Hours !: A6 RFT Answer. D

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Ft2023t7484 Total Pages : 3

Third Semester
Computer Science & Engineering/IT
Scheme OCBC July 2022
Time : Three Hours Maximum Morks : 70
Note :! Attempttotalsrquestions. QuestionNo. 1(Objective grpe) is
compulsory. From the remaining questions attempt trryfwe.
gd tr: seq 6a fifrqr qar atqi6 1 (q-qfrE q-fi-R zF'I)
GTM tr *q qaqT ii * A6 qiq o\ 56a fifrsr
D In case of any doubt or dispute, the English version question
should be teated as final.
ft6* rfi non h *ik eierqr frqK fi Rft d siffi qrqr h
seq o) 3iftq qrn qr&.nr

1. Choose the correct answer. 2 each

v& s-te-* zr-r qqq fftqqt
D Whichisnotawriliarymemory?
frh-m auxiliary memory =r& t e
(a) RAM O) cD
(c) Magnetictape (d) MagneticDisk
D CPUperformancecanbemeasuredin
CPU & performance 6l rlTrr{ Aqr wol t
(a) BPS (b) MIPS
(c) MIIZ (d) VLSI
O A Kb corresponds to_
g6 Kb * eTrq{ d-dT t
(a) 1024Bytes (b) 1000Bytes
(c) 2loBits (d) 2rrBits
iv) Whichoffollowingisknownasuniversalgate?
frq ii fr fr1q universal gate o-darol tz
(a) NAND (b) NoR
(c) Both (a) and (b) (d) None of above
Ft202317484 P.T.O.


v) The I/O processor has direct access to and contains

number of independent data channels.
Vo *tsi t frqT access {c-dr t G EHb 3rfut
wdz data channels dd tt
(a) Mainmemory @) Secondarymemory
(c) Cachememory (d) Flashmemory
2. a) Writethestepsofinstructionexecutioncycle. 2
Instruction execution cycle h frfu{ qiiio} ftfuqr
b) Write and explainvarious memoryreference insfructions. 4
ftfr* memory reference instructions of frfu\ G grrgrqqr
c) Explain Error detection and Correction techniques. 6
Error detection G Correction techniques HIHt-flt
3. a) Explain register reference instruction and memory reference
instuction 2
{fqw fiHts qrqq{r{ G ffifr Rst{T irE+en o\ eqsr{qr
b) Explain Arithmetic, togical and Shift micro-operations in details. 4
Arithmetic, Logicalgi Shiftqr{m} ffitqrq d srs{r{qr
c) Explain differenttypes ofaddressingmodes. 6
Addressing modes fi q-ot Eqgr{gt
4. a) Defineprogramintemrpt. 2
mqTq ie-€ o) sqsr{qr
b) Definefollowing. 4
fiq d qqgr{gt
D AddtoAC
D LoadtoAC
n) Store to AC
iv) MultoAC
c) Describe Hardware Implementation of shiftmicro operations. 6
Shift micro operations & Edlql qdtten m) eq-flEqr

F1202317484 Contd.....

5. a) WhatisMibroprocessor? 2
qr{dnY'+'{iffi t?
b) Define lnsffuction Set. 4
Instruction Setfr ql-Eql fiftql
c) Explain differenttypes ofMicroprocessor. 6
frfrH lrmrt fi qT{de}eqi o} sqsrgqr

6. a) Is CPU amicroprocessor? 2
Tqr CPU qm. qT{d!t'+'rR t?
b) Whatareadvantagesanddisadvantagesofmicroprocessor? 4
fi arq q flM
c) DifferentiatebetweenARM andlntelprocessor. 6
ARM G Intel qt$-fl fi frq eicR ear{qr
7. a) WhatisAssemblylanguageprogramming? 2
3rM &nq yffirr qqr t?
b) 'Why is assembly language used to program Microprocessor? 4
qffi drlo o-r Bqqii qE-miq)-dqi d dqtq uF{i it sqqttT
Tq'i frqT qrar t?
c) Explain assembly level programming language with the help of
flowchart. 6
sffi e-q-d IMU-T d.tq 6t w) fr rcrqor t qqsr{qr
8. a) Explainmemoryaddressdecoding. 2

ffit Gq kfi\E'T flrr$Egt

b) ExplainMemoryInterfaceusingRAMandRoM. 4
RAM qq noNd il qI{T ffi$ td{hrr qqgr{gt
c) Explainvarious mode of operation in microprocessor. 6
nqftt#Qw il Ane ffikrq fs qqflr{qr



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