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Solution Manual Automation Production Systems and Computer-Integrated

Manufacturing 4th Edition Mikell P. Groover

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Computer-Integrated Manufacturing 4th Edition Mikell P. Groover

Chapter 1
INTRODUCTION ________________________________________________
1.1 What is a production system?
Answer: As defined in the text, a production system is a collection of people, equipment, and
procedures organized to perform the manufacturing operations of a company.
1.2 Production systems consist of two major components. Name and briefly define them.
Answer: The two major components given in the text are (1) facilities, which consist of the factory,
the equipment in the factory, and the way the equipment is organized; and (2) manufacturing
support systems, which are the procedures used by the company to manage production and to solve
the technical and logistics problems encountered in ordering materials, moving the work through
the factory, and ensuring that products meet quality standards. Product design and certain business
functions are included among the manufacturing support systems.
1.3 What are manufacturing systems, and how are they distinguished from production systems?
Answer: A manufacturing system is a logical grouping of equipment in the factory and the
worker(s) who operate(s) it. Examples include worker-machine systems, production lines, and
machine cells. A production system is a larger system that includes a collection of manufacturing
systems and the support systems used to manage them. A manufacturing system is a subset of the
production system.
1.4 Manufacturing systems are divided into three categories, according to worker participation. Name
the three categories.
Answer: The three categories are (1) manual work systems, (2) worker-machine systems, and (3)
automated systems.
1.5 What are the four functions included within the scope of manufacturing support systems?
Answer: As identified in the text, the four functions are (1) business functions, (2) product design,
(3) manufacturing planning, and (4) manufacturing control.
1.6 Three basic types of automation are defined in the text. What is fixed automation and what are
some of its features?
Answer: Fixed automation is a system in which the sequence of processing (or assembly)
operations is fixed by the equipment configuration. Each operation in the sequence is usually
simple, but the integration and coordination of many such operations in one piece of equipment
makes the system complex. Typical features of fixed automation are (1) high initial investment for
custom-engineered equipment, (2) high production rates, and (3) relatively inflexible in
accommodating product variety.
1.7 What is programmable automation and what are some of its features?
Answer: In programmable automation, the production equipment is designed with the capability
to change the sequence of operations to accommodate different part or product configurations. The
operation sequence is controlled by a program, which is a set of instructions coded so that they can
be read and interpreted by the system. Some of the features of programmable automation are (1)
high investment in general purpose

equipment, (2) lost production time due to changeovers of physical setup and reprogramming, (3)
lower production rates than fixed automation, (4) flexibility to deal with variations and changes in
product configuration, and (5) most suitable for batch production.
1.8 What is flexible automation and what are some of its features?
Answer: Flexible automation is an extension of programmable automation. A flexible automated
system is capable of producing a variety of parts (or products) with virtually no time lost for
changeovers from one part style to the next. There is no lost production time while reprogramming
the system and altering the physical setup. Accordingly, the system can produce various mixes and
schedules of parts or products instead of requiring that they be made in batches. Features of
flexible automation are (1) high investment for a custom- engineered system, (2) continuous
production of variable mixtures of products, (3) medium production rates, and (4) flexibility to
deal with product design variations
1.9 What is computer-integrated manufacturing?
Answer: As defined in the text, computer-integrated manufacturing (CIM) denotes the pervasive
use of computer systems to design the products, plan the production, control the operations, and
perform the various information-processing functions needed in a manufacturing firm. True CIM
involves integrating all of these functions in one system that operates throughout the enterprise.
1.10 What are some of the reasons why companies automate their operations?
Answer: The reasons give in the text are (1) increase labor productivity, (2) reduce labor cost, (3)
mitigate the effects of labor shortages, (4) reduce or eliminate routine manual and clerical tasks,
(5) improve worker safety, (6) improve product quality, (7) reduce manufacturing lead time, (8)
accomplish processes that cannot be done manually, and (9) avoid the high cost of not automating.
1.11 Identify three situations in which manual labor is preferred over automation.
Answer: The five situations listed in the text are the following: (1) The task is technologically too
difficult to automate. (2) Short product life cycle. (3) Customized product. (4) To cope with ups
and downs in demand. (5) To reduce risk of product failure.
1.12 Human workers will be needed in factory operations, even in the most highly automated
operations. The text identifies at least four types of work for which humans will be needed.
Name them.
Answer: The four types of work identified in the text are (1) equipment maintenance, (2)
programming and computer operations, (3) engineering project work, and (4) plant management.
1.13 What is the USA Principle? What does each of the letters stand for?
Answer: The USA Principle is a common sense approach to automation and process improvement
projects. U means “understand the existing process,” S stands for “simplify the process,” and A
stands for “automate the process.”
1.14 The text lists ten strategies for automation and process improvement. Identify five of these
Answer: The ten strategies listed in the text are (1) specialization of operations, (2)

