Install UWP

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@echo off

if not exist %~d0\OEM\AcerLogs md %~d0\OEM\AcerLogs

SET LogPath=%~d0\OEM\AcerLogs\Useralaunch.Log
ECHO %DATE% %TIME%[Log START] ============ %~dpnx0 ============ >> %LogPath%
pushd "%~dp0"

md scratchdir
ECHO %DATE% %TIME%[Log TRACE] SET ImgPath=/online >>%LogPath% 2>&1
SET ImgPath=/online
if /i "%SystemDrive%" neq "%~d0" (
ECHO !DATE! !TIME![Log TRACE] Running in the WinPE or Offline, SET
ImgPath=/image:%~d0\ >>%LogPath% 2>&1
SET ImgPath=/image:%~d0\
ECHO !DATE! !TIME![Log TRACE] goto :InstallUWP >>%LogPath% 2>&1
goto :InstallUWP

REM for /f "skip=2 tokens=3" %%A in ('reg query HKLM\Software\OEM\Metadata /v

Brand') do set Brand=%%A
REM ECHO %DATE% %TIME%[Log TRACE] SET Custom DATA File NAME by Brand >> %LogPath%
REM if /I "%Brand%" == "Gateway" set CustomDATA=gateway-abb.json
REM if /I "%Brand%" == "Packard" set CustomDATA=packardbell-abb.json

if exist %~d0\OEM\FilterVCLibsList.txt del /f /q %~d0\OEM\FilterVCLibsList.txt >NUL

SET TargetVCLib=Microsoft.VCLibs.140.00_

ECHO !DATE! !TIME![Log TRACE] dir /s /b "%TargetVCLib%*_x64*.appx" >>%LogPath%

dir /s /b "%TargetVCLib%*_x64*.appx" >>%LogPath% 2>&1
(for /f "delims=" %%I in ('dir /s /b "%TargetVCLib%*_x64*.appx"') do (
pushd "%%~dpI"
ECHO !DATE! !TIME![Log TRACE] call :CheckingVCLib x64
call :CheckingVCLib x64
)) >>%LogPath% 2>&1

ECHO !DATE! !TIME![Log TRACE] dir /s /b "%TargetVCLib%*_x86*.appx" >>%LogPath%

dir /s /b "%TargetVCLib%*_x86*.appx" >>%LogPath% 2>&1
(for /f "delims=" %%I in ('dir /s /b "%TargetVCLib%*_x86*.appx"') do (
pushd "%%~dpI"
ECHO !DATE! !TIME![Log TRACE] call :CheckingVCLib x86
call :CheckingVCLib x86
)) >>%LogPath% 2>&1

:::: DO Not Trim Trailing space............
:::: Each Set Value in the end exist the Space for dism split paramter
:::: set APPXPackagePath_X86=!APPXPackagePath_X86!/dependencypackagepath:"%%d"
call :GetParameter
REM ECHO %DATE% %TIME%[Log TRACE] dism %ImgPath% /english /add-
provisionedappxpackage /packagepath:"!packagepath!" /licensepath:"!licensepath!" !
DependencyPackage_X64!/CustomDataPath:"%CustomDATA%" /region:all
/scratchdir:scratchdir>>%LogPath% 2>&1
REM dism %ImgPath% /english /add-provisionedappxpackage /packagepath:"!
packagepath!" /licensepath:"!licensepath!"
!DependencyPackage_X64!/CustomDataPath:"%CustomDATA%" /region:all
/scratchdir:scratchdir>>%LogPath% 2>&1
ECHO %DATE% %TIME%[Log TRACE] dism %ImgPath% /english /add-
provisionedappxpackage /packagepath:"!packagepath!" /licensepath:"!licensepath!" !
DependencyPackage_X64!/region:all /scratchdir:scratchdir>>%LogPath% 2>&1
dism %ImgPath% /english /add-provisionedappxpackage /packagepath:"!
packagepath!" /licensepath:"!licensepath!" !DependencyPackage_X64!/region:all
/scratchdir:scratchdir>>%LogPath% 2>&1
) else (
call :GetParameter
REM ECHO %DATE% %TIME%[Log TRACE] dism %ImgPath% /english /add-
provisionedappxpackage /packagepath:"!packagepath!" /licensepath:"!licensepath!" !
DependencyPackage_X86!/CustomDataPath:"%CustomDATA%" /region:all
/scratchdir:scratchdir>>%LogPath% 2>&1
REM dism %ImgPath% /english /add-provisionedappxpackage /packagepath:"!
packagepath!" /licensepath:"!licensepath!"
!DependencyPackage_X86!/CustomDataPath:"%CustomDATA%" /region:all
/scratchdir:scratchdir>>%LogPath% 2>&1
ECHO %DATE% %TIME%[Log TRACE] dism %ImgPath% /english /add-
provisionedappxpackage /packagepath:"!packagepath!" /licensepath:"!licensepath!" !
DependencyPackage_X86!/region:all /scratchdir:scratchdir>>%LogPath% 2>&1
dism %ImgPath% /english /add-provisionedappxpackage /packagepath:"!
packagepath!" /licensepath:"!licensepath!" !DependencyPackage_X86!/region:all
/scratchdir:scratchdir>>%LogPath% 2>&1
SET DISMErrCode=%errorlevel%
ECHO %DATE% %TIME%[Log TRACE] got return code [%DISMErrCode%] >>%LogPath%
if %DISMErrCode% neq 0 (
ECHO %DATE% %TIME%[Log TRACE] Return code is [%DISMErrCode%], pop up error
message to remind user. >>%LogPath%
call :ErrorMsg
) else (
ECHO %DATE% %TIME%[Log TRACE] Return code is [%DISMErrCode%], leave. >>

