Syllabus - Letter To Familes

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Heritage High School

Freshmen English Mr. Yancey

• Spring 2023 • 360-553-2297 • Office
hours 3:15-3:45 Monday-Thursday

Introduction Materials needed every day

Hello students and families! My name is Mr. Yancey, and Pen or Pencil
I am thrilled to be your freshman English teacher this Notebook
year. I have a passion for teaching and working with Paper
students, and I am excited to embark on this educational Chromebook
journey with each and every one of you. Chromebook charger
This is my first year teaching, and in my classroom I have
fostered a supportive and inclusive learning Texts and Resources
environment, ensuring that every student feels valued Throughout the year, we will explore a variety of texts,
and empowered to reach their full potential. I strongly including novels, short stories, poems, and non-fiction
believe in open communication and collaboration, and I articles. Some of the texts we will study include diverse
am dedicated to helping you succeed academically and characters and topics. We will also watch relevant videos
personally. and movies that supplement our learning objectives.

Course objectives & goals Grading scale

Throughout this year, our primary focus will be on ● Daily Work & Assignments (shown as “ASGN” on
enhancing your English language skills, including Skyward) = 30%
reading, writing, speaking, and listening. By the end of ● Includes: in-class assignments, homework, reading
the year, my goal is for you to: assessments, vocabulary and grammar work,
1. Develop strong critical thinking and analysis writing responses
skills. ● Professionalism (shown as "PROF" on Skyward) =
2. Improve your ability to effectively communicate 10%
ideas through writing and speaking. ● Includes: keeping cell phone or other non-school
3. Expand your vocabulary and comprehension of issued devices away during class time, being a
various texts. positive community contributor, a self-directed
4. Enhance your understanding of different learner, and following safety guidelines as well as
literary genres and techniques. classroom expectations, and rules.
5. Foster a love for reading and literature. ● Bellwork (shown as "NOTE" on Skyward) = 10%
● Includes maintaining a daily bellwork document
Communication including all bellwork responses, quick writes, and
Communication between home and school is essential reading workshop responses
for your success. I am committed to maintaining ongoing ● Summative Papers, Exams, and Projects (shown as
communication throughout the year. You can expect the “COMP” on Skyward) = 50%
following: ● Includes: essays, projects, portfolios,
● Regular updates through email or online presentations, and end-of-unit assessments
platforms regarding class assignments,
important dates, and student progress.
● Parent-teacher conferences to discuss your
child's academic progress and address any
● Opportunities for students and parents to reach
out to me with questions, feedback, or
information regarding their child's academic or
personal well-being.
● Contact Information: Please feel free to contact
me if you have any questions or information to
share regarding your child. You can reach me
through the following methods:
1. Email:
2. Phone: 360-553-2297
3. Office hours: 3:15-3:45 Monday-Thursday

Spring Class
Weeks 1-4
Unit 1: Mob Mentality
& its effects on humans
Weeks 5-9
Unit 2: Persuasive
Writing & Essays
Week 10
Weeks 11-14
Unit 3: Poetry

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