Report On Potential Available State Moneys Identifi Ed in Prior Audit Reports
Report On Potential Available State Moneys Identifi Ed in Prior Audit Reports
Report On Potential Available State Moneys Identifi Ed in Prior Audit Reports
Constitutional Mandate
Pursuant to Article VII, Section 10 of the Hawai‘i State Constitution, the
Office of the Auditor shall conduct post-audits of the transactions, accounts,
programs and performance of all departments, offices and agencies of the
State and its political subdivisions.
The Auditor’s position was established to help eliminate waste and inef-
ficiency in government, provide the Legislature with a check against the
powers of the executive branch, and ensure that public funds are expended
according to legislative intent.
Hawai‘i Revised Statutes, Chapter 23, gives the Auditor broad powers to ex-
amine all books, records, files, papers and documents, and financial affairs
of every agency. The Auditor also has the authority to summon people to
produce records and answer questions under oath.
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Leslie H. Kondo
State Auditor
Report on Potential Available State Moneys Identified in Prior Audit Reports
n 2020, a novel coronavirus that causes COVID-19 forced the State
of Hawai‘i to take unprecedented measures to protect public health, Since FY2018, the
at great cost to the Islands’ economy. Efforts to mitigate the impact most recent year
of the global pandemic shuttered all but essential local businesses
we audited, the
and slowed tourism to a trickle. Job loss and wage reductions quickly
redemption rate was
followed. Tax collections – from general excise taxes, transient
accommodations taxes, and income taxes, among others – are
below 65 percent.
projected to tilt sharply downward. Under these extraordinary
conditions, the Office of the Auditor is reviewing prior audit reports
and other information to identify potential revenue sources, along with
accounts and subaccounts associated with special and revolving funds
that have excess state moneys. The Legislature transferred moneys in
certain accounts and subaccounts to the General Fund in 2002, during
the economic downturn that followed the September 11, 2001 terrorist
attacks (Act 178, Session Laws of Hawai‘i (SLH) 2002) and again
in 2009, 2010, and 2011 to meet budget shortfalls during the Great
Recession (Act 79, SLH 2009, Act 192, SLH 2010, and Act 124
SLH 2011).
The Fund
Department of Health’s Deposit Beverage Container Deposit Fund
Exhibit 1
Deposit Container Redemption Rates and Ending Cash
70% $20M
60% 0
06 08 10 12 14 16 18 06 08 10 12 14 16 18
Department of Health, Environmental Management Division, Solid and Hazardous
Waste Management Branch
fell below 70 percent for the first time since 2007. In FY2018, the most
recent year we audited, the redemption rate was below 65 percent. That
means, for every 100 cans and bottles that a consumer pays the $0.05
deposit, more than 35 of those containers are not being redeemed and
the associated deposits sit dormant in the fund.
A self-sustaining fund
In our most recent audit,2 we reported the program, at June 30, 2018,
had revenues of $24.6 million and expenditures of $17.5 million,
resulting in a $7.1 million increase in fund balance to $37.7 million.
Based on information from the State of Hawai‘i’s Financial Accounting
and Management System (FAMIS), at the end of FY2019, the fund
had grown another $6.6 million to $43.4 million. We retrieved current
information from FAMIS on April 15, 2020; according to those
unaudited figures, the Deposit Beverage Container Deposit Fund’s
FY2020 year-to-date balance was $48.8 million, an increase in fund
balance of $5.4 million.3
Report No. 19-08, Financial and Program Audit of the Department of Health’s Deposit
Beverage Container Deposit Program, [for the fiscal year ended] June 30, 2018
FY2019 and FY2020 totals are unaudited.
Department of Health, State of Hawai‘i, Deposit Beverage Container Special Fund
Statement of Revenues, Expenditures and Change in Fund Balance – Governmental
Fund For the Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 2018.
The Office of the Auditor is reviewing prior audit reports and
other information to identify potential revenue sources, along with In FY2015 through
accounts and subaccounts associated with special and revolving FY2017, DLNR
funds that have excess state moneys. This report highlights relevant retained $27.2 million
material from Report No. 19-12, Audit of the Department of Land (58 percent) of the
and Natural Resources’ (DLNR) Special Land and Development Fund
revenues from ceded
(SLDF), which this office issued in June 2019. As detailed below,
lands controlled by
although DLNR met its statutory obligation to remit 20 percent of its
ceded lands revenues to the Office of Hawaiian Affairs, the department the Board of Land and
transferred only a portion of the remainder to the State’s General Natural Resources for
Fund. For the three fiscal years covered in our audit, DLNR retained its own programs.
more than $27 million in ceded lands revenues in the SLDF.
We are reproducing the portion of our Report No. 19-12 that more
thoroughly describes our concern about DLNR’s decision to keep and
use the revenues from ceded lands.
Ceded lands are the approximately 1.8 million acres of land that were transferred, or
ceded, to the United States at the time of the annexation of Hawai‘i in 1898. These lands
consisted of crown lands once property of the Hawaiian monarchy, and government
lands of the Kingdom of Hawai‘i. The Admission Act, which granted statehood to
Hawai‘i in 1959, returned the lands to the new State of Hawai‘i and provided that
they be held as a public trust. As of May 5, 2020, DLNR’s ceded lands inventory was
1,283,766.543 acres.
Superseding the Legislature?
Did the Land Board overstep its authority when it designated Land Division
properties on ceded lands as “income-producing assets”?