combined operations, (3) simultaneous operations, (4) integration of operations, (5) increased
flexibility, (6) improved material handling and storage, (7) on-line inspection,
(8) process control and optimization, (9) plant operations control, and (10) computer- integrated
manufacturing (CIM).
1.15 What is an automation migration strategy?
Answer: As defined in the text, an automation migration strategy is a formalized plan for evolving
the manufacturing systems used to produce new products as demand grows.
1.16 What are the three phases of a typical automation migration strategy?
Answer: As defined in the text, the three typical phases are the following: Phase 1: Manual
production using single-station manned cells operating independently. Phase 2: Automated
production using single-station automated cells operating independently. Phase 3: Automated
integrated production using a multi-station automated system with serial operations and automated
transfer of work units between stations.
Solution Manual Automation Production Systems and Computer-Integrated
Manufacturing 4th Edition Mikell P. Groover

Instant download and all chapters Automation Production Systems and

Computer-Integrated Manufacturing 4th Edition Mikell P. Groover

Chapter 1
INTRODUCTION ________________________________________________
1.1 What is a production system?
Answer: As defined in the text, a production system is a collection of people, equipment, and
procedures organized to perform the manufacturing operations of a company.
1.2 Production systems consist of two major components. Name and briefly define them.
Answer: The two major components given in the text are (1) facilities, which consist of the factory,
the equipment in the factory, and the way the equipment is organized; and (2) manufacturing
support systems, which are the procedures used by the company to manage production and to solve
the technical and logistics problems encountered in ordering materials, moving the work through
the factory, and ensuring that products meet quality standards. Product design and certain business
functions are included among the manufacturing support systems.
1.3 What are manufacturing systems, and how are they distinguished from production systems?
Answer: A manufacturing system is a logical grouping of equipment in the factory and the
worker(s) who operate(s) it. Examples include worker-machine systems, production lines, and
machine cells. A production system is a larger system that includes a collection of manufacturing
systems and the support systems used to manage them. A manufacturing system is a subset of the
production system.
1.4 Manufacturing systems are divided into three categories, according to worker participation. Name
the three categories.
Answer: The three categories are (1) manual work systems, (2) worker-machine systems, and (3)
automated systems.
1.5 What are the four functions included within the scope of manufacturing support systems?
Answer: As identified in the text, the four functions are (1) business functions, (2) product design,
(3) manufacturing planning, and (4) manufacturing control.
1.6 Three basic types of automation are defined in the text. What is fixed automation and what are
some of its features?
Answer: Fixed automation is a system in which the sequence of processing (or assembly)
operations is fixed by the equipment configuration. Each operation in the sequence is usually
simple, but the integration and coordination of many such operations in one piece of equipment
makes the system complex. Typical features of fixed automation are (1) high initial investment for
custom-engineered equipment, (2) high production rates, and (3) relatively inflexible in
accommodating product variety.
1.7 What is programmable automation and what are some of its features?
Answer: In programmable automation, the production equipment is designed with the capability
to change the sequence of operations to accommodate different part or product configurations. The
operation sequence is controlled by a program, which is a set of instructions coded so that they can
be read and interpreted by the system. Some of the features of programmable automation are (1)
high investment in general purpose

