Constituent Assembly of India Indian Polity Notes

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UPSC Civil Services Examination

Topic: Constituent Assembly of India – UPSC Indian Polity Notes

Background of the Constituent Assembly of India

The following table lists the trail of the development of the constituent assembly of India:

Constituent Assembly of India - Background

 In 1934, M N Roy first proposed the idea of a constituent assembly.

 The demand was taken up by the Congress Party in 1935 as an official demand

 The British accepted this in the August Offer of 1940

 Under the Cabinet Mission plan of 1946, elections were held for the formation of the constituent assembly

 The members of this assembly were elected indirectly, i.e., by the members of the provincial assemblies by
the method of a single transferable vote of proportional representation

 The constituent assembly was formed for the purpose of writing a constitution for independent India

Composition of Constituent Assembly

 Initially, the number of members was 389. After partition, some of the members went to Pakistan and the
number came down to 299. Out of this, 229 were from the British provinces and 70 were nominated from the
princely states.
 Dr. Sachchidananda Sinha was the first temporary chairman of the Constituent Assembly. Later, Dr. Rajendra
Prasad was elected as the President and its Vice President was Harendra Coomar Mookerjee. BN Rau was the
constitutional advisor.

Key Facts Related to the Constituent Assembly of India for IAS Exam

Constituent Assembly of India - Key Facts for UPSC Exam

When did the constituent
The assembly first met on 9 December 1946
assembly first meet?
Was there any role of the
Muslim League in the No, there no role played by the Muslim League in the constituent assembly as it
formation of the Constitution had boycotted this meeting citing their demand for partition
of India
What is ‘Objective Objective Resolution enshrined the aspirations and values of the constitution-
Resolution’ concerned with makers. Under this, the people of India were guaranteed social, economic and
the constituent assembly of political justice, equality and fundamental freedoms. This resolution was
India? unanimously adopted on 22 January 1947 and it became the Preamble to the
When was Objective
Resolution moved and by On 13 December, Jawaharlal Nehru moved the ‘Objective Resolution’.
When was National Flag of
The National Flag of the Union was adopted on 2 July 1947
Union adopted?
For how many days, the
constituent assembly The time is taken by the assembly to frame the constitution: 2 years, 11 months
assembled to frame the and 18 days. Money spent in framing the constitution: Rs.64 lakhs
When was Jana Gana Mana
adopted as our national On 24 January 1950, ‘Jana Gana Mana’ was adopted as the national anthem
How many articles our final
The final document had 22 parts, 395 articles and 8 schedules.
constitution has?
What was the total number
of sessions constituent The assembly had met for 11 sessions
assembly had?
When was the draft of the
The draft was published in January 1948 and the country’s people were asked for
Indian Constitution
their feedback and inputs within 8 months
What is the date of the last The last session was held during 14 – 26 November 1949. The constitution was
session? passed and adopted by the assembly on 26 November 1949
When did the constitution of The constitution came into force on 26 January 1950 (which is celebrated as
India come into force? Republic Day)

Committees of Constituent Assembly of India with their Chairmen

There were eight committees, mentioned below:

Committees of Constituent Assembly of India

Drafting Committee Dr. B R Ambedkar
Union Constitution Committee Jawaharlal Nehru
Union Powers Committee Jawaharlal Nehru
States Committee Jawaharlal Nehru
Steering Committee Dr. Rajendra Prasad
Rules of Procedure Committee Dr. Rajendra Prasad
Provincial Constitution Committee Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel
 Fundamental Rights Sub-Committee: Acharya
 Minorities Sub-Committee: H C Mookerjee
Advisory Committee on Fundamental  Excluded and Partially Excluded Areas (Other than
Rights, Minorities and Tribal and those in Assam) Sub-Committee: A V Thakkar
Excluded Areas:  North-East Frontier Tribal Areas and Assam
Excluded & Partially Excluded Areas Sub-
Committee: Gopinath Bardoloi
Criticism of the Constituent Assembly

 It was not a representative body since the members were not directly elected by adult franchise.
However, the leaders did enjoy popular support from the people. Direct elections by the universal
adult franchise at that time when the country was on the brink of partition and amidst communal
riots would have been impractical.
 It is said that the makers took a long time in framing the constitution. However, keeping in mind the
complexity and the peculiarities of the diverse and large Indian nation, this can be understood.
 The constituent assembly was not a sovereign body since it was created by the British. However, it
worked as a fully independent and sovereign body.
 The language of the constitution was criticised for being literary and complicated.
 The assembly was dominated by the Congress Party. But the party dominated the provincial
assemblies and this was natural. Moreover, it was a heterogeneous party with members from almost
all sections of Indian society.
 It was alleged that the assembly had Hindu dominance. This was again because of proportional
representation from communities.

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