form acceptable to consumers. In the theory of consumersbehaviour,
individual consumer attempts to maximize his satisfaction given his income and the commodity
prices. But in the theory of production, the firm attempts to maximize profit, given the cost
outlay by the way in which it secures and combines resources and inputs.
There is, however, the difference between the short- and long-run situations in the production
process. This syllabus concentrates on the long-run situation. Thus, the behaviour of the
producer, under certain assumptions, in the long run situation, will be analysed accordingly. The
extent the amount of output produced responds to the inputs used in their production also
matters in the producer's decision. He reacts and responds to situations that would arise that
might lead him to get; in return, greater, lesser or the same proportionate output to the cost of
inputs employed in the production process. This reaction also leads to some decision by the
6.2.3 Short and long run: The short run refers to that period of production when some
factor inputs are fixed while others are variable. This changes in the output is caused
by changes in variable inputs while fixed factor remains constant. It usually marks the
early stages of production. On the other hand, Long run refers to that period of
production when all factors of production become variable. Total Product (TP):This refers to the total volume of goods and services produced
and provided for exchange to take place. Ceteris paribus, the total product increases as
quantity of goods and services provided rises, based on the availability and effective
utilization of factors of production. T.P = AP x Labour Marginal Product (MP): This refers to additional output(s) produced as a result of
additional factor inputs. Mathematically, MP can be calculated as below:
Marginal Product = Change in Total ProductOR dTP
Change in Qty Produced Dq
Graphically, the MP decreases as factor inputs increase. This is due to the law of Diminishing
Returns and Returns to Scale.
Fig. 35:Marginal product
Fig: 36
The PPC points within the boundary such as X, Y, Zshows the combinations of Commodity X
and Y i.e. a case of under-utilization of productive resources while points outside the
Production Possibility Boundary, such as point F, shows the case of over-utilization of
productive resources while points B, C, D, and E are the PPC and indicates efficient use of
Appropriate application of PPC helps the government in making rational choice of what
commodities to specialize in its production while forgoing the production of other
commodities which the country does not have Absolute Cost Advantage and/or Comparative
Cost Advantage (For more details, refer to: Consumer Economics: A micro-perspective).
The areas covered in this section are broken down one after the other as follows. Assumptions of Long-Run Production Process
(i) No fixed factor in the long run; rather, all factors are said to have varied. It is, therefore, a
case of multiple variable inputs.
(ii) The expectation of the producer is to minimize cost; and thus, combining the inputs
appropriately to meet this target.
(iii) With multiple inputs, the marginal product of any one input depends on the qualities of the
other. Thus, the inputs can be said to be interdependent,
(iv) Input choices must be made simultaneously.
(b) The multiple-input or "isoquant" model for determining optimal input choices leads directly
into the derivation of cost curves; and provides insights into cost relationships.
(c) The beginning of the analysis is the discussion of "lsoquants", which we now examine
as follows: lsoquants
An isoquant is a curve/locus of points that shows the different combinations of the two inputs
producing the same level of output.
• This is a set of efficient input combinations that will produce a given level of output,
holding technology constant. All input combinations will lie on some isoquant if inputs
and outputs are infinitely divisible.
• An isoquant can also be defined as a curve showing all possible combinations of inputs
that are-capable of producing a certain quantity of output. For movement along an
isoquant, the level of output is unchanged but input ratio changes. This is similar to
the concept of indifference curve.
• For a two-quadrant case, two different varying inputs can be used to show an isoquant.
An example is as below:
Table 15: Production schedule
Combination K C
Unit of capital Unit of labour
W 50 15
X 40 20
Y 20 40
Z 10 25
From the graph, when capital decreases by 10, (i.e. from W to capital X), the labour increased by
5 units while the output remain the same (100 units).
Therefore,MRTS K,L = 50 – 40 = 10
20 – 15 5 = 2 UNITS
This implies that for every unit of labour, two units of capital can be deceased in order to
maintain output. Thus, as capital decreases and labour increases along an isoquant the amount of
capital that can be released for each added labour decreases.
Exercise: Given the Production function as: Q = 5L 0.7 K 0.3 where L =2 and K = 5.
6.6.3 Isocost
A line which shows various combinations of the factor inputs that firm can buy with a given
level of expenditure at given factor prices.
This is a line showing the alternative combination of the factors a firm could buy for a given
monetary outlay in order to produce a given level of output. It is an analysis of cost minimizing
decision or choice, which is the corollary of optimum output production. The diagrammatic
relationship is as follows.
Therefore, the isocost depends on two factors:
• Price of factors of production and
• The total expenditure which the firm wants to make on the two factors of
Fig. 43:Isocost
Suppose that the price of labour per unit employed is N50 and N100 for each unit of capital
employed. And that the firm wishes to spend N800 on the inputs. The question now is What
combination of labour and capital can be purchased for N800?
With N800, the firm can either but (800/50) = 16 units of labour or N800/100 = 80 units of capital
or a combination of K and L.
This is the point at which the isoquant is tangent to the isocost line e.g. at point A & B.