equipment, (2) lost production time due to changeovers of physical setup and reprogramming, (3)
lower production rates than fixed automation, (4) flexibility to deal with variations and changes in
product configuration, and (5) most suitable for batch production.
1.8 What is flexible automation and what are some of its features?
Answer: Flexible automation is an extension of programmable automation. A flexible automated
system is capable of producing a variety of parts (or products) with virtually no time lost for
changeovers from one part style to the next. There is no lost production time while reprogramming
the system and altering the physical setup. Accordingly, the system can produce various mixes and
schedules of parts or products instead of requiring that they be made in batches. Features of
flexible automation are (1) high investment for a custom- engineered system, (2) continuous
production of variable mixtures of products, (3) medium production rates, and (4) flexibility to
deal with product design variations
1.9 What is computer-integrated manufacturing?
Answer: As defined in the text, computer-integrated manufacturing (CIM) denotes the pervasive
use of computer systems to design the products, plan the production, control the operations, and
perform the various information-processing functions needed in a manufacturing firm. True CIM
involves integrating all of these functions in one system that operates throughout the enterprise.
1.10 What are some of the reasons why companies automate their operations?
Answer: The reasons give in the text are (1) increase labor productivity, (2) reduce labor cost, (3)
mitigate the effects of labor shortages, (4) reduce or eliminate routine manual and clerical tasks,
(5) improve worker safety, (6) improve product quality, (7) reduce manufacturing lead time, (8)
accomplish processes that cannot be done manually, and (9) avoid the high cost of not automating.
1.11 Identify three situations in which manual labor is preferred over automation.
Answer: The five situations listed in the text are the following: (1) The task is technologically too
difficult to automate. (2) Short product life cycle. (3) Customized product. (4) To cope with ups
and downs in demand. (5) To reduce risk of product failure.
1.12 Human workers will be needed in factory operations, even in the most highly automated
operations. The text identifies at least four types of work for which humans will be needed.
Name them.
Answer: The four types of work identified in the text are (1) equipment maintenance, (2)
programming and computer operations, (3) engineering project work, and (4) plant management.
1.13 What is the USA Principle? What does each of the letters stand for?
Answer: The USA Principle is a common sense approach to automation and process improvement
projects. U means “understand the existing process,” S stands for “simplify the process,” and A
stands for “automate the process.”
1.14 The text lists ten strategies for automation and process improvement. Identify five of these
Answer: The ten strategies listed in the text are (1) specialization of operations, (2)