if exist scratchdir rd /s /q scratchdir
ECHO %DATE% %TIME%[Log LEAVE] ============ %~dpnx0 ============ >> %LogPath%
exit /b 0

REM Prepare PackagePath
ECHO %DATE% %TIME%[Log TRACE] dir /s /b *.appxbundle >> %LogPath%
dir /s /b *.appxbundle >> %LogPath% 2>&1
(for /f "delims=" %%d in ('dir /s /b *.appxbundle') do (
set packagepath=%%d
))>NUL 2>&1

ECHO %DATE% %TIME%[Log TRACE] dir /s /b *.msix >> %LogPath%
dir /s /b *.msix >> %LogPath% 2>&1
(for /f "delims=" %%d in ('dir /s /b *.msix') do (
set packagepath=%%d
))>NUL 2>&1

ECHO %DATE% %TIME%[Log TRACE] dir /s /b *.msixbundle >> %LogPath%
dir /s /b *.msixbundle >> %LogPath% 2>&1
(for /f "delims=" %%d in ('dir /s /b *.msixbundle') do (
set packagepath=%%d
))>NUL 2>&1

ECHO %DATE% %TIME%[Log TRACE] dir /s /b *.appx>> %LogPath% 2>&1
dir /s /b *.appx>%~d0\OEM\Appx_list.txt 2>&1
if %errorlevel% neq 0 (
ECHO !DATE! !TIME![Log TRACE] *.appx not found, goto :GetPackagePath_END >>
goto :GetPackagePath_END
type %~d0\OEM\Appx_list.txt >> %LogPath%
ECHO %DATE% %TIME%[Log TRACE] Getting Dependency Appx list>>%LogPath%
dir /s /b Microsoft*.appx>%~d0\OEM\DependencyAppx_list.txt 2>&1
type %~d0\OEM\DependencyAppx_list.txt >>%LogPath%
for /f "delims=" %%f in (%~d0\OEM\Appx_list.txt) do (
------------------------------------------------------------------------------ >>
ECHO !DATE! !TIME![Log TRACE] Checking [%%~nf] if main Package... >>%LogPath
ECHO !DATE! !TIME![Log TRACE] find /i "%%~nf" %~d0\OEM\
DependencyAppx_list.txt>>%LogPath% 2>&1
find /i "%%~nf" %~d0\OEM\DependencyAppx_list.txt>>%LogPath% 2>&1
if !errorlevel! neq 0 (
ECHO !DATE! !TIME![Log TRACE] [%%~nxf] did not exist in the %~d0\OEM\
DependencyAppx_list.txt, set as PackagePath>>%LogPath%
set PackagePath=%%f
) else (
ECHO !DATE! !TIME![Log TRACE] [%%~nxf] exist in the %~d0\OEM\
DependencyAppx_list.txt, not the main package. >>%LogPath%

ECHO %DATE% %TIME%[Log TRACE] PackagePath is [%packagepath%] >> %LogPath%

REM Prepare LicensePath

ECHO %DATE% %TIME%[Log TRACE] dir /s /b *License*.xml >> %LogPath%
dir /s /b *License*.xml >> %LogPath% 2>&1
(for /f "delims=" %%d in ('dir /s /b *License*.xml') do (
set licensepath=%%d
))>NUL 2>&1
ECHO %DATE% %TIME%[Log TRACE] LicensePath is [%licensepath%] >> %LogPath%