ACCORDING TO the Hawai‘i Admission Act, which other things, the betterment of conditions of Native
made Hawai‘i a U.S. state in 1959, revenue from Hawaiians.
ceded lands are to be held by the State as a public In a December 1, 2010 submittal to the Land
trust for the following purposes: (1) support of public Board, the Land Division Administrator reported
education; (2) betterment of the conditions of Native that, over the years, after paying its 20 percent to
Hawaiians; (3) development of farm and home own- OHA, the 80 percent portion of ceded land reve-
ership; (4) public improvements; and (5) provision nues was used to “supplement” the general fund.
of lands for public use. In 1979, the Legislature However, in the past several years, according to
enacted Chapter 10, HRS, which created the Office the Land Division Administrator, a portion of these
of Hawaiian Affairs. A year later, the Legislature funds had been used to cover the shortfalls of other
amended Chapter 10, adding section 10-13.5, agencies’ OHA payments. Recently, these agencies
HRS, which requires that 20 percent of all revenues had begun to regularly provide their 20 percent to
from ceded lands be expended by OHA for, among OHA; therefore, he reasoned that the remaining 80
CEDED LANDS are the approximately 1.8 million acres of land that were transferred, or
ceded, to the United States at the time of the annexation of Hawai‘i in 1898. These lands
What are consisted of crown lands once property of the Hawaiian monarchy, and government lands
Ceded of the Kingdom of Hawai‘i. The Admission Act, which granted statehood to Hawai‘i in 1959,
returned the lands to the new State of Hawai‘i and provided that they be held as a public
trust. The Act stated that management and disposition of such lands should be used as
called for by the constitution and laws of Hawai‘i.
percent could now be “returned” to the SLDF. He We question the Land Division Administrator’s
wrote: “Based on the express language of the SLDF interpretation of the statutory provision that created
as noted above, the remaining 80% of ceded land the SLDF, specifically his belief that the revenues
revenues (after paying OHA its 20% share) is sup- from ceded lands administered by the Land Division
posed to be deposited directly into the SLDF and (after OHA’s 20 percent share) are intended to fund
expended by the Department in accordance with the division and other DLNR programs. It is unclear
HRS 171-19.” that the uses of the SLDF are consistent with the
The Land Division Administrator recommended purposes for which ceded land revenues can be
that the Land Board designate 88 hotel, resort, com- used under the Admissions Act. The ceded lands
mercial, and industrial properties on ceded land as and the revenues therefrom are held by the State
“income-producing assets” and authorize the depos- as a public land trust and can only be used for the
it of the revenues from these properties (minus the five specific purposes listed in Section 5(f) of the
20 percent obligated to OHA) into the SLDF so that Admissions Act.
they may be “expended for departmental purposes We also question whether DLNR is superseding
in accordance with the Legislature’s power to decide the appropriate
HRS 171-19.3.” use of ceded lands revenues. The Admissions Act
Eighty of the properties are located on Hawai‘i returned to the State approximately 1.8 million acres
Island, with four on O‘ahu and two each on Maui of land that had been transferred, or ceded, to the
and Kaua‘i. In 2010, the total annual lease rent for United States at the time of annexation of Hawai‘i
the properties was $3.6 million, of which $2.9 million in 1898 and provided the lands be held in a public
(80 percent) would be deposited into the SLDF. land trust for one or more of five specific purposes
Some of the more recognizable properties on the identified in the Act. By keeping the ceded lands
Land Division Administrator’s proposed list were revenues (after OHA’s 20 percent share) in the
the Hilton Hawaiian Village Pier and Olomana Golf SLDF, DLNR – not the Legislature – is deciding the
Links on O‘ahu and the Hilo Hawaiian Hotel on the appropriate use of those moneys; DLNR – not the
Big Island. Legislature – has assumed the State’s fiduciary
The Land Board approved the proposal on responsibility to decide how to use the ceded lands
December 1, 2010. In February 2011, the Land revenues, including uses such as the support of
Division proposed amending the board action to add public schools that are clearly outside of the purpos-
42 additional properties to the list of income-produc- es of the SLDF.
ing assets. Eight months later, it proposed adding We believe significant policy decisions about
five more properties to the list. The Land Board the use of state funds, including the use of ceded
approved both proposals. land revenues, are the purview of the Legislature –
From FY2015 – FY2017, the department not an individual agency – and suggest that DLNR
deposited approximately $27.2 million (58 percent seek guidance from the Legislature about whether
of total ceded land revenues) into DLNR special the department is authorized to keep and spend
fund accounts for use by those DLNR programs and ceded land revenues without specific Legislative
transferred approximately $8.7 million (18 percent) approval to do so.
to the general fund.
The Office of the Auditor is reviewing prior audit reports and
other information to identify potential revenue sources, along with
accounts and subaccounts associated with special and revolving Since FY2006,
funds that have excess state moneys. This review highlights the program has
relevant material from Report No. 19-01, Audit of the Department of Land awarded more than
and Natural Resources’ Land Conservation Fund, issued in January 2019. $47.3 million to fund
58 projects. By
Expenditure Cap Contributes to Growing Cash the end of FY2017
Balance awards totaling
$11.9 million were
Up to $6.8 million1 is deposited into the Land Conservation Fund (LCF) still pending.
each fiscal year to support Department of Land and Natural Resources’
The primary source of funding is 10 percent of the State’s conveyance tax revenue or
$6.8 million, whichever is less.
Exhibit 3
Pending Projects by Number of Years Funded
3 3
projects projects