combined operations, (3) simultaneous operations, (4) integration of operations, (5) increased
flexibility, (6) improved material handling and storage, (7) on-line inspection,
(8) process control and optimization, (9) plant operations control, and (10) computer- integrated
manufacturing (CIM).
1.15 What is an automation migration strategy?
Answer: As defined in the text, an automation migration strategy is a formalized plan for evolving
the manufacturing systems used to produce new products as demand grows.
1.16 What are the three phases of a typical automation migration strategy?
Answer: As defined in the text, the three typical phases are the following: Phase 1: Manual
production using single-station manned cells operating independently. Phase 2: Automated
production using single-station automated cells operating independently. Phase 3: Automated
integrated production using a multi-station automated system with serial operations and automated
transfer of work units between stations.
Chapter 2
2.1 What is manufacturing?
Answer: Two definitions are given in the text. The technological definition is the
following: Manufacturing is the application of physical and chemical processes to alter the
geometry, properties, and/or appearance of a given starting material to make parts or
products. Manufacturing also includes the joining of multiple parts to make assembled
products. The economic definition is the following: Manufacturing is the transformation of
materials into items of greater value by means of one or more processing and/or assembly
2.2 What are the three basic industry categories?
Answer: The three basic industry categories are (1) primary industries, which are those that
cultivate and exploit natural resources, such as agriculture and mining; (2) secondary
industries, which convert the outputs of the primary industries into products; they include
manufacturing, construction, and power generation; and (3) tertiary industries, which
constitute the service sector of the economy; examples include banking, retail,
transportation, education, government.
2.3 What is the difference between consumer goods and capital goods?
Answer: Consumer goods are products that are purchased directly by consumers, such as
cars, personal computers, TVs, tires, toys, and tennis rackets. Capital goods are products
purchased by other companies to produce goods and supply services. Examples include
commercial aircraft, mainframe computers, machine tools, railroad equipment, and
construction machinery.
2.4 What is the difference between a processing operation and an assembly operation?
Answer: A processing operation transforms a work material from one state of completion
to a more advanced state that is closer to the final desired part or product. It adds value by
changing the geometry, properties, or appearance of the starting material. An assembly
operation joins two or more components to create a new entity, called an assembly,
subassembly, or some other term that refers to the joining process.
2.5 Name the four categories of part-shaping operations, based on the state of the starting work
Answer: The four categories are (1) solidification processes, (2) particulate processing, (3)
deformation processes, and (4) material removal processes.
2.6 Into which of the four basic categories of part-shaping operations does each of the following
belong: (a) powder metallurgy, (b) plastic molding, (c) drilling, (d) forging, and (e) grinding?
Answer: (a) Particulate processing, (b) solidification, (c) material removal, (d) deformation,
and (e) material removal.
2.7 Assembly operations can be classified as permanent joining methods and mechanical
assembly. What are the four types of permanent joining methods?

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Answer: The joining processes are (1) welding, (2) brazing, (3) soldering, and (4) adhesive
2.8 What is the difference between hard product variety and soft product variety?
Answer: Hard product variety is when the products differ substantially. In an assembled
product, hard variety is characterized by a low proportion of common parts among the
products; in many cases, there are no common parts. Soft product variety is when there are
only small differences between products. There is a high proportion of common parts
among assembled products whose variety is soft.
2.9 With what type of production is a job shop usually associated?
Answer: Low production of specialized and customized products. The products are
typically complex, such as experimental aircraft and special machinery.
2.10 Flow line production is associated with which one of the following layout types: (a) cellular
layout, (b) fixed-position layout, (c) process layout, or (d) product layout?
Answer: (d) Product layout.
2.11 What is the difference between a single-model production line and a mixed-model production
Answer: A single-model production line makes products that are all identical. A mixed-
model production line makes products that have model variations characterized as soft
product variety.
2.12 What is meant by the term technological processing capability?
Answer: Technological processing capability of a plant (or company) is its available set of
manufacturing processes. It includes not only the physical processes, but also the expertise
possessed by plant personnel in these processing technologies.
2.13 Define the term production capacity.
Answer: Production capacity is defined as the maximum rate of production that a plant can
achieve during a given period (such as a week, month, or year) under assumed operating
conditions (e.g., direct labor manning levels, number of shifts per week, hours per shift,
Answers to problems labeled (A) are listed in the Appendix at the back of the book.
2.1 (A) A manufacturing plant produces three product lines in one of its plants: A, B, and C.
Each product line has multiple models: 5 models within product line A, 3 models within B,
and 4 within C. Total annual production quantity of all models of product A is 2000 units,
1500 units for product B, and 800 units for product C. Determine the number of (a) different
product models and (b) total quantity of products produced annually in this plant.
Solution: (a) The total number of different product models produced is
P = 5 + 3 + 4 = 12 different models
(b) The total production quantity of all products made in the factory is
Qf = 5(2000) + 3(1500) + 4(800) = 10,000 + 4500 + 3200 = 17,700 units annually