REM Prepare DependencyPackagePath

ECHO %DATE% %TIME%[Log TRACE] dir /s /b Microsoft*_x86*.appx >> %LogPath%
dir /s /b Microsoft*_x86*.appx >> %LogPath% 2>&1
(for /f "delims=" %%d in ('dir /s /b Microsoft*_x86*.appx') do (
ECHO !DATE! !TIME![Log TRACE] find /i "%%~nxd" %~d0\OEM\FilterVCLibsList.txt
>>%LogPath% 2>&1
find /i "%%~nxd" %~d0\OEM\FilterVCLibsList.txt >>%LogPath% 2>&1
if !errorlevel! neq 0 (
ECHO !DATE! !TIME![Log TRACE] [%%~nxd] can be added to
dependencypackagepath >>%LogPath%
) else ( ECHO !DATE! !TIME![Log TRACE] [%%~nxd] should be filtered from
dependencypackagepath >>%LogPath% )
ECHO !DATE! !TIME![Log TRACE] Now DependencyPackage_X86 is [!
DependencyPackage_X86!] >>%LogPath%
))>NUL 2>&1
ECHO %DATE% %TIME%[Log TRACE] dir /s /b Microsoft*_x64*.appx >> %LogPath%
dir /s /b Microsoft*_x64*.appx >> %LogPath% 2>&1
(for /f "delims=" %%d in ('dir /s /b Microsoft*_x64*.appx') do (
ECHO !DATE! !TIME![Log TRACE] find /i "%%~nxd" %~d0\OEM\FilterVCLibsList.txt
>>%LogPath% 2>&1
find /i "%%~nxd" %~d0\OEM\FilterVCLibsList.txt >>%LogPath% 2>&1
if !errorlevel! neq 0 (
ECHO !DATE! !TIME![Log TRACE] [%%~nxd] can be added to
dependencypackagepath >>%LogPath%
) else ( ECHO !DATE! !TIME![Log TRACE] [%%~nxd] should be filtered from
dependencypackagepath >>%LogPath% )
ECHO !DATE! !TIME![Log TRACE] Now DependencyPackage_X64 is [!
DependencyPackage_X64!] >>%LogPath%
))>NUL 2>&1
ECHO %DATE% %TIME%[Log TRACE] Merge _x86.appx and _x64.appx For X64 >> %LogPath%
set DependencyPackage_X64=%DependencyPackage_X86%%DependencyPackage_X64%
ECHO %DATE% %TIME%[Log TRACE] After merge DependencyPackage_X64 is
[%DependencyPackage_X64%] >>%LogPath%
exit /b 0

if exist %~d0\OEM\NAPP\D2D.tag (
ECHO %DATE% %TIME%[Log TRACE] %~d0\OEM\NAPP\D2D.tag found, exit /b 0 >>
exit /b 0

ECHO MsgBox "ERROR! Driver UWP Install process failed with ERROR code %DISMErrCode
%",16,"Driver UWP Installation Detection" >ErrorMsg.vbs
CScript /nologo ErrorMsg.vbs
CScript /nologo ErrorMsg.vbs
CScript /nologo ErrorMsg.vbs
exit /b 0

SET CheckingVCLib_Now=%TargetVCLib%*_%1*.appx
ECHO -----------------------------------------------------------------
ECHO %DATE% %TIME%[Log TRACE] Current working directory is [!CD!]
ECHO %DATE% %TIME%[Log TRACE] dir /b %CheckingVCLib_Now%
dir /b %CheckingVCLib_Now%
if %errorlevel% neq 0 ECHO %DATE% %TIME%[Log TRACE] dir /b %CheckingVCLib_Now% not
exist, exit /b 0 && exit /b 0

for /f "tokens=1,2 delims=_" %%I in ('dir /b %CheckingVCLib_Now%') do (

ECHO !DATE! !TIME![Log TRACE] set VCLibsName=[%%I], VCLibsVer=[%%J]
set VCLibsName=%%I
set VCLibsVer=%%J
goto :GetVCLibs_End
pushd "%~dp0"
ECHO %DATE% %TIME%[Log TRACE] powershell.exe -noprofile -executionpolicy
unrestricted -command ".\CheckingVCLib.ps1 %VCLibsName% %VCLibsVer% %1; exit
powershell.exe -noprofile -executionpolicy unrestricted -command ".\
CheckingVCLib.ps1 %VCLibsName% %VCLibsVer% %1; exit $LASTEXITCODE"
SET ExitCode=%errorlevel%
ECHO %DATE% %TIME%[Log TRACE] Getting return code is %ExitCode%
if %ExitCode% equ 5 (
ECHO !DATE! !TIME![Log TRACE] Skip below dependency package list from UWP
dir /b %CheckingVCLib_Now% >>%~d0\OEM\FilterVCLibsList.txt
type %~d0\OEM\FilterVCLibsList.txt
) else (
ECHO !DATE! !TIME![Log TRACE] OS with older version, no need to filter.
ECHO -----------------------------------------------------------------
exit /b 0

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