Analysis of the Graph: Line AB is the isocost line. At point "A” all the income of the producer
was used to purchase the capital factor at the factor market price (Pk). On the other hand, at point
B, only the labour factor was purchased at the factor market-ruling price (PL). But at point C, some
quantity of labour (Li) and capital (Ki) were combinelypurchased in the production process.
The implication of this is that it is only at points A and B that either of the two factors can be
purchased in the production process; but at every other point in-between them, the two factors
must be purchased collectively to produce a given level of output. The decision point, however, is
that the quantity of either or both of the factor to be purchased is informed by the least cost that is
needed to produce the same level of output.
1. The Isoquant (IS) in production is likened to the Indifference curve (IC) in the theory
of utility. This is so, because the value or amount at any point of the curve is equal though
the combination of either amount of factors of production or commodities consumed
2.The Isocost (ISO) in production is .likened to the budget line in utility theory due
to the limited monetary value they respectively represent in both cases.
In representing isoquants graphically, we may show the real output or use our ordering system such
as q1, q2 q3, q4 given that q4> q3> q2>q1. Or we can use actual numbers, 100, 200, 300,4007as the
case maybe.
6.8 Summary
The theory of Consumer behaviour and Production can be compared and contrasted with some
salient points as reviewed below:
An Isoquant shows equal level of product while an indifference curve shows equal level of
satisfaction at all points.
• An Indifference curve represents satisfaction which cannot be measured in physical units. In
the case of an isoquant the product can be measured in physical units.
•Secondly, on an indifference map one can only say that a higher indifference curve gives more
satisfaction than a lower one, but it cannot be said how much more or less satisfaction is being
derived from one indifference curve as compared to the other, whereas one can easily tell by how
much output is greater on a higher isoquant in comparison with a lower isoquant.
•An isoquant is a locus of combinations of two inputs which give the same level of output.
An indifference curve is also a locus of combinations of two commodities which gives the same
level of utility.
•Indifference curve takes all those commodity bundles among which the consumer gets the same
In case of isoquants, it takes all those capital and labour combinations which produce the same
The concept of Marginal Utility and Marginal Product has some similarities and conceptual
differences. While the former is used in the theory of Consumer behaviour, the latter is used in
the theory of Production.
The concept of marginal utility is used by economists to determine how much of an item
consumers are willing to purchase.Economists use the idea of marginal utility to gauge how
satisfaction levels affect consumer decisions while the idea of Marginal Product measures the
additional output produced as a result of additional inputs added to production. Marginal utility
is useful in explaining how consumers make choices to get the most benefit from their limited
budgets. Marginal utility can be positive, negative or zero. It is positive when consuming more
than one unit of an item brings more satisfaction. It becomes zero marginal utility when
consuming more of an item brings no added satisfaction and it is negative when too much of the
item has been consumed that it now becomes harmful.
The formula for the determination of marginal utility is the “change in total utility/change in
Quantitatively, their computations seem to be similar. Thus:
MU = Change in Total Utility
Change in Quantity Consumed
Marginal product on the other hand which can also be termed marginal physical productivity of
an input is the change in output resulting from employing one more unit of a particular input
when the quantities of other inputs are kept constant. The concept of marginal product simply
states that once an input (factor of production) is changed either by a decrease or an increase, a
change in output or production occurs.
The marginal product of a given input is expressed as MP=change in Y/change in X. Change in
Y represents the change in a firm’s input(probably by one unit) while change in X is the change
in the firm’s output as a result of added or reduced input.
Quantitatively, MP = Change in Total Product
Change in Quantity Produced
Comparatively, the two economic terms above are similar in terms that:
1. Both are economic measuring terms.
2. They are both used to measure results or responses(marginal utility measures
consumer satisfaction while marginal product measures productivity results.
3. Both concepts gauge the reaction resulting from change(the addition or
subtraction) in one or more units(level of satisfaction when more units of an item is consumed
and level of production when a unit of input is added or subtracted)
4. They are both also used to determine market behaviour.
Along with these similarities, they also have some major dissimilarities.
5. Marginal utility deals with consumers while marginal product deals with factors
of production.
6. Marginal utility is determined by an addition of units while marginal product can
be determined by addition or subtraction of input.
The law of diminishing marginal utility states that as a consumer consumes successive units of a
commodity to a point where the consumption of an additional unit yield less satisfaction. In other
words, it states that the satisfaction derived from consuming successive units of a commodity
will diminish as the total consumption of the commodity increases. That is, the total utility
increases as more of a commodity is consumed but increases at a diminishing rate
On the other hand, the law of diminishing returns, also called the principle of diminishing
marginal productivity is an economic law stating that if one input in the production of a
commodity is increased while all other input are held fixed, a point will eventually be reached at
which additions of the input yield lesser outputs. Hence, Economists used the law of diminishing
returns to predict that as population expanded in the world, output per head would fall to the
point where the level of misery would keep the population size from increasing further.
Conclusively, the law of diminishing marginal utility is a demand side theory and the law of
diminishing returns is a supply side theory.
Fig. 46