Computer 4 Sem Data Structure Using C 120842 Dec 2019

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No. of Printed Pages : 4 Q.10 LIFO stands for_______.

Roll No. .................. 170842/120842

4th Sem. / Computer Note: Very Short answer type questions. Attempt any
ten questions out of twelve questions. (10x2=20)
Subject : Name: Data Structures using C
Q.11 Differentiate between variable and constant.
Time : 3 Hrs. M.M. : 100
SECTION-A Q.12 What do you mean by top down design.
Note:Objectives type questions. All questions are (CO2)
compulsory. (10x1=10) Q.13 What is meant by heap. (CO4)
Q.1 Data structure means_______. (CO2) Q.14 Write down two applications of stacks. (CO3)
Q.2 Define data type. (CO3) Q.15 What are circular queues. (CO3)
Q.3 Define the terms siblings. (CO5) Q.16 Give the use of recursion. (CO2)
Q.4 Write the use of pointers. (CO3) Q.17 Write the purpose of avail list in a linked list.
Q.5 Tree is a _______data structure (liner/nonliner). (CO3)
(CO5) Q.18 Define structured programming. (CO2)
Q.6 Define leaf node. (CO5) Q.19 Name any three operations performed on linked
Q.7 An array may be a collection of similar data list. (CO3)
(True/false). (CO3) Q.20 Define path of a tree. (CO5)
Q.8 What is meant by an index of an array.(CO3) Q.21 Name three sorting algorithms. (CO6)
Q.9 Variable that stores the address of another Q.22 Define binary search. (CO6)
variable is called_____. (CO3)
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Note:Short answer type questions. Attempt any eight Note:Long answer type questions. Attempt any three
questions out of ten questions. (8x5=40) questions out of four questions. (3x10=30)
Q.23 Write the applications of linked list. (CO3) Q.33 Explain in detail various operations associated
with linked list. (CO3)
Q.24 Explain in brief various types of arrays. (CO3)
Q.34 Write a program in C for multiplication of two
Q.25 Differentiate between stack and queue. (CO3)
matrices. (CO1)
Q.26 Differentiate between prefix and postfix
Q.35 Discuss the quick sort algorithm with an
expression. (CO3)
example. (CO6)
Q.27 Write an algorithm to PUSH an element into the
Q.36 Write short note on the following: (CO3)
stack. (CO1)
(a) Doubly linked list.
Q.28 Write a program to print factorial of a number
using recursion. (CO2) (b) Application of queues.
Q.29 When does underflow condition comes in data
structure. (CO3)
Q.30 What is meant by complete binary tree. (CO5)
Q.31 Differentiate between linked list and
Q.32 Write an algorithm to delete an element from
array. (CO1)

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