Finance and Investment Cycle - Module AUD 300 2024
Finance and Investment Cycle - Module AUD 300 2024
Finance and Investment Cycle - Module AUD 300 2024
Auditing 300/BCTA
Eskom signs R20-billion credit facility with banks
28 February 2018
Eskom has today signed an R20-billion short-term credit facility with a consortium of
local and international banks. The government-guaranteed facility will form part of
the financing of Eskom’s current capital expenditure programme‚ the utility said in a
statement. The terms of the facility are comparable to Eskom’s existing facility
agreements and pricing is aligned to market benchmarks of similar structures‚ it
Eskom’s Interim Group Chief Executive Phakamani Hadebe said: ‘We view the
successful execution of this facility as a demonstration of the financial markets’
confidence in Eskom’s turn-around strategy. We are cognisant of the challenges that
are still ahead for the business and we are committed to ensuring that we expediently
transition Eskom’s operational and financial profile to adequate standards. Eskom
remains a critical enabler for South Africa’s economic growth and we must attain
maximum operational efficiency for the business to avoid negatively impacting the
Acting Chief Financial Officer Calib Cassim said: ‘Concluding this facility with the
suite of banks reiterates the renewed willingness by financial markets to engage with
Eskom. The funding provides Eskom with sufficient liquidity to allow the company time
to continue resolving its governance-related issues and enables Eskom to recommence
with its normal funding programme required to execute the FY2018/19 funding plan’.
The news article illustrates how a company's financing and investment cycle often relates
to obtaining further financing, its short-term liquidity and its ability to continue operating
as a going concern.
Eskom, for example, needed funding to support its turnaround strategy and to continue
addressing its governance-related issues. The company secured a short-term credit
facility worth 20 billion rand ($1.7 billion) from a group of banks. This funding was
intended to help stabilise the company in the short term and finance the development of
its assets (i.e. capital expenditure programme), which would generate additional returns
in the long run.
It should be noted that the financing was obtained based on market benchmarks of similar
structures. However, the financing came with significant finance charges and repayments
that would impact the company's cash flow.
The finance cycle of a company involves transactions that enable it to raise funds
through means such as issuing shares or borrowing money from a bank or
investment company. Additionally, this cycle includes investments made by the
company, such as in property, equipment or long-term loans, or investing surplus
funds. These transactions usually result in the creation or alteration of an account
balance, for example, an investment in property, plant and equipment, but may
also result in cash inflows and outflows, which are written off at the end of the
financial year, for example, interest or dividends received on investments or
interest paid on borrowings.
The investment and financing cycle refers to the process of obtaining capital
assets and raising funds through owner's equity and long-term debt. It also
involves the repayment of such funds, as well as the management and
accounting of related investment and financing income and expenses.
The link between finance and investment cycle and the other cycles
Investment transactions involve acquiring and paying for assets, which makes
the cycle interface with the purchases and payments cycle for routine goods and
services. Similarly, when cash is used for interest and dividend payments, share
redemption and debt repayments, it also interfaces with the purchases and
payments cycle where payments are made.
Furthermore, the cycle also interfaces with the revenue and receipts cycle as
receipt and accrual of interest income and dividends on investments involve
revenue and cash receipt transactions. This cycle also applies to the receipt of
the entity's loan or equity funding.
The way this cycle operates can vary significantly depending on the entity. As a
result, the source documents, records, and controls in this cycle may differ
greatly among different entities. Each business has its own distinct methods and
controls for starting, recording, processing, and reporting transactions and
balances related to this cycle, which are included in their annual financial
2. Prior knowledge
3. Resources
To master this topic you should make use of the following resources
After you have completed studying this topic you should be able to:
4.1. Understand the nature, purpose and accounting implications in the cycle
4.2. Understand the documents utilised in the cycle and describe the purpose of
each, both manual and computerised.
4.3. Understand the risks in the cycle and be able to recommend controls to mitigate
risks evident in a case study.
4.4. Understand controls in the cycle (both manual and computerised)
4.5. Understand how to gather audit evidence in relation to the affected account
balances and or transactions in the cycle
5. Examination possibilities
Investment Activities
Acquisition of property, plant and equipment
Disposal of property, plant and equipment
Accounting for the use of assets and changes in asset value
Financing Activities
Issue of shares
Payment of dividends
Raising a long-term loan
Finance charges and loan repayments
1. Acquisition of property, plant and equipment;
To invest funds in non-current assets to commence and operate the business
and to generate working capital that provides profits for the entity, be it
directly or indirectly.
Main activities:
- Significant acquisitions require approval by the board of directors prior to
commencing with the transaction.