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2.2 Consider product line A in preceding Problem 2.1. Its five models have an average of 27
components each, and the average number of operations needed to produce each component
is 4.5. All components are made in the same plant. Determine the total number of (a)
components produced and (b) operations performed in the plant annually for product line A.
Solution: (a) Total number of components produced is given by Equation (2.7).
PQ = 2000 products
npf = PQnp = 2000(27) = 54,000 components
(b) Total number of operations performed annually in the plant is given by Equation (2.9).
nof = PQnpno = 2000(27)(4.5) = 243,000 operations
2.3 A company produces two products in one of its plants: A and B. Annual production of
Product A is 3000 units and of Product B is 2000 units. Product A has 25 components and
Product B has 36 components. For Product A, 40% of the components are made in the plant,
while 60% are purchased parts. For Product B, 30% of the components are made in the plant,
while 70% are purchased. For these two products taken together, what is the total number of
(a) components made in the plant and (b) components purchased?
Solution: (a) The total number of components produced in the plant can be determined using
Equation (2.3), adjusting it for the proportions of each part made in the factory: npf =
3000(25)(0.40) + 2000(36)(0.30) = 30,000 + 21,600 = 51,600 parts made in plant
(b) Let npp = the total number of parts purchased: npp = 3000(25)(0.60) + 2000(36)(0.70) =
45,000 + 50,400 = 95,400 purchased parts
2.4 (A) A product line has two models: X and Y. Model X consists of 4 components: a, b, c, and
d. The number of processing operations required to produce these four components are 2, 3,
4, and 5, respectively. Model Y consists of 3 components: e, f, and g. The number of
processing operations required to produce these three components are, 6, 7, and 8
respectively. The annual quantity of Model X is 1000 units and of Model Y is 1500 units.
Determine the total number of (a) components and (b) processing operations associated with
these two models.
Solution: (a) The total number of components can be determined using Equation (2.3): npf =
1000(4) + 1500(3) = 4000 + 4500 = 8500 components
Alternatively, Equation (2.7) can be used, first computing the average values for Q and np
using Eqs. (2.6) and (2.8).
Q = (1000 + 1500)/2 = 1250 units
np = (1000(4) + 1500(3))/(2 × 1250) = 3.4 components per unit product
npf = 2(1250)(3.4) = 8500 components
(b) The total number of processing operations can be determined using Equation (2.4): nof =
1000(2 + 3 + 4 + 5) + 1500(6 + 7 + 8) = 1000(14) + 1500(21) = 45,500 operations
Alternatively, Equation (2.9) can be used, first computing the average values for np and no
using Eqs. (2.8) and (2.10).
The value of np was calculated above: np = 3.4 components per unit product
no = (1000(2 + 3 + 4 + 5) + 1500(6 + 7 + 8))/3.4 = 5.353 operations per component
nof = 2(1250)(3.4)(5.353) = 45,500 operations

