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Serving Worldwide Manufacturers of Springs,

Wire Formed Parts, Wire Mesh and Rebar Products

Written with industry experience and engineering knowledge, Wire Forming Technology International
brings its readers the technology, product and market information required to excel in the production
of springs, wire formed parts, wire mesh and rebar products.


WINTER Top Products Mesh Welding

of 2015 Rebar Processing wire 2016 February 19
wire 2016 Preview

Rebuild & Upgrade

SPRING Spring Coiling Straightening &
WIre Expo 2016 Wire Expo 2016 April 29
Preview Wire Handling Cutting


SUMMER wire China 2016 Preview Wire Forming & SPRING WORLD
Heat Treatment wire China 2016 August 12
WIre & Cable India 2016 Bending
Preview WIre & Cable India 2016

FALL Company Profiles Cleaning & Coating

Testing Company Profiles October 7
Fence Making Spring Grinding

* Bonus Distribution of the magazine at various wire forming and spring making industry trade shows (Winter, Spring and Summer issues).
Company Profiles posted online at (Fall issue).

Ultimation Machines Ltd.

Laundry Way Industrial Estate
Capel, Surrey, RH5 5LQ, U.K.
Tel: +44 1306 712205 • Fax: +44 1306 713182
COMPANY PRO- Spotlight On Spring Grinding

by Michael McNulty, Editor

Wire Forming Technology International
E-Mail: • Web Site:

MISSION STATEMENT: Introduced in 2002, the ultimat range of kets used for the transplanting of trees and
Ultimation is committed to providing 2-axis, PC-controlled wire forming machines large shrubs. The ucw range of crosswire Some springs, like compression springs, require that
cost-effective solutions for their wire forming is comprised of 3 main types designed for welding machines for the automatic weld- their ends be ground to a flattened state in order to
and wire welding requirements. wire diameters from 2.00 mm (0.080") up ing of crosswires into frames. This machine facilitate their positioning when used in service. Spring
to 16.00 mm (0.629"). The versatile um / can be used as a stand alone model or fully Forming Systems, Inc. end grinding is carried out on spring grinding machines

Fall 2016 issue. Staff written articles on

HISTORY: umw series 2 axis machines are available integrated with the umw range for the fully P.O. Box 694 that are equipped with abrasive grinding wheels (also
Ultimation Machines was established in with/without automatic butt welding and are automatic production of filter frames and Schoolcraft, MI 49087 USA
1991 and manufactures a wide range of wire
called grinding stones). This operation is said to be one
suitable for the manufacture of 2D wire forms shelving used by manufactures of ovens and Contact: Tim Weber
forming and welding machines. used in POP displays, Supermarket Shelv- refrigerators. Tel: +1 877-727-FORM (3676) of the most expensive operations in the process of manu-
Ultimation’s staff has over 40 years of ing and Trolleys, Refrigerator shelving, and +1 269 679 3557 facturing compression springs. Because of this, spring
experience in the design and manufacture of many other wire products. The simpler ume Fax: +1 269 679 3567 grinding machine makers and suppliers of spring grind-
various machines for the wire industry. series incorporate many of the features of the SALES OFFICES/AGENTS: E-mail: ing wheels put a good amount of effort into improving
um/umw but has a tilting tabletop. Ultimation Machines Ltd. the grinding operation by reducing the grinding time

Full and half page a selected product(s)

PRODUCTS: The ultimat range is perfect for the Laundry Way Industrial Estate and increasing the life of the grinding wheel.
Through the use of state of the art 3D manufacture of prototypes to high-volume Capel, Surrey, RH5 5LQ, UK
CAD software, Ultimation is capable of T: +44 1306 712205 • F: +44 1306 713182 Spring grinding is a unique process which aims to
production runs. Special versions can be
creating new models from initial concept to supplied for use with flat strip or profiled • produce precision ground spring ends to certain toler-
completed designs in a very short amount of wire. Options include press and chamfer- ances. This is accomplished by removing some wire
time. Utilizing this technology together with ing stations, and secondary bend heads for Penn Machinery Company (Agent) stock from the end of the spring. Wire stock removal is
the latest in AC drives, machine controls and intricate forms. P.O. Box 226, Flourtown, PA 19031 USA dependant on wire diameter—the larger the diameter,
programming software, enables the company T: +1 215 233 0976 • F: +1 215 233 0977 the more wire stock that will need to come off. Typically,

advertisers receive or trade show(s).