- Feasibility studies are generally conducted first.
- A cost proposal for the purchase and the installation is prepared and
presented to the board for consideration.
- The board also takes into account the capital budget for the particular
financial year.
- To submit a cost proposal, it is required to provide quotes from suppliers
to support the proposed cost.
- Any decision taken by the board with regard to significant acquisitions has
to be within the mandate granted to it in terms of the company’s
Memorandum of Incorporation.
- After the board approves the purchase, the acquisition process follows a
series of activities similar to those described for purchases.
- All new acquisitions of property, plant, and equipment are recorded in the
fixed asset register, which serves as the subsidiary ledger to the main
general ledger accounts for those assets.
Main activities
- Calculating and recording depreciation, impairments and revaluations by
suitably qualified personnel.
1. Issue of shares
Purpose :
- To obtain cash inflows by allowing potential (or current) shareholders to
purchase an interest in the company.
Main activities:
- Board formal approval of the decision to issue shares
- Shareholder agreement drawn up and entered into between the new
investor and the company
- Investor pay for the shares per the agreement
- Share certificate is issued
2. Payment of dividends
- To provide returns to shareholders, the company declares and pays
dividends for the period shares are in issue.
Main activities:
- A dividend is authorised by a resolution of the board of directors during a
meeting. This distribution has to comply with section 46 of the Companies
- Resolution should be minuted.
- The settlement of the dividend takes place per the board’s decision.
- Dividend is recorded in accounting records.
3. Raising a long-term loan
- To obtain cash inflows from a bank or other lender for funding purposes
Main activities:
- Interest is usually calculated by the lender and is automatically added to
the loan account.
- Payment of interest invariably takes place automatically via a debit order
set up against the entity’s current bank account in terms of the loan
- Repayments are done in terms of the loan agreement
- Accounting records are then updated for finance charges and loan
A. Test of controls
Cut off:
All purchases and sales of fixed assets are recorded in the period to which it
Fixed assets purchased are Enquire about procedures i.r.o.
recorded at the date of receipt (per recording and cut-off.
GRN) and when sold as from the Select purchases and disposals
date that the risks and rewards of from source documents and follow
ownership passes to the purchaser it through to the ledger accounts
in substance. and fixed asset register - ensure
recorded in correct period. (Test
also in other direction from
records to supporting
General Controls:
Assets are properly safeguarded against theft and physical elements.
Fixed assets are, as far as Enquire with personnel about
possible, stored in permanent form procedures i.r.o. safeguarding.
Observe procedures i.r.o.
Safe guard assets by: safeguarding.
o Limiting access to Investigate company policy and
authorised persons (locked, proof of application.
key control)
o Controls protecting assets Confirm by way of enquiry and
against physical elements inspection of insurance contracts
(rain, weather) that the assets are insured.
Transactions that are not valid, accurate and complete (caused by the control
objectives not having been achieved) will result in investment and financing
transactions (and related account balances) being misstated in the accounting.
records, which will in turn result in the financial statements being misstated.
Accounting for the use and A detailed fixed asset master file
change in asset values should be kept and continuously
Assets may be incorrectly valued updated. The master file should
through the invalid, inaccurate or contain depreciation methods,
incomplete recording of rates, useful lives and residual
depreciation, amortisation, values so that depreciation
impairments and revaluations. calculations can be computerised
(calculated electronically without
human intervention if possible).
For this purpose, sound general
controls and application controls
in respect of the depreciation
calculations, are essential.
Qualified personnel (who
understand the requirements of
the applicable accounting
standards and the asset types)
should calculate all relevant
estimates (e.g. useful lives and
residual values).
Detailed depreciation/amortisation
calculation schedules must be
prepared and kept up to date.
Material decisions about these
impairments or revaluations
should be made by the relevant
high-level management
committee responsible, based on
all available information.
Where necessary, experts should
be contracted to assist with the
determination of the appropriate
asset values (i.e. for the
revaluation and impairment of
If applicable, an internal audit
department should perform
regular reviews in the cycle, such
as physical asset
inspections/verifications to the
fixed asset register, and report to
management in this regard.
Select a sample of items from the fixed asset register, including new
additions, and physically inspect the assets
With physical inspection, consider the condition of the assets and whether
assets are still in use
Scrutinise the repair expense account for any unusual items and follow up
For a sample of material expenses, inspect the source documentation to
determine the exact nature of the expense
Revaluation of assets:
Accounting estimates:
Inspect the financial statements to ensure that amounts are classified and
disclosed correctly in terms of IFRS.
The questions relating to this cycle as well as solutions are in the question bank.