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2.5 The ABC Company is planning a new product line and a new plant to produce the parts for
the line. The product line will include 8 different models. Annual production of each model is
expected to be 900 units. Each product will be assembled of 180 components. All processing
of parts will be accomplished in the new plant. On average, 6 processing operations are
required to produce each component, and each operation takes an average of 1.0 min
(including an allowance for setup time and part handling). All processing operations are
performed at workstations, each of which includes a production machine and a human
worker. The plant operates one shift. Determine the number of (a) components, (b)
processing operations, and (c) workers that will be needed to accomplish the processing
operations if each worker works 2000 hr/yr.
Solution: (a) Number of components produced in the plant:
npf = PQnp = 8(900)(180) = 1,296,000 components
(b) Number of operations performed in the plant:
nof = PQnpno = 8(900)(180)(6) = 7,776,000 operations in the plant per year
(c) Total operation time TT = nofTp, where Tp = time for one processing operation.
TT = 7,776,000(1.0) = 7,776,000 min = 129,600 hr of processing time
At 2000 hours/yr per worker, number of workers w = 129,600/2000 = 64.8 workers
This should be rounded up to 65 workers.
2.6 The XYZ Company is planning a new product line and a new factory to produce the parts and
assembly the final products. The product line will include 10 different models. Annual
production of each model is expected to be 1000 units. Each product will be assembled of
300 components, but 65% of these will be purchased parts (not made in the new factory).
There are an average of 8 processing operations required to produce each component, and
each processing step takes 30 sec (including an allowance for setup time and part handling).
Each final unit of product takes 48 min to assemble. All processing operations are performed
at work cells that include a production machine and a human worker. Products are assembled
at single workstations consisting of one worker each plus assembly fixtures and tooling. Each
work cell and each workstation require 25 m2 of floor space and an additional allowance of
45% must be added to the total production area for aisles, work-in-process storage, shipping
and receiving, rest rooms, and other utility space. The factory will operate one shift (the day
shift, 2000 hr/yr). Determine (a) how many processing and assembly operations, (b) how
many workers (direct labor only), and (c) how much total floor space will be required in the
Solution: (a) The number of products is Qf = PQ = 10(1000) = 10,000 products/yr
Therefore, the number of final assembly operations = 10,000 asby ops/yr
Total number of parts npf = 10(1000)(300) = 3,000,000 components, but 65% of these are
purchased, so the number made in the plant will be 0.35(3,000,000) = 1,050,000
Number of processing operations nof = 1,050,000(8) = 8,400,000 proc ops/yr
(b) Total processing time TTp = nofTp, where Tp = time for one processing operation.
TTp = 8,400,000(0.50) = 4,200,000 min = 70,000 hr/yr
Total assembly time TTa = QTa, where Ta = assembly time for each product.
TTa = 10,000(48) = 480,000 min/yr = 8000 hr/yr
Number of workers w = (70,000 + 8000)/2000 = 39 workers

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(c) With 1 worker per workstation for processing operations and 1 worker per assembly
workstation, n = w = 39 workstations.
Total floor space TA = nAw(1 + AL), where Aw = area of each work cell or workstation, and
AL = allowance for aisles, storage, etc.
TA = 39(25)(1 + 0.45) = 1413.75 m2 (~15,217 ft2)
2.7 Suppose the company in Problem 2.6 were to operate two shifts (a day shift and an evening
shift, a total of 4000 hr/yr) instead of one shift to accomplish the processing operations. The
assembly of the product would still be accomplished on the day shift. Determine (a) how
many processing and assembly operations, (b) how many workers on each shift (direct labor
only), and (c) how much total floor space will be required in the plant.
Solution: (a) Number of final assembly operations PQ = 10(1000) = 10,000 asby ops/yr
Total number of parts npf = 10(1000)(300) = 3,000,000 components, but 65% of these are
purchased, so the number made in the plant will be 0.35(3,000,000) = 1,050,000
Number of processing operations nof = 1,050,000(8) = 8,400,000 proc ops/yr
(b) Total processing time TTp = nofTp, where Tp = time for one processing operation.
TTp = 8,400,000(0.50 min) = 4,200,000 min = 70,000 hr/yr total for two shifts
TTp = 70,000/2 = 35,000 hr/yr total for each shift
Number of processing operation workers per shift wp = 35,000/2000 = 17.5 rounded up to 18
parts production workers per shift
Total assembly time TTa = QTa, where Ta = assembly time for each product.
TTa = 10,000(48) = 480,000 min/yr = 8000 hr/yr
Number of assembly workers wa = 8000/2000 = 4 assembly workers
Number of workers on day shift w = 18 + 4 = 22 workers
Number of workers on evening shift w = 18 workers
(c) The floor space must be based on the number of day shift operations, which includes
processing and assembly operations.
Total floor space TA = nAw(1 + AL), where Aw = area of each work cell or workstation, and
AL = allowance for aisles, etc.
TA = 22(25)(1 + 0.45) = 797.5 m2 (~8584 ft2)
Comment: This is a savings in floor space of ~44% compared to the one-shift operation in
the previous problem.

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