Ultimation also design and manufacture
to be flexible in creating a diverse range of special purpose models to suit customer
the stock removal equals one-half of the wire diameter
machines engineered to suit specific cus- requirements. The ubw-24, a 3D jig welder
tomer requirements.
at the very end of the coil.
for the fully automatic welding of wire bas-
The spring grinding process is usually a dry operation,
except in the case of very large springs—0.75” (19 mm)
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx diameter wire and larger—where wet grinding is uti-
106 Ninth Street North
Brigantine, NJ 08203 USA
lized. Used in the industry for several years, dry grind-

a complimentary Each advertiser of

Contact: Jim Maguire ing allows manufacturers to avoid coolant costs which
North American Headquarters
Tel: +1 609 266 0200 include maintenance and disposal of the cooling media
WAFIOS Machinery Corporation Fax: +1 609 266 9079 as well as drying of the ground springs.
27 Northeast Industrial Road E-mail:
Branford, CT 06405 USA Internet: There are different types of machines and wheels used
for spring grinding, and there are two common, but
Tel: +1 203 481 5555 • Fax: +1 203 481 9854
different grinding methods that are used. First, there
E-Mail: • Web Site:
is “crash/crush grinding” where two rotating grinding

Company Profile in a the selected topic will

wheels are set apart at a specific distance and a spring
COMPANY HISTORY: and tube bending machines to produce SALES OFFICES: carrier plate (also referred to as a spring loading plate)
WAFIOS Machinery Corporation of springs, wire and tube forms, cut wires,
chamfered wires, nails, screws, chains, North American Headquarters moves the un-ground springs in between to the grind-
Branford Connecticut is a subsidiary of
WAFIOS AG of Reutlingen Germany fence. WAFIOS Machinery Corporation ing wheels, and ground springs exit the machine. In this
(est. 1893). In addition to WAFIOS WAFIOS Machinery Corp. also rep- 27 Northeast Industrial Rd. process, the springs are “crushed” between the grinding
brand machinery, the WAFIOS Group resents STRECKER for buttwelding, Branford, CT 06405 USA wheels to achieve the desired end and ground length.
also includes: Hilgeland, Nutap and Rudolf Grauer for staples, paperclips Tel: +1 203 481 5555 The second method is “downfeed” grinding where the

special bound section receive a free Spotlight

Formatech companies. and coathangers, and Hezel, manual and Fax: +1 203 481 9854 plate of un-ground springs is rotating at a high speed,
powered shears for burr-free cutting. E-Mail: and the grinding wheels are progressively moved
CAPABILITIES: Web Site: down onto the ends of all of the springs on the plate to
WAFIOS Machinery Corporation’s KEY PERSONNEL: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx remove the end material and achieve the desired length,
12,000 sq. foot Branford Connecticut fa- World Headquarters 106 Ninth Street North squareness, etc.
cility houses WAFIOS’ North American WAFIOS Machinery Corporation: Brigantine, NJ 08203 USA
Goetz Arndt, President WAFIOS Aktiengesellschaft In general, crash/crush grinding is the faster method
Sales, Spare Parts and Service headquar- Silberburgstrasse 5
Contact: Jim Maguire

of the Fall issue. Ad including contact

ters, maintaining more that 70,000 cubic Donald Fisher, VP, Sales Tel: +1 609 266 0200 when the grinder can remove the specified stock in
Reutlingen, 72764 Fax: +1 609 266 9079 one pass between the grinding wheels. If more than
feet of automated spare parts stores, for Bob Ackermann, VP, Engineering Germany E-mail:
WAFIOS customers in North America. Internet:
one pass is required, then downfeed grinding would
WAFIOS AG: Tel: +49 7127 1460 be more economical since the springs would only need
PRODUCTS: Thomas Hösle, CEO Fax: +49 7121 491209 to be loaded once. In some cases, downfeed grinding
WAFIOS manufactures more than Egon Reich, Manager, E-Mail: can give a higher quality of ground end, squareness
200 different models of wire working International Sales Web Site:
or parallelism. Some grinding machines can perform

information and logo.

60 Wire Forming Technology International/Fall 2007 xx Wire Forming Technology International/Summer 